FRIDAY, JULY 16, 2021

Sunday, July 18, 2021: The Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

9 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
in person only

11 a.m.The Holy Eucharist
in person and livestreamed

NOTE: Preregistration for worship has been discontinued. Come as you are!

Additional information about Sunday's liturgies can now be found at the bottom of this email.
Cover photo of the Women's Compline Choir in 2019 by Kevin Johnson.

Hard Conversations with Cathedral Parishioners

Focusing on Worship and Prayer

This Sunday, July 18

A message from the Presiding Bishop

All are welcome!

A livestreamed conference hosted at Saint Mark's
New Podcast Series:
Cathedral Conversations About Race


Saint Mark’s is proud to present a special podcast offering co-produced by Michael Perera and Cara Peterson, Cathedral Conversations About Race. In it, Michael and Cara talk with each other and other non-white Saint Mark’s parishioners about their experiences navigating a majority-white world, at the Cathedral and beyond. The first episode will be released on Sunday, June 20, and episodes will be released every two weeks.

In the first episode, available now, Michael and Cara themselves will discuss the plans and goals for this podcast project. Future episodes will feature community members of color from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. The entire congregation of Saint Mark's is encouraged to listen to these conversations with an open heart. The participants have shared their stories with the entire cathedral community not to shame or embarrass, but so that we all might learn and grow together in love. In the future, once a number of episodes have been released, a community forum is planned to process and learn from what we have heard.

Search for "Cathedral Conversations" wherever you get your podcasts to listen, or find all released episodes on this page, or on the podcast page of the website. If you have any questions, please contact Michael or Cara directly.
Mutual Ministry Goals Community Meeting #2: Worship and Prayer at the Cathedral

THIS SUNDAY, JULY 18, 1:30–3 P.M. (note the earlier time), via Zoom

As the cathedral embraces the new Mutual Ministry Goals throughout all ministries and activities, all are invited to join community meetings to explore how to put these goals into practice.
The next meeting will focus on Worship and Prayer at the Cathedral, and how all three goals might inform and find expression in our worship experiences. Worship and prayer are at the very center of everything we do as a community of faith, and thus our weekly liturgies, special celebrations, sacred music, and prayer practices must articulate our collective priorities and values regarding societal justice, systemic change, the global environmental and climate crisis, intergenerational solidarity, and more. Let's come together this Sunday to think through what that could mean for all of us going forward.

Next week, on Sunday, July 25 at 2 p.m., the third meeting in the series will explore Innovative and Intergenerational Community. The final meeting, on Monday evening, August 9 at 6:30 p.m., will address Creation Care & Carbon Reduction. Again, anyone who calls Saint Mark's a spiritual home is encouraged to participate in any and all of these meetings. Read more here.
Women's Compline Choir

THIS SUNDAY AND NEXT, JULY 18 & 25, 9:30 P.M., via broadcast or livestream only

The Women's Compline Choir returns—now with its full complement of 18 of the finest female choral musicians in the region! Like the services in 2019 and 2020, these services will feature the world premiere of new works specially commissioned for the occasion from local composers.

Repertoire for the July 18 service:

  • Orison: Kevin Siegfried, Holy Manna (Commissioned especially for the Women’s Compline Choir, premiered in 2020)
  • Psalm: Peter Hallock, Psalm 23
  • Hymn: Stephanie Martin, Tantum Ergo
  • Nunc Dimittis: Thomas Morley, fauxbourdon setting, Tone V.1
  • Anthem: Javier Busto, Salve Regina

These services will still be closed to the public. Join in via live radio on KING 98.1 FM, or via livestream. Learn more, and find photos and video from previous years here.
The Presiding Bishop Issues a Statement on Indigenous Boarding Schools

In the 19th and 20th centuries, indigenous children across North America were stolen from their families and forced into institutions whose explicit goal was the complete eradication of Native culture, language, and identity—that is, cultural genocide. The Episcopal Church has been complicit in the creation and operation of some of these institutions. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and President of the House of Deputies Gay Clark Jennings have released this statement on this shameful history, calling for the creation of "a comprehensive proposal for addressing the legacy of Indigenous schools" within the Episcopal Church, and supporting a process of truth-telling and healing on the national level.

