From Our Director
It's hard to believe the fall elections are only 21 days away!  Do you know who you are voting for?  While the Presidential election takes up all the oxygen, we have an important Senate election and a few tight Congressional elections on the horizon.  Be sure you know where the candidates stand on life!

Do not forget to vote on Nov. 8!

For a Pro-Life Louisiana,
Benjamin Clapper 
P.S. I hope you are making plans to attend a Louisiana Life March this January in Baton Rouge, Alexandria, and/or Shreveport! Find the dates and info at!
PULSE Events
Pro-Life Rally, Weekend Immersion Coming Up Soon 

There are two PULSE events scheduled in the coming weeks, a PULSE Pro-Life Rally in Lake Charles on Oct. 29 and 2016's final PULSE Immersion Weekend Nov. 11-13 in Eunice.

The pro-life rally, sponsored by Louisiana Right to Life and Barbe Students for Life, is from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Family Life Community Center, 3939 Kingston St., in Lake Charles.

The PULSE Weekend Immersion, which will feature a new college track, is at ABC Camp, 1202 Academy Drive, Eunice. Cost is $60.

Chers Bébés

Would You Like to Attend Chers Bébés?

Acadiana and Louisiana Right to Life will host the third annual Chers Bébés: Acadiana's Soirée For Life, on Wednesday, Nov. 2. The event begins at 7 p.m. at Le Pavillon, 1913 Kaliste Saloom Road, Lafayette.

The Most Reverend J. Douglas Deshotel, Bishop of the Diocese of Lafayette, will be the keynote speaker, and Brenda DesOrmeaux and Suzanne Tierney will be honored for their many years of service to the pro-life cause in Acadiana.
Tickets are being offered at no cost to all, with donations being solicited during the event. Tables are filling up fast, and only a limited number of seats are still available. If you would like to attend contact Ryan Verret at 337-524-0044 or rverret

Click Here to Become
an Event Sponsor!
40 Days for Life
40 DFL United Bus Tour Headed to NOLA

The North American 40 Days for Life Campaign will join the New Orleans campaign near the Planned Parenthood facility on S. Claiborne Avenue on Oct. 31 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. as part of the 40 Days for Life United Bus Tour.

40 Days for Life CEO David Bereit, President Shawn Carney and North American Campaign Director Steve Karlen will conduct a meet-and-greet and give a brief presentation.

The Louisiana campaign, which ends Nov. 6, is taking place in New Orleans and Shreveport-Bossier.

In New Orleans, 11 churches and two high schools have participated in prayer times so far. Many more are scheduled to participate before the
closing candlelight vigil at 4 p.m. on Nov. 6.

In Shreveport-Bossier,
campaign chairman Chris Davis
reports two saves and five hopeful turnaways so far this fall.

For updated information, click below.
Dinner for Life
Scalise Speaking
at Dinner for Life
Congressman Scalise
Louisiana Right to Life and New Orleans Right to Life will host the annual Dinner for Life on Tuesday, Oct. 25, from 6:30-8 p.m. at St. Dominic Knights of Columbus Hall, 6254 Vicksburg St., NOLA.

U.S. Congressman and Majority Whip Steve Scalise will be the guest speaker. Cost is $5 per person, first come, first served.
Pro-Life Work Honored
LARTL Staffers Honored for Their Pro-Life Work 
Louisiana Right to Life Executive Director Benjamin Clapper and his wife, Kristen, and Louisiana Black Advocates for Life State Director Dr. Kathy Allen were all recently honored for their pro-life work.
Kristen and Ben Clapper

Ben and Kristen were honored by Woman's New Life Center at its Gala for Life, held earlier this month in New Orleans.
About the couple, WNLC wrote: "Ben and Kristen have been enthusiastic friends of Woman's New Life Center since 2004, when they were students at Loyola University New Orleans helping lead the pro-life student organization on campus. They emerged as leaders of the next generation of pro-life leadership in the local Catholic and pro-life communities, often reaching out to assist Woman's New Life Center with spreading awareness, moving, working in the office, and staffing special events.
".... In their roles at home and across the nation, they continue be examples to everyone of what it means to build a culture of life."

Megan Morris, president of the Lafayette Commission on the Needs of Women, and Dr. Kathy Allen

Kathy was among several women honored by the Lafayette Commission on the Needs of Women as a Woman of Excellence for 2016 at its yearly awards luncheon Oct. 7 in Lafayette.

Kathy was recognized for her work in the non-profit sector. She spoke briefly to those in attendance about the honor of serving on behalf of black women and men around the state in need of healing, and for the babies who are lost each year to abortion.
Saddest Birthday Ever!
National Right to Life Image

Planned Parenthood Responsible for Millions of
Birthdays Never Celebrated
By Alex Seghers
 Youth Programs Co-Director

Young and trendy millennials sharing high fives, pretty pink colors, balloons, birthday cakes, and historical victory flashbacks are overflowing Planned Parenthood's social media platforms. Using the tagline #100YearsStrong, they've been celebrating the 100th anniversary of Planned Parenthood that occurred yesterday, Sunday, Oct. 16.

Their countdown website proudly stated, "We've made incredible gains during our first century. Birth control, once out of reach, is widely available. Abortion, once a crime, is safe and legal." There were victorious T-shirts displaying messages like "Health, Passion, Freedom, Care," and commemoration videos stating such things as, "Reproductive Freedom is an American value."
The videos also reflect on the abortion legislation battles, imploring, "When I hear politicians talk about women's rights... (they) will never understand what it feels like to be a woman and (have) the decisions that you make about your body trying to be policed."

