Sunday, November 5, 2023:

All Saints' Sunday

8 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist

in Thomsen Chapel

9 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist

in the cathedral nave

11 a.m. The Holy Eucharist*

in the nave and livestreamed

12:30 p.m. • Newcomer's Coffee with Clergy

meet in the rear of the nave

12:30 p.m. • Youth Group Field Trip

meet in Thomsen Chapel

4:30 p.m. • Choral Evensong*

in the nave and livestreamed

5:30 p.m. • Queer Conversations

in Cathedral House Room 210

7 p.m. • Contemplative Eucharist

in Thomsen Chapel

9:30 p.m. • Compline

in the nave and livestreamed

*Note: Incense will be used at the 11 a.m. service and at Choral Evensong.

Photo from All Saints' Sunday 2016 by Kevin Johnson.


Fall Back!

Daylight Savings ends this Sunday

All Saints' Sunday

Remembering the departed and welcoming the newly baptized

Discerning Call

with Killian Noe, Wednesday Nov. 7

Requests for Donations

from Lowell School and Mission to Seafarers

"Third Act-ers"

A new group for retirees now forming

The Cathedral Trio

beloved friends of the cathedral, presented by the Music Series on November 17

Pageant Forum

a glimpse behind the scenes of the cathedral beloved Pageant of the Nativity

A Visit to Brier Patch Farm

exploring local, small-scale organic farming with the Creation Care Ministry

Thanksgiving Day Community Dinner

an opportunity to celebrate Thanksgiving with chosen family of the cathedral community

Alternative Gift Market

a festive community event, December 3


Daylight Saving Time Ends Sunday

Don't forget to "fall back" one hour before before Sunday morning, November 5.

All Saints' Sunday


Each years on the Sunday following November 1 we remember all those who have died, and celebrate the great cloud of witnesses that surrounds us—all the saints of God present, past, and yet to come. This Sunday is one of the four occasions of the Church year which the Book of Common Prayer identifies as particularly appropriate for public Baptisms, and this year we will celebrate one Baptism at 8 a.m., six at 9 a.m., and one at 11 a.m. The candidates for Baptism are: Todd Andrew Baker, Theodore Louis Barker, June Morgan Bracht, Wade William Bracht, Bennett Rainier Moss, Claire Marie Wendel Stevenson, Mia Isabel Willis, and Magnus Christianson Jones. Following the service, there will be a celebration with the newly-baptized including cake, and everyone present will be invited to sign the baptismal certificates.

Please note that there will be no Godly Play in the 10 a.m. hour (normally offered on the first and third Sundays of the month). As is the practice at Saint Mark's on Principal Feasts, incense will be used at 11 a.m. only.

Newcomers' Coffee with Clergy

THIS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5 (and the first Sunday of each month*), 12:30 P.M., meet in the rear of the nave following the 11 a.m. service.

*PLEASE NOTE: There will be no Newcomers' Coffee in December. After this Sunday, the next offering will be January 7.

newcomers' coffee with clergy is offered on the first Sunday of each month immediately following the 11 a.m. Sunday service. This coffee hour is offered especially for newcomers, guests, or anyone who has questions about the cathedral community and liturgies. Gather in the back of the nave. Email [email protected] if you cannot attend in person, or with any other questions. And as always, please spread the word to anyone you know who may be interested.

Discerning Call with Killian Noe

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2023, 6:45–8:15 P.M. PST, in person in Bloedel Hall and online via Zoom

Killian Noe is the Founder of the Recovery Café Network, and is the author of Finding Our Way Home and Descent Into Love. Read more about Killian here.

All of us know that it is in giving our lives that we find life, full of joy and meaning. But there are so many ways to give our lives. How do we discover the specific way we are to offer our lives, the place our gifts connect with some need in the world? This evening in both the presentation and small group discussions we will work with the “hallmarks of call” and listen for any new call within our long-time call or any new, emerging call on our lives.

Program is free. Register to attend via Zoom. (No advance registration needed for in-person participation.) Optional community dinner at 6 p.m. ($8/adult; $25/family max.)

