Michael Tamura

July 14, 1953 -

Oct. 24, 2023

Wed., Oct. 25, 2023

Dear Friends, Students & Family,

This is a long letter but I hope you'll read the whole thing.

I am excruciatingly sad to announce that Michael Tamura, Clairvoyant Visionary, Spiritual Healer & Teacher & Author (of "You Are the Answer") has passed suddenly and peacefully away as of yesterday, Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023.

I know this is a shock to everyone who loved him, especially me, his wife. I wanted to get this out to all of you before anyone else did.

What happened?

Michael, as you all know, has had a host of health issue in the more recent years, including multiple heart attacks and heart stoppages and the more recently he was diagnosed AML - leukemia (as of Jan. 5, 2023 with a nine-day hospital stay.) He has been doing quite well with his treatments for leukemia and his doctor told us at our last visit a few weeks ago he might be able to stop the chemo in January of 2024, a full three months sooner than expected. His also said that Michael was a most unusual case, indeed, in that he was healing well from the leukemia, even though this leukemia was the most aggressive form of it.

Today went like any other, with him enjoying his morning and going about his regular routine, talking excitedly about a baseball game, something he really enjoyed, he had intended to watch later. He also spent some time while he was cooking his lunch speaking with Anthony Donaldson, a SHAPE Member and a good friend, who was at our house helping us as he has done every week for almost three years, with the lawn and minor repairs that are always needed around a 23-year-old homestead.

Michael and I joked and chatted off and on throughout the day as we crossed paths in our house doing our various tasks. He finished his prep for our radio show and other things he was hoping to get done. In other words, it was a perfectly normal day.

Some afternoons, he likes to get on our rowing exercise machine and today was such a day. He went up to exercise in the early evening as he often did and I kept an ear out for him - a habit I have for obvious reasons.

I was changing our bed sheets in the master bedroom while he was across the hall exercising. When I finished, I thought it was a little odd I could not hear the normal sounds coming out of our tiny exercise room, which doubles as our radio-show room. So I went in to check on him as I often did and found him on the floor next to the rower, not breathing and unconscious.

I immediately called 911 and was coached through CPR as the 911 operator called an ambulance. I was not calm, then, I was scared and could barely hear the 911 operator, but I used all my strength and did my very, very best. I gave CPR for fifteen minutes before the paramedics arrived, feeling his ribs cracking beneath my hands. I was pretty certain even then he might not survive - his spirit just wasn't there by his body! When the paramedics came they dragged him into the hallway and took over the CPR with a thumping CPR machine and after about 30 minutes and one shock were able to somewhat revive his heart - though when they brought him down to take him to the ambulance, he didn't look good at all. As our visiting guest, Anthony, and I waited downstairs for that half hour they were giving him CPR, I felt Michael's spirit beside me and was almost certain he wasn't coming back, but then when the paramedics revived him a little, he left my side and tried to go back to his body. Anthony drove me to the hospital and stayed with me during the difficult hours-wait to find out how this was going to go. Thank you, Anthony!

In the hospital, there was a LOT of pressure on me to have them stop life-saving measures from the get-go, and to "make a decision" as to when to stop, but I asked them to continue for a while longer to see if he would come back. He did not come back and only machines at this point were apparently keeping him alive. When the machines were stopped, he passed away at approximately 9:45 P.M. in the Roseville Sutter Hospital.

Michael Tamura officially "signed out" at 9:45 P.M. on this day and is, for the time being, done with his worldly work though I am certain some of you may seem him "on the astral" and in your dreams and meditations. I'm sure he won't sit still for a moment, no matter where he is!

Actual Cause of death:

I was told that a blood clot in his leg made it's way to his heart and that is what caused his heart attack. So he did not die from the leukemia but his long-term (since 2006) heart challenges. This man ate a perfect diet, had no fat on his body and took exquisite care of himself in every way. The amount of supplements alone were a major expense and hard work to take everyday! But they were all good for him, and all-approved by his doctors.I have always had a saying, "When it is your time, there is no stopping it." Well I really wish I could have stopped this, but I could not.

I am creating this newsletter announcement in the middle of the night while still a little numb and unable to sleep because I know I will not have time to do it tomorrow (Oct. 25) to do this due to having to take care of the logistics of his death and arrange his cremation. So I respectfully ask that you not barrage me with phone calls, but it is perfectly okay if you want to leave me an email (if you have my email address) or text or even a message on the Facebook Post this will be going on. Those will be greatly appreciated and eventually answered.

As for those events we had coming up, obviously we won't be giving those and I will eventually arrange refunds for anyone who has paid ahead for any of them - but please give me time to take care of them as right now my focus is elsewhere.

I am hoping you will all join me in wishing (or even praying, if you like) for Michael's smooth transition, for he is a man who gave every inch of himself and his soul to those he served and I know with my heart of hearts he is going to an amazing place.

Thank you all for supporting us all these years and THANK YOU to all you beautiful people who gave us help, support, gifts, cash and more to help us through our most recent challenge with this leukemia.

MIchael Tamura is at peace now and free. I know if he had a chance to say good-bye and "I love you" to each and every one of you, he would because he most certainly did love you all.

For now it is "see you later" for me as I know it is that for so many of you who knew him and loved him. The whole time he was in the hospital being treated, I heard him saying to me, "Remember, it's all an illusion, including this. Try not to be sad for too long." I also heard his joyous laughter, which hopefully you will all remember - he loved to laugh and he wanted you to laugh, too.

There is a lot more to take care of with our SHAPE Group, but SHAPErs please be patient with me about that.

Also, I do intend on creating an in-person memorial service (which hopefully will include broadcasting it on Zoom so those who can't travel can attend), but nothing yet is planned, of course (too soon) - so you will be hearing from me about that. I hope to have some of the SHAPE Group help me put that together.

We all grieve in our own ways, so give yourself room to do that and also to honor him by letting him be where he is.

Myself, I am practicing being grateful for all he did for me and all of you (those who were his students, especially) and his family all these years. In the words of one of my favorite songs composed by Rolf Loveland and written by Brendan Graham, "You Raise Me Up", the theme I have always had with Michael is, "You raise me up to more than I could be!" He was a golden light in this world - be sure to wish him well!

Thank you for reading this.

With Much Love & Many Blessings,

Raphaelle Tamura Michael's wife of 32 years (together 36) and co-partner in our spiritual-teaching business

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