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Employee Spotlight
Matt Williams
Construction Laborer
Massena, NY.

My mother, Tammy and my brother, Hunter.

Pet Peeve:
People who don't match when they dress themselves.

Favorite Food:
Pepperoni pizza.

Favorite Color:

Guilty Pleasure:
I always eat until I'm overly stuffed.

Hiking, camping, cookouts, anything outdoors.
First Job:
Abatement work for OpTech Environmental Service, I was an abator.

Something everyone should know about you:
I'm a nerd at heart.

Who do you most look up to?
That's a good mother.

Best advice ever received:
Slow and steady wins the race.

Best part about your job:
The safety guys...haha, just kidding. The people.

Anything else you'd like to share?
Teamwork makes the dream work.
Safety Topic: Driving Safety
Distracted Driving

Distracted driving has become a major contributor to traffic crashes, along with alcohol and excessive speed.

25% of all traffic crashes that occurred recently involved a driver talking on a cell phone and resulted in 1.4 million crashes and 645,000 injuries.
There are several types of driving distractions:

Visual Distraction
Looking away from the road at 55 miles per hour for as little as three seconds will result in the vehicle traveling 250 feet - the length of a football field.

Manual Distraction
Removing one or both hands from the steering wheel to perform non-driving tasks, such as dialing a cell phone or adjusting the radio.

Cognitive Distraction
The most dangerous form of driver distraction, this involves activity that causes the driver to take their mind off the task of driving, such as daydreaming or multi-tasking.
Thank you for staying safe out on the roads!
Safety Day is July 24, 2021
We're so excited for the return of our annual Safety Day this year. We are in the process of planning a great day for everyone, and we'll be sharing the details soon - including a new location for the event this year!

It has been a long and trying 15 months, but it looks like the worst is behind us. We can't wait to have everyone together again as a team, and we look forward to seeing you on Saturday, July 24!
We Build & Develop Top Talent
We believe the key to continued success is our ability to hire and support the best people in the industry.
We have hired a total of 98 employees this year!
Do you know someone who might want to apply?
Contact Kim Lewis with recommendations or for more information.
$500 Referral Bonus
Click here for more information.
$500 Sign-On Bonus
Click here for more information.
Jobsite Photos
Dave “Hotdog” Thompson picked up his new truck on Monday
[Photos submitted by Ken Black]
A little BBQ at the Derby Four Seasons
[Photo submitted by Brad Matteson]
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National Mechanics Day
Add-A-Stick in Action!
Transformers, Cupolas & Helicopters!
Casella Construction, Inc.
Phone (802) 773-0052
Fax (802) 747-7992