Donations Requested for Lowell Elementary and Mission to Seafarers 


This Amazon Wish List contains items requested by our neighbors at Lowell School and by our partners at Mission to Seafarers. Social workers at Lowell Elementary have requested donations of socks and underwear—these are currently the most urgent need for the large proportion of students from families currently in insecure housing or shelters. Mission to Seafarers needs treats and toiletries for the 1,000 ditty bags they present each year to workers on commercial ships who find themselves far from home during the holidays (many unable to disembark while in Seattle). You may order from the wish list directly, or use it as a guide for what is needed. Either way, please bring items with you to church on Sunday, November 12. Some will be used to create ditty bags at the Intergenerational Sunday Forum that morning at 10 a.m. The remainder will be delivered to Lowell School or passed on to the main diocesan ditty bag stuffing party, to be held at St. John the Baptist in West Seattle on November 18.

"Third Acters" Retirees Group

FIRST MEETING: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 3–4:30 P.M., online via Zoom

Saint Mark’s retiree group, the “Third Acters,” is for people approaching retirement, or those already retired who are seeking support, knowledge, and a joyful community for the “Third Act,” of our journey on Earth. Linzi Stahlecker will join us on Zoom the second Tuesday of every month, 3–4:30 p.m. The first meeting on Tuesday, November 14 will be an Open House for everyone to share or observe. A guidebook for our journey will be Richard Rohr’s Falling Upward, which challenges the prevailing cultural myths about aging. He writes, “Get ready for a great adventure, the one you were born for, some new freedom, some dangerous permission, some radical grace.” All are welcome! To get the Zoom link to join, contact Kathy Minsch ([email protected]) or Elizabeth Clark-Stern ([email protected])


The Cathedral Trio

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 7:30 P.M., in the cathedral nave (McCaw Chapel). Tickets $20–25.

The Cathedral Trio is comprised of Saint Mark’s Resident Artists past and present: Joyce Ramée, viola, Brian Fairbanks, flute, and Naomi Kato, harp. At this concert, presented by the Saint Mark's Music Series, This exquisite ensemble will perform a concert juxtaposing traditional styles with new musical ideas in the ethereal acoustical environment of McCaw Chapel. This concert is only being offered in-person. Purchase tickets here.


The Pageant of the Nativity at Saint Mark's: An Inside Look at Its History, Inspiration, and Imagery

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 10:10–10:50 A.M., Bloedel Hall

Anyone who has attended the cathedral's Pageant of the Nativity since 2015 can confirm: this is not your average children's Christmas pageant. Bejeweled crowns, the creative use of cathedral finery, four choirs with guest instrumentalists, a focus on prayer and Holy Scripture, and even a Royal Hound make this grand liturgy welcoming the Incarnation something unique to Saint Mark's. At this Sunday morning forum, the Pageant's co-producers, Rebekah Gilmore (director of the cathedral Choir School) and Dr. James Savage (former Director of Music at St. James Cathedral in Seattle), will give a behind-the-scenes look at the traditions and imagery which originally inspired the liturgy, how it has changed over the past 8 years, and the ideas that lie at the foundation of this special telling of the birth of Jesus through music, action, and art.


A Visit to Brier Patch Farm 

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2–4 P.M., at Brier Patch Farm, 22526 Hickory Way, Brier, WA 

Tyler Morse and Rebekah Gilmore have extended an invitation to all to visit Brier Patch Farm for a fall gathering and short tour of the farm. Come see how a local, organic farm prepares for winter. We’ll share hot beverages and good conversation, with a focus on how soil and farming are connected to our care for creation. This gathering will be an excellent opportunity for Saint Mark’s folks of all ages to enjoy some time together and learn a little bit about farming in the Pacific Northwest. More details to follow. For questions, contact Kathy Minsch or Marjorie Ringness at [email protected] or Tyler Morse at [email protected]


Thanksgiving Day Community Dinner

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 11:45 A.M., Bloedel Hall. Registration requested.

Several members of the cathedral community have expressed interest in joining chosen family here at Saint Mark’s for a Thanksgiving Day feast in Bloedel Hall following the service of Holy Eucharist at 10 a.m. All are welcome, and feel free to brings others in your circles to join the fete. Turkeys (and a vegetarian alternative main dish) will be provided; bring a side dish, bread or dessert if you can. No worries if not—just come and be a part as we give thanks together in this place. In order to plan for room setup and the size of the turkey, please reserve your spot no later than Monday, November 20. Register using this link.

