Sunday, August 8, 2021:
The Feast of the Transfiguration
9 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist with Renewal of Baptismal Vows
in person only
11 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist with Baptisms
Additional information about Sunday's liturgies can now be found at the bottom of this email.
Atticus Winter Love, Magnolia Juliette Winterlove, George Daniel Kelly, and Will Wren Gelvick
Creation Care and Carbon Reduction
Information now available about the 2021-22 Program Year
on the 20th year commemoration of the 9/11 attacks
A Communal Process for Your Consideration
This Sunday: Baptisms on the Feast of the Transfiguration
SUNDAY, AUGUST 8, during the 11 a.m. liturgy
Join the community of Saint Mark’s in blessing and welcoming new siblings in Christ when they are baptized on Sunday morning, August 8:
- Atticus Winter Love
- Magnolia Juliette Winterlove
- George Daniel Kelly
- Will Wren Gelvick
This year, we will observe the Feast of the Transfiguration and have a special baptismal feast day to accommodate those whose baptisms were delayed by COVID. (This is in addition to the four baptismal feast days designated by the Book of Common Prayer: Easter Vigil, Pentecost, All Saint’s Day, and the Baptism of Our Lord.) Please note that incense will be used at the 11 a.m. service. The 9 a.m. service will be incense-free.
Stairway Walk this Sunday
SUNDAY, AUGUST 8, 2021, 6:30–8 P.M., via Zoom
The August 8 20s/30s Stairway Walk will focus on none other than the neighborhood of our very own cathedral. Learn about "The Olmstead Vision" for North Capitol Hill, explore Volunteer Park and Interlaken Park, and learn something new about Saint Mark's too. Learn more here, and contact Emily Meeks or Michael Perera with questions.
Mutual Ministry Goal Meetings: Creation Care and Carbon Reduction, this Monday
MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 6:30–8 P.M.
The final meeting of the community series discussing Saint Mark's Mutual Ministry Goals will address Creation Care & Carbon Reduction, which states: in solidarity with future generations, grounded in our Christian duty to preserve and protect God’s creation and promote justice, we will educate, empower, and support the cathedral and its members to become carbon neutral by 2030. Read more here.
Community Conversation on the Formation Consultant’s Report
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2021, 6:30–8 P.M., via Zoom
In May and early June of this year, we held several Listening Groups with our Formation Consultant, Jamie Martin Currie, who captured a great deal of information and insights from these groups and the parish survey (which had more than 200 providing input). Thanks to all who participated. The report delivered in late June has a great deal of information and several recommendations which we have embraced, and all in the Saint Mark’s community are invited to participate in a follow-up conversation about the report. You may read the full consultant's report here. Join the forum using this Zoom link.
An Interfaith Prayer Service of Healing & Hope on the 20th year commemoration of the 9/11 attacks
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 3 P.M., in the cathedral nave and livestreamed
co-sponsored by The Church Council of Greater Seattle, Temple De Hirsch Sinai, and St. James Cathedral
As we prepare to observe the 20th commemoration of the 9/11 attacks and their aftermath, we reflect on what our traditions regard as the passing of a generation. The young of that moment have come of age in the shadow of those fallen towers, as the adults of that time have witnessed a world profoundly transformed by that fateful day.
But particularly as we move from this last pandemic year into hope and healing ahead, it is important to honor those first responders—healthcare workers, firefighters, law enforcement officers, and others—who ran toward the abyss as most sought refuge—who gave the last full measure of their devotion as sacrifice for our safety—who put service to others above concerns for self. Now, two decades later, when our own first responders have faced so much over the past year, we come together to honor them, as well, with gratitude for their dedication.
Please join us on Saturday, September 11, at 3 p.m. at Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral, for an opportunity to share grief and gratitude, to offer hope and healing, to forge the scars of conflict and loss into the sacredness of wholeness and peace.
Special Parish Forum on Saint Mark's Statement of Lament and Commitment to Action
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2021, 6:30–8 P.M.
