Welcome to Cross County Connection's South Jersey Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Newsletter! Through a partnership with the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT), Cross County Connection assists schools, school districts and municipalities in South Jersey with developing fun and educational events and activities to enable and encourage children in grades K-8, including those with disabilities, to safely walk and bicycle to school. We also provide technical assistance with assessing the physical environment around schools and provide strategies to make it safer.

If your school, school district or community is interested in learning more about SRTS, contact Cross County Connection TMA at (856) 596-8228.
Safe Routes at Home: Your Weekly Source for Fun Ways
to be Active and Teach Your Kids Safe Walking Skills
Keep Bike Month Going with the
Bike the Block Challenge!
Venturing outside and getting some exercise has been much needed during the quarantine. As things slowly progress into a new normal, Cross County Connection wants to encourage South Jersey’s students and their families to continue to embrace biking as part of their lives.  
Even though National Bike Month celebration has come to an end, we are asking you to continue to support our  South Jersey Bikes social media campaign   into June   but with an added twist – the Bike the Block Challenge! 

What is the Bike the Block Challenge?  
We are challenging South Jersey families to get out and bike their block! You do not have to travel far to get some exercise and have some fun with your family. 
Here’s how it goes: 
  1. Grab your bikes and make sure they are ready to go using the ABC Quick Check  
  2. Strap on your helmet. Make sure it fits properly! 
  3. Bike around the block 
  4. Take a picture of your and your family biking around the block and tag @CCCTMA with the hashtags #BiketheBlock and #SouthJerseyBIkes 
  5. Bike the block as much as you can and let us know how many times you Biked the Block this week! Push yourselves to top your neighbors! 
We also want to make sure South Jersey bicyclists are safe while you are out there. Here are some bicycle tips to ensure a safe, healthy bicycle ride around your block! 
* Chart provided by the  League of American Bicyclists  
Have a safe and enjoyable ride!  
As a reminder, Cross County Connection staff is continuing
to work remotely during the COVID-19 shutdown. If you need assistance with the Safe Routes to School program, 
send an email to  [email protected] .  

Ronda R. Urkowitz 
Executive Director
(856) 596-8228

Latifah Sunkett
SRTS Coordinator
(856) 596-8228

SRTS Resources:


Communities can earn Sustainable
Jersey and Sustainable Jersey
Schools certification points by
participating in SRTS!

Learn more at: 

Follow Us on Social Media!
Sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Transportation with funding 
from the Federal Highway Administration. The Federal Government and the NJDOT
assume no liability for the contents.