Fall 2022 β€’ {View as Webpage}

Welcome Back to School!

MCPS is back in session for the 2022-23 year. This time of year is the perfect opportunity to share safety tips with the children in your community. We have many resources available via our Safe Routes to School program to promote safe and active walking and biking to and from school.

If there is anything we can do to support you or the children in your community during this time, do not hesitate to reach out. SRTS is a FREE program that provides pedestrian and bicycle safety education and outreach to residents of

Montgomery County.

Are you on Flickr? You can now follow us and check out photos from events and campaigns this fall and throughout the year.

Looking for a safe, fun way to get to school?  Try a Walking School Bus

A walking school bus (WSB) is a safe and fun way for children to get physical activity as they travel (walk) to and from school with adult supervision.

Each β€œbus” walks along a set route with one or more adults leading it, picking children up at designated stops along a predetermined route and walking them to school.

Learn more about how to start a Walking School Bus in your neighborhood.

Walk to School Day is October 12

Have you registered your school yet?

We are asking all MCPS administrators to register your school for Walk to School Day 2022! Families and neighborhoods are also encouraged to plan events and register them on the site. We can't wait to see how you celebrate!

Register your school for Walk to School Day

MCDOT will be celebrating with Wheaton Woods Elementary School this year!

Register NOW for Walking Wednesdays

Walk to School Day is just the beginning. Your school can participate in a Walking Wednesday event throughout the school year. Each Wednesday of the school year, our SRTS team will be visiting different schools (during morning drop-off) to encourage students to walk and bike safely through fun, interaction and engagement. Schools that register for Walking Wednesday will receive the following:


  • FREE printed Flyers to promote Walking Wednesday to students and parents (delivered 1 week before your event)
  • SRTS staff will visit your school (on the morning of the selected date) to greet students as they arrive
  • EVERY student will be given FREE Safety prizes (bags, reflectors, lights, stickers, etc.) and education materials
  • Special visit from our SRTS Safety Mascott β€œZEAL the ZEBRA.” (Students and families can take pictures with Zeal)
  • A FUN and Interactive morning for students to be excited about safety!


Summer Outreach Recap

Summer Festivals

MCDOT attended numerous festivals and events this summer to share safety information and hand out bike safety items like lights and reflective gear.

Here are just a few events where you might have seen us:

Hometown Holidays (Rockville)

Taste of Wheaton 

Summerfest (Gaithersburg)

Silver Spring Arts and Crafts

National Night Out (Gaithersburg)

A Weeklong Celebration at the Ag Fair

We loved meeting so many of you at the Montgomery County Agricultural Fair! We talked to thousands of people about ways to travel safely and it was a treat seeing all the kids' smiling faces as they spun our prize wheel. View our photos.

We are already excited for 2023!

Bike Rodeos

The SRTS team partnered with Montgomery County Recreation to conduct a 10-stop Bike Rodeo Tour. We educated more than 300 young people about the bicycle ABC's, Rules of the Road, Proper Helmet Fitting, and Communicating with Hand Signals.

The SRTS team can bring a bike rodeo to your event. One example - we participated in a church group's event to connect with young cyclists. 

If you want to have a bike rodeo as part of your event, sign up. We also offer a guidebook that walks you through step by step on how to host your own event.

Get Involved -- Become an SRTS School or Take the Safety Pledge!

By participating in the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program you are committing to the safety of students to and from school and while on school property. Complete this brief form to get started.

Pledge to be safe while walking, biking, or driving in and around Montgomery County.

For more information, contact Duwan Morris, SRTS Program Manager, at