Hybrid gathering: in Bloedel Hall and via Zoom (registration requested for either option so we can plan accordingly)
Earlier this year the Vestry unanimously adopted the Statement of Lament and Commitment to Action as a guide for our important work as individuals and community as we strive for justice and peace and respect for every human being. It is a substantial document with a broad range of statements leading to actionable ways we are called to live and act in the world. In the special parish forum, to which all are invited and encouraged to attend, we will reflect together, unpack the document, and break into groups which will focus on specific areas of work including
- Addressing Homeless and Hunger in Seattle,
- Cathedral innovations for Reparations,
- Racial Justice and Healing,
- Global Justice ministries,
- Immigration Ministries, and
- Networking with Affiliate Partners in Ministry.
Please register in advance using the form here, whether to plan to attend in person or online via Zoom. If you choose the online option, a Zoom link will be emailed to you directly in the days before the event.
Saint Mark’s is honored to host a Clean Cars 2030 Coalition rally with music, art, food, speakers, and an EV parade and car show, sponsored by Coltura, and co-sponsored by Earth Ministry / Interfaith Power and Light. Electric cars are welcome to hop in the parade—meet in the parking lot at 10:30 a.m. to decorate. Bring your family by EV, bike, bus, or light rail to show your love for clean transportation! RSVP on Facebook here.
The organizers of Saint Mark's Labyrinth Ministry invite everyone to an informal community labyrinth gathering on Sunday nights. Drop by any time between 7 and 9 p.m. Ministry members will be on hand to chat about the history, meaning, and spiritual significance of the Labyrinth.
Saint Mark's and the Compline Choir are thrilled to reopen the Office of Compline to a public congregation beginning the fourth Sunday in August. (Get your pillows and blankets ready!) More here.
Compline Hospitality Ministers are still needed! Contact Michael Seewer to learn more.
All are welcome to a back-to-school gathering to reconnect in person, to have some fun together, and to lift up and honor the amazing kids of our community. Bring a blanket and your own picnic dinner. The cathedral will provide dessert for everyone and a variety of fun activities. Bring your backpacks to receive a blessing!
Let’s hike together! All ages are welcome on this 3 mile roundtrip hike. We’ll meet at the trailhead at 2 p.m. and finish by 5:30 p.m. Bring your water, snacks and appropriate gear.
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, THROUGH SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, livestreamed or in person
Join thousands of spiritual seekers across the world for an interactive global gathering to experience God’s love, grace, and compassion. Featuring James Finley, Barbara Holmes, Jacqui Lewis, Brian McLaren, Richard Rohr, Mirabai Starr, and more.
Learn more and sign up here.
Wisdom School 2021–22 Offerings Now Published
All people hunger for spiritual meaning in their lives, whether they affiliate religiously or not. The Wisdom School at Saint Mark’s, now entering its sixth year, was created with a broad vision to invite people on diverse spiritual journeys to listen to and learn from each other in a vital practice of collaborative engagement.
The theme for the 2021–22 program year is desire: often understood as existing in the realm of carnal experience, and is therefore to be denied or rejected. But mystics know a deeper truth—that desire is at the core of our spiritual awareness and informs all that we do and are, in response to God’s desire for us, or alternatively, as a shadow that hinders that union through false attachments.
Read more about the Wisdom School here.
Discerning What’s Next in Your Life—A Communal Process for Your Consideration
Many people have reported how the pandemic has prompted reflection on what is important in life…and what’s next. How do you discern such decisions about work, relationships, vocation, life transitions, etc., and see it through the lens of your spiritual journey? Is God calling you to a new thing, and how do you discern that?
Drawing on a Quaker model of holy listening and mutuality, a small group of 5–6 people covenant for a prescribed period of time to confidentially reflect together. You bring your question to the group which reflects with you, and each person has their turn. Using the book Listening Hearts: Discerning Call in Community, by Suzanna Farnham, et al., as a guide, this is designed to aid Christians in seeing all aspects of their lives as holistically connected to the faith journey. If you are interested in joining a group, or would like to learn more, please email Dean Steve Thomason.
