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Safety Day Survey Results
Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out the survey questionnaire on Safety Day. Your input has been valuable, and we would like to share with you a summary of the feedback we have received, along with the ways we are addressing and responding to the information we have been provided.
Although this is just a sampling of what we received, we have read every response on each survey we collected. We are working on formulating plans to address additional items, and we will be sharing that information in the near future.
Share additional suggestions
After seeing the feedback from the Safety Day Survey, did you think of something else you'd like to let us know? Please click the link below and let us know your thoughts!
Safety Day 2023
That's right, we've already started planning for next year's Safety Day! We learned a few things from this year, and next year is going to be even better. Mark your calendars!
Clarendon Quarry
Home of our new wash plant
Photos and video by John Casella II
Company Vehicle Driver Responsibilities
Anyone who operates a company vehicle takes on the responsibilities associated with that vehicle.

Any safety defects should be notated, including those that occur over the course of the day. This step helps mechanics working on the vehicle to prioritize their work. Any violations received through the operation of these vehicles are attached to the driver's score when future motor vehicle checks are performed.

Our SMS Score, which directly impacts the work that Casella Construction can obtain, has been declining and will eventually lead to increased inspections. If a severity threshold is met, inspections will begin to include more components, costing additional time and headache. Once this happens, it is difficult to move our SMS Score back to where it needs to be.
Please pay attention to your vehicle, load, and what you are required to have. If you do, many of these avoidable issues will resolve themselves.
Can you answer the question from this week's safety discussion?
What is a safety violation that affects our SMS (Safety Measurement System) Score?
Appropriate documentation of required permits
An expired insurance and/or registration card
A completed DVIR Report for Commercial/Vehicles with a DOT number
Last Week's Safety Quiz Winner
Have a Coffee on Casella Construction!
Click here to see which correct answer respondent won coffee on Casella this week!

Congrats to the winner - the Safety Department will get you your $5 gift card. Enjoy!

Thank you to everyone who participated!
Jobsite Photos
North Rutland Substation
Photos by Brian Rossier
Excavation and installation of new conduit underneath existing conduit
Backfill of new foundations
Click below to see what you missed:
Good Catch Winners & Congrats, Mark!
Thank You for a Successful Safety Day
Casella Construction, Inc.
Phone (802) 773-0052
Fax (802) 747-7992