Saint Dominic School
Academic Excellence - Catholic Values

Reminder: School Closed 1/20/25

Re-Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year

School re-enrollment contracts for current kindergarten - seventh grade students were sent home, Monday, January 13.

All contracts are to be returned to the school office by Monday, February 3. Parents are asked to inform the school office if they do not plan to re-enroll their children for the 2025-2026 school year. Thank you!

Student Recruitment Program

Thank you for entrusting Saint Dominic School with preparing your children for their future. Thanks to you, Saint Dominic School is one of the largest schools in the Diocese of Trenton. We have so much to be proud of: our award-winning students, our high-achieving alumni, and our National Blue Ribbon recognition.


As we continue on our path of excellence, please be aware that our recruitment program allows Saint Dominic School families to assist in enrolling new student/students for the 2025-2026 school year. If a new student applies and is accepted, the assisting SDS family will receive a $300 family tuition credit. The registering family must reference your name on the application. We want to extend our appreciation to you and your children, our best and most trustworthy ambassadors.


Saint Dominic School has provided an academically excellent Catholic education for over fifty-five years. We are proud of our history and will continue our strong tradition for generations to come!



Mrs. Mara Tiernan

PreK and Kindergarten Registration for

2024-2025 School Year

Preschool and kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year for our current school families was held on January 8th and January 9th. If you missed registration, please contact the school office. 

Please visit the "Admissions" tab on the homepage of our website to access all forms. Parents are asked to submit the completed application, required forms, original birth & baptismal certificates (for new students only), and current immunization records via email to our Registrar, Ms. Cantillo.

Registration for new prospective families

will be held during Catholic Schools Week.

Renaissance 360 Testing

The second window of Renaissance Star 360 testing is scheduled for January 6 through January 24, 2025.

Students in grades 2-8 will each complete a 20-minute on-line assessment in Reading and Math.

Results will be sent home when all testing has been completed.

2024-2025 Yearbook & Baby Ad Online Sale!

Click Here Purchase School Yearbook & Baby Picture Ads

Progress Reports

On Friday, January 17th, parents of students in kindergarten - grade 2 will receive paper progress reports from their children's teachers.

Parents of students in grades 3-8 are asked to log in to Parent Portal to access their children's academic records for the second trimester. Paper progress reports will not be issued for grades 3-8.

Class Pictures





6:00 P.M.


February Dances

Register Here

Burger 25 Fundraiser

Catholic Schools Week 2025!

SDS Catholic Schools Week 2025: 


Sunday, January 26, 2025

Catholic Schools Week Mass at 10:30 AM; students who attend with their families will receive a dress-down pass if they are in

uniform at Mass

Open House 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM for PROSPECTIVE parents

Monday, January 27, 2025

Bus driver appreciation breakfast

Volunteer reception at 1:15 PM in the Community Room

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Open House for PreK(3) & K-3 (10:20 AM-11:00 AM) for school parents

2 visitors per student

Clergy, Kitchen Staff, & Maintenance Appreciation Luncheon

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Open House for PreK (4) & Grs. 4-8 (10:20AM-11:00AM)

2 visitors per student

Open House 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM for PROSPECTIVE parents 

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Student Appreciation Day

Dress down in blue/white

Festive events include:  

PreK-Grade 2: gym fun

Grades 3-8: Faculty vs. 8th grade Volleyball Game

BINGO! (Grades 3-8) 

Movie (Grades K-2)

Lunch will be provided by PTA for students in grades K-8 (permission slips will be forthcoming)

PTA Tuition Raffle

Friday, January 31, 2025

Teacher Appreciation Day

Breakfast for faculty and staff

8th-grade students to “teach” classes

Mass at 11:00 AM

Early Dismissal (PreK at 12:00PM & K-8 at 1:00 PM)

Diocesan Tuition Assistance for

the 2025-2026 School Year

Although re-registration for the 2025-2026 will be held in January, you can plan ahead and apply for tuition assistance today. Tuition assistance is awarded each year to families with children in Grades K-12 through the Diocesan Tuition Assistance Program.

Financial awards are made based on financial need.

In order to ensure a fair and impartial analysis,

applications are made through FACTS Management.

Please note that the deadline to apply for tuition

assistance is March 3, 2025. 

Click here for more information/apply for tuition assistance.

Luke's Helping Hands

Luke & John Greco Holiday Gift Drive

Thank you to all who donated to the Luke & John Greco Holiday Gift Drive by donating to the Silly Sweater Contest on December 20th. St. Dominic School donated $350 to the Gift Drive, and the Greco family assembled 18 family gift boxes stuffed with gift cards and holiday goodies for families in

need! Thank you for your generosity during this holiday season!

P.T.A. Annual Gift Auction

Auction Ticket Order Form

Blue Jay Packet Pre Sale

Pre Order Blue Jay Packets

P.T.A. Annual Gift Auction -

Donations & Sponsorships

Curious About What Your Child Did At School?

Visit our website!
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Twitter - @StDomSchool
Instagram - @stdomschool

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