Sunday, September 18, 2022:
The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
8 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
in person in Thomsen Chapel
9 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
in person in the cathedral nave
11 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
online via Zoom only
7 p.m. • Contemplative Eucharist
in person in Thomsen Chapel
9:30 p.m. • Compline
Cover image: The (intergenerational) Saint Mark's Parish Choir, photographed in 1918 in the church on First Hill which housed the community of Saint Mark's Seattle from 1897 to 1931.
A workshop, guest sermon, and Sunday forum
offered via Zoom only, this Sunday evening
Queen Elizabeth and Colonialism on September 21; Reflections on the Iona Pilgrimage September 28
A new curriculum for addressing racism with children and youth
A new video introduction with Hannah Hochkeppel
Save the date: Saturday, October 1
Guest Sermon and Sunday Morning Forum with The Rev. Canon Mary Crist, Ed.D.
Guest sermon at the 9 and 11 a.m. services
"Friends Talking" Forum, 10:10–10:50 a.m., Bloedel Hall
The Rev. Canon Mary Crist (Piitaki/Eagle Woman) is enrolled Blackfeet from the Douglas family in Montana. She serves on the Presiding Bishop’s Staff as the Coordinator of Indigenous Theological Education in the Department of Ethnic Ministries, and is currently a Visiting Professor of Education and Indigenous Studies at Bexley Seabury Seminary in Chicago. On Saturday, September 17 she will be offering an all-day workshop exploring Indigenous theology, and on Sunday, September 18 she will preach at the 9 and 11 a.m. morning services. Between the two services, at 10:10 a.m., she will sit down with Dean Thomason for an informal "Friends Talking" conversation.
Radix Project Opening Plenary: Now via Zoom Only This Sunday
OPENING PLENARY: THIS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 6:30–8 P.M., online via Zoom only.
Note: The plenary presentation will NOT be offered in person in Bloedel Hall, as previously announced.
The deadline to participate in a Radix Project small group has now passed, but all are welcome and encouraged to join the opening plenary presentation with Dean Thomason and the Radix Project team. The presentation, on the theme, Creation, Community, and Connection, will draw from scriptures that invite us to consider how creation itself may inform our relationship to God and each other. Join using this Zoom link.
Changes to Upcoming Wednesday Offerings
Dean Thomason writes:
"I am disappointed that, due to surgery scheduled on September 21, I must postpone my two-week series on The Post-human World and Artificial Intelligence. The new dates for this series will be December 7 and 14, 2022. I hope you will join me then for this intriguing topic and conversation. I apologize for the short notice and the inconvenience it may cause.
"In lieu of the original September plan, I am delighted that we have alternative offerings to share which I trust you may find of interest. Please join in person or online for the following:
The Queen, Colonialism, and the Anglican Communion: Connections, Heritage, and Hope in a New Era
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 6:45–8:15 P.M., in person in Bloedel Hall and online via Zoom. Optional community dinner at 6 p.m. ($6/child; $8/adult; $25/max. family).
Join Cathedral clergy and canons for a reflection and conversation on our experience of Queen Elizabeth’s recent death and funeral, the connections we share as Anglican Christians, the challenges of colonial realities of the British Empire, and what we see unfolding in the global arena of 21st Century geopolitical landscapes.
Reflections on the Pilgrimage to Iona and the Celtic Missions
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 6:45–8:15 P.M., in person in Bloedel Hall and online via Zoom. Optional community dinner at 6 p.m. ($6/child; $8/adult; $25/max. family).
Join Dean Thomason, Canon Daugherty, and participants from July’s pilgrimage from Saint Mark’s as they share a bit of their experience and spiritual gleanings while also inviting everyone present to share experiences of sacred travel and why this is an important spiritual practice for all people. A preview of a potential pilgrimage to Ireland will also be shared. Join using this Zoom link. All are welcome.
A Reading with Author Don Wagner—
Glory to God in the Lowest: Journeys to an Unholy Land
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 7:30 P.M., Leffler House
The Saint Mark's Mideast Focus Ministry and the Bishop's Committee for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land present this event with Donald E. Wagner, the author of five previous books on Palestinian rights, who has served as National Director of the Palestine Human Rights Campaign (1980-89), was Director of Middle East Programs for Mercy Corps International (1990-94), and was co-founder of Evangelicals for Middle East Understanding. His new memoir is a personal, political, and religious journey from Evangelical Christian faith and conservative politics to solidarity with the poor and advocacy for anti-war, anti-racism, and Palestinian rights. Filled with stories—some humorous and some shocking—as well as encounters with people of every race, gender, and religious affiliation working below the radar, this book will inspire, challenge, and offer a narrative that envisions a transformed “unholy land,” where justice, liberation, and equality for all is the reality for every citizen.