QuiC Advent Devotional Writing Series—Making Manifest

BEGINS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 12:30 P.M., with weekly Zoom or hybrid meetings the next four Saturdays. Find the complete schedule here.

Join the Queer in Christ ministry for an Advent devotional writing series using the book Making Manifest by Dave Harrity. All are invited, you do not have to identify as queer or be a part of the Queer in Christ ministry to join this series! All you need is a desire to write and reflect, and share the experience with others.

The book we are using, Making Manifest: On Faith, Creativity, and the Kingdom at Hand, contains devotional meditations and exercises designed for personal spiritual growth and innovative community building through 28 meditations and short projects anchored in poetry, prayer, writing, contemplation, and personal reflection. Each day’s project contains one meditation and one writing exercise—activities totaling at least a half hour. The meditations are short, thought-provoking points of contemplation—sometimes accessible, sometimes obscure. Each day’s project is designed to help you “re-vision” the way you understand and interact with the Kingdom of God. As you move through the devotional series, let the book’s daily exercises replace your devotional activities and routine, and allow the practices of daily writing and reflection to be born or more fully embodied as you spend time working through this text by yourself and/or with others. Find information, including the complete schedule of meetings, here. To join and to receive a copy of the workbook, email Michael Seewer: [email protected]

Alternative Gifts Market


Bring, Buy, Enjoy! We hope everyone will consider being a part of this year's Alternative Gift Market. BRING a gift for one of the local organizations we're supporting, BUY a gift for a loved one, ENJOY delicious treats and hot drinks available for purchase. We're excited for this fun morning of community and connection. Please click here for more details, and be sure to check back often as this page is being updated will new offerings and information. Want to help? The Rev. Linzi would be grateful for your support, please be in touch by email: [email protected]


The World is About to Turn: A Diocesan 20s/30s Advent Gathering

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 9 A.M.–3 P.M., at Diocesan House, 1551 10th Ave E, Seattle

Explore the many facets of Advent with dynamic speakers from around the Diocese, and enjoy fun, food & connection with other young adults. $15 includes breakfast, lunch and all materials. $15 covers breakfast, lunch and all supplies. Learn more and register here. Questions? Email Emily: [email protected]



THIS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5, meet in Thomsen Chapel at 12:30 p.m. to carpool

On the heels of All Hallows Eve and All Saints' Day, the youth of Saint Mark's will travel to Recompose, the world's first human composting facility and funeral home. Recompose seeks to change the death care paradigm and is the result of years of extensive research with green death care experts, ecologists, biologists, legislators and more. No, we will not see dead bodies. Yes, we will think about death and dying, and it doesn't have to be scary. Together we can buck the macabre death tropes of Halloween and instead explore the holiness of end of life practices and the care for creation implicit in this organization's mission.

To participate, please submit this form. Youth will meet at 12:15 p.m. in Thomsen Chapel and then carpool to Recompose in South Seattle. Youth may be picked up at Saint Mark's at 3 p.m. For more information or to chaperone, contact Rebekah Gilmore at: [email protected]


THIS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 4:30 P.M., in the cathedral nave and livestreamed

Saint Mark's Cathedral invites one and all to offer praise and prayers to God in the company of all saints and all souls, including those we love but see no longer, those who are among us now, and those who are known only to God. The intergenerational Evensong Choir will offer a setting of the Magnificat and Nunc dimittis composed by Herbert Howells in 1945 for the choir of King's College Chapel, Cambridge University, England; and a dramatic setting of the 7th-century Latin hymn, Blessed city, heavenly Salem by Edward C. Bairstow, composed in 1913–14, just as he assumed the post of Organist and Director of Music at York Minster, England. The whole assembly will join in singing the beloved hymn, Ye holy angels bright [Hymn #625 in The Hymnal 1982].


