MCDOT aims to complete walkability studies for 15 school walksheds during each fiscal year. These walkability studies include observations of school arrival and dismissal to identify road user behaviors, site circulation, and safety and operational issues. Recommendations may include but are not limited to items for traffic calming, movement markings, enhanced pedestrian crossings, ADA ramps, spot intersection improvements, and more.
Featured below are pedestrian accessibility and mobility improvements for the Roscoe Nix Elementary School walkshed along Oakview Drive. The construction includes ADA-compliant concrete sidewalks with grass buffers, replacement of impacted driveway aprons and connecting to sidewalks along side streets to provide a continuous path. Intersections are also being improved with curb extensions to shorten crossings, provide pedestrian ramps, improve sight lines, and promote safer vehicle turning, as well as enhancement of pedestrian crossings with high visibility markings. This project will enhance the safety and accessibility of students and residents walking and rolling throughout the Oakview community.