Photo Courtesy of the Treasure Island Sailing Center
Sailing Science Center News
May 2022
Vol. 5, No. 9
Welcome to the May issue of the Sailing Science Center News! Our theme this month is Play. Play is what we're here to do, and now it is time to give it it's due (see our mission statement at the end of this newsletter). Play opens the gates to learning at every level. See this month's Science Corner and Leadership Corner for more about play. It's not just fun, it's fundamental.
Do not keep children to their studies by compulsion but by play.
Plato (...or was that Play-Doh?)
May Spotlight - The Treasure Island Sailing Center
Carisa Harris-Adamson Head Shot
The seed that would become the Treasure Island Sailing Center (TISC) was planted many years before the Center grew to be a reality. It occurred before Carisa Harris-Adamson, the chairperson of TISC’s board and one of the Center’s founders, was even a teenager. Her father, who would drop Carisa off for sailing practice with her sister, had a vision of making sailing accessible to more people. His ideas were not well-received in the conservative, East Coast community where Carisa grew up, but she took his values to heart and brought them west to San Francisco.
Her father had a vision of making sailing accessible to more people.
Girls on a Sailboat
Carisa was a two-time NCAA All-American and National Champion at Tufts University and placed fifth at the 1996 US Olympic Sailing Trials. After Naval Station Treasure Island was closed in 1997, and prior to the 2000 Olympics, a campaign called Goldrush 2000 was established to support Olympic hopefuls through a training center on the shore of Treasure Island’s Clipper Cove. The infrastructure from the campaign became the Treasure Island Sailing Center, San Francisco’s only 501(c)(3) community sailing center. Carisa was its first instructor, teaching twelve girls from Delancey Street’s Life Learning Academy on Navy keelboats.
TISC Kids in Front of Boats
In 2013, the year the America’s Cup came to San Francisco Bay, TISC started a STEM education program called Set Sail Learn, or SSL. They hired instructors to teach both the on-water and classroom components of SSL, with classes in Bay Ecology, The Power of the Wind, and Maritime History. The Center continued to grow, and by 2019 they had more than 100 boats and were serving over 3,000 adults and youth annually in their programs, with more than 80% of the youth component attending on scholarship. It was also in 2019 that TISC finally got a 66-year lease with the city, taking the edge off the anxiety of never knowing if your lease was about to be terminated, and creating security for larger capital campaigns.
TISC Boats on Clipper Cove with SF Skyline in the Background
An important feature of TISC is its strategic location on Clipper Cove, offering a protected learning environment for new sailors that is equaled by only a few places on the Bay. The cove was actually engineered that way when the island was built, so that Pan Am’s China Clippers—for which the cove is named—would have flat water for their takeoffs and landings (video 2:53).

If you have been a regular reader of this newsletter, you will also know that TISC played a huge role in the growth of the Sailing Science Center, with the majority of the SSC’s volunteers prior to 2020 entering the SSC through the adult Social Sailing Program at TISC. The synergy between TISC and the SSC continues, with the SSC scheduled to provide mini exhibitions on the final days of TISC’s four 2022 summer sessions. We look forward to holding these exhibitions and to growing our partnership with TISC.

Photos courtesy of Carisa Harris-Adamson and the Treasure Island Sailing Center
We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.
George Bernard Shaw
Volunteer Events
Call of the Sea Tall Ship Celebration
Our volunteer event for April was the SSC's Pop-Up Exhibition in support of the Tall Ship Celebration and Fundraiser being held by Call of the Sea. We had all the SSC's exhibits there and a record volunteer turnout.

Call of the Sea estimated 200 attendees showed up for their celebration and fundraiser. The SSC registered thirteen new newsletter subscribers and signed up six new volunteers.
SSC Trailer Exhibits and Ken Bodiley
Ken Bodiley with exhibits in the SSC Trailer
See the drone video of the SSC's April 23 Event (0:54). Video by Jeff Owens
Volunteer and Visitor at the Making Waves Exhibit
Alisha Piccirillo oversees a young scientist playing with the new Making Waves exhibit. Photo by Jim Hancock
Solve for North
Preston Thomas lays out a compass rose where visitors can win prizes by guessing which way is north.
Photo by Jim Hancock
Competing on the Grinder
Competition on The Grinder was fierce, with singles and doubles vying for bragging rights and prizes.
Photo by Marlen Hazel
It is a happy talent to know how to play.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Science Corner
Two Kids Playing at the Exploratorium
Photo by Jim Hancock
Woman scratching her head
Play is a major mechanism for developing social skills in all mammals, in birds, and even some reptiles. It is also a crucial contributor to learning other skills, such as motor skills, imaginative problem solving, and the ability to deal with novel situations. There is no dispute that play enhances learning, but some researchers go as far as to say that in early life, play = learning.

