Sunday, February 27, 2022:
The Last Sunday after the Epiphany

8 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
in person in Thomsen Chapel

9 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
in person in the cathedral nave

11 a.m.The Holy Eucharist
in person and livestreamed

7 p.m. • Contemplative Eucharist
in person in Thomsen Chapel

9:30 p.m. • Compline
in person and livestreamed

An Update on Pandemic Protocols
from Dean Steve Thomason

This Sunday's forum

This Sunday afternoon

A Holy Thread
Lenten Reflection & Connection for 20s/30s

A Lenten Series from Episcopal Migration Ministries
Update on COVID protocols and the Mask Mandate

In the wake of Governor Inslee’s latest announcement regarding COVID-related requirements for Washington, several have asked about changes to our protocols at Saint Mark’s. We do expect to share some updated information related to worship services, ministry groups, and other gatherings on the cathedral campus, but will do so after Dean Thomason confers with the Wardens and Senior Leaders on Staff. Please note Governor Inslee’s changes do not take effect until March 21, and we are still awaiting further clarification from King County Public Health which will inform any changes we make as well. For now, the mask requirement remains in place. Be assured we are considering the well-being of all in our community, especially our young children, as we adapt in these next phases of the pandemic. Please address questions or concerns to Dean Thomason directly.
Palms for Ash Wednesday - Elly Fine
LAST CHANCE to Bring Your Palms to Church

Palms blessed at any of the Palm Sunday liturgies of recent years should be returned this coming Sunday, February 27. Place palms in the baskets located in the rear of the nave. The palms will be burned at the conclusion of the Shrove Tuesday celebration on March 1, and the ashes used in the Ash Wednesday liturgy the next Day. Contact Sacristan Michael Seewer with questions,
This Sunday! Intergenerational Hike to Tradition Lake

THIS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2 P.M., meet at the Tradition Lake trailhead

For the second intergenerational hike, intrepid hiker Betsy Bell has chosen a route that’s friendly to seniors and preschoolers. We’ll meet at the Tradition Lake trailhead at the end of the road at High Point exit off I-90. This includes the Swamp Trail which has a fun series of story boards about Zoe and the creatures in the area, the Ruth Kees Big Tree and Tradition Lake trails, about 2.5 to 3 miles with almost no elevation gain and a couple of good places to stop for prayer and song.

More information, frequently asked questions, and a map of the trail route can be found here.

Check out photos and materials from the previous Intergenerational Hike to Twin Falls here.

Questions or RSVP to Canon Wendy Claire Barrie: Please note: If you are interested in going, please email Canon Wendy Barrie in advance, and she will reply with her cell phone number.
The Santa Marta Anglican Center: Supporting LGBTIQ+ Youth in El Salvador

THIS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 10:10–10:50 A.M., Bloedel Hall, in person and via Zoom

The Santa Marta Anglican Center supports LGBTIQ+ youth in El Salvador who are facing homelessness. It is a ministry of the Diocese of El Salvador, part of the Anglican Church in Central America. Attend this Sunday morning form in person or online to learn more about Diocese of El Salvador's work to advance LGBTIQ+ rights, celebrate LGBTIQ+ stories, and support LGBTIQ+ youth and young adults who have been kicked out of their homes. Check out an article about the work of the Center here.
Their fundraising official, Joseph Russ, is visiting from El Salvador to share the story of founding the Center, the faith that grounds this work, and how this faith becomes action by accompanying queer Salvadoran youth and young adults.

Join in person in Bloedel Hall, or online using this Zoom link.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and Closing of the Doors

TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 6–7:15 P.M., in the cathedral nave. Register here. Suggested donation: $5/person, $20/family.

Please join us on Shrove Tuesday, March 1, in the cathedral nave, to end the season after Epiphany in the traditional way—by gathering in community, eating pancakes, and having fun! There will be live music, crafts, and games. Chef Marc Aubertin and the youth will be preparing our meal, and the members of the Seattle Service Corps will be decorating and assisting in the celebration. The evening will conclude with a brief liturgy to bury the Alleluias and close the great doors until Easter. (This is a tradition to unique to Saint Mark's—see a glimpse of what the Closing of the Doors has looked like in previous years below! here.)

