
From the Office of Public Safety:

Welcome to Queens College for the Fall 2022 semester. As always, the Queens College Department of Public Safety remains vigilant in ensuring the safety and security of all students, faculty, and staff. We continue to work cooperatively with the New York City Police Department's 107 Precinct. We also work to protect our physical campus and equipment by preventing vandalism and theft.

Here are some general tips that will help us maintain a safe environment:

  • Always be alert and aware of your surroundings. Don't allow electronic devices to draw your attention away from what is going on around you. 
  • Follow your intuition and trust your instincts. Report all suspicious activity immediately to Public Safety at 718-997-5911/5912. If you see something, say something.
  • When you feel uncomfortable in a place, leave right away and go to a well-lit and populated area.
  • Blue emergency telephones located throughout the campus can be used to contact Public Safety.
  • When parking, check for people loitering before exiting or entering your vehicle.
  • Do not leave valuable items in plain view, which may entice burglars. Any valuable item not maintained on your person should be secured in the trunk of your vehicle. 
  • Be careful when getting into a car. Before you open the door, check the backseat to see if there is an uninvited person. Use a flashlight to illuminate under the car and the backseat when necessary.
  • Faculty and staff working on campus late in the evening or during weekend hours are asked to notify the Public Safety Office upon arrival and departure from campus.
  • Keep office doors locked if you are alone in an office or building.
  • If you feel unsafe, Public Safety will provide a security escort; call 718-997-5911/5912 to request. Please be aware that there may be a delay in response time based upon other situations on campus.
  • When leaving your office, classroom, or laboratory, please ensure that all windows are secured, all doors are locked, and that you take your keys with you.
  • Do not prop open office doors, building exit doors, or bathroom doors as this invites intruders.
  • Do not block or jam door-locking mechanisms as this invites unwanted entry and increases the risk of theft.
  • Keep desks, cabinets, and lockers secured when not in use.
  • Projectors, cameras, and other equipment of value should be secured to reduce opportunities for theft. 
  • Report loss or theft of Queens College-issued keys to Public Safety immediately.
  • Never leave personal items (e.g., backpacks, laptops, wallets, mobile phones) unattended. It only takes a second for someone to steal your personal belongings.
  • Do not leave coats or other valuable items in common areas or where they are visible.
  • Report lights that are out, defective campus locks on windows and doors, or any hazardous condition immediately to Public Safety at 718-997-5912.
  • Be social media savvy—be aware of what you post.
  • While social media is a convenient tool for updating friends and family, it also allows strangers to have easy access to your profiles and know your whereabouts and plans.
  • Protect your privacy. Do not provide personally identifiable information (phone numbers, address, date of birth, Social Security number) to others soliciting it via telephone, email, or in person.
  • Remember, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Don't let yourself be fooled. 
  • Download the QC Mobile App, which contains an Emergency option for easily accessing Public Safety. The app also contains other important information/phone numbers.

 Here's to a happy and safe Fall 2022 semester!


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