Sunday, February 6, 2022:
The Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany
8 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
in person in Thomsen Chapel
9 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
in person in the cathedral nave
11 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
4:30 p.m. • Choral Evensong
7 p.m. • Contemplative Eucharist
in person in Thomsen Chapel
9:30 p.m. • Compline
Cover photo of Saint Mark's Sunday School from 1915, (before it had been designated the cathedral of the diocese). This is the second building occupied by Saint Mark's, located on First Hill near Madison and Broadway,
celebrate this vibrant community, in person or online
first monthly work party of 2022
observing the feast of the Presentation
Wednesday, February 9
registration now open
2022 Annual Parish Meeting this Sunday!
THIS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 12:30– 2 P.M., in person in Bloedel Hall or via Zoom
PLEASE NOTE: In several places, the Annual Meeting previously appeared to be scheduled to last until 3 p.m. In fact, this year's meeting will be abbreviated, with efforts made to keep it as short as possible.
Join in the 2022 Annual Parish Meeting, in person or by Zoom. We will elect new members to the parish vestry as well as delegates and alternates to Diocesan Convention. We’ll also hear ministry reports, and the 2022 budget. This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our vibrant parish. Vestry candidate bios, the meeting agenda, and Zoom information can be found here.
This year, in the interest of time (and considering that there will be no food served), two reports that would normally be presented at the meeting have been pre-recorded: The report of the Stewardship Ministry and the report of the Cathedral Foundation of the Diocese of Olympia. This were included in an email sent out earlier this week, but the link to the Stewardship report was broken. Both videos are available on this page, and the Stewardship report can be seen below, or on YouTube here. Please view them at your convenience.
Choral Evensong Observing the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple
THIS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 4:30 P.M., in person and livestreamed
In this service, we join our voices with those of Anna and Simeon when the boy Jesus was presented to them by Mary and Joseph in the Temple: "For mine eyes have seen thy salvation which thou hast prepared for all people." The Evensong Choir will offer an effervescent setting of the Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in G major by the English composer, Herbert Sumsion; and a contemplative setting of the beloved spiritual, This Little Light o' Mine, by the African-American composer, John Wesley Work III. Learn more about the Evensong Choir here.
Meet the Salahi Family from Afghanistan
THIS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2022, 6:45–8:15 P.M., in person in Bloedel Hall or online via Zoom
Last August the Salahi family—Razia, her three adult sons Solaiman, Zobair, and Harris, and daughter-in-law Rohanya—fled their native Afghanistan on a moment’s notice, and after four arduous months in transitional facilities, relocated to Seattle in December. Just last week they transitioned to permanent housing in Shoreline. Saint Mark’s Cathedral has committed to supporting them as they begin their new lives here. Their story is at once harrowing and inspiring, and they are eager to share it with us as we seek to deepen the relationships with this most remarkable family. Learn more here. Join remotely using this Zoom Link.
(Note: the forum will be recorded for those unable to attend live)
The Ninth Annual Mideast Focus Film Series
BEGINS FRIDAY, MARCH 11 AND CONTINUES THROUGH FRIDAY, MAY 13. Film screenings and discussions offered online only.
The Mideast Focus Ministry is happy to announce the opening of our Ninth Annual Film Series! The MFM works through mission, prayer, education, and action to bring understanding and to promote advocacy for justice and peace in the Middle East region, both within the Saint Mark’s congregation and to the greater Seattle community. Beginning March 11, we will offer six film discussions every other Friday! Viewers will have a 48-hour window, beforehand, in which to view the film on their own. They can then join us for an online discussion about the film. We often have filmmakers or guests with special knowledge about the situations in the films joining us for these discussions!
Please watch this space and the MEFM webpage for more information about this year’s series as it becomes available.
Spirituality of the Meal
Facilitated by Chef Marc Aubertin & Dean Steve Thomason
SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 2022, 9:30 A.M.–12 P.M., in person only. Registration required. Fee: $25.
Registration is now open, but attendance is strictly limited and will reach capacity quickly, so do not delay.
Food is a profound portal into spiritual growth even as it often carries trappings of stress and shame for many. It doesn’t have to. Sharing a meal is a holy experience, if we avail ourselves of the opportunity to practice presence and to see the bounty before us as opportunity to practice gratitude. Brief reflections across the day will include history of the meal, reflecting on food as spiritual metaphor, and participants will engage in sensate tasting and will share a meal prepared by all present. Register here.
No Newcomer's Coffee This Sunday
Please note: Due to the Annual Meeting, the monthly Newcomers' Coffee with Clergy will NOT be offered on the first Sunday of the month in February. The next newcomers' coffee will occur as usual on March 6, following the 11 a.m. service.
After a hiatus for the winter, second-Saturday Garden Ministry Work parties resume on February 12! There is plenty to do to prepare our beautiful grounds for the coming spring. The ‘work’ is fun and rewarding; the community is supportive and effective. All are welcome and needed, whether you have a green thumb or not! Email
Sunday Forum on Clergy Collaborations
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 10:10–10:50 a.m., in Bloedel Hall and via Zoom
Join Dean Thomason, Canon Daugherty, Canon Rosario-Cruz, and our new curate The Rev. Linzi Stahlecker as they share how they’re collaborating in support of the multitude of ministries at Saint Mark’s Cathedral. They will share their passions and dreams inspired by those in ministry, and there will be some light-hearted fun along the way. Instructions to join online will be announced in the coming weeks. All are welcome.
Celtic Spirituality: Delight, Wonder, and Reverence
TWO WEDNESDAYS, FEBRUARY 16 & 23, 6:45 p.m.–8:15 p.m., in Bloedel Hall and via Zoom
Join Canon Daugherty over the course of two Wednesday evenings to explore the riches of creation-based spirituality in the Celtic tradition. She’ll share some of what she learned while on sabbatical in Ireland and Iona, and we’ll practice rhythms of embodied prayer and openness to daily encounters with the holy.
Organ Plus: Featuring Una Hwang, organ, and Svend Rønning, violin
February’s “Organ Plus” invites strings to accompany the Fritts Organ in Thomsen Chapel for an intimate performance. Local Pacific Northwestern musicians Una Hwang, organ, and Svend Rønning, violin, play a continental mix of Italian, French, and German music – a Vitali chaconne for violin, “Mélodie” from Gluck’s Orfeo, Bruhns’ Preludium in e minor, and chorale preludes for organ by J.S. Bach and French organist Jeanne Demessieux. The program will begin with “Winter” from Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons.
Tickets are available for in-person or livestream attendance, and proof of vaccination or recent negative PCR test required for entry. Purchase tickets online here.
SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 1 P.M., Cathedral House 210 or via Zoom
The participants in the Cathedral Book Group have chosen Josephine Ensign's Skid Road: On the Frontier of Health and Homelessness in an American City (2021) for our March 13 discussion. Ensign, a professor in the School of Nursing of the University of Washington, informs us that Seattle has the third highest homeless population in the United States and, per capita, probably the highest.
How can we reconcile Seattle as a progressive city with a city where homelessness is such a large, growing, and deeply entrenched problem? Ensign traces the history of how Seattle has dealt with the homeless by focusing on mostly unknown, forgotten people in different eras in its history, starting with Angeline, Chief Seattle's daughter, made homeless by colonialism and white supremacy. It's a fact-filled, no nonsense book that explores the intersection between homelessness and ill-health and public policy. Finding solutions, Ensign shows, is not easy. Neither, she hopes, is it impossible.
Ravished by Nature’s Beauty: The Mystics and Their Longing for God
A two-part workshop led by Belden C. Lane
FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2022, 6:30–8:30 P.M.
and SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 9:30 A.M.–3 P.M., in person in Bloedel Hall or online via Zoom. Fee: $60. Registration required.
The Christian mystical tradition can be deeply earthy and sensual in its yearning for union with the Divine. Hildegard of Bingen and Teresa of Avila found a wondrous God in trees and flowing water. Catherine of Siena and Ignatius Loyola were drawn by the wild energy of fire and the darkness of the cave. These mystics call us back to a “Great Conversation” with the natural world, reconnecting our spiritual lives with the earth. Renowned theologian and best-selling author Belden Lane will guide this wholesome exploration through images, storytelling, poetry, and guided meditation.
Advance registration required for in person or online participation. Fee: $60 (includes a catered lunch on Saturday for those attending in person). Register using this link. When you register, instructions for submitting payment will be included in the confirmation email.
An Invitation from Bishop Rickel and Presiding Bishop Curry to Support HBCU's
Earlier this week Bishop of Olympia Greg Rickel released a message to the diocese in response to the threats of violence directed at Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), linking to a statement and video from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. Bishop Rickel writes:
"As many of you are well aware by now, yesterday, on the first of February and the first day of Black History Month, several of our historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) were terrorized with bomb threats. Sadly, this incarnates the reality that we still have a long collective way to go to reach Beloved Community and that any notion that we can now stop talking, working, and struggling toward it is an illusion.
"I want to say first how sorry I am to our African-American and Black siblings who feel the terror of such acts and to all the BIPOC community as well. Second, I want to encourage all of you to be proactive in speaking out against this, and also to be working to change it.
"Another concrete thing that I was going to put before you and ask of you, even before the sad events of yesterday, was to consider a gift to the HBCUs. Here is a link to our presiding bishop's invitation to give to the Absalom Jones fund in support of our HBCUs. You will also find instructions that will help facilitate your generosity both to economically assist these fine institutions but now, even more, to stand in solidarity with them. I gave today! Please pray for those who live in fear and anxiety due to such acts, and for those who feel the need to perpetrate them. Pray for our human family."