Please register in advance here. Registration will also be available at the door, but if you plan to attend, please register as soon as you can, so Chef Aubertin can get an accurate idea of how much of the pancake ingredients he will need!

Children 5 and under are very much welcome. Everyone older than 5 must be vaccinated or provide a recent negative PCR test. When you register, you will be encouraged to provide your proof of vaccination in advance, simply by emailing an image to Canon Barrie at (Providing proof of vaccination in advance will speed up check-in.)
Ash Wednesday: March 2, 2022

A service of Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes will be offered this Wednesday at three times during the day:

7 A.M., Thomsen Chapel

NOON, cathedral nave

7 P.M., cathedral nave

Music for the noon liturgy will be offered by Canon Kleinschmidt and Rebekah Gilmore. Music for the 7 p.m. service will be offered by the Schola (youth choir) of the cathedral's Choir School.
Sumud (Steadfastness)—The Ninth Annual Mideast Focus Film Series

BEGINS FRIDAY, MARCH 11 AND CONTINUES THROUGH FRIDAY, MAY 13. Film screenings and discussions offered online only

The theme for this year’s Mideast Focus Film Series is Sumud. This is a Palestinian word that means “Steadfastness” or “Steadfast Perseverance.” It is a cultural value in Palestine. There is no possible way Palestinians can defend themselves in the face of one of the most well-equipped military powers in the world. They practice “sumud” which sometimes is an act of making breakfast, sometimes walking the children to the checkpoint on the way to school, sometimes, joining a peaceful protest at a blocked crossroad, just to say “We are here!”

In this series we will meet a young Israeli woman who also practices her own sumud as she resists joining the Israeli military. We will discover what sumud looks like in the devastation we call “Gaza”, and in the tragedy we call “Hebron.” Learn about all the films in the series here.

The first film is Blind Trust with discussion on March 11th over Zoom at 7pm with director, Molly Castelloe, and Director of FOSNA, Jonathan Kuttab. To receive links to the film (watch on your own time within 48 hours of the discussion) and the Zoom discussion, send a message to
20s/30s GROUP
A Holy Thread: Lenten Reflection & Connection for 20s/30s

SUNDAYS, MARCH 13, 20, & 27, 5:30-6:45 P.M., Leffler House (with the option to attend the 7 p.m. Contemplative Eucharist in Thomsen Chapel)
Are you drawn to contemplative reading and have a desire to reflect on content with others? Drawing from Listening for the Heartbeat of God by J. Philip Newell, we’ll weave in themes in the readings over the course of three Sundays for a time of spiritual reflection and connection. Participants are encouraged to read the book but it is not required. Co-facilitated by Victoria Szydlowski and Emily Meeks. If interested, please email Emily: (
Youth Confirmation Informational Meeting for Parents and Youth

THIS SUNDAY FEBRUARY 27, 10–10:30 A.M., Cathedral House Room 210, in person or via Zoom

The year-long process of preparation for youth confirmation begins in mid-March, using the Confirm not Conform curriculum. An informational meeting will be held on February 27 with Rebekah Gilmore to answer questions. You don't need to be sure that you want to be confirmed to take this class. Cathedral Day, April 22, 2023 will mark the confirmation liturgy for this class.

Additional details and a link to register is now available here . Join the informational meeting online using this Zoom link.

6:30 P.M. Yoga in the nave.

7:30 P.M. Night Prayer in Leffler House

As they do every fourth Monday, the 20s/30s will gather in Leffler Sun Room following yoga this Monday, February 28. Call-in option still available. Learn more here. Email Adam ( for information.
SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 10 A.M.–12 P.M.

