Sunday, July 3, 2022:
The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
8 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
in person in Thomsen Chapel
9 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
in person in the cathedral nave
11 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
7 p.m. • Contemplative Eucharist
in person in Thomsen Chapel
9:30 p.m. • Compline
Cover photo of the laying on of hands at the ordination liturgy for The Rev. Linzi Stahlecker last Wednesday, June 29, by Kevin Johnson.
Our newly-ordained curate will preside at all morning services this Sunday.
An outdoor barbeque last Sunday
Open to the public for the first time since 2019
"What You Can Do About Energy" on Tuesday, July 5
Talley Breedlove reflects on an eventful year
Independence Day
Please note that the cathedral offices will be closed on Monday, July 4, in observance of Independence Day. Online Evening Prayer and Cathedral Yoga will both be cancelled, as will the afternoon 12-step meeting. The evening 12-step meeting will gather as usual. The nave will be hosting the National Young Artist Competition in Organ Performance during the day (see below).
Newcomers' Coffee This Sunday
THIS SUNDAY, JULY 3, following the 11 a.m. service. Meet in the back of the nave
On the first Sunday of each month, a special coffee hour is offered especially for newcomers, guests, or anyone who has questions about the cathedral community and liturgies. At this time, newcomers' coffee is offered in person only, the Zoom gathering has been suspended. Gather in the back of the nave immediately following the 11 a.m. Sunday service. Email if you cannot attend in person, or with any other questions. Please spread the word to anyone you know who may be interested!
The Women's Compline Choir of Saint Mark's Cathedral
SUNDAYS, JULY 17 & 24, 9:30 P.M., in the cathedral nave, broadcast, or livestreamed
In the summer of 2019, the Office of Compline was chanted by an ensemble of women for the first time in the six-decade history of Compline at Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle. These services, led by Associate Musician Rebekah Gilmore, were deeply moving and prayerful experiences. The decision was made to offer these services each year, usually during the summer. The pandemic meant that the women's Compline services in 2020 were chanted by four solo voices. In the summer of 2021, a full complement of singers chanted the office, but the service remained closed to the public. Now at last in 2022, a full choir featuring some of the finest choral singers in the region will chant a service open to one and all. As in the past, the services will feature special repertoire for women's voices, including world-premiere compositions. Join in person, via livestream, or via the KING-FM radio broadcast. Check out video and photos from previous years here.
Last Chance to Register for Choir Camp
Registration for Junior Chorister Camp and Senior Chorister Camp must close on Tuesday, July 5. Both camps will be be offered July 11–15, with Sunday morning participation on July 17. Learn more and find links to register here.
FINAL MEETING: JULY 4, 7–8:30 p.m., via Zoom
How does understanding the historical and cultural context of empire shape our faith and create opportunity for new liberation? This summer, The 20s/30s Group will examine the tensions between political power and justice through scripture and supplemental texts with opportunity for reflection and discussion. Canon Eliacín Rosario-Cruz will join us in exploring these themes together.
The series began on June 6, but you are welcome to join even if you missed the first two meetings. If you are interested in participating, please email Emily Meeks:
National Young Artists Competition in Organ Performance Finals at Saint Mark's
MONDAY, JULY 4, 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M., in the cathedral nave
Please join the Creation Care Ministry for July's Climate Conversation, when the topic will be What You Can Do About Energy with Richard Hartung and Richard Wesley, on Zoom only from 5:30–6:30 p.m.
Register here to attend one or all of these monthly conversations and hear about practical ways to reduce your carbon footprint.
Interested in learning more about the Creation Care Ministry at Saint Mark's? Check out the Creation Care Ministry page on the website to see meeting notes and links to other resources. All are welcome to join us at our monthly meetings on the third Tuesday evening of each month. Next meeting: July 19.
"O" Antiphons in July!
TUESDAY, JULY 5, and WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 7:30 P.M., in the cathedral nave (not livestreamed)
Saint Mark's Cathedral will offer its beloved "O" Antiphons Advent Procession with Carols on two consecutive nights (July 5 & 6) for the National Convention of the American Guild of Organists, hosted by the Seattle Chapter of the AGO this July 4–7. The general public is invited. The liturgies will include the world premiere of "O Clavis David," an anthem for choir and organ by local composer William White, commissioned by the AGO especially for this occasion.
On both nights, following the liturgy, Canadian organist Isabelle Demers will play a 45-minute concert on the Flentrop organ. Dr. Demers is the newly-appointed Associate Professor of Organ at McGill University in Montréal, Québec. She is admired internationally for her “bracing virtuosity” (Chicago Classical Review).
WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 9:30 A.M.–1 P.M., at All Pilgrims Church, Broadway E. & Republican St. (about half a mile from Saint Mark's)
The Rev. Emily Austin is looking for volunteers to prepare and serve meals at Community Lunch, a service that provides free meals and survival services to hundreds of homeless and low-income people of Seattle at the facilities of All Pilgrim's church, our neighbors on Capitol Hill.
SUNDAY, JULY 10, 2022, 12:30–2 P.M., in person in Room 210, and online via Zoom
For its July meeting, Saint Mark's Second Sunday Book Group is reading Migrations, (2020) by Australian writer Charlotte McConaghy. It's an adventure story set in the perhaps not too distant future, in a world where almost all wildlife has been destroyed by climate change and human greed. It is also the story of a personal quest for belonging, an elegiac story of personal and global disaster. Learn more here.
Mission to Seafarers Yard Sale
SUNDAY, JULY 17, and TUESDAY, JULY 19, at the Searfarers' Center on West Marginal Way
Later this summer, the Mission to Seafarers, a service organization with longstanding ties to Saint Mark's Cathedral, will move into new space on Harbor Island. Because the new space is substantially smaller than its current space, the Mission has an opportunity to give away several items from the existing space. (Some of the items seeking a new home include BBQ grills, garden tools, a pool table, and an upright piano!) To help all those items find a new home, the staff invite you to a "yard sale fundraiser" on Sunday, July 17 (1–4 p.m.) and Tuesday, July 19 (3–6 p.m.). The Mission is currently located at 3568 W Marginal Way SW on the west bank of the Duwamish River and just north of the Spokane Street and West Seattle bridges. See our Facebook page for more details. Come by on either day to check out our available items. Donations are encouraged! Questions? Email:
TWO MORE WEDNESDAYS, JULY 27 and AUGUST 24, 5 P.M.–8 P.M., in Bloedel Hall and throughout the cathedral grounds.
The first evening of Eat Play Love 2022, on June 22, was an evening of great food, poetry, art, games, singing, prayer, and community. Check out some photos here!
There are two more evenings that everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. On July 27, the exploration of the theme "Water of Life" will continue, with activities organized around the story of The Baptism of Jesus.
To participate, complete the registration form here, then submit your payment according to the instructions on the form. Alternatively, you may pay at the door, but please register in advance if you are able, even if you play to pay at the door.
Fee, when paid in advance: $10 per person/per night, maximum of $90 per family. Inability to pay should not be a barrier to participation; email Canon Barrie with questions:
SATURDAY, JULY 30, 4 P.M., hosted by Laurel Petrik on First Hill
Saint Mark's parishioners are taking turns hosting a simple Neighborhood Eucharist in a backyard or park on a late Saturday afternoon. The first two offerings have each been both a moving liturgical experience and a chance to connect with others in the community. July's offering will be hosted by Laurel Petrik on First Hill. For the address and directions, RSVP to Canon Wendy Claire Barrie:
Other Saturday afternoon gatherings will be offered on August 27 (TBA), September 24 (hosted by Rachel & Russ Crosbie in West Seattle), and October 22 (TBA).
A Special Note of Thanks from The Rev. Linzi Stahlecker
Saint Mark's Cathedral's Curate was ordained to the priesthood in a special ordination liturgy last Wednesday, June 29. The complete liturgy may be seen here (or on Youtube). She sends the following note of gratitude to the community:
"I am so grateful for all who attended my ordination, and for all who offered their prayerful support from afar. I could not be more thrilled to be serving my curacy in the midst of this community at Saint Mark’s, and for the Gospel-rooted, life-giving reality I continue to experience here. Thank you!"
Rev. Stahlecker will preside at the 8, 9, and 11 a.m. services of Holy Eucharist this Sunday, July 3. Photos above from Wednesday's service by Kevin Johnson and The Rev. Amara Oden. More views here.
Meals with Tent City 3: Report from the Outdoor Barbeque, June 26
The Tent City Meals ministry co-coordinators Chris Rigos and Maris Olsen report that our second dinner on June 26 was a fun, outdoor barbecue at Leffler House with seating under the front yard trees. Our menu included grilled hamburgers and hotdogs, potato salad, fresh fruit, a chilled can of seltzer water, and ice cream. Everyone was grateful to our five volunteers Peter Snyder, Cherie Bradshaw, Linzi Stahlecker, Jen Younggren, and Barbara Erickson. A good time was had by all! One volunteer commented that sitting under the trees with a cool drink talking to a young guest was a thrill.