Visit the Indigenous Ministries for the Episcopal Church page here, and read about Saint Mark's land acknowledgment, Real Rent, and other justice initiatives here.
Intergenerational Hike to Twin Falls

SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 12, 2:00 P.M., registration encouraged

Let’s hike together! All ages are welcome on this 3 mile roundtrip hike to Twin Falls as we take time to connect, move and pray in nature after church. We’ll meet at the trailhead at 2 p.m. and finish by 5:30 p.m. Bring your water, snacks and appropriate gear - we recommend good hiking shoes, layers, sunscreen and a hat. Learn more and find the link to sign up here. Questions? Email Emily Meeks.
CONSPIRE 2021: The Final in a Seven-Year Series—A Livestreamed Conference Hosted at Saint Mark's

Me/Us/the World: Living Inside God's Great Story

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 THOUGH SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, Livestreamed in Bloedel Hall or in your own home. Registration required.

In this time of great unknowing, how do we expand our sense of self to include love, healing, and forgiveness—not just for ourselves and those like us, but for the entire world? Join thousands of spiritual seekers across the world for an interactive global gathering to experience God’s love, grace, and compassion. Featuring conference presenters James Finley, Barbara Holmes, Jacqui Lewis, Brian McLaren, Richard Rohr, and Mirabai Starr.

For this final conference in the seven-year series, join locally in Bloedel Hall or from home via Zoom. Advance registration required. Fee: $20, includes refreshments for in-person attendees across the three-day conference. Learn more and register here.
THIS SUNDAY, JULY 18, 3:30–5 P.M.

Grab your bikes, rollerblades, or walking shoes and do the 2.7-mile Mid-summer Family Ride/Run/Roll around Greenlake with other cathedral families! Parents must accompany their children or have a designated adult chaperone. Social distancing will be observed. Gather at the outdoor stage area, east side of the Greenlake Community Center.

Learn more here.
9:30 A.M.–12 P.M.

Meet Theologian-in-Residence Canon Walter Brownridge in person!

Registration is now available for From Prisoners of Pandemic to Prisoners of Hope: A Day of Reflection on Being Church in our Emerging Reality — in person in Bloedel Hall OR online.
BEGINS MONDAY, JULY 26, 6:30 P.M., and every Monday thereafter

Cathedral Yoga offers a gentle, restorative, spiritual practice in the sacred space of the cathedral nave, now re-launching on MONDAY evenings at 6:30 p.m. Classes will be led by beloved cathedral community members—and certified professional yoga instructors—Irene Beausoleil and Wendy Townsend.
7 P.M., on the outdoor labyrinth

On the second Monday of the month, the 20s/30s Group offers a call-in service of Night Prayer over the phone. On the fourth Monday of the month, the service is also offered in person on the outdoor labyrinth.

Learn more and find how to call in here.
SUNDAYS, STARTING AUGUST 1, 7–9 P.M., on the outdoor labyrinth

Now, while the evenings are long and warm, the organizers of Saint Mark's Labyrinth Ministry invite everyone to informal community gatherings on Sunday nights. Drop by any time between 7 and 9 p.m. Learn more here, and contact Walter Stuteville with questions.

Saint Mark's and the Compline Choir are thrilled to reopen the Office of Compline to a public congregation beginning the fourth Sunday in August. (Get your pillows and blankets ready!) More here.

Compline Hospitality Ministers are still needed! Contact Michael Seewer to learn more
The Final Virtual Coffee Hour

SUNDAY, JULY 18, 12 P.M.

Throughout the pandemic, virtual coffee hour has been a way for parishioners to connect after each Sunday's service. In light of reopening, virtual coffee hour will end in favor of an in-person social time (details to be announced)! The final Zoom will take place following the 11 a.m. liturgy this Sunday, July 18. Find the link to join here. Many thanks to Senior Warden Peter McClung for leading this deeply meaningful ministry for so many months.
Evening Prayer—In Person on Tuesdays Beginning in August


As of August, the Daily Evening Prayer ministry will meet on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. every week in-person for Evening Prayer in Thomsen Chapel! The Zoom ministry will continue on the other days of the week (Mondays, and Wednesdays–Fridays). If you are in the neighborhood on Tuesday evening, stop by for Evening Prayer in the sacred space of Thomsen Chapel. If you have any questions about this service or ministry, please reach out to Cathedral Sacristan Michael Seewer ([email protected]).
In Person 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday Services Will Resume in September


In September, the 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday services will resume as in-person offerings.
Lift Every Voice and Sing—A Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE) Revival

JULY 27–30, 7 P.M., NIGHTLY

The 53rd annual conference of the Union of Black Episcopalians this year will include “a fresh wave of divine love, guidance and power,” in the form of a good old-fashioned revival, and everyone’s invited.

