We are happy to see you using the SafeSend organizers! We wanted to remind you of a few important things:

First, sign your engagement letter. If you hit "start" upon entering the system, SafeSend will direct you to your engagement letter.

Second, answer the organizer questions.

Third, upload your documents (if applicable).

Important: When you're uploading the documents, please be aware of the following:

  • If you have not uploaded all documents, select "Save & Notify Tax Professional." This option will notify us that you've uploaded documents but are not complete. If you use this option, you can use your original SafeSend link to log back in and upload additional documents.
  • When you're completely finished uploading documents, hit "Complete" and then confirm that you have nothing further to upload. If you indicate the organizer is complete, you will be unable to upload further documents. We will be notified that you are complete, and your return will enter our queue for processing.
  • Do not upload password protect files.
  • Upload PDF documents only.

If you run into any issues or need to provide further information to our office, contact Kim Dziobak at kim@jellisoncpa.com.