September 24, 2023 Edition

Good Luck Golfers at tomorrow's Saint Joseph School Golf Classic at Needham Golf Club!

And, thank you to our tournament sponsors:


Tours have begun and we have started receiving applications for the 2024-2025 school year! Please see the Admissions timeline below for important dates:

Admissions needs your help!

Interested in being an Admissions Ambassador? Click below to learn more and sign-up.

Admissions Ambassador Sign-Up

Teacher Wishlists

As the school year starts rolling - our homeroom teachers have prepared "Wish Lists" for their classroom. These will be shared via room parents. If you would like to support our Enrichment Specialists this year as well, they have prepared a "Wish List" for their classrooms.

Gym Wish List
STREAM Wish List
Art Wish List
Library Wish List
Music Wish List

Performing Arts - Instrument Lessons and Concert Band

NEW START DATE: Thursday, 9/28

Paul Effman music will be offering music lessons again this school year! Lessons will be held on Thursday's after school. Linked below is the website for more info and a registration form. Students can sign up either on the website, or you can complete the form and return to the main office.

More info
Registration Form

Street Hockey Tournament (a PSA Sponsored event)

We Need Your Help!

We are looking for volunteers for the upcoming Street Hockey Tournament to be held this Friday, September 29, 2023.  Please consider being a referee (no experience necessary) for one of three time slots:

4:30 - 5:45pm: Kindergarten - Grade 3

5:45 - 7:00pm: Grades 4 - 5 

7:00 - 8:15pm: Grades 6-8

Parent Volunteer

School Pictures

School Pictures are THIS WEEK and are scheduled for:

Tuesday 9/26: PS, PK, K, 1

Wednesday 9/27: Gr. 2, 3, 4

Thursday 9/28: Gr. 5, 6, 7, 8

Students may dress in their school uniform or an outfit of their choice.

New this year! Class composite pictures will be taken, in uniform, on Thursday Oct 5th.

Our photographer, Cara Soulia, will be in touch with more information on picture package options.

Save the Date: "Screenagers" Movie Night

We are pleased to host a movie night showing SCREENAGERS: Growing Up in the Digital Age on Thursday, October 19th at 6:00pm. This is for students in grades 4-8 WITH a parent or guardian. This is award-winning film that probes into the vulnerable corners of family life and depicts messy struggles over social media, video games and academics. The film offers solutions on how we can help our kids navigate the digital world. This event is being hosted by our SJS School Counselors. Stay tuned for more information!

Hot Lunch

The October Hot Lunch Calendar has been posted and the system is open for next month's orders. New in October - pizza bagels, pasta & meatballs, and ham & cheese calzone!

EZ School Apps

Grades 1-5 Lunch & Recess Volunteers

Check the live Google Sheet and sign-up for Lunch & Recess Volunteering. If you have any questions regarding lunch and recess volunteering please email Elizma Sexton at

Gr. 1-5 Lunch & Recess Volunteer

Parish News: Youth Lectors Wanted

Open to students in grades 6-12, we cover the 9:30am and 5:00pm Sunday masses. Schedules are put together three times a year and for the Fall schedule we are particularly interested in coverage for the 5:00pm Sunday masses. Contact Jill Meyers at for more information. 

Parish News: Meeting Christ In Prayer

Are you feeling a gentle nudge to grow in your faith but you're not sure exactly how? Or where to find the time? Do you wish there was a group of people you could talk to about spiritual things? Meeting Christ in Prayer might be just what you're looking for!

With a group of 6-10 people, you'll: Learn how to pray as an adult, Experience support in the Christian life, Deepen your awareness of God's presence and action in your life, Find a community to share your faith.

Who: You and other St. Joseph & St. Bartholomew parishioners

What: 8 weekly meetings

When: Tuesdays from September 26-November 14 from 7:00-8:15pm

Where: The Linse Room, St. Joseph Church

How: Prayer, Scripture Reflection, and Faith Sharing in small groups

Parish News: Music Ministry

The music ministry at St. Joseph Parish is offering a free class on reading music. It will take place over six Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00pm in the St. Joseph Upper Church, from Oct. 4 - Nov. 15 (excluding All Saints Day). Sign-ups and more information may be found on the Music Director's Corner page of the St. Joseph Parish website here.

Sharkbites: This Week's Events

9/25/23 Monday – Clubs Session I Begin | SJS Golf Classic

9/26/23 Tuesday – School Picture Day

9/27/23 Wednesday – School Picture Day

9/28/23 Thursday – School Picture Day | Band & Instrument Lessons Begin

9/29/23 Friday – Grade 6 Coffee & Mass | PSA Street Hockey Tournament

School Calendar
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