Next week the Steering Committee will open volunteer registration for the final seven Sunday dinners (from July 24 through September 4). We welcome new cooks and volunteers! Volunteers who will have served during the first five weeks are welcome to volunteer again, but we ask that they wait a few days to allow new persons to register. We would love to have you join us, pitch in, and enjoy the fun! Please send any questions to Chris Rigos at or Maris Olsen at
Check out some photos from the most recent meal here.
Peter Boome Exhibition: Final Weeks
The group of parishioners that is hoping to pool their resources to purchase Birds of a Feather (pictured) as a gift the cathedral is a little more than halfway to its goal. Contact Deborah Brown at if you would like to get involved. Artist Peter Boome (Upper Skagit) writes, "The the design of Birds of a Feather consists of an eagle, raven, hawk, and hummingbird, as well as the sun and moon. [...] The idea is that we are interwoven and intertwined. Our lives depend on other people whether we like it or not. Our actions affect others, and our interactions have innumerable unknown effects." More information can be found in a handout near the painting.
A Report from a Service Corps Member
Last Sunday the community of Saint Mark's blessed and said farewell to the most recent cohort of the Seattle Service Corps. Their time as residents on the cathedral campus ended this week. One this year's members, Talley Breedlove, worked at St. Luke’s Edible Hope Kitchen during her time here. Before she left, she submitted this report, posted on the website of the Diocese of Olympia:
"Edible Hope is my first time working in depth with a program meeting immediate needs. [...] The National Guard, who had been helping run operations during the worst of the pandemic, had recently left, but Edible Hope’s volunteer cohort hadn’t come back yet. In addition to being short staffed, St. Luke’s Canon Britt left on her long overdue Sabbatical. In true Edible Hope fashion, each day was an adventure as we addressed cooking, feeding, managing operations, recruiting volunteers, and handling matters of ministry of the church."
Read the rest of her essay here.
A Call for Nominations for 2022 Diocesan Convention
"To prepare for elections at diocesan convention (October 21-22, 2022), the Nominations Committee is now calling for candidates to represent our diocese in four areas: Diocesan Council (4 regional positions clergy or lay and 1 Lay at-large), Standing Committee (1 lay, 1 clergy, and 1 clergy unexpired term), the Commission on Ministry, and at General Convention 2024 (4 clergy and 4 lay, plus 4 alternates in each order). If you’d like to propose someone for consideration to serve on any of these groups, we encourage you to email the Committee Chair, The Rev. Nic Mather at by Friday, August 5. Our committee will identify and confirm the slate of candidates for election that we have received by Tuesday, September 6 (45 days prior to the proposed date of convention). By canon, additional nominees may be recognized at convention. If you have questions about this process, please contact The Rev. Nic Mather at Thank you very much for your help in this effort on behalf of our diocese!"
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Lent 2023
MARCH 3–13, 2023
Co-leaders: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason and the Rev. Katherine Sedwick
You are invited to join Dean Thomason and The Rev. Katherine Sedwick, rector of St. Michael and All Angels Church, Issaquah, as they co-lead a Lenten pilgrimage. There is space for 30 pilgrims who will stay seaside in Galilee, in Bethlehem, and within the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem. The shape of this 11-day trip is contemplative and communal, drawing on the ancient wisdom of generations of Christians who have held the rhythms of worship, prayer, and life in community in this Holy Land. We also will engage people who call this special place home while exploring the realities of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. For more information, click here or contact Dean Thomason. Limited scholarship assistance is available.
Lynnwood Kiwanis Club Golf Fundraiser
SATURDAY, JULY 16, opens at 7 a.m., at the Nile Shrine Golf Club, Mountlake Terrace
Cathedral Bookeeper Stephen Eddy invites all golfers to the Charity Golf Classic—Golf "Fore" the Kids—on July 16, benefitting the Lynnwood Kiwanis Club. The "18 Hole Scramble" kicks off at 7:30 a.m., and the event also includes a lunch, raffle, hole-in-one contest, and more. Write to David Little with questions, and register here. Registration fees increase after July 1.
Seattle Architecture Foundation Walking Tour of the Cathedral’s Neighborhood
SATURDAYS: JULY 16, AUGUST 27, SEPTEMBER 17, 10 A.M. TO 12 P.M., tour begins and ends at Saint Mark’s
The Seattle Architecture Foundation, which exists to connect the people of Seattle to the rich history of our built environment, offers a walking tour of Federal Avenue and North Capitol Hill. The tour, titled Understated Elegance on the Park, visits 21 different historic properties around Saint Mark’s, placing them in the context of Seattle's social and economic history in the early 20th century. The tour concludes with a brief presentation of the cathedral building itself. Tickets are $18, and these tours usually sell out—find the link to get tickets here.