But we see through Planned Parenthood's pink mask of championing women's rights. In 100 years, while the rhetoric has been expertly polished from Margaret Sanger's "Negros are human weeds that need to be picked" to today's "Reproductive Freedom," the agenda has viciously gone off the deep end.

Pro-Life coalitions are responding to the social media campaign, coming together to expose PP's "100 years of strength" as #100YearsofAbuse. And National Right to Life has answered with to provide materials to help pro-lifers publicize the REAL work that Planned Parenthood does, primarily killing babies.
My pro-life generation will never forget that so-called "reproductive freedom" has extinguished 6.7 million unborn lives, using a half a billion of our tax dollars annually to do so. We will never forget the additional profit revealed by the Center for Medical Progress videos featuring PP officials joking about Lamborghinis, organs and "intact cadavers."

We will also never forget the Live Action videos demonstrating that "Health, Passion, Freedom, Care" also means covering up statutory rape and perpetuating sex trafficking.
In order to preserve "an American value," Planned Parenthood has fought tooth and nail against common sense regulations such as accommodating emergency equipment and personnel and enacting common-sense waiting periods. Apparently being presented with all options still means blocking laws ensuring that women would have seen an ultrasound of their baby before their final abortion decision.
In our own back yard Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast will be celebrating "33 Years in New Orleans, 100 Years Nationwide." And Planned Parenthood plans to continue growing in Louisiana.

PP CEO Cecile Richards stated as much earlier this year when she was interviewed at the ribbon cutting of Planned Parenthood's new facility on S. Claiborne Avenue in New Orleans.
"We definitely built this so we can provide abortions," she said, referring to the new center. " Planned Parenthood has been around 100 years, and we will be around another 100. And we are so excited to be opening this new health center where we will provide thousands more people in New Orleans and surrounding communities high-quality affordable health care."
Louisiana does not need Planned Parenthood to add to its #100YearsofAbuse. While not forgetting the past 100 years, we must be vigilant in activism, prayer and promoting compassionate alternative resources as the next chapter begins.
Black Advocates for Life
Shown are Deputy Cedric Payne, Janet Jackson, Kim and Greg Banks, Kathy Allen, Sancha Smith, Rosada Farris, and Pastor Beryl Cowthran.
'Truth Matters' Tour
Makes First Stop in

An enthusiastic gathering of new and long-time pro-life advocates kicked off the first stop on the "Truth Matters" tour in the Shreveport/Bossier City community. Praise Temple Baptist Church of Bossier City, led by Pastor Beryl Cowthran, partnered with Louisiana Black Advocates for Life and Concerned Women for America to bring a pro-life message to the Shreveport/Bossier community, which has more abortions than any other area of the state. (CLICK HERE to view Louisiana abortion statistics.) 

The evening event featured a program in the church sanctuary, activities for children outside, an array of snacks and a dinner buffet. Pastor Cowthran welcomed the more than 100 people present to open the event and spoke about the need for community solidarity in addressing life issues in the black community.

Black Advocates State Director Dr. Kathy Allen discussed the tragic level of abortion in the black community across the state and reminded attendees that we already have the power to reduce and end abortion in our communities. Kim and Greg Banks, who serve as Black Advocates for Life Coordinators for Northwest Louisiana, spoke about the value of foster care and adoption in providing secure and faith-filled homes for children. Greg also discussed the need for men to take an active role in supporting families and for public policy that supports having fathers in the home. Other speakers offered powerful personal testimonies and information about health insurance options, church-based adoption awareness programs and post-abortion recovery programs.  

The evening ended with a healing prayer time, the awarding of door prizes, including a $100 gift card from Albertson's, and signed copies of Dr. Alveda King's book, "King's Rules."  Several "Ambassadors for Life," who will assist with outreach at health fairs, pro-life presentations in the black community and ongoing awareness efforts, were also recruited, and there was also an opportunity for attendees to confidentially sign up for post-abortion counseling.

The "Truth Matters" tour will resume in Spring 2017 with stops in Lake Charles, Alexandria, Opelousas, Baton Rouge, Lafayette and New Orleans. If you would like to participate in the tour at any of these stops, become an Ambassador for Life, or if you are in need of post-abortion counseling, please contact Allen at

Kim Banks, left, and Dr. Kathy Allen promote the "Truth Matters" event on The CL Bryant Show.

CENLA Pro-Life Breakfast

CENLA Pro-Life Prayer Breakfast

Wednesday, Oct. 26, 7:30-9 a.m.
Louisiana College, Pineville

Upcoming Events
Today-Nov. 6:  
40 Days for Life
Oct. 25:
Dinner for Life, NOLA
Oct. 26:

CENLA Pro-Life Breakfast
Oct. 29:
PULSE Pro-Life Rally Lake Charles

Nov. 2:
Chers Bébés: Acadiana's
Soiree for Life

Nov. 11-13:
PULSE Weekend Immersion Eunice
Jan. 14, 2017:
St. Landry RTL March
Jan. 15, 2017:

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
Jan. 19, 2017:
Proudly Pro-Life Dinner
Jan. 21, 2017: 
Jan. 28, 2017: 
Feb. 4, 2017: 
La. Life March Central
Feb. 10-12, 2017:
PULSE Immersion Weekend, BR
April 28-30, 2017:
PULSE Immersion Weekend, Cov.
May 11, 2017:
Bowties for Babies 
2017 RTL Calendar

Louisiana Right to Life     1.866.463.5433    @LARightToLife

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