Spring 2023 • View as Webpage


Hello Summer!

We are so excited to share some updates from this Spring and what we have planned for Summer. MCDOT will have lots of opportunities to talk about safety with families in our community. We have many resources available via our Safe Routes to School program to promote safe and active walking and biking habits.

Keep an eye out for our tent at local fairs and festivals this summer and stop by to say hello and learn a few things about pedestrian and bicycle safety.

If there is anything we can do to support you or the children in your community during this time, do not hesitate to reach out. SRTS is a FREE program that provides pedestrian and bicycle safety education and outreach to residents of Montgomery County.

Pedestrian Safety Art Contest Announces Winners after Receiving Nearly 400 Entries!

Our 3rd Annual Art Contest recently wrapped up. Elementary school students were encouraged to create art with a pedestrian safety message.

We were very impressed by all the talented artists. It was a challenge to choose as we received nearly 400 entries!

The first place images for each age group are included here. Visit the website to see all the winning artwork.

Congrats to the contest winners!

K-3 winners:

Jingyi (Ann), Abigail, and Annabelle

4th & 5th Grade winners:

Katie, Fiorella, and Leah

Our SRTS mascot, Zeal visited the winners at their schools. Check out the photos.

K-3 winners

4th & 5th grader winners

1st Place K-3 Winner

Jingyi (Ann) Y. from Beverly Farms Elementary School

1st Place 4th & 5th Grade Winner

 Katie W. from Burning Tree Elementary School

Bike to School Day was May 3rd at Rock Creek Valley Elementary School

We celebrated Bike to School Day this year at Rock Creek Valley Elementary School in Rockville. There were 75 bike riders who had the chance to win a bike helmet in a raffle and take home other safety-related items. Biking to school is a great option, especially in nice weather.

See more photos available here >

Bike Rodeos

The SRTS team is partnering with Montgomery County Recreation and other community partners to conduct a 13 stop Bike Rodeo tour in May and June. We are giving out 400 FREE bike helmets and plan to educate more than 500 young people about the bicycle ABC's, Rules of the Road, Proper Helmet Fitting, and Communicating with Hand Signals.

See photos from a recent event Bike Rodeo - Cresthaven Elementary School | Flickr

Wonderful Walking Wednesdays

We held 30 Walking Wednesday events at County elementary and middle schools this school year. These events are held before school to encourage students to walk safely to and from school while having a little fun.

Learn more on our website. We are taking a break over the summer but will be back visiting schools in the fall.

Vision Zero Youth Ambassador Safety Fair

Whetstone Elementary School in Gaithersburg hosted a safety fair for the community on Saturday, May 13, 2023. The event was planned and orchestrated by Montgomery County high school students participating in the Vision Zero Youth Ambassador Program.

The student planners invited more than 25 community partners and Zeal the Safety Zebra to attend and shared safety information and even had a little fun.

View photos from the event: Safety Fair Photos


Summer Outreach

Look for us in Your Community

Keep your eyes open this summer! The SRTS team will be traveling around the county. You might see us at grocery stores, farmer's markets, or festivals.

Check out our calendar of events on our website and stop by to say hello.

See photos of some recent events

GreenFest In The City 2023 | Flickr

Olney Days - Party In The Park 2023 | Flickr

Ped Safety Outreach- Veterans Plaza (Silver Spring) | Flickr

A Weeklong Celebration at the Ag Fair

We can't wait to see you at the Montgomery County Agricultural Fair! Stop by our tent and learn more about ways to travel safely and spin our prize wheel. We are already getting excited for August!

Get Involved -- Become an SRTS School or Take the Safety Pledge!

By participating in the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program you are committing to the safety of students to and from school and while on school property. Complete this brief form to get started.

We collected 117 pledges at Walking Wednesday and other events this year!

Pledge to be safe while walking, biking, or driving in and around Montgomery County.

Don't Forget - We are on Flickr

Are you on Flickr? You can now follow us and check out photos from events and campaigns this summer and throughout the year.

Engineering Update

MCDOT aims to complete walkability studies for 15 school walksheds during each fiscal year. These walkability studies include observations of school arrival and dismissal to identify road user behaviors, site circulation, and safety and operational issues. Recommendations may include but are not limited to items for traffic calming, movement markings, enhanced pedestrian crossings, ADA ramps, spot intersection improvements, and more.


Featured below are pedestrian accessibility and mobility improvements for the Roscoe Nix Elementary School walkshed along Oakview Drive. The construction includes ADA-compliant concrete sidewalks with grass buffers, replacement of impacted driveway aprons and connecting to sidewalks along side streets to provide a continuous path. Intersections are also being improved with curb extensions to shorten crossings, provide pedestrian ramps, improve sight lines, and promote safer vehicle turning, as well as enhancement of pedestrian crossings with high visibility markings. This project will enhance the safety and accessibility of students and residents walking and rolling throughout the Oakview community.

For more information, contact Duwan Morris, SRTS Program Manager, at