Holy Honey: a Cathedral Bees Update
Honey from the cathedral beehives has been harvested! Thanks to beekeepers Rob and Penny Reid, with help from Jaime, Yoshi, and Keiko, who collected honey from the hives in the cathedral kitchen at the end of July 2021. The honey is separated from the wax using a hand-cranked machine that spins the frames at high speeds. The Cathedral Breadbakers Guild are now using our bees' honey in their loaves prepared for Holy Communion every Sunday. "Bee prepared" for honey to be sold in the nave, coming soon!
Click here to view more photos from honey harvesting.
EfM Classes Resume in the Fall—Space Available for New Participants
Saint Mark's Education for Ministry groups will resume for the 2021/22 academic year in September. If you missed the recent online forum about this in-depth and transformative educational offering, you can watch a complete video of the event here. At this time, the Sunday group is at capacity, but spaces remain in the Monday morning and the Monday evening group. If you are interested in joining the Monday morning group (10 a.m.), contact Maria Coldwell at; if you are interested in joining the Monday evening group (6:30 p.m.), contact Tom Hayton at
Indigenous Reading List
The Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton and Sue Tait, Director of the Diocesan Resource Center, have compiled the following Indigenous Reading List, including such topics as the Doctrine of Discovery, Land Acknowledgement, Bridging the Christian/Indigenous Relationship, and Native Spirituality & the Environment. Find the list here.
Gardeners are needed on the 2nd Saturday of each month, 9-12 a.m. Next work party is August 14. Email with questions.
Volunteers keep the cathedral running! The Cathedral Office is seeking volunteers to answer phones, direct calls, welcome visitors, and more. To volunteer, contact Jim Pannell.
The St. Nicholas Exploratory Committee has issued an interim report on the process of redeveloping the property in a way congruent with the cathedral's mission. Read their report here.
Cathedral Yoga is now offered every Monday evening at 6:30 p.m. The class on August 9 will be led by Irene Beausoleil. Learn more here.
The funeral of Susan Spangler (niece of Stuart Ainsley) will be offered
The funeral of Josephine Barnes will be offered
The funeral of Sandra Smith will be offered
Sunday, August 8, 2021
The Feast of the Transfiguration
in-person only
in-person & livestreamed
Download the service leaflets in advance here.
Join the 11 a.m. service via livestream here.
Presider (9 a.m.):
The Reverend Canon Nancy Ross
Presider (11 a.m.):
The Very Reverend Steven L. Thomason
The Reverend Canon Jennifer King Daugherty
Exodus 34:29–35
2 Peter 1:13–21
Luke 9:28–36
When morning gilds the skies [Hymn #427]
Fairest Lord Jesus [Hymn #383]
O wondrous type! [Hymn #137]
Baptismal Music:
David Hurd, Vidi aquam
Offertory Solo:
O light of Light, Love given birth (plainsong)
Traditional Spiritual arr. by William Farley Smith, Wade in duh wadduh! Op. 41, No. 4B
Vincent Lübeck, Präludium in E-Major, LubWV 7
A note on incense: Hypo-allergenic incense will be used this Sunday at the 11 a.m. service. We acknowledge that the smoke causes respiratory difficulty for some people, and so we offer the 9 a.m. service as an incense-free alternative.
Round me falls the night (composite arrangement)
Hallock, Psalm 70
William Byrd, Nunc Dimittis (fauxbourdon setting)
Byrd, Be unto me, O Lord, a tower
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 12 p.m., and the first Sunday of each month
Sunday morning church School is currently on summer hiatus. It will resume on September 19, 2021.
The Children & Family Ministries and Youth Ministries have a new newsletter! Read it here.
Subscribe to the Children, Youth, & Families newsletter here.
Saint Mark’s Cathedral acknowledges that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, who are still here, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the life of the Duwamish Tribe. [Learn more]
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral