March 2018
February Contest Winner: This could have been you!
We asked for pics of you with your See's lollypops to win free gift cards. Find this month's contest below (we made it easy on you - multiple choice).

We are always interested in photos of your See's candy - in the lab, before the lab, after the lab, with people or props, or without... Get creative and we will share good photos! Still shots or animated gifs accepted. There could be a gift card in it for you! SUBMIT HERE
Safety first! Reminders of good health and safety guidelines
Planning and implementing bioskills labs cover many different areas, and one of the most important things to remember is mitigating health and safety risks for all the participants. Whether you are the device company conducting the training, or the lab facility hosting an event, here are some general health and safety guidelines to keep everyone safe and protected.
Lab Guidelines:
  • Use surface disinfectants for countertops, lab tables, floors and equipment, including power cords
  • Have sufficient supply of table drapes, tape, etc. to keep things covered and clean
  • Check electrical connections on all power equipment 
  • Ensure cords and equipment are placed out of walking paths
  • Make sure there is sufficient lighting overall and at each station 
  • Make sure there is appropriate ventilation when specimens are present
  • Use smoke evacuation to remove surgical smoke
  • Keep cadaver tissue covered when not in use
  • Know who to contact with facility problems or questions
Participant Guidelines:  

  • All staff and lab participants should use surgical soap or hand sanitizers 
  • Use exam gloves when handling cadaver tissue or waste material
  • Do not eat, drink, or touch your face while in the lab
  • Wear closed toe shoes
  • Wear appropriate PPE (gown, gloves, protective eyewear, face shields, shoe covers, hair cover)
  • Remove PPE when leaving the lab for breaks or lunch, and put on fresh PPE when returning
  • Dispose of all scalpel blades and others sharps in red SHARPS containers
  • Dispose of waste properly
  • Wash hands and exposed skin immediately upon leaving a lab where cadaver tissue is exposed
  • Notify the Lab Manager or on-site lab representative of any cuts or injuries that occur while working in the lab
Contact us  for information or a quote for whatever you need. If you wonder whether we have it, check our  website  or send us an   email . Yes, we even take phone calls at 888-747-1190!
Tools of the Trade
Smoke Evacuation
This unit has a compact design with quiet operation, a simple LED display, and EZ link technology to automatically control smoke evacuation with the bovie pencil buttons.
Scientific evidence has shown that 1 gram of ablated tissue is equal to 3 cigarettes for laser irradiation and 6 cigarettes for electrocauterization, as to total mutagenicity. (Tomita, Y., et al, Mutation Research, 1981).

Smoke Evacuation Unit Specifications:
  • Simple two button use (motor and on/standby)
  • Provides 0.12 micron filtration at 99.9995% efficiency
  • EZ link automatic control for ease of use
  • Extremely quiet operation

Contact us  for a quote or with questions. We're here to help!
The Fun Corner: Win gift cards for playing along!
March Contest: What am I?

Look at the photo on the right and submit your answer below to indicate which type of procedure it is used for. All correct answers will be entered into a drawing for a gift card.

Good luck!
What is this item used for?
Foot & Ankle
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