Tell Me the Truth About Racism
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 10 A.M.–1 P.M., at Diocesan House, 1551 10th Ave E. Seattle
The Rev. Will Bouvel and Jen Enriquez, the creative minds behind a new curriculum, Tell Me the Truth About Racism, will be in Seattle and you’re invited to hear from them in-person about their new intergenerational approach to dismantling racism in faith communities. Learn more about their work here. All are welcome to the Bishop’s Office, Thursday, September 29, from 10 a.m.–1 p.m. for a demo and overview of this curriculum. This event is free, and lunch and mileage reimbursement will be provided. Please RSVP with any dietary limitations to
St. Francis Day Celebration with Blessing of the Animals
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 4:30 P.M., on the front lawn and outdoor labyrinth
On Saturday, October 1, Saint Mark's will once again offer its beloved Saint Francis Day tradition. A few years ago this offering was moved from Sunday morning to Saturday afternoon, and the outdoor celebration has a truly festive community atmosphere. Dogs, cats, bird, bunnies, ponies, chickens, and all creatures great and small are welcome! Music will be offered by acclaimed Seattle musician James Falzone and the young choristers of Choir School. The service will include prayers for healing humanity’s relationship with the earth, and for all the creatures who share the earth with us. Following the service, animals can receive an individual blessing from a priest if desired. Stay tune for more details in the coming weeks.
20s/30s: Evensong and Tacos
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 4:30–7 P.M., cathedral nave and Leffler house
The 20s/30s Group will gather in the nave at 4:30 p.m. to join in singing evening prayers at the monthly Choral Evensong liturgy, and then move to Leffler House for conversation and tacos with the Seattle Service Corps following the conclusion of the service. RSVP (encouraged but not required) to Emily:
Climate Conversations: What You Can Do about Transportation
Please join the Creation Care Ministry for the next in the series of Climate Conversations, when the topic will be What You Can Do About Transportation. Transportation causes more than a quarter of all carbon emissions in the US. How you commute to work and travel for your vacation as well as what you buy and eat are part of that massive total. Join presenters Richard Hartung and Richard Wesley as they discuss more climate-friendly transportation options to get to the office or errands, travel for leisure or business, and purchase our packages or our foods.
Conversations about Gratitude:
Week 3—Daily Practice
Every week the presenting clergy member at Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral invites us by saying: “Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here.” On Sunday, September 11, Dean Steve Thomason continued this blessing by asking us in his sermon on Sunday morning: “Where are you on your spiritual journey?”
1 Corinthians 13:11 reminds us that we are born with a developing sense of self, our world, and our place in that world. When we become adults, we “put an end to childish ways.” The same observation may apply to our developing sense of gratitude or thankfulness. In our youth, perhaps we are grateful in a purely transactional way—for an unexpected gift, a fine report card, or a dream job. Sometimes our praise and prayers of gratitude are only for the “positive” or “pleasant” things, and we nurture, perhaps unconsciously, the belief that our prayers are being answered because of our “good” behavior.
So, where are you on your spiritual journey with gratitude? Are you prayerful for the events that benefit your life and family? Are you able to give thanks for positive things that happen to others but not to you? Are justice advances in far-off places part of your gratitude list, or progress in protecting our endangered creation, or nourishing meals provided to those who are experiencing hunger?
Where are you on your spiritual journey with gratitude?
Please offer a response of any length in the comments at the bottom of this page, or send an email to (Note that the first time you leave a comment, it will be held in moderation before appearing.) Thank you for participating in this ongoing conversation.
Last Chance to Register—Class Begins This Sunday!
No matter where you are on your journey, consider attending this series, facilitated by clergy, where we will explore together the basics of the Christian faith through the Episcopal lens. Whether you are new to Saint Mark’s, or just interested in sharing and learning, you are welcome. Learn more about the class here, and please contact Emily Meeks ( with questions. Register here.
Saint Mark's Book Group is reading My Old Kentucky Home: The Astonishing Life and Reckoning of an Iconic American Song (2022) Emily Bingham. From its enormous success in 1853, Bingham traces this song about a slave being sold downriver to a cruel future to its transformation into a celebration of happy plantation life. The reception and interpretation reveals a nation's disconnect between history and warped illusion. Read more here.
