August 2018
In This Issue
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We are grateful to have the opportunity to provide you with this valuable information via our monthly e-newsletter and our unparalleled forensic accounting and fraud investigative services.

The goal of this e-newsletter is to provide you critical, inside information that will help you "follow the money" in business disputes, divorce cases, fraud cases, estate matters, corporate embezzlement and to prevail when defending an IRS criminal case. We will do this by sharing the knowledge we have from our 25+ years of experience as an IRS Special Agent and 16 years as a private investigator / forensic accountant.

We take special care to ensure the information we provide you in "The Beacon" is the latest and most current information available.  In this edition, we talk about the difficulties of dying without a Will.

We want to write about topics that will assist you in prevailing with fraud, divorce, estate and probate, and IRS criminal cases. Please e-mail us your topics of interest to
We encourage you to share our e-newsletter with others in your sphere of influence.  
Edmond J. Martin
Principal, Chief Investigator
Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)
Texas Certified Investigator (TCI)
The Difficulties of Dying With and Without a Will

Decedent Dies Intestate

It is important to know the laws in the state in which you reside to understand your position involving a death in the family and to avoid the frustration and confusion that results. Take time for family matters and the funeral. Most individuals search the internet to understand better the probate of the will. The information on the internet will provide enough information to acquaint an individual in this position with what will be transpiring in and out of a courtroom in their state. Knowledge is power and because the "baby boomer generation" is passing on and leaving behind substantial wealth it is important to understand the process in which you will be involved. It is also important to hire a knowledgeable attorney specializing in estate and probate law and if necessary a forensic accountant.

In one scenario the sisters of a man with Alzheimer's disease commandeered him and his estate by moving him from his home in another state and away from his daughter. His only heir, a daughter, was named the Executor in his original Last Will and Testament of which she had a copy. In the move, his sisters went to his safe deposit box removed the contents including his original Will. They also closed his bank accounts and transfer the money to the other state. The man was placed in a nursing home and just over one year he died.

The sisters approached a judge through their attorney indicating there was no will to be probated and that their brother died intestate. The sisters applied for an administration, post a bond, and were appointed co-administrators to finalize the estate. The daughter who was according to the original Will, to be the appointed administrator upon his death was left out. The daughter had a copy of the Will, but state law prohibited a copy of the Will to be probated. The co-administrators pulled all the assets of the decedent together and prepared an inventory leaving out some of the assets. They then converted the assets to cash, some of the cash they distributed to their children and to the daughter. Some of the cash was spent on the estate incurring attorney fees and other expenses. His pickup truck was given to one of his nephews. The co-administrators refused to provide any kind of accounting to the daughter. Therefore, the daughter had to hire an attorney to negotiate with the co-administrators and their attorney. After months of wrangling with the co-administrator's attorneys, some financial information was released. Unsatisfied with the resulting information the daughter filed suit and had the co-administrators deposed.

During depositions that transpired one of the administrators confessed that... Read More

About Us
Serving your needs is our priority.
At Sage Investigations we are dedicated to serving our clients nationally, to help them navigate the difficulties of dealing with fraud, divorce, estate and probate, the IRS Criminal Investigation, and other complex (forensic) financial fraud investigations. By narrowing our focus to our primary strength of following the money, we steer our knowledge, efforts, and experience to financial issues. We help our clients propel their cases forward by assisting in the review, acquisition, and organization of financial records, evaluating the elements of their cases, and helping create winning strategies. Through the use of our proprietary advanced financial investigative technology we trace and analyze complex financial data quickly, easily and efficiently, saving our client's time and money.
Sage handles all cases with altruism, professionalism, honesty, integrity, passion and respect. When you hire Sage, you hire a team of professionals with skill and knowledge that helps you have more effective solutions. We are innovative with our DIO cutting edge technology, and perform every investigation in an orderly and organized manner to develop a clear investigative roadmap and deliver a quality work product. The compass that guides us is strong leadership and accountability. Learn more ...
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P.O. Box 160161
Austin, TX 78716
Phone: 512-659-3179
Fax: 512-328-6878
Texas License #A10803


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