Youth Confirmation Informational Meeting for Parents and Youth
SUNDAY FEBRUARY 27, 10–10:30 A.M., Cathedral House Room 210
Are you a teenager (13–18) or parent of a youth interested in confirming their faith? Do you have questions and a desire to dig deeper into the church and your own beliefs? The year-long process of preparation for youth confirmation, beginning mid-March, will be taught by Rebekah Gilmore, interim youth minister, and other adult instructors in a mix of on-site and virtual classes using the Confirm not Conform curriculum. An informational meeting will be held on February 27 with Rebekah to answer questions. You don't need to be sure that you want to be confirmed to take this class. Asking those questions is the work we do together. Cathedral Day, April 22, 2023 will mark the confirmation liturgy for this class. Additional details and a link to register will be available at when they are available.
UW Paleoclimatologist and Saint Mark's Parishioner Lisa Graumlich Chats about Netflix’s Hit Satire Don’t Look Up
Have you seen Don't Look Up? It's a satirical movie about a massive comet headed toward Earth with implications of climate change as a theme throughout. Recently Saint Mark's parishioner Dr. Lisa Graumlich, president-elect of the American Geophysical Union and Dean Emeritus at UW’s College of the Environment, was featured in the Seattle Times about how movies can start a conversation about climate change. Check out the article here.
2021 Giving Statements
If you made a donation to Saint Mark's in 2021, you should have received an email earlier this week with a link to your annual statement. If you did not receive it, or have any questions or concerns, please contact Erik Donner: or 206.323.0300 x217.
Cathedral Offices Closed February 21 and 22
The Cathedral Offices will be closed on Monday, February 21 in observance of the Presidents' Day holiday, and then remain closed on Tuesday, February 22 for a staff retreat. Daily Evening prayer will not be offered (online or in person) on both of those days. Cathedral Yoga and 12-step meetings will occur as usual.
20s/30s GROUP
Young Adult Contemplative Retreat from the Diocese of Olympia
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11 through SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13, at the Brunett Retreat Center at the Palisades, 4700 Southwest Dash Point Road, Federal Way, WA 98023.
Fee: $125 for two nights; $50 for Saturday only. Registration required.
Get away from it all and experience a weekend of peace, prayer, and self-care with other young adults from across the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia. COVID-19 safety protocols are in place, including private, en-suite accommodations, masking and testing requirements, and lots of room to stretch out. We are capping the total at 20 participants, and there are a few spots left.
This casual retreat, February 11 - 13, is designed for adults in their 20s and 30s who are seeking to experience an array of contemplative practices from a Taizé service to lectio divina to centering prayer. The retreat center is just south of Seattle and right on the coast. $125/person. All meals and private room/bath included. Scholarships available. For more information and to register: Additional questions? E-mail Adam Conley at
Forward Day by Day Now Available
Forward Day by Day is a daily devotional published quarterly by Forward Movement, containing scripture, refelcti0ns, and prompts to prayer for each day of the year. For many years at Saint Mark's issues were made available (in both pocket-size and large-print version) to anyone who wanted one, in the rear of the nave. At this time there is no longer a place for them in the nave, so the new issue (covering February through April), is now available just inside the Hoerster annex entrance (elevator level 1) on the table beneath the community bulletin board. This resource is made available to the community through the generosity of anonymous parishioners.
The Inquirers' Class
No matter where you are on your journey, this spring consider attending The Inquirers' Class, a six-session class facilitated by clergy where we will explore together the basics of the Christian faith through the Episcopal lens. After completing the series, many people often decide to receive the sacrament of baptism, or to be confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church. Attendees are strongly encouraged to attend all six sessions. Learn more and register to participate here. Email Emily Meeks at with questions.
John Lewis: Good Trouble
Meaningful Movies (offered by the Episcopal Church in Western Washington), the Black/African-American Ethnic Ministries Circle of Color, and PNW Union of Black Episcopalians are proud to present JOHN LEWIS: GOOD TROUBLE, directed by acclaimed filmmaker Dawn Porter (Trapped, Gideon's Army), which chronicles the life and career of the legendary civil rights activist and Democratic Representative from Georgia. Using interviews and rare archival footage, John Lewis: Good Trouble chronicles John Robert Lewis’ 60+ years of social activism and legislative action on civil rights, voting rights, gun control, health-care reform and immigration. Using present-day interviews with Lewis, then 80 years old, Porter explores his childhood experiences, his inspiring family and his fateful meeting with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1957. In addition to her interviews with Lewis and his family, Porter’s primarily cinéma verité film also includes interviews with political leaders, Congressional colleagues, and other people who figure prominently in his life.