NOTE: Due to the Ministry Fair, the group has moved its event to one week later to the THIRD Sunday for September only. Contact Pearl McElheran with questions at
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 5–8 P.M., at Nurturing Roots Farm on Beacon Hill
The 20s/30s group of Saint Mark's will gather around the table at Nurturing Roots for an evening of conversation, food and liturgy with other young adults. Located in Beacon Hill, Nurturing Roots is an urban farm committed to community, self-sufficiency, food empowerment, social justice and education.
Tickets are $10 and 100% of sales go to Nurturing Roots. Register at this link. For questions or more information, email Emily:
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 4 P.M., hosted by Rachel and Russ Crosbie in West Seattle
Each month from May to October, Saint Mark's parishioners are taking turns hosting a simple Neighborhood Eucharist in a backyard or park on a late Saturday afternoon. September's gathering will be hosted by Rachel and Russ Crosbie in West Seattle. This gathering will be particularly kid-friendly.
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, in the cathedral nave. Start time varies by ministry—see below.
All current and aspiring liturgical ministers are invited to attend this training led by Dean Thomason and Cathedral Sacristan Michael Seewer, and active liturgical ministers are asked to attend one of these trainings at least once every 3 years. Please register to attend using this form. The training will be divided into three sessions:
9 a.m. SESSION 1: For acolytes, lectors, ushers, and greeters.
10 a.m. SESSION 2: Plenary for everyone, facilitated by Dean Thomason.
11 a.m. SESSION 3: For Eucharistic ministers, Eucharistic visitors, Altar Guild, and vergers.
Make a note of the correct start time for your particular ministry. Please email Cathedral Sacristan Michael Seewer with questions:
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1–4 P.M., in person in Bloedel Hall or online via Zoom. Free, but registration required for either option.
The Mideast Focus Ministry of Saint Mark's Cathedral, the Bishop’s Committee for Justice & Peace in the Holy Land, and Kairos Puget Sound Coalition present this symposium, which brings together prominent voices from different religious backgrounds to ask where the struggle to achieve justice and peace in Israel-Palestine goes from here.
Participants will include Rev. Naim Ateek (Founder, Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center),
Jonathan Kuttab, (Executive Director, Friends of Sabeel North America), Mark Braverman, Ph.D. (Executive Director, Kairos U.S.A.), Ranna Harb (Co-Founder, Falastiniyat Palestinian diaspora collective), and more.
Creation Care Monthly Ministry Meeting
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 6–8:30 P.M., via Zoom
Are you interested in helping plan the activities at Saint Mark's involving Creation Care and addressing climate change? Attend the online gathering this Tuesday evening for the monthly Creation Care Ministry meeting! Join using this Zoom link. In the meantime, check out the Creation Care page on the Saint Mark's website for more information about this active ministry.
New Seasonal Liturgy at 9 a.m. Eucharist
A new Eucharistic liturgy from the Iona Community was presented for the first time at the 9 a.m. service last Sunday, September 11, and its use will continue until November 20 (Feast of Christ the King and the end of the liturgical year). The Iona Community is a vibrant ecumenical Christian community on the Isle of Iona in Scotland, whose prayer and worship are deeply rooted in the Celtic Christian tradition—including expansive imagery for God and affirmation of the divine presence in all of creation, of which humanity is a part. Check out this week's service leaflet, which includes brief explanatory notes about some of the liturgical elements. All are invited to experience this rich and engaging Eucharistic liturgy.
Liturgical Ministry Spotlight: The Altar Guild
With a new video introduction
Serving as in the Alter Guild: Altar guild members help prepare the community’s Eucharistic meal by setting up bread, wine, vessels, linen and the altar table, assisting the presiding team during the service, and caring for the vessels and linens following the service.
Time commitment: Altar guild members arrive 20-30 minutes prior to the service to vest, set-up, and often stay 20-30 minutes after as part of cleanup. Members serve on a team and are typically scheduled every 3-4 weeks.
Requirements or special notes: : This role may be for you if you are interested in learning more about the sacrament of the Eucharist and how we celebrate it together. Also, those who have attention to detail and are good with organizing things are often attracted to this ministry, as altar guild tend to many different moving parts before, during, and after the liturgy.
Don't miss this brief video with Hannah Hochkeppel about why she serves in the Altar Guild at Saint Mark's.
Organ by Night this Sunday
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 10 P.M. (following Compline)
Canon Kleinschmidt will offer this month’s Organ by Night music following Compline this Sunday, September 18. He will play works of Jehan Alain, Dieterich Buxtehude, David N. Johnson, and Eugene Gigout. On every third Sunday of the month, organists offer 20 minutes of music on the mighty Flentrop organ, and encourage listeners to join them in the gallery to see and hear the organ and organist up close. They are also happy to answer questions about the music and the organ itself.
