Saint Dominic School
Academic Excellence - Catholic Values
Message from Mrs. Tonkovich
Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences will be Virtual on December 1, 2023.

Parents were able to schedule their December parent-teacher conference, beginning Monday, November 6, 2023, by clicking the link below.

Good communication between parents and teachers creates a positive atmosphere for children to learn. All of the conferences are scheduled at ten-minute intervals so that every parent has the opportunity for a short meeting with the teacher. If you have a serious concern, you may need to schedule a longer appointment at another time. We ask parents to realize that the teachers need to consider everyone's appointment and try to adhere to the schedule.

Click here to schedule your Virtual Parent Teacher Conference
Click here for directions on how to schedule your virtual conference

Report Cards will be made available online between 1:00 P.M and 3:00 P.M. on Friday, December 1 for grades K through 8.

Click here for instructions on viewing/printing report cards

Giving Tuesday is November 28, 2023!

Join the movement & give back!

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

On November 28, 2023, Catholic schools from across the Diocese of Trenton participated in Giving Tuesday, the global day of charitable giving that follows Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Giving Tuesday is a day of charity that fosters connection and generosity which helps you bring real change to your community. 

100% of the monies raised through this campaign will go directly to the Catholic school that you specify in your donation. 

Help support our Catholic Schools this Giving Tuesday by sharing your resources; making a donation to the Catholic school of your choice, pledging to volunteer your time at a school, or sharing a prayer in support of Catholic education!

Visit to learn more and show your support!

New Procedure for Forgotten Items

As of Monday, December 4, 2023, a new procedure shall be in place for items brought to school during the school day for students.

-Kindly label the item with your child’s name and grade. 

-Place the item in the bin located to the left of the front doors of the school.

-Notify the front office staff (via the call button at the front door) that you have placed an item in the bin.

-The item shall be retrieved and given to the student.

Portrait Retakes (Grades PreK to 7)

Portrait Retakes (8th Grade Cap & Gown)

PTA Santa Shop

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated on Friday, December 8, 2023.

As this is a Holy Day of Obligation,

Saint Dominic School will be closed.

The Mass schedule for

Saint Dominic Church is as follows:

Thursday, December 7, 2023

7:00 P.M. Vigil Mass

Friday, December 8, 2023

8:00 A.M., 11:00 A.M., 7:00 P.M.

This Solemnity celebrates that from the beginning, while in her mother's womb, Mary was in a state of grace, sharing in God's own life, and free from original sin. The Immaculate Conception was solemnly defined and proclaimed by Pope Pius IX on the 8th of December, 1854.

Click here for more information about the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
"O Most Holy Virgin, immaculate in body and spirit, look kindly on me as I implore your powerful intercession. O most Holy Mother, receive my prayers as I present them to God. O Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, you intercede for us with your Son. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, pray for us. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us. Our Lady Queen of Christendom, pray for us. Amen. "
Giving Tree

Bag-to-Class Lunch - 12/11/23

Saint Dominic Parish Winter Festival

Notice of Change in Location - 12/18 & 12/19 ONLY

Christmas Break Begins Early!
School Lunch

Welcome to the Blue Jay Café!

Lunch will be $5.00 for a daily lunch purchase.

Meal tickets may be purchased in advance by purchasing a lunch card. Lunch cards ares sold in increments of 10 or 20 meals. 10 meals for $45.00 or $20 meals for $90.00. *Please note if you purchase a lunch card you are saving $5.00 on 10 lunches and $10.00 on 20 lunches.  

If you have multiple children in the school please only send in one check as siblings share a family lunch card.

If you have any questions please email

Please also note the following:

  • All money for hot lunch options, bagels, and/or salads must be sent to school in an envelope marked with the students name and homeroom and will be collected by the teacher upon taking the morning lunch count. ONLY money for the purchase of lunch will be collected at that time.
  • Any money for a child wishing to purchase a snack from the snack stand must remain with the child and be utilized directly at the stand.
  • Lunch tickets remain at school and are distributed as needed.
  • Lunch Tickets are for complete meals only and may not be used to purchase snacks. 
  • A 2nd slice of pizza is $2.00 on Tuesday and Friday.
  • All checks must be made payable to St. Dominic School. Parents are asked to include the student's name and homeroom on the check.
  • All of the prices at the snack stand are the same this school year. Please check the menu for prices.