We'll take a guided walk led by David Poortinga through grasslands, wooded hillsides, wetlands and shoreline to discover the many waterbirds and more at Magnuson. No birding experience required. Meet at the parking lot near the Magnuson Park Boat Launch off of 65th/Lake Shore Drive. Questions? Email Emily Meeks (

MARCH 9 & 16
Blood Memory and Spiritual Inheritance

TWO WEDNESDAYS, MARCH 9 & 16, 2022, 6:45–8:15 P.M., via Zoom only, registration required. 

In this two part series, The Rev. Dr. Hillary Raining, Saint Mark’s 2022 Theologian-in-Residence, will explore the role of our ancestors in shaping our lives as well as how we might help heal ourselves and others. Join us for a combination of scholarship and experience in community! Participants are invited to read Rev. Raining’s article on spiritual inheritance and gratitude here. Learn more about Rev. Raining here.

WISDOM SCHOOL Spirituality of the Meal

SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 2022, 9:30 A.M.–12 P.M., in person only. Registration required. Fee: $25.

Registration required. Attendance is limited, but a few spots remain available!

Food is a profound portal into spiritual growth even as it often carries trappings of stress and shame for many. It doesn’t have to. Sharing a meal is a holy experience, if we avail ourselves of the opportunity to practice presence and to see the bounty before us as opportunity to practice gratitude. Brief reflections across the day will include history of the meal, reflecting on food as spiritual metaphor, and participants will engage in sensate tasting and will share a meal prepared by all present. Register here.

Ravished by Nature’s Beauty: The Mystics and Their Longing for God

FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2022, 6:30–8:30 P.M.
and SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 9:30 A.M.–3 P.M., in person in Bloedel Hall or online via Zoom. Fee: $60. Registration required.

The Christian mystical tradition can be deeply earthy and sensual in its yearning for union with the Divine. Hildegard of Bingen and Teresa of Avila found a wondrous God in trees and flowing water. Catherine of Siena and Ignatius Loyola were drawn by the wild energy of fire and the darkness of the cave. These mystics call us back to a “Great Conversation” with the natural world, reconnecting our spiritual lives with the earth. Renowned theologian and best-selling author Belden Lane will guide this wholesome exploration through images, storytelling, poetry, and guided meditation.

Advance registration required for in person or online participation. Fee: $60 (includes a catered lunch on Saturday for those attending in person). Register using this link. When you register, instructions for submitting payment will be included in the confirmation email.
Celtic Spirituality: Materials Now Available

If you missed Canon Jennifer King Daugherty's two-part presentation exploring Celtic spirituality, a complete video of both sessions, along with slides, handouts, and bibliography, are now available here.
The Inquirers' Class


No matter where you are on your journey, this spring consider attending The Inquirers' Class, a six-session class facilitated by clergy where we will explore together the basics of the Christian faith through the Episcopal lens. After completing the series, many people often decide to receive the sacrament of baptism, or to be confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church. Attendees are strongly encouraged to attend all six sessions. Learn more and register to participate here. Email Emily Meeks at with questions.
The Church Council of Greater Seattle is Hiring an Accompaniment Associate

The Church Council of Greater Seattle seeks a highly-relational, collaborative, community-centered team player proficient in English and Spanish to carry out the primary role in coordinating the behind-the-scenes efforts of CCGS Community Accompaniment Hotline. This hotline connects immigrant community members with volunteers who accompany them through immigration and criminal justice proceedings. This is a temporary, part-time position beginning March 14, 2022 through December 31, 2022 with the possibility of an extension—16 hours/week @ $25/hour. Deadline to apply is March 7, 2022. Please share this information with anyone who may be interested. Learn more and find the link to apply here.
The Lenten Virtual Borderlands Experience


Episcopal Migration Ministries and the Office of Latino/Hispanic Ministries of the Episcopal Church offer this Lenten series, designed to expose participants to the border crossing experiences of immigrants, including their perilous journey towards the border, their interaction with detention centers, and the work of churches and other organizations that support them. This five-week Lenten VBE series can be done at home alone, with your family, or as part of a study group. The presenters include individuals involved in immigration ministry and advocacy, as well as the immigrants themselves who have personally experienced the impact and trauma of our national immigration policies. There is no fee for this Lenten series which will take place on Thursdays from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time. Sessions occur: March 10, March 17, March 24, March 31, and April 7. More information here and a link to register can be found here.
Seattle Choral Company presents: Rachmaninoff's Divine Liturgy at Saint Mark's

SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 8–10 P.M., cathedral nave

The Seattle Choral Company, led by their founding director, Freddie Coleman, is proud to announce their return to live choral performances during their 40th concert season with Rachmaninoff’s Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom—a masterpiece of Russian sacred music. Additionally, two other related works will be on the program: Rachmaninoff's Concerto for Choir: Mother of God, Vigilantly Praying, and Alfred Schnittke's Three Sacred Hymns. The Divine Liturgy is one of Rachmaninoff's two major choral works, yet was long suppressed by Soviet authorities. It may have been lost if not for the discovery of the choral part books in an Orthodox monastery in New York State. To purchase single tickets to Seattle Choral Company concerts this season, please visit

The funeral of Don Lewis will be offered

The funeral of Polly Bates will be offered

These services will be livestreamed.
Sunday, February 27, 2022:
The Last Sunday After the Epiphany

Thomsen Chapel; in-person only
Presider & Preacher: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason

When morning gilds the skies [Hymn #427]
Ye watchers and ye holy ones [Hymn #618]

Stuntebeck, Improvisation on Jesu dulcis memoria
Flor Peeters, Festival Voluntary
in-person only

in-person & livestreamed
Download the service leaflets in advance here.
Join the 11 a.m. service via livestream here.

Presider: The Rev. Canon Jennifer King Daugherty

Preacher: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason

Exodus 34:29–35
Psalm 99
2 Corinthians 3:12–4:2
Luke 9:28–36

Hymns, 9 a.m.:
When morning gilds the skies [Hymn #427]
Ye watchers and ye holy ones [Hymn #618]

Hymns, 11 a.m.:
Songs of thankfulness and praise [Hymn #135, alt.]
Fairest Lord Jesus [Hymn #383]
Ye watchers and ye holy ones [Hymn #618]

Choir, 9 a.m.: 
Frederick H. Candlyn, Christ whose glory fills the skies
Knut Nystedt, This is my beloved son
Choir, 11 a.m.:
Morten Lauridsen, O nata lux

Organ, 9 a.m.:
J.S. Bach, Trio on Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend, BWV 655
Flor Peeters, Festival Voluntary
Organ, 11 a.m.:
Stuntebeck, Improvisation on Jesu dulcis memoria
Florence Price, Juba! from Suite No. 1 for organ
Presider: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason

Musician: James Falzone
Now open to in-person attendance. Broadcast live on KING 98.1 FM, and; livestreamed on and Facebook and YouTube; and available as a podcast. Learn more here.

arr. Bloch, How bright appears the Morning Star
Thomas Morley, Nunc dimittis Tone 1
Tomás Luis de Victoria, Resplenduit facies ejus
Liturgy and repertoire information subject to change.
The 20s/30s Group recently sent out a new issue of their email newsletter. Check it out here.
Sunday School Update

Sunday School returns this Sunday in the Carriage House. Contact Canon Barrie with questions and for the link to join:
Newcomer's Coffee with Clergy

SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 12 p.m., and the first Sunday of each month

A special virtual coffee hour for newcomers, visitors, or anyone with questions about Saint Mark's is offered over Zoom each month. Find the link to join here. Please share this information with anyone you know who might be interested!
Each week, those for whom the community has been asked to pray are published each Friday afternoon in the Cathedral Prayer List, found as a PDF at

On that same page, find information about joining the cathedral's Prayer Chain, to receive emails about individual prayer requests as they are submitted.
Saint Mark’s Cathedral acknowledges that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, who are still here, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the life of the Duwamish Tribe. [Learn more]
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral

Pastoral Care Emergency Line: 206.323.0300 x100
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