I would like to begin by wishing everybody a safe, happy, and blessed Thanksgiving holiday. The Greek word, Eucharist, which should be familiar to you in our Catholic world, used to describe the second part of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass meaning, “thanksgiving.” As you celebrate your Thanksgiving dinners, and are thankful for your family and friends, spend some quiet time thanking God for all that you have, and for the Incarnation, God made man in Jesus Christ.
I am thankful to be serving as Principal as OLSOS! So many of you have been friendly and helpful making my transition to Star a smooth one. I would like to take a moment to share an observation that I’ve noticed my first few months here. Beyond doubt, we all know mothers are the salt of the earth and their influence on the lives of children is immeasurable. Thank you to all the moms who volunteer their time to help us in and around school each day. I also want to say how impressed and happy I am to see so many fathers present around school, particularly at drop off and pick up. Thank you dads!
We have a short week coming up with only two days. I will be participating in my first GP Santa Claus Parade on Friday, November 24th – hope to see you there! I can’t believe the holiday season is already upon us.
In closing, safe travels to all who will be on the roads and in the air during the Thanksgiving holiday. Enjoy the extended break and we will see you back at school on Tuesday, November 28th.
God Bless & Go Sailors!
Mr. Barker