THIS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 5:30 P.M., Cathedral House Room 210

UPDATE: A hybrid option is available. Contact Michael Seewer for the Zoom link to join: [email protected]

Join the Queer in Christ ministry on All Saints' Sunday at 5:30 p.m. in Cathedral House 210 (after Choral Evensong) for the next in the monthly series of Queer Conversations. We will discuss the saints in our tradition that have been embraced by the queer community (including Vida Dutton Scudder, Marina the Monk, Perpetua and Felicity, and Simeon Bachos), as well as those holy people who have been saints to us in our own lives. We will have refreshments starting at 5:30, and the conversation will start at 5:45. (Note: If you don't know how to get to Cathedral House 210, meet Michael Seewer at the baptismal font immediately after the end of Choral Evensong).


TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 6–8 P.M., Leffler House

Let's taco 'bout it! Come share a meal with us and practice sacred stillness with the wider cathedral community. Join in for a taco dinner at 6 p.m. in Leffler House—tortillas, beans and chips and salsa provided, just bring a favorite side—and conversation to start the week. After dinner, the group will head over to the cathedral nave to take part in Contemplative Prayer from 7–8 p.m. No prior experience with Contemplative Prayer or meditation is required. The November gathering is hosted by Julia Cooper: [email protected]


THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 6:30–7:30 P.M., online via Zoom

The Climate Conversation for November will be on the topic Celebrate Thanksgiving & Christmas with a Creation Care Mindset. The holidays are a wonderful time for getting together with family, meeting friends and celebrating a special season. There’s about 25 percent more trash in December, however, and homeowners produce 22 percent more light with their Christmas decorations. We can care for creation and still have a great time. From shopping and traveling better to enjoying climate-friendly meals and travel, small changes we make can have a big impact. We’ll show how to care for creation better around the holidays and we’ll center discussion around actions participants take for climate-friendly holiday celebrations. Register to participate using this link. Learn more about upcoming conversations and find resources and video of past offerings in the series here.


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, meet at the Bainbridge Ferry Terminal at 12:10 p.m. OR at Saint Mark's at 10 a.m. Bring a sack lunch.

If you have this Friday off from school/work, join together for this outdoor adventure for all ages!

Updated directions: Meet at the parking lot entrance to the Bainbridge Island Ferry Terminal in Winslow at 12:10 p.m. (which is the scheduled time for the ferry from Seattle to dock) OR meet at Saint Mark's at 10 a.m. The group gathered at the cathedral will take the 49 bus to downtown Seattle and walk through Pike Place Market to the waterfront, then onto the Bainbridge Island ferry as foot passengers. (Orca cards work for all public transportation).

Once the whole group is gathered, we'll walk the waterfront trail in Winslow and then take the foot path to meet Pia the Peacekeeper It's about a mile, or a 20–30 minute walk. There we will eat our sack lunches and start back at 1:30 pm.

Find more details here. This adventure is accessible for families with strollers and people in wheelchairs. Please email Canon Barrie if you plan to attend: [email protected]



The Saint Mark's Garden Ministry meets for a monthly work party on the second Saturday of each month, 9 a.m. to noon. The next opportunity will be Saturday, November 11. This will be the final work party before the winter hiatus in December and January. All ages and experience levels are welcome. Wear clothes you can get dirty in, sunscreen, and a hat; bring gardening gloves and a water bottle.


SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 12:30–2 P.M., in Cathedral House Room 210 or online via Zoom.

The Saint Mark's Book Group selection for November is Elif Shafak’s 2021 novel The Island of Missing Trees. sSet in late 20th century Cyprus through to present-day London, the book explores the physical, psychological, and moral cost of the long conflict between Turkish and Greek Cypriots on its citizens and on the environment. Shafak exhibits a passion for an endangered natural world that possesses wisdom the human world lacks. The novel is framed around London high school student Ada’s attempts to learn about her parents’ past on Cyprus and what drove them to emigrate. She is angry about their silence until she discovers the hardships, violence, betrayals, and impossible choices faced not only by her parents but by generations of Cypriots. Much of the novel is narrated by a fig tree that is central to the story and has seen everything. Shafak is an award-winning British-Turkish novelist whose works have been translated into 55 languages.


SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 7:30–10 P.M., Leffler House

20s/30s are invited to join in a conversation on how food practices can reflect Christ in how we cultivate diversity and stewardship, support the land, and nourish mind, body and spirit. At 9:15, there is an option to head over to Compline together. Questions? Email Emily: [email protected]


TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 7 P.M., in the cathedral nave and livestreamed

The next service of prayer in the style of Taizé at Saint Mark's will be Tuesday, November 14. Note the change of date—this service was originally announced for November 7, but was rescheduled to accommodate the Taizé event at Seattle U that evening (see below). The service will be offered with special intention for peace. Please join in person or via livestream. Learn more here.

UPDATE: This service is being planned in collaboration with the Bishop's Committee for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land of the Diocese of Olympia.


WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 6:45–8:15 P.M., in person in Bloedel Hall only. Optional community dinner at 6 p.m. ($6/child; $8/adult; $25/max. family). Optional dessert & conversation, 8:15–8:30 p.m.

In 1974, a group of 11 women and their supporters organized their ordination to become Episcopal priests in an act of civil disobedience. This story is told in a compelling new documentary The Philadelphia Eleven. The 90-minute documentary film will be screened a the Wednesday evening forum on November 15. This film tells a story that echoes today as women continue this fight for the pulpit. It explores the lives of these remarkable women who succeeded in transforming an age-old institution when they took a stand despite the threats to their personal safety and the risk of rejection by the church they loved. These women are an inspiration for a generation of women in the ministry, and a clarion call for the entire Christian Church.

This event is free. The community dinner precedes the screening at 6 p.m. If you wish, please stay for dessert and conversation immediately following the film, from 8:15 to 8:30 p.m.



One more Greenbelt work party remains in the current season, on November 18. Sign up here. Work parties are limited to 18 people. More details can be found here. Tools and training will be provided. Bring a snack and a water bottle, and enjoy working alongside fellow parishioners and members of the community in this beloved space. For questions and more details contact Guy Oram or Kathy Minsch at: [email protected]


SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 12:30 P.M., Leffler Living Room

All are welcome to join the next Queer in Christ book discussion on Sunday, November 19 at 12:30 p.m., discussing the first two sections of The Book of Queer Prophets: 24 Writers on Sexuality and Religion (Ruth Hunt, editor). We will discuss the essays in the first two sections of the book (Visions and Lamentations). Interested in joining? Contact Vicky Greenbaum ([email protected]) with questions, and also to let her know if you'd like to join remotely.


MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 8 P.M., in the cathedral nave and livestreamed

Saint Mark's Cathedral will offer a special Vigil in observance of Transgender Day of Remembrance 8 p.m. on Monday, November 20, in the cathedral nave and livestreamed, hosted by the Queer in Christ ministry. Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an annual obseravance on November 20 which honors the memory of transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence. The Reverend Linzi Stahlecker will officiate.



Womanist Midrash & Biblical Interpretation with The Rev. Wil Gafney, Ph.D.

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 9 A.M.–12 P.M., in person in Bloedel Hall and online via Zoom. Registration required for either option.

Womanist Biblical scholar and renowned author of A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church, The Rev. Wil Gafney, Ph.D. will lead a seminar on Womanist Midrash, exploring the complexity of scripture and importance of translation as she interprets the Hebrew Biblical tradition of women prophets and leaders. Fee: $65 (for both online and in-person participants). Partial scholarships available. Includes a light lunch and snacks for those participating in person. Register by submitting the form here.

Note: Dr. Gafney will also offer a guest sermon on Sunday, December 3, at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.


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Matching Grant Challenge to Support Ministries of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem

The United Thank Offering—in partnership with the Good Friday Offering—will match up to $100,000 of donations given through December 15 to help sustain outreach ministries in the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, which operates across several countries and territories in the Middle East and includes churches, schools, medical facilities, and other ministries. Gifts can be given in honor or memory of someone—a meaningful way to to share an alternate gift for the holiday season. In addition, when making your gift, there is an option to check "Make this gift on behalf of an organization" where you can enter "Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral, Seattle, WA." Lean more here or make a donation directly here.