The Panel Discussion on February 18 will include former Saint Mark's staff member The Rev. Malcolm McLaurin, in addition to State Senator T'wina Nobles, and Director of the Absalom Jones Center Dr. Catherine Meeks. Learn more here. This event is free, but please register by using this Eventbrite link.
Washington State At-Home Rapid COVID-19 Test Portal
In an effort to increase access to at-home rapid tests across the state, the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) is launching a statewide portal that will allow COVID-19 tests to ship directly to households. Beginning today, Washington state residents will be able to visit to order rapid-antigen COVID tests online, and will receive those tests delivered at no cost. People can order up to 5 free tests for a household. However, supply will be limited at first, and will restock as supply into the state increases.
As a reminder, people can still get COVID-19 tests through any of the following options:
Tuesday Bible Study has returned to online-only meetings, each Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. Participants will gather on Zoom only for the next two months, and will reconsider meeting in person at the beginning of Lent. Contact Lynne Cobb for more information and to get the link to join.
Cathedral Conversations about Race is a special series of the "Cathedral Conversations" podcast, highlighting voices from within our own church community. The series has been on hiatus over the holidays, but one episode remains in the current series, to be released soon. Plans are in the works for the next phase of the podcast. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts, or go here to listen to all the past episodes.
After being postponed in both 2020 and 2021, the Women's Retreat will be offered Spring 2022, but slightly earlier than originally announced—it will now occur Friday evening, April 29 through Sunday afternoon, May 1. Learn more, including cost, deadlines, and how to register, here.
(Note: at this time, the Men's Retreat is still planned for its original dates, June 10–12, 2022.)
Creation Care Ministry meetings have now been rescheduled for the third Tuesday of each month. Please join us for the next meeting on February 15, 2022. Email Marjorie Ringness for the new link.
Cathedral Yoga is offered each Monday at 6:30 p.m. in the cathedral nave. Wendy Townsend would normally lead the class on the first Sunday of the month, but this coming Monday's gathering will be led by Sally Senger, with Wendy teaching on February 14.
The funeral of Mac Brown will be offered
The funeral of Don Lewis will be offered
The funeral of Polly Bates will be offered
Sunday, February 6, 2022:
The Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany
Thomsen Chapel; in-person only
Presider & Preacher: The Very Reverend Steven L. Thomason
Holy, holy, holy! [Hymn #361]
Come, thou fount of every blessing [Hymn #686]
Organ: Robert A. Harris, Solemn Processional
Calvin Fuller, Fanfare and Chorale
in-person only
in-person & livestreamed
Download the service leaflets in advance here.
Join the 11 a.m. service via livestream here.
Presider, 9 a.m.:
The Reverend Canon Jennifer King Daugherty
Presider, 11 a.m.:
The Very Reverend Steven L. Thomason
Preacher: The Very Reverend Steven L. Thomason
Isaiah 6:1–13]
Psalm 138
1 Corinthians 15:1–11
Luke 5:1–11
Hymns, 9 & 11:
Holy, holy, holy! [Hymn #361]
Come, thou fount of every blessing [Hymn #686]
Hymn 11 a.m. only:
My God, how wonderful thou art [Hymn #643]
Choir, 9 a.m.:
Rwandan melody, arr. G. Scheer, Heaven opened to Isaiah
Cesáreo Gabaraín, You have come down to the lakeshore
Choir, 11 a.m.:
Jacob Handl (Gallus), Duo seraphim
Louis Vierne, Aria from Symphony No. 6
Calvin Fuller, Fanfare and Chorale
Observing the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple
Officiant: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason
C.M. Widor, Andante Sostenuto from Symphonie gothique
Richard Aylward, Preces and Responses
Herbert Sumsion, Evening Service in G
John W. Work III, arr., This Little Light o' Mine
Office Hymn:
O Zion, open wide thy gates [Hymn #257]
Presider: The Rev. Canon Jennifer King Daugherty
Musician: Page Smith
F.C. Maker, Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Jason A. Anderson, Psalm 138
Anon., from The Lumley Books, Nunc Dimittis
Francisco Guerrero, Ambulans Jesus
EVERY SUNDAY, 10:15–10:55 A.M. (between the 9 and 11 a.m. Eucharist services)
Virtual Sunday School has resumed, with a new Zoom link for 2022! Children of any age are invited to participate. Join using this link.
Each week, those for whom the community has been asked to pray are published each Friday afternoon in the Cathedral Prayer List, found as a PDF at
On that same page, find information about joining the cathedral's Prayer Chain, to receive emails about individual prayer requests as they are submitted.
Saint Mark’s Cathedral acknowledges that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, who are still here, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the life of the Duwamish Tribe. [Learn more]
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral
Pastoral Care Emergency Line: 206.323.0300 x100