Welcome to the Blue Jay Café!
Lunch will be $5.00 for a daily lunch purchase.
Meal tickets may be purchased in advance by purchasing a lunch card. Lunch cards ares sold in increments of 10 or 20 meals. 10 meals for $45.00 or $20 meals for $90.00. *Please note if you purchase a lunch card you are saving $5.00 on 10 lunches and $10.00 on 20 lunches.
If you have multiple children in the school please only send in one check as siblings share a family lunch card.
If you have any questions please email cafeteria@stdomschool.org
Please also note the following:
All money for hot lunch options, bagels, and/or salads must be sent to school in an envelope marked with the students name and homeroom and will be collected by the teacher upon taking the morning lunch count. ONLY money for the purchase of lunch will be collected at that time.
- Any money for a child wishing to purchase a snack from the snack stand must remain with the child and be utilized directly at the stand.
- Lunch tickets remain at school and are distributed as needed.
- Lunch Tickets are for complete meals only and may not be used to purchase snacks.
- A 2nd slice of pizza is $2.00.
All checks must be made payable to St. Dominic School. Parents are asked to include the student's name and homeroom on the check.
- All of the prices at the snack stand are the same this school year. Please check the menu for prices.
Reminder: In the event of an emergency or if your child forgets their lunch or lunch money, they will be allowed to charge for that day. Payment of that charge must be remitted the following day.