Strategic Planning Update

On April 2023, the Vestry formed a committee to consider the priorities and focus of the Cathedral for the next 18–24 months as Saint Mark discerns what it means to be Church in a post-pandemic world. In July 2023, a committee of 12 formed the 2023 Strategic Planning Committee co-chaired by Emily Meeks and Alexandra Thompson. The Committee is using the lens of "transformation," adapted from the College of Congregational Development, to inform the process of discovery and planning. As people of faith, we are about the work of spiritual transformation—of responding to God’s presence in our lives in the ways we live, move and have being. Transformation can take shape in new ways or deepen an expression of ministry. The “Sources of Transformation” model shows that there are consistent aspects of congregational life that can serve as means of transformation and flow into one another. 

The committee members will work in focus groups, using the 2023 Ministry Guide to reach out to Saint Mark's ministry groups to collect feedback and input. Group sessions will be held from October to early January. Parishioners are also invited to individually complete the parish-wide survey here. (The survey is also available in print form—to receive a copy contact: [email protected]).

November Focus Group Spotlight: Stewardship

The Stewardship Ministry is concerned with how we give and share of our time and resources, how we care for our campus and buildings, and how we care for Earth. Members include Elli Howard, Kathy Minsch, and Alexandra Thompson As part of this work, members will be gathering and sharing resources related to the source of transformation. 

A new focus group will be highlighted the second Friday of each month. If you have any questions, please reach out to Strategic Planning Co-chairs Emily Meeks and Alexandra Thompson at: [email protected]

Saint Mark's Receives $100,00 Grant to Continue Exploring Affordable Housing

Earlier this week Dean Thomason sent a message to parish announcing the awarding of a $100,000 grant from Trinity Church Wall Street Philanthropies to continue exploring the potential of an affordable housing development on the cathedral property. There has still been no decision made, but the funds will make possible further site evaluation and consultation with partners, in order to (in the words of the letter) "enable the Saint Mark’s Vestry to make a well-informed, data-driven and mission-guided decision about redevelopment at the appropriate time." Please see the information and resources at and stay tuned for further announcements.

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The 113th Convention of the Diocese of Olympia

The Diocesan Convention occurred last Saturday, and the entire (online-only) event may be seen here. Along with the other business of the Diocese, cathedral community member and diocesan chancellor Judy Andrews was awarded the Bishop's Cross.

Meal Train for Deborah Brown

As Deborah Brown continues with chemotherapy, she would particularly welcome soups of all kinds. To accompany her treatments, soups that are low carb (zero added sugar), high in veggies (especially cruciferous veggies!), and high in protein, with good fats would be particularly welcome. Sign up here. Saint Mark's uses Meal Train to coordinate donations of food for those experiencing health issues, a recent birth, etc. If you know of someone who would appreciate the gift of some meals, please contact Rev. Linzi: [email protected]


Compline Choir Pilgrimage to England’s Historic Cathedrals

AUGUST 1–19, 2024. Registration deadline: This Monday, November 6, 2023

As part of the suite of pilgrimage opportunities from Saint Mark's in the coming year, you are invited to join the Compline Choir as a companion pilgrim to three of England’s most storied and historic cathedrals: Saint Alban’s, Saint Paul’s in London, and Canterbury. Drawing on Benedictine values and pilgrimage rhythms, our time together will include daily prayer, study, community building, rehearsals with the Choir, and group excursions to Windsor (including St. George’s Chapel), Oxford, Cambridge (including King’s College Chapel), and Canterbury (including St. Augustine’s Abbey and St. Martin’s Church), with ample free time to explore the many sights and attractions in London on your own or in smaller groups.

Space is limited to 15 persons. $500 deposit required by November 6, 2023, to hold your place. Provisional itinerary, more information, and registration link can be found here

Seattle Symphony Chorale Fall 2023 Concert Promo


Seattle Symphony Chorale in Concert at Saint Mark's

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 8 P.M., in the cathedral nave. Free and open to the public.

The Seattle Symphony Chorale is excited to present Gabriel Fauré's Requiem and Leonard Bernstein's Chichester Psalms in this one-night event. The concert is free and open to the public, and no tickets are required. 