Reminder: In the event of an emergency or if your child forgets their lunch or lunch money, they will be allowed to charge for that day. Payment of that charge must be remitted the following day.

Click here to view the December Lunch Menu!
Partners in Faith

The December edition of Partners in Faith is here!

See the main feature on page one for suggestions to (re)discover and preserve peace and joy in your family this Advent season and this year.

Christmas ends on December 26 for many people, but for Catholics, Christmas Day is just the beginning of the Christmas Season! The main feature on page two lists some fun ways to let Christmas joy last the whole season.

God fulfills His promises, sometimes in unexpectedly ordinary ways. That’s the takeaway of this month’s Scripture Lesson, found on page two. This feature illustrates how God is working in the world, even if circumstances still look quite ordinary.

Discover this and more in the December issue of Partners in Faith!
Click here for the 2023 Advent Calendar - packed with fun-filled activities for each day during Advent!
Saint Dominic Parish - Christmas Mass Schedule
Diocesan Tuition Assistance for
the 2023-2024 School Year
Although re-registration for the 2023-2024 will be held in January, you can plan ahead and apply for tuition assistance today. Tuition assistance is awarded each year to families with children in Grades K-12 through the Diocesan Tuition Assistance Program.

Financial awards are made based on financial need.
In order to ensure a fair and impartial analysis,
applications are made through FACTS Management.

Please note that the deadline to apply for tuition
assistance is March 1, 2023. 
Click here for more information/apply for tuition assistance.
Church Contributions
A review of the weekly contributions has been completed, and it has been brought to our attention that many families are in arrears. According to the school contract, families must contribute a minimum of $10.00 per week in order to qualify for the "Active Registered Catholic" tuition rate from January 1, 2022 to November 30, 2022.

We are aware that this year has continued to present challenges to many of our families and are thankful for all of their continued support to our Parish. If you are behind in your contributions or have any questions regarding tuition, please contact Mrs. Christine Gallahue in the rectory office at 732- 840-1410. Thank you!

Saint Dominic Parish offers the ability of setting up recurring or one-time basis Church donations using your credit card or automatic withdrawal from your bank account (ACH). The process is completely handled by you, the donator.

By accessing the secure Website, you create a log-on and set up or modify your payment schedule or even to make a one-time donation. Once you set up your account, you can make changes whenever you want; no phone calls are necessary to the parish office to change or even cancel your arrangement. Eliminate writing checks each week!
Click here to view a video re: Online Giving!
Click here to access the Online Giving option through Parishsoft!

2023-2024 Yearbooks & Baby Ads- On Sale Now!

Click Here Purchase School Yearbook & Baby Picture Ads
Saint Dominic Sacred Music -Lessons & Carols!
New Year's Eve Dinner & Dance Party
December Dates to Remember

December 1

Parent Teacher Conferences

School Closed for Students

Report Cards - Parent Portal Reopens

December 4

P.T.A. Meeting at 6:00 P.M. in 8A

December 5

PreK - 8th Grade Portrait Retakes

2nd Grade Student's First Reconciliation

December 6

PTA Santa Shop

December 8

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

School Closed for Students

December 11

Pre K, Kindergarten, & 1st Grade Christmas Concert at 6:30 P.M.

December 15

 Communication Alert

Saint Dominic Parish's Winter Festival

December 16

St. Dominic Sacred Music Presents "Lessons & Carols"

December 18

After Care to be held in the Parish Center (Cafeteria)

December 19

Before Care to be held in the Parish Center (Cafeteria)

Spelling Bee

December 21

Early Dismissal (PreK at 12:00 P.M. & K-8 at 12:30 P.M.)

 No After Care

December 22 - January 1

Christmas Vacation - School CLOSED 

January 2, 2024

 School Re-opens

Curious About What Your Child Did At School?
Want to stay up-to-date on all the action at SDS?
Follow SDS on social media!

Twitter - @StDomSchool
Instagram - @stdomschool

For Facebook, in addition to "liking" the page, make sure you "follow" the page and set up notifications to see all of the posts!
Visit our website!