Finance Committee Seeks New Members
Do you have experience with finance, budgeting, or accounting? No experience but interested in learning more? The Saint Mark's Cathedral Finance Committee is looking for new members! The committee meets monthly on Zoom to review the Cathedral's spending, budgeting, and investing in a way that supports the church's mutual ministry goals. Training and support available for members with minimal background in finance. To learn more contact Junior Warden for Finance Clara Berg ( or Vestry Treasurer Lynne Cobb (
Volunteer Needed for the Cathedral Reception Desk
The Saint Mark's Front office needs volunteer receptionists to cover Friday mornings, Friday afternoons, and intermittently for vacations. We are looking for a friendly face to answer the phone, let visitors in through the office doors, and to help with occasional office duties. This is a critical role at the cathedral—often the first face visitors to Saint Mark's see—and it can also be a lot of fun. If interested, please contact Kathy Wickward at 206.323.0300 x 203, or
New Pastor Installation at Central Lutheran Church
TODAY! FRIDAY, SEPTMEBER 16, 7 P.M., at Central Lutheran Church, near Cal Anderson Park
Join a gathering of people from Saint Mark's at Central Lutheran Church (1700 11th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122) as our neighbors on Capitol Hill install the Rev. Paul Eldred as their pastor. Rev. Paul has been a friend and visitor of Saint Mark's, and attending this installation is a wonderful way to build an ecumenical connection with our Lutheran siblings. The service will be officiated by Rev. Shelley Bryan Wee, Bishop of the Northwest Washington Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. (Bishop Wee was installed as bishop at a service Saint Mark's in November 2019.) A light reception will follow the event. If you're interested in additional fellowship time with the Saint Mark's gathering, please contact Michael Seewer or Michael Perera.
Organ Dedication Recital at St. Dunstan's
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 3 P.M., at St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church, 722 N 145th St., Shoreline, WA
Join our neighbors in Shoreline as they celebrate the installation of our new organ with the long awaited—and twice postponed—Dedicatory Recital presented by Aaron David Miller, world renowned organ recitalist and improviser. Dr. Miller will play a thrilling program with repertoire spanning the centuries, will lead the audience in a rousing hymn, and will open and close his program with improvisations—including an improvised Organ Suite! A delicious reception will follow the concert where you can meet the artist and the organ's builders. This concert is free for all. Masks are required. Learn more here.
Imagining a Jungian Wisdom School for the 21st Century
The Jung Society of Seattle presents this series of Friday lectures (7 p.m.–9 p.m.), followed by Saturday workshops (1 p.m.–4 p.m.) on Zoom, exploring a Jungian Wisdom School of the Heart for mending the Soul of the World in these troubled times. The lecture/workshop on October 21 and 22, titled The Ground of Mystery, will be led by Saint Mark's member Elizabeth Clark-Stern, and will include wisdom, stories, and meditations of Celtic Spirituality, including reflections from the Saint Mark's Celtic pilgrimage this summer. Liberal Arts professor Randy Morris and Jungian analyst Terry Gibson start the series with The Portal of Mystery on September 23 and 24, exploring our current liminal state of being and the history of wisdom schools applied to our world today. Latina scholar Leticia Nieto concludes the series with The Enactment of Mystery on November 18 and 19, offering the wisdom of community activism and collective healing. The series provides CEUs for professional counselors and psychotherapists. Learn more and register for the whole series, or individual sessions at:
En Camino—A Gala Evening Benefitting Casa Latina
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 7:30 P.M., The Westin Seattle. Purchase tickets here.
Anyone ready to Gala? Saint Mark's has had a longstanding relationship with Casa Latina, and their annual Gala is always a festive affair. After two years of virtual galas, the event returns as an in-person party this year! The event will feature dining, dancing, and conversation, including a keynote by president of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, Ai-jen Poo. Music will be provided by Latino Twist. Lean more and reserve tickets here. If you are planning on attending, of if you would like to join other Saint Mark's folks at the gala, contact Deacon Emily at
Cathedral Yoga on Monday, September 19. will be led by Ruth Sonawane. All are welcome! A 30-minute Sound Bath meditation by Black Moon Company follows the conclusion of the class, at 7:30.
Centering Prayer is now offered Tuesday evenings, 7–8 p.m., in the cathedral nave. Each week, following a 20 minute “sit”—time spent in silent prayer—there will be time for teaching, sharing, and conversation. If you have questions about Centering Prayer, please reach out to Phil Fox Rose.
