Most slip, trip, and fall injuries happen during the winter because of outdoor conditions. However, hazards exist indoors that can lead to similar injuries. Good housekeeping practices are an easy and important way to avoid slip, trip, and fall incidents in any work setting.
What does “good housekeeping” mean in the workplace? Watch for, and correct, hazards such as:
- Slippery or wet floors (melting snow from boots, spilled coffee, etc.),
- Loose, wrinkled, or unanchored rugs and mats, uneven walking surfaces,
- Clutter in work spaces, cables that run across the floor, desk drawers left open, or
- Poor lighting.
We all have a part to play in keeping workplaces safe. If you notice a hazard that you cannot fix on your own (for example, a loose floorboard that makes the walking surface uneven), make sure you mark the hazard with a pylon, flagging tape, or a sign, and report it to your supervisor right away.
To learn more about preventing injuries related to slips, trips, and falls, visit WSCC’s Safety Spotlight webpage.