Saint Dominic School
Academic Excellence - Catholic Values
Message from Mrs. Tonkovich


Saint Dominic School will celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of Mass as a community during the 11:00 A.M. Mass on Friday, January 5th.

An Early Dismissal day will be observed

& a Donut snack option will be offered by the SDS PTA!

Early Dismissal

Students in PreK will be dismissed at 12:00 P.M.

Dismissal for grades K - 8 will begin at 12:30 P.M.

Prek & Kinder. Parent Mixer

The Feast of the Epiphany - January 7th

The Feast of the Epiphany is the feast in which the Catholic Church celebrates the manifestation of our Lord. The Redeemer & Light of the Nations has been born!

The three Magi visiting the Christ-Child with great adoration representing the birth of the Redeemer being made known to the whole world!

The star that led them east to the place in which the baby Jesus lay is a symbol of faith. Much like the Magi, our star - our faith - can lead us to our Lord and Savior.
"Father of light, unchanging God, you revealed to men of faith the resplendent fact of the Word made flesh. Your light is strong, Your love is near; draw us beyond the limits which this world imposes, to the life where Your Spirit makes all life complete. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen."

PreK and Kindergarten Registration for

2024-2025 School Year

This registration will be offered both in-person and virtually!

Preschool and kindergarten Registration for the 2023-2024 school year for our current school families will be held on Wednesday, January 10 & Thursday, January 11.

Parents/Guardians are welcome to stop by the front office on either January 10th or 11th from 9:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M. or 12:30 P.M. - 1:30 P.M. to complete the application and all necessary forms.


Parents/Guardians are welcome to visit the "Admissions" tab on the homepage of our website, on or after Wednesday, January 10, 2024 to access/download the application and all necessary forms.

Parents/Guardians opting for the virtual option are asked to submit the following via email to

  • completed application,
  • required forms,
  • original birth & baptismal certificates (for new students only),
  • and current immunization records

Reminder: Registration for new prospective families

will be held during Catholic Schools Week. These two days are offered to allow all of our wonderful current families the first opportunity to enroll in our PreK and Kindergarten Programs.

Renaissance 360 Testing

The second window of Renaissance Star 360 testing is scheduled for January 8 through January 29, 2024.

Students in grades 2-8 will each complete a 20-minute on-line assessment in Reading and Math.

Results will be sent home when all testing has been completed.

Mission Collection
The Advent/Christmas Mission collection will conclude on Monday, January 9. Please send all gift offerings to the school by this date.

Your prayers and financial gifts are greatly appreciated by those who are in the most need.

God bless you for your thoughtfulness and generosity!

Re-Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year

School re-enrollment contracts for current kindergarten - seventh grade students will be sent home on Friday, January 12th. All contracts are to be returned to the school office by Monday, February 5th.

Parents are asked to inform the school office if they do not plan to re-enroll their children for the 2024-2025 school year. Thank you!

Yearbook & Baby Ad Online Sale!

Click here to purchase the Yearbook or Baby Ad!
Progress Reports

On Friday, January 19, parents of students in kindergarten - grade 2 will receive paper progress reports from their children's teachers.

Parents of students in grades 3-8 are asked to log in to Parent Portal to access their children's academic records for the second trimester. Paper progress reports will not be issued for grades 3-8.

Youth Group Pasta Dinner

Catholic Schools Week 2024!

National Catholic Schools Week is the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. This year’s new theme is 'Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community' and will be used through 2026.

Catholic schools have an irreplaceable role in the Church’s evangelizing mission. Building on the central goal of Catholic schools to form saints, Catholic schools teach and embrace the whole person, body, mind and spirit. The fact that all members of a Catholic school community share the Christian vision of faith that Christ is the foundation of Catholic education is what unites the school as a faith-filled community.

While faith is the binding element in Catholic schools, the Church reiterates that parents are the first teachers of their children. Holding this tenet, Catholic school communities expand beyond the walls of school buildings to envelop the family as an integral part of the school community. Together teachers, administrators, staff, students and parents fuel the light of faith by integrating culture with faith and faith with living.

The CSW logo symbolizes the united community of Catholic schools – not a building or an institution, but people of faith serving God and others. No Catholic school can fulfill its educational role alone. As a community, Catholic schools are nourished and stimulated by the centrality of the word of Christ expressed through knowledge, service, scripture and sacramental tradition.

Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community is a theme on which to build a spirit of the gospel to benefit the human family.   

The annual week long celebration of Catholic Schools will be held 

January 28 - February 2, 2024.

We have so much to celebrate at Saint Dominic School!

The week will involve activities for students, faculty, staff, Clergy, & Volunteers! Be on the lookout as more information regarding Catholic Schools Week traditions, activities, and celebrations will be announced in the January News Update, which will be emailed to all parents on January 16th!

