Teach others to identify the root cause of behavior and assist in the development of alternatives
Learn specific communication skills to help people regain a sense of calm while focusing on co-regulation
Create an effective, principle-driven response to aggression rather than rely on your instincts to protect yourself
We Remain Committed to the Reduction of Physical Restraint

De-escalation strategies must be embedded in standard operating procedures and become an expectation for all. Doing so will result in a decrease in volatile situations, discipline referrals, staff burn-out, legal fees, and workers compensation claims due to injuries incurred while improperly restraining individuals. MindSet training provides a specific language relative to de-escalation in our four-step counseling process. The end result is that staff members and the individuals being served remain safe and alternative strategies are developed to assist in conflict resolution. This process often results in a more supportive relationship through a crisis. 

Proper professional development and certification training is only the beginning of the process. Schools and agencies continue to face the challenge of shifting from a reactive to a responsive culture, from a punitive paradigm of control to an empathy-driven paradigm of compassion and empowerment. Training alone does not meet this need. MindSet provides ongoing support and consultation for staff along with a variety of online resources to "keep the conversation going.”

The goal of the MindSet training curriculum is to set in motion a process of increased awareness, skill development, and appropriate parameters for individuals and organizations to eliminate the need for physical restraint or seclusion. The greatest disservice a risk or safety management program can have for any organization is to devolve into a system that primarily focuses on the physical management of aggressive behavior.

We are committed to the reduction of physical restraint across all settings. MindSet has never provided instruction on, nor authorized the use of any prone restraint. Our guidance to our clients is to use the vertical and horizontal containment techniques taught in our curriculum as a last resort, emergency response to imminent danger. We know that there are times when physical restraint must be used to protect individuals and staff must be adequately prepared, cognitively, emotionally, and physically to employ those techniques in a safe manner. Physical restraint is never to be used as a punishment nor in an attempt to modify behavior. It is an emergency safety intervention only. 

Our entire training protocol, response to barriers, four-step counseling model, and response to difficult behavior are fundamentally rooted in the following guiding principles:

Promote Choice and Trust / Avoid Power Struggles
Seek Pro-action -vs- Re-action / Set up Everyone for Success

We have created several pathways to certification for trainers. MindSet Foundations Instructor Certification can be completed during one of our online cohort sessions.
Our Full Curriculum Certification can be completed through a hybrid model which includes a one-day session face-to-face for physical skills training. Another option is to schedule a four-day face-to-face professional development workshop at your facility.

More information regarding our service model can be found by visiting the MindSet Instructor Training website.

MindSet Instructor Certification Pricing

Initial Instructor Certification
$1200 per person

Re-certification for Currently Certified Instructors
$350 per person

Initial Foundations Instructor Certification
$600 per person

There are no hidden fees associated with certification. All of our training materials, including participant guides for re-delivery, are made available to certified instructors through our secure online portal at no additional cost.

Call or email us today to discuss hosting a training at your site or to attend one of our scheduled events.
MindSet Instructor Training | P.O. Box 301, Dillard GA. 30537 | 678-480-8269