A Holy Waste of Time
FRIDAY–SUNDAY, AUGUST 19–21, at St. Andrew's House Retreat Center. Early-bird registration: $95/person on or before July 15; $110/person after July 15
Join 20s/30s from Saint Mark's and across the Diocese of Olympia for an annual gathering to simply relax and enjoy the beauty of waterfront views, outstanding food, and new friends. St. Andrew's House offers many options for activities and relaxation: kayak, paddle board, or swim the beautiful calm waters of the Puget Sound; take a hike on the forest trails nearby; or simply read at the lodge or sun on the deck. We'll also offer some optional activities: yoga, music, and arts 'n' crafts. Each evening we'll close with prayer and song, and on Sunday morning we'll celebrate a very casual Eucharist together. Learn more and register here. Questions? Email Valerie Reinke:
Please note that Cathedral Yoga is cancelled on Monday, July 4. It will resume on July 11, led by Sally Senger. On July 18 (the third Monday of the month), Black Moon Company will offer another sound bath meditation following the class.
Please note that Evening Prayer is cancelled on Monday, July 4, due to the Independence Day holiday.
Tuesday Bible Study continues to meet online-only during July. The gathering will take a hiatus in the month of August, then resume in September, possibly with an in-person option.
The group meets from 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. Contact Lynne Cobb for more information and to get the link to join:
The next work party of the Cathedral Garden Ministry will be Saturday, July 9. There's lots of midsummer work to be done, so why not get your hands dirty while enjoying the sunshine and good company? Just bring work gloves and a water bottle.
Due to the current state of the pandemic, face masks are now required for everyone while inside the cathedral building.
The funeral of Philip Bayne will be offered
The funeral of Sue Yunker-Jones will be offered
The funeral of J.J. Henke will be offered
Sunday, July 3, 2022:
The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Download the service leaflets in advance here.
Join the 11 a.m. service via livestream here.
Read the Scriptures appointed for this Sunday here.
2 Kings 5:1–14
Psalm 30
Galatians 6:7–16
Luke 10:1–11, 16–20
Thomsen Chapel; in-person only
Presider: The Rev. Linzi Stahlecker
Preacher: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty [Hymn #390]
How beautiful, for spacious skies [Hymn #719, but with alternative verses]
Alice Sauvrezis, Choral
Elizabeth Turner, March in D
in-person only
Presider: The Rev. Linzi Stahlecker
Preacher: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty [Hymn #390]
My God, thy table now is spread [Hymn #321]
How beautiful, for spacious skies [Hymn #719, but with alternative verses]
Dan Locklair, The Peace may be exchanged from Rubrics
C.C.H. Parry, Meditation on Rockingham
Calvin Hampton, Meditation on Materna
in-person & livestreamed
Presider: The Rev. Linzi Stahlecker
Preacher: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty [Hymn #390]
O Zion haste, thy mission high fulfilling [Hymn #539]
My God, thy table now is spread [Hymn #321]
How beautiful, for spacious skies [Hymn #719, but with alternative verses]
Dan Locklair, The Peace may be exchanged from Rubrics
C.C.H. Parry, Meditation on Rockingham
Calvin Hampton, Meditation on Materna
Presider: The Rev. Canon Jennifer King Daugherty
Musician: Charles Coldwell
Stephen Sturk, Phos hilaron and Nunc dimittis from The Evening Service
Peter Hallock, Psalm 66
Grayston Ives, In pace, in idipsum
Liturgy and repertoire information subject to change.
Each week, those for whom the community has been asked to pray are published each Friday afternoon in the Cathedral Prayer List, found as a PDF at
On that same page, find information about joining the cathedral's Prayer Chain, to receive emails about individual prayer requests as they are submitted.
The prayer list is now also available in printed form in the back of the nave.
Weekday Services
Daily Evening Prayer meets in person at 6 p.m. in Thomsen Chapel on Wednesday only (note the new day and new time!), and is offered online via zoom at 6 p.m. on Monday–Tuesday and Thursday–Friday.
Thursday Morning: At 7 a.m. on on the first and third Thursdays of the month only, a service of Holy Eucharist is offered in person in Thomsen Chapel. On the second, fourth, and fifth Thursdays of the month, an online-only prayer service is offered at 7 a.m. instead.
Saint Mark’s Cathedral acknowledges that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, who are still here, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the life of the Duwamish Tribe. [Learn more]
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral
Pastoral Care Emergency Line: 206.323.0300 x100