Kent School District June 2022
Safety First
Summer is a time for water activities, playing outside, and going on fun adventures. And with summer break only a couple of days away, here are safety tips for parents, families, and students on how to enjoy summer safely.

Master Water Safety
  • Parents and caregivers play a key role in protecting children from drowning. When kids are in or near water, closely supervise them at all times.
  • Help prevent recreational water illnesses, which can be caused by germs and chemicals found in the water. Take kids on bathroom breaks and check diapers every hour, and change them in a bathroom or diaper-changing area–not near the pool or water.
  • Stay safe while boating by wearing a life jacket. Properly fitted life jackets can prevent drownings and should be worn at all times by everyone on any boat.

Be Sun Smart
Just a few serious sunburns can increase your child’s risk of skin cancer later in life. Adults and children need protection from ultraviolet (UV) rays whenever they’re outdoors. Learn how to protect your child from sun damage.

  • Seek shade when necessary. UV rays are strongest and most harmful during midday, so it’s best to plan indoor activities then. If this is not possible, seek shade under a tree, an umbrella, or a pop-up tent.
  • When possible, cover up with long-sleeved shirts and long pants and skirts to provide protection from UV rays.
  • Wear a hat that shades the face, scalp, ears, and neck. If your child chooses a baseball cap, be sure to protect exposed areas with sunscreen.
  • Wear sunglasses. They protect your child’s eyes from UV rays, which can lead to cataracts later in life.
  • Use sunscreen with at least SPF (sun protection factor) 15 every time your child goes outside. For the best protection, apply sunscreen generously 30 minutes before going outdoors. Don’t forget to protect ears, noses, lips, and the tops of feet.
Online Summer Safety Tips
As summer break approaches, it’s crucial that parents and their students discuss and practice safe and healthy online habits. The summer months and the absence of the school day routine yields more flexibility and autonomy for students when using technology, so it’s important to model and discuss the importance of balancing screen time and creating and maintaining a positive digital reputation, especially on social media platforms. 
Helpful Summer Safety Resources & Activities
Summer Driving Tips
These summer driving tips from the Department of Transportation are important to keep in mind while family driving increases throughout the summer.

Window Safety
With children at home in the summer, window safety is highly important. According to King County, most falls occur between the spring and summer months. Read this window safety resource from King County.

Bike Safety Tips
As the weather gets better in the summer, students go outside to play and ride bikes. Bikes can be very dangerous, and it's important always to keep bike safety procedures in mind while outside riding. provides a great resource for bike riding safety.

Summer Meals Starting June 27
Free nutritious meals are available to all children and teens 18-years-old and younger at select schools, apartment complexes, and community centers across Kent School District this summer. Learn more about the Summer Meals program and find the nearest location where meals will be handed out near you.

Youth ORCA Pass for 8th-12th Grade Students
Kent School District 8th-12th grade students can sign-up for a Free Summer Youth Orca Pass if they qualify for free or reduced-price lunch. Students can sign-up using the sign-up form on the King County Metro websiteFor more information on the program, please visit the Summer Youth ORCA Pass website