P L A Y = L E A R N I N G

Play involves many parts of the brain, but fundamentally, its about forming neural connections. Part of its effectiveness is that we enjoy it, so we are motivated to continue. This is essential for learning during the period when our prefrontal cortex is still developing and we have less attention and impulse control. But the motivating component of play is still there for fully developed adult brains, making it meaningful for learning at all levels.

In summation, play is not merely frivolous activity, it is nature's way to help us learn and grow.
Don't make a distinction between work and play.
Regard everything that you're doing as play.
Alan Watts, British philosopher/entertainer
SSC Podcast - Cree Partridge on Hydrogen Powered Sailboats
Podcast produced by Charlie Deist

In April we interviewed Cree Partridge, owner of the Berkeley Marine Center and installer of the first hydrogen-fuel-cell-powered auxiliary on a West Coast sailboat. Cree discusses his early boating background, boatbuilding designs and materials, and makes an astonishing claim about ferro-cement boats. He also reveals his favorite boat-building material. Listen to the podcast to find out... (48:02)

[Editor's Note: We think Cree embodies what this issue is all about: finding a calling doing what you love doing and going to play every day instead of going to work every day.]
Almost all creativity involves useful play.
Abraham Maslow
In the News
Preston Thomas at the Treasure Island Museum
Treasure Island Museum Lecture - Preston Thomas
On April 30th SSC volunteer, Preston Thomas, was the presenter for the Treasure Island Museum Lecture Series, speaking (and singing) on the Secrets of Sea Chanteys. Two things we didn't know:

1) Pirates don't sing sea chanteys.
2) Preston does. And he does it well
Doug Paine at the Treasure Island Sailing Center
Doug Paine
In late April, Doug Paine joined the Treasure Island Sailing Center as its new Executive Director. Doug comes to the position with deep experience in both STEM education and sailing, as a former math and science teacher and father of Olympic sailing medalist, Caleb Paine.
You've achieved success in your field when you don't know whether what you're doing is work or play.
― Warren Beatty
This Month's Newsletter Banner
This month's banner photo is of kids playing on boats at the Treasure Island Sailing Center. During our developmental years, our play teaches us how to interact socially, informs us about our environment (Look at that! Cheerios fall on the floor.), and stimulates creativity. As adults, playing can continue to bring joy and fulfillment.
Kids on boats in a sailing class
Photo courtesy of TISC
Wanted for the Sailing Science Center
SSC Logo - Light Background
Do you have photos to share? The SSC is looking for great shots to use on our website, our newsletter banner, and elsewhere. Photographer attribution will be given.

The SSC needs all manner of volunteers, but especially volunteers who can staff one-day, pop-up exhibitions as docents. Training, lunch, and SSC logo polo shirts are provided. We are currently holding events at the approximate rate of one per month. This is planned to increase as we assemble multiple exhibition teams.

Direct your inquiries to
Small Stuff
Man scanning the horizon with binoculars
On the Horizon
Here is the schedule for the next few months. Check our online calendar for the latest information.

May 21 - Vallejo Marina Parking Lot Exhibition.

June 18 - Summer Sailstice Exhibition at the Oakland Yacht Club.
Move the Needle!
These are things YOU can do to make a difference and Move the Needle

Leadership Corner - High-Speed Photography
In college, I took a class in high-speed photography from Harold "Doc" Edgerton, inventor of the xenon strobe. We reproduced many of his best-known photographs in the class, but my biggest takeaway from spending time with Doc had little to do with photography.
New Volunteers
Graphic of Raised Hands with SSC Logo
We want to give a shout out to everyone who raised their hands in April to say they could help. This included Chris Winn, Jean Magistrale, Alisha Piccirillo, Erin Sheridan, Deborah Ramos, Will Summers, Ken Bodiley, Piyush Arora, Chris Fehring, Steven Holme, and Glen Melnik. We are very excited to welcome all of you to the SSC!
That's all for this month.


Jim Hancock
President and Founder
The San Francisco Sailing Science Center is a Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation recognized under IRS Section 501(c)(3), Tax ID 82-3631165. Your donation to the Sailing Science Center is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.



*STEAM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math


Victoria Marcus

The Sailing Science Center News is published on the first business day of each month. It is sent to team members, partners, volunteers, sponsors and supporters of the San Francisco Sailing Science Center. You are receiving this because you are considered to be in one of these groups. If you wish to be removed from the mailing list, please click the Unsubscribe link below. We do not sell, share or otherwise give out our mailing list beyond our organization.
San Francisco Sailing Science Center
One Avenue of the Palms, Suite 16A
San Francisco, CA 94130