Morning Prayer is offered on Wednesday mornings at 8:30 a.m. This service will be hybrid—in person in Leffler House AND online via Zoom—on the first Wednesday of the month only, Sept–Dec. 2022. Next in-person service: October 5. The service remains Zoom-only on other Wednesdays.
The Saint Mark's Taizé team thanks all who attended the most recent candlelit prayer service with music from Taizé. Archive video of the liturgy as well as the previous two services can now be found here. The next offering will be Tuesday, November 8, 7 p.m.
Tuesday Bible Study has resumed after its recent hiatus, now with an in-person option in Leffler Living Room. The Zoom option is still available. Gather Every Tuesday, 11:30 a.m. for social time, lectionary study, and prayer. Contact Lynne Cobb for the Zoom link.
The funeral of Sue Yunker-Jones will be offered
The funeral of J.J. Henke will be offered
Sunday, September 18, 2022:
The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Download the service leaflets in advance here.
Join the 11 a.m. service via livestream here.
Read the Scriptures appointed for this Sunday here.
Jeremiah 8:18–9:1
Psalm 79:1–9
1 Timothy 2:1–7
Luke 16:1–13
Thomsen Chapel; in-person only
Presider & Preacher: The Rev. Linzi Stahlecker
Praise to the Lord, the almighty [Hymn #390]
God of grace and God of glory [Hymn #594]
W.A. Mozart, Sonata in E-flat Major, KV 67
Nicholas Bruhns, Präludium in E minor (the "Little")
in-person only
Presider: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason
Preacher: The Rev. Canon Dr. Mary Crist
Praise to the Lord, the almighty [Hymn #390]
God of grace and God of glory [Hymn #594]
Dale Wood, Jubilate Deo
George C. Stebbins, Have thine own way, Lord!
George Thalben-Ball, Elegy
Nicholas Bruhns, Präludium in E minor (the "Little")
in-person & livestreamed
Presider: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason
Preacher: The Rev. Canon Dr. Mary Crist
Praise to the Lord, the almighty [Hymn #390]
Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart [Hymn #488]
God of grace and God of glory [Hymn #594]
Alice Parker, Psalm 122 from Six Hymns to Doctor Watts
arr. William L. Dawson, There is a balm in Gilead
George Thalben-Ball, Elegy
Nicholas Bruhns, Präludium in E minor (the "Little")
Presider: The Rev. Canon Eliacín Rosario-Cruz
Musician: Page Smith
Christopher Tye, O come, ye servants of the Lord
Jason A. Anderson, Psalm 113
Carolus Andreas, Nunc dimittis Tone III
Thomas Tallis, Hear the voice and prayer
Liturgy and repertoire information subject to change.
FIRST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH, following the 11 a.m. service. Meet in the back of the nave. Next offering: OCTOBER 2
On the first Sunday of each month, a special coffee hour is offered especially for newcomers, guests, or anyone who has questions about the cathedral community and liturgies. At this time, newcomers' coffee is offered in person only, the Zoom gathering has been suspended. Gather in the back of the nave immediately following the 11 a.m. Sunday service. Email if you cannot attend in person, or with any other questions. Please spread the word to anyone you know who may be interested!
Each week, those for whom the community has been asked to pray are published each Friday afternoon in the Cathedral Prayer List, found as a PDF at
On that same page, find information about joining the cathedral's Prayer Chain, to receive emails about individual prayer requests as they are submitted.
The prayer list is now also available in printed form in the back of the nave.
Weekday Prayer Services
Daily Evening Prayer meets in person at 6 p.m. in Thomsen Chapel on Wednesday only, and is offered online via zoom at 6 p.m. on Monday–Tuesday and Thursday–Friday.
Morning Prayer is offered on Wednesday mornings at 8:30 a.m. This service will be hybrid— in person in Leffler House AND online via Zoom— on the first Wednesday of the month only, Sept–Dec. 2022 . Next in-person service: OCTOBER 5. The service remains Zoom-only on other Wednesdays.
Thursday Morning: At 7 a.m. on on the first and third Thursdays of the month only, a service of Holy Eucharist is offered in person in Thomsen Chapel. On the second, fourth, and fifth Thursdays of the month, an online-only prayer service is offered at 7 a.m. instead.
Saint Mark’s Cathedral acknowledges that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, who are still here, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the life of the Duwamish Tribe. [Learn more]
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral
Pastoral Care Emergency Line: 206.323.0300 x100