Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day with Environment for the Americas and Penguins International!

Join us on our patio in Boulder, Colorado for a family event focused on penguin conservation.

Hear from experts at Environment for the Americas and Penguins International. Spaces are limited, so secure your spot now!

Friday October 13,

4-6 pm

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Join us from 6pm MT on October 26th, 2023 as we dive into "A Wing and a Prayer: The Race to Save Our Vanishing Birds" by Anders Gyllenhaal and Beverly Gyllenhaal.

Discover the thrilling world of bird conservation as the authors transport you to the frontlines of the fight to rescue endangered species. Register now and get the chance to discuss this book directly with the authors.



Help prevent bird-building collisions worldwide! This year, participate in World Migratory Bird Day by being a part of the Global Bird Rescue Team. Between October 2-9th, teams and individuals will hit the streets to find birds that have collided with buildings and make windows bird-safe. 

This is a global event, so you can participate no matter where you are.

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Bird-safe Halloween Decorations

As we get ready for Halloween, it's important to think about the impact our decorations can have on local birds, especially those on migratory routes.

Here are some easy ways to create festive decorations that are also safe for birds.

Choose natural materials

Opt for eco-conscious options like straw, untreated wood, and twine instead of harmful plastics. Look for labels that ensure the materials are free of dangerous chemicals.

Avoid glitter and foil

While shiny materials might catch your eye, they can be harmful if ingested by birds. Instead, go for earthy, non-reflective materials that blend in with nature. Steer clear of confetti too, as small pieces can harm birds if swallowed.

Say goodbye to balloons

Balloons may bring joy, but they can be a serious threat to birds if accidentally consumed. Consider using alternatives like paper lanterns or banners.

Hang decorations safely

Prevent birds from getting tangled by hanging decorations at a safe height. Check for loose ribbons or twine and trim anything that could entangle birds. Avoid artificial cobwebs or other decorations that can cause harm.

Illuminate responsibly with LED lights

Choose energy-efficient LED lights over traditional bulbs or better yet, embrace the dark. Since many birds undertake their journeys at night, it's important to be mindful of minimizing outdoor light usage after sunset, especially during the fall season.

Keep it peaceful

Loud noises can stress and harm birds. Consider quieter alternatives like eerie music, spooky sound effects, or a cozy storytelling session around a campfire.

Unleash your creativity this Halloween and create decorations that are both bird-friendly and safe. By following these simple tips, we can protect migratory birds while celebrating. Happy Halloween!

A Global Celebration

World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) is an annual campaign dedicated to conserving migratory birds and their habitats to raise awareness about the challenges these birds face and the importance of international collaboration.

Every year, people around the world come together for WMBD by organizing public events such as bird festivals, educational programs, exhibitions, and bird-watching excursions. 

Uniting under a Global Theme

This year's theme is "water" and highlights the crucial role aquatic ecosystems play in the lives of migratory birds.

Water is essential to life on our planet, and migratory birds heavily rely on inland and coastal wetlands, rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water for their survival. Unfortunately, these ecosystems are facing increasing threats due to human activity, putting migratory birds at risk.

Join the Worldwide Celebration

This October, join the global movement to protect migratory birds and their habitats by participating in our upcoming WMBD events!

September 29, 2023 - WMBD Festival @ University of Guadalajara

The 6th Festival of World Migratory Bird Day will feature workshops, lectures, and bird-watching tours for invited primary schools in the Autlán municipality and CUCSUR students.


October 2-9th, 2023 - Global Bird Rescue - Toronto - Worldwide

Teams and individuals seek birds colliding with buildings and make windows bird-friendly. This event welcomes participation from anywhere.


October 4, 2023 - Birds and Wetlands of Life - Minatitlán, Veracruz.

Educational activities will be conducted with some primary and secondary school groups from community of Francisco de Garay, Minatitlán, Veracruz. Bird-watching outings will be organized in the wetlands.


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Shop Highlights

Help save penguins by joining our annual fundraiser to combat water pollution. When you donate $25 or more, you'll get a lovable plush penguin. Your donation supports the work of Environment for the Americas and Penguins International, making a global difference in penguin preservation. Don't miss out on this opportunity to support our beloved penguins.

Adopt a Penguin >>

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Paper craft toys are a great way to bring educational play and fun into any home or classroom. The cardboard material is one of the most recyclable materials, printed with eco-friendly ink and comes complete with non-toxic glue for extra safety. Playing with EUGY is not only an enjoyable and creative activity but it also helps children enhance their problem-solving skills and concentration. 

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