UW Memory Hub—Open House 

THIS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 3–5 P.M., at the UW Memory Hub, 1021 Columbia St., Seattle

Recently The UW Memory Hub was a collaborator with Saint Mark's in hosting the informative and moving forum Dementia and Spirituality: Hope on the Journey. The Memory Hub operates as a vibrant dementia-specific community center, collaborative workspace and training center spearheaded by the UW Memory and Brain Wellness Center (MBWC). All are invited to attend an open house on Tuesday, November 7. Explore more about Memory Hub programs and partners, enjoy food and activities, and learn what’s new in the year ahead. Learn more and sign up to attend here. Questions: [email protected]


Special Taizé Prayer Liturgy at Seattle University

THIS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 7 P.M., in the St. Ignatius Chapel at Seattle University

A special Taizé liturgy will be offered at Seattle University (St. Ignatius Chapel) at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, November 7. A group from Saint Mark's will travel to Seattle U together to attend. Brother Emile from the Taizé community in France will lead us in an evening of prayer, song and reflection. This event is hosted by the Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement and Seattle University Campus Ministry. If you are interested in joining the Saint Mark's group, please contact Michael Seewer: [email protected]

PLEASE NOTE: Due to this special event, the Taizé Prayer liturgy at Saint Mark's that was originally scheduled for Tuesday, November 7 has been rescheduled to the following Tuesday, November 14, at 7 p.m. in the cathedral nave and livestreamed. On November 7, Contemplative Prayer will occur at its usual Tuesday evening 7 p.m. time. 

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Come Join the Dance: An Afternoon of Music & Movement

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2 P.M., at St. Paul's in Queen Anne, 15 Roy St, Seattle. Registration required.

Lutheran organist, conductor, and composer Mark Sedio will be coming to St. Paul's to help raise funds for the St. Paul's music ministry. Mark will lead us in singing hymns from around the world that are based on dance music. No actual dancing required! The music event will last just under an hour and will be followed by a festive reception. Tickets for the music event are $15 or $95 for the music event and donor reception (which includes appetizers and conversation with Mark Sedio). Tickets may be purchased here. All proceeds will benefit St. Paul's music program.


Many Messiahs Community Circle at All Pilgrims Church

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 10:30 A.M., at All Pilgrims Church, 500 Broadway E, Seattle. Free and open to the public, no RSVP needed.

Many Messiahs is a new holiday concert that strives to bring racial justice to concert halls and beyond, co-created and performed by a diverse collective of artists who borrow source material from Handel's beloved Messiah. The event is led by Tonya Abernathy, facilitator and vocalist, and Aaron Grad, Many Messiahs artistic director and guitar. Leading up to our world premiere at Meany Center for the Performing Arts on December 16, we will be gathering with local communities, using songs from Many Messiahs as conversation starters to connect, heal and rejoice. Anyone who comes will get to enjoy fellowship, refreshments, and a chance to sing in a group—no musical experience necessary! Learn more at

Cathedral Yoga will be offered on Monday, November 6, at 6:30 p.m. in the cathedral nave, led by instructor Luna Miller. Remember that the doors to the nave are locked at 6:45 p.m. 

As it is the first Monday of the month, Saint Mark's unique Organ Meditation will precede the class, 6–6:30 p.m.

Please note: Due to the Trans Day of Remembrance service in the nave at 8 p.m. on November 20, the usual third-Monday Sound Bath will not be offered that night. The 90-minute class with extended Sound Bath savasana will be offered on November 13 instead.

Tuesday Noon Bible Study has resumed meeting each week for a conversation around the scripture readings for the following Sunday led by rotating guest leaders, online via Zoom. Join early (11:30) for social time and chat. For more information and to get the Zoom link to join online, contact Lynne Cobb at: [email protected]
Recently the Creation Care Ministry sent out a new issue of their email newsletter, containing events, reflections, snapshots, recommendations, and more. Check out the new issue here, and sign up to receive future issues here (or use the "update my profile" link at the bottom of this email.)

The Queer in Christ Ministry recently sent out a new newsletter issue, containing upcoming events as well as interesting links and resources. Check out the new issue here, and contact Sacristan Michael Seewer to be added to the list to receive future issues: [email protected]


A funeral for Judy Schuchart will be offered

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2 P.M., in the cathedral nave and livestreamed

A funeral for The Rev. Jerry Shigaki will be offered

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1 P.M., in the cathedral nave and livestreamed


Sunday, November 5, 2023:

All Saints' Sunday

Download the service leaflets in advance here.

Join the 11 a.m. service via livestream here.

Read the Scriptures appointed for this Sunday here.