Partners in Faith

The January edition of Partners in Faith is here!

Catholic parenting involves shaping the hearts of our children as well as managing their behavior. One way to do this is offering opportunities to grow in virtue. The main article on page one names four virtues to teach children to help them become holier – and happier!

Imagine if the saints had access to social media. How might a “holy” online user behave, post, and respond? See the main feature on page two for saintly suggestions.

Although God had intended the Sabbath to be a day of much-needed rest, weekends can get so busy that much-needed time for God and family can easily be neglected. Read one mother’s solution to reclaim weekends at home for God and family in the Parent Talk on page two.

Discover these articles and more in the January issue of Partners in Faith!
Lunch Menu

Welcome to the Blue Jay Café!

Lunch will be $5.00 for a daily lunch purchase.

Meal tickets may be purchased in advance by purchasing a lunch card. Lunch cards ares sold in increments of 10 or 20 meals. 10 meals for $45.00 or $20 meals for $90.00. *Please note if you purchase a lunch card you are saving $5.00 on 10 lunches and $10.00 on 20 lunches.  

If you have multiple children in the school please only send in one check as siblings share a family lunch card.

If you have any questions please email

Please also note the following:

  • All money for hot lunch options, bagels, and/or salads must be sent to school in an envelope marked with the students name and homeroom and will be collected by the teacher upon taking the morning lunch count. ONLY money for the purchase of lunch will be collected at that time.
  • Any money for a child wishing to purchase a snack from the snack stand must remain with the child and be utilized directly at the stand.
  • Lunch tickets remain at school and are distributed as needed.
  • Lunch Tickets are for complete meals only and may not be used to purchase snacks. 
  • A 2nd slice of pizza is $2.00 on Tuesday and Friday.
  • All checks must be made payable to St. Dominic School. Parents are asked to include the student's name and homeroom on the check.
  • All of the prices at the snack stand are the same this school year. Please check the menu for prices.

Reminder: In the event of an emergency or if your child forgets their lunch or lunch money, they will be allowed to charge for that day. Payment of that charge must be remitted the following day.

Click here to view the January Lunch Menu!

Diocesan Tuition Assistance for

the 2024-2025 School Year

Although re-registration for the 2024-2025 will be held in January, you can plan ahead and apply for tuition assistance today. Tuition assistance is awarded each year to families with children in Grades K-12 through the Diocesan Tuition Assistance Program.

Financial awards are made based on financial need.

In order to ensure a fair and impartial analysis,

applications are made through FACTS Management.

Please note that the deadline to apply for tuition

assistance is March 1, 2024. 

Click here for more information/apply for tuition assistance.
Church Contributions

A review of the weekly contributions has been completed, and it has been brought to our attention that many families are in arrears. According to the school contract, families must contribute a minimum of $10.00 per week in order to qualify for the "Active Registered Catholic" tuition rate from January 1, 2023 to November 30, 2023.

We are aware that this year has continued to present challenges to many of our families and are thankful for all of their continued support to our Parish. If you are behind in your contributions or have any questions regarding tuition, please contact Mrs. Christine Gallahue in the rectory office at 732- 840-1410. Thank you!

Saint Dominic Parish offers the ability of setting up recurring or one-time basis Church donations using your credit card or automatic withdrawal from your bank account (ACH). The process is completely handled by you, the donator.

By accessing the secure Website, you create a log-on and set up or modify your payment schedule or even to make a one-time donation. Once you set up your account, you can make changes whenever you want; no phone calls are necessary to the parish office to change or even cancel your arrangement. Eliminate writing checks each week!

Click here to view a video re: Online Giving!
Click here to access the Online Giving option through Parishsoft!
P.T.A. Christmas Gift Donations for the Auction

P.T.A. Annual Gift Auction

January Dates to Remember

January 5

First Friday Mass

Early Dismissal (PreK at 12:00 P.M. & K-8 at 12:30 P.M.)

Faculty Meeting

January 8

Renaissance Star 360 Testing Begins

PTA Meeting at 6:00P.M.

January 10

PreK & Kindergarten Registration for Siblings and Current PreK Students

January 11

PreK & Kindergarten Registration for Siblings and Current PreK Students

January 12

 Re-enrollment Contracts Sent Home 

January 15

 Professional Development Day for Faculty & Staff 

 School Closed for Students 

January 16

Communication Alert 

January 19

 Progress Reports (K-2) 

January 24

1st Holy Communion Meeting for 2nd Grade Parents

January 28-February 2

 Catholic Schools Week!

Curious About What Your Child Did At School?
Visit our website!
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Twitter - @StDomSchool
Instagram - @stdomschool

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