Safety Council of Southwest Louisiana is continuing to monitor the current health situation. After reviewing the new instruction and suggestions from the Governor, CDC and OSHA, we have implemented the following additional measures:

  • Risk-screening for all entering the facility, including temperature check.
  • We are limiting class sizes to 20 to allow for social distancing.
  • Control the number of people that enter the building by controlling enter at the door, have others wait outside and suggest spacing.
  • We are limiting our lab capacity in both Lake Charles and Sulphur to 50 students. If one training center is maximized, students will be requested to transfer to the alternate facility.
  • Cancelling our non-time-sensitive classes, including COSM.

Our team is continuously monitoring the CDC updates and will advise if circumstances and recommendations change. Thank you for your patience as this situation unfolds.
Stay up to date on local , state , and federal recommendations.
For more information or questions, contact us at  337-436-3354  or .
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