The online churchwide “Lift Every Voice and Sing” gathering July 27-30 will feature 7 p.m. EDT nightly spirited worship; daily noon plenary sessions examining systemic racism, inclusion, and challenges to voting and civil rights; a celebration of the late Rt. Rev. Barbara C. Harris, The Episcopal Church’s first woman bishop; and a commemoration of the 40th publishing anniversary of the African American hymnal whose title is echoed in the revival’s name. It will also memorialize the disproportionate number of African Americans who died from COVID-19. Learn more here.
Join a Flower Ministry Team—for Creativity, Fellowship, and Fun!

The Flower Ministry is looking for volunteers! Flowers give beauty, hope and solace and enhance the fabric of the church. Members of the Flower Ministry create the nave and chapel arrangements, and in doing so, give back a gift of beauty to the One who created us. The dedicated volunteers possess a wide range of abilities and experiences, and work in teams to support and learn from each other. Check out this brief video featuring the work of Flower Ministry, or visit the flower ministry page to see more arrangements. Then contact Ministry leader Beatrix Hamm at [email protected] to learn more about joining this creative and rewarding ministry!
20s/30s GROUP
Summer in the Diocese of Olympia

The Diocese of Olympia invites those in their 20s and 30s to two diocese-wide summer events:

The Young Adult Wilderness Pilgrimage is a three-day trek into the Central Cascades, Friday, July 30 through Monday, August 2.

The Holy Waste of Time retreat is Friday, August 20 through Sunday, August 22, at St. Andrew's House on the Hood Canal. All young people in the Diocese are welcome!
Weekly Conservation Tip:
Outdoor Watering

As temperatures rise, so can outdoor water use, and you may not need as much as you think: 50% of outdoor water use is wasted due to overwatering. Here's a simple tip to see if watering is needed: step on the grass. If it springs back, you don't need to water. Check out more tips from the EPA on reducing outdoor water use here.

Interested in getting more involved? The next ministry meeting, on the evening of Monday, August 9, will serve as the Mutual Ministry Goals Community Meeting for Creation Care, led by Dean Thomason, to which the entire community is encouraged to attend!

NOTE: Pre-registration is no longer required to attend funerals.

The funeral of The Rev. Diane Brelsford will be offered

The funeral of Linda Donato will be offered
SATURDAY, JULY 24, at 1:30 P.M.

The funeral of Susan Spangler (niece of Stuart Ainsley) will be offered

The funeral of Sandra Smith will be offered

These services will be livestreamed.
Sunday, July 18

The Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

in-person only

in-person & livestreamed
Download the service leaflets in advance here.
Join the 11 a.m. service via livestream here.

Presider (9 a.m.):
The Very Reverend Steven L. Thomason

Presider (11 a.m.):
The Reverend Canon Jennifer King Daugherty

The Reverend Doctor Dennis Tierney

2 Samuel 7:1–14a
Ephesians 2:11–22
Mark 6:30–34, 53–56

Christ is made the sure foundation [Hymn #518]
Shepherd of souls [Hymn #343]
Thine arm, O Lord [Hymn #567]

Prelude and Solo at Communion:
James Falzone, Woodwind Improvisations

Felix Mendelssohn, Adagio and Allegro assai vivace from Sonata 1, Op. 65, No. 1
Sung by the Women's Compline Choir of Saint Mark's on July 18 & 25. Broadcast live on KING 98.1 FM, and; livestreamed on and Facebook and YouTube; and available as a podcast. Learn more here.

Highlights (see complete repertoire above) :
Kevin Siegfried, Holy Manna (Commissioned especially for the Women’s Compline Choir, premiered in 2020)
Stephanie Martin, Tantum Ergo
Javier Busto, Salve Regina
Immediately following the 11 a.m. liturgy. Find the link here. This Sunday is the FINAL Virtual Coffee Hour. See more above.
SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 12 p.m., and the first Sunday of each month

A special virtual coffee hour just for newcomers, or anyone with questions about Saint Mark's. Find the link to join here.
Note: Sunday morning church School is currently on summer hiatus. It will resume in September.
Subscribe to the Children, Youth, & Families newsletter here.
Saint Mark’s Cathedral acknowledges that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, who are still here, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the life of the Duwamish Tribe. [Learn more]
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral
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