Kent School District October 2020
Safety First
It will take all of us, students, families, staff, and our community, working together to support a safe and successful 2020-2021 school year. Thank you for your continued partnership during this health crisis.

Please continue to check our website for updates and information about the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 on our schools.
6 Tips For Remote Learning Success

1. Establish Routines
Just like when school is in-person, having a consistent bedtime and wakeup time each day helps support your student's learning.

2. Find A Good Place to Learn
Whether it's at the kitchen table or a desk, finding somewhere free from distractions with a good internet connection will help your child focus.

Remember: If your child is on a call or video chat, what is going on in the background in your home can be seen and heard. Help all of our students focus by keeping distractions and noise to a minimum.

3. Stay Connected
We're here to help support you and your student! Make sure to communicate any concerns you have with your student's teacher and/or principal.

Experiencing technical difficulties? Make sure to let your teacher know as soon as you can so they can help and adjust your child's attendance as needed.

4. Encourage Independence
Productive struggle is part of learning, independence takes practice and
encouragement. Be nearby to help, but let your child work to find solutions on their own before solving for them.

5. Move Every Day
Dance, walk, run, stretch, whatever you like to do to get moving and have fun!

6. Check In & Check Out
Check in at the beginning of the day and check out at the end of the day to help your child keep a routine and practice self-care.
MTSS: Multitiered System of Supports
Supporting Students' Social & Emotional Health

To help support our students' mental and emotional wellness, and at the recommendation of our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Reopening Committee, we implemented morning meetings for the first month of the 2020-21 school year during remote learning.

During these meetings, students engaged with their teachers and classmates to build connectedness between students, students and teachers, and students and the school. Some schools experienced such positive outcomes from these meetings that they are choosing to continue them for the entire school year.
Helpful Resources
Washington State Department of Health Behavioral Health Toolbox for Families

Resources and information to help support children and teens during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Talk With Your Child & Help Prevent Cyberbullying
Even though we're not in our school buildings, our students are still experiencing instances of harassment, intimidation, and bullying.

Please continue to check-in with your child daily and visit the Harassment, Intimidation, & Bullying page under the Family menu on your school's website for more information on how to report bullying at your school.

Local Resources Available
From counseling and mental health to food banks and crisis services, check the Community Resources section of our website for helpful information about local services available to help support our students and families.

America's Safe Schools Week October 19-23
Please join us in thanking our incredible safety officers who are still patrolling our school grounds, supporting meal distribution sites, and in-person events like material and laptop distribution!