Revelation 7:9–17

Psalm 34:1–10, 22

1 John 3:1–3

Matthew 5:1–12


in Thomsen Chapel

Presider & Preacher: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason


For all the saints [Hymn #287]

Ye watchers and ye holy ones [Hymn #618]


Rebecca Groom te Velde, Solemn Processional on “When the Saints go marching in”

Fela Sowande, Jubilate


in the cathedral nave

Presider: The Rev. Canon Jennifer King Daugherty

Preacher: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason


For all the saints [Hymn #287]

Shall we gather at the river [LEVAS II #141]

Ye watchers and ye holy ones [Hymn #618]


André Crouch, Soon and very soon


Leo Sowerby, Prelude on Land of Rest

Fela Sowande, Jubilate


in the cathedral nave & livestreamed

Presider & Preacher: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason


For all the saints [Hymn #287]

Shall we gather at the river [LEVAS II #141]

Jerusalem the golden [Hymn #624]

Ye watchers and ye holy ones [Hymn #618]


arr. Alice Parker, Hark! I hear the harps eternal

James MacMillan, Think of how God loves you

Heinrich Schütz, Selig sind die Toten


Rebecca Groom te Velde, Solemn Processional on “When the Saints go marching in”

Fela Sowande, Jubilate


in the cathedral nave & livestreamed

Officiant: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason


William Smith, Preces & Responses

Herbert Howells, Evening Service for King's College, Cambridge (Collegium Regale)

Edward C. Bairstow, Blessed city, heavenly Salem

Office Hymn:

Ye holy angels bright [Hymn #625]


 arr. J.S. Bach, Allegro assai and Presto from Concerto in G Major, BWV 592


in Thomsen Chapel

Presider: The Rev. Canon Jennifer King Daugherty

Musician: Charles Coldwell


A beloved Seattle tradition since 1956. Broadcast live on KING 98.1 FM, and; livestreamed on and Facebook and YouTube; and available as a podcast. Learn more here.


Peter Hallock, Psalm 149

William Byrd, Nunc dimittis, Tone I

Palestrina, Vidi turbam magnam

Liturgy and repertoire information subject to change.
Each week, those for whom the community has been asked to pray are published each Friday afternoon in the Cathedral Prayer List, found as a PDF at

On that same page, find information about joining the cathedral's Prayer Chain, to receive emails about individual prayer requests as they are submitted.

The prayer list is also available in printed form in the back of the nave.


Children's Chapel is offered on Sunday during the 9 a.m. Sunday service. All children are invited to join the Gospel procession and gather around the Deacon as the Gospel is proclaimed. Then children pre-school through 2nd grade will process to Thomsen Chapel for storytelling, singing, and prayer. Parents are welcome to join their children. They return to their families in the nave at the Peace. If you have any questions or would like to help out, please contact Canon Wendy Claire Barrie at: [email protected]

MOST TUESDAYS, 7–8 P.M., in the cathedral nave

Note: Contemplative Prayer will be replaced by a Taizé service on November 14 (see above).

This time of meditative prayer is open to anyone who yearns for a time to simply sit in the presence of the Divine—whether you sit regularly and miss doing it with others, are curious, or think you can’t do it, come, sit together and talk about it. Meetings begin with a period of silent meditation, followed by discussions on a variety of contemplative practices including Centering Prayer. There is no doing it right or wrong; there is only doing it. Read more here. Email Phil with questions: [email protected]

Weekday Prayer Services

Daily Morning Prayer is offered by St. Paul's, Seattle, weekdays at 8:30 a.m., online via Zoom only. Members of the cathedral community are encouraged to participate.

Daily Evening Prayer is offered Monday–Friday at 6 p.m., online via Zoom only.

Thursday Morning: A service of Holy Eucharist is offered in person in Thomsen Chapel 7 a.m. on the 1st/3rd/5th Thursdays of the month only. On the 2nd/4th Thursdays of the month, an online-only prayer service is offered via Zoom at 7 a.m. instead.

Saint Mark’s Cathedral acknowledges that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, who are still here, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the life all the Coast Salish tribes. [Learn more]
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral

Pastoral Care Emergency Line: 206.323.0300 x100

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