Sunday, October 3, 2021:
The Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

8 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
in person in Thomsen Chapel

9 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
in person in the cathedral nave

11 a.m.The Holy Eucharist
in person and livestreamed

4:30 p.m.Choral Evensong
in person and livestreamed

7 p.m. • Contemplative Eucharist
in person in Thomsen Chapel

9:30 p.m. • Compline
in person and livestreamed
Cover photo: Dean Thomason offers a socially-distanced blessing during the 2020 Blessing of the Animals outdoor liturgy. Photo by Michael Perera.

Tomorrow afternoon! Saturday, October 2, 4:30 p.m.

Celebrating the feasts of SS. Clare and Francis of Assisi

Forward as Beloved Community

Sunday morning forum, October 10

Celebrating the life and work of Peter R. Hallock on the 65th anniversary of the Compline Choir
St. Francis Day Celebration & Blessing of the Animals

TOMORROW, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 4:30 P.M., on the outdoor labyrinth and front lawn

On Saturday, October 2, Saint Mark's will once again offer its beloved Saint Francis Day tradition—with music offered by acclaimed Seattle improvisor James Falzone and the young choristers of Choir School, and including prayers for healing humanity’s relationship with the earth. Following the service, animals can receive an individual blessing from a priest if desired. All are invited to attend, with or without their animal companions (leashed or kenneled). Stuffed animals are also welcome to be blessed, as are photographs of pets who would not find attending the event a blessed experience. You are welcome to bring your own chair to use on the lawn, although chairs will also be provided.

Click here for an invitation to participate from Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, The Most Rev. Michael Curry, and special guest.
Choral Evensong on the Eve of the Feast of Saint Francis

THIS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3, 4:30 P.M., in person and livestreamed

Continuing the celebration of Creation launched with the Blessing of Animals on October 2, Saint Mark's Cathedral commemorates the lives of Saints Clare and Francis of Assisi in Choral Evensong on the Eve of the Feast of Saint Francis. The intergenerational Evensong Choir will offer H. Walford Davies' magical setting of Psalm 121, I lift up my eyes to the hills, John Rutter's beloved setting of For the beauty of the earth, and Stanford's stately settings of the Songs of Mary and Simeon in the key of C.

If you are new to Choral Evensong, learn more about the liturgy and choir here. You can get a taste of the sound of the Evensong Choir in this video from 2019.
Stewardship 2022: ONE BODY—Forward as Beloved Community



October is "Stewardship Season" at Saint Mark's, when everyone who feels a connection to this place is invited to make a pledge of financial support for the coming year. Pledging offers us the opportunity to be more intentional about what we give—not simply giving from what we find left over. Instead, pledges are a way of offering the first fruits of our labors to God. In that way, pledging helps us commit ourselves to the spiritual practice of giving. To pledge is also to practice gratitude. It is a way of giving thanks for all that has been given to us by God. To pledge is also a practice of trust. Through pledging, we learn to give more freely, to let go of ourselves and our control, and to lean into a deeper trust in God.

Stay tuned all this month for many special stewardship offerings, including a mailing that should be arriving in your homes soon, video messages in your inbox this week, special reflections during Sunday services, and a beautiful installation hanging from the ceiling in the nave.
Connections: The American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10, 10:10-10:50 A.M., Bloedel Hall

The Saint Mark's Mideast Focus Ministry presents this opportunity to learn about an organization creating hope and healing in places of great suffering and injustice. Thirty years ago, at the time of the first Intifada, Episcopal leaders saw the need for a safe, secure channel to offer support to the humanitarian institutions owned and operated by the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem. American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (AFEDJ) was born. 

A nonpolitical, nonsectarian 501(c)(3) organization, AFEDJ is dedicated to raising financial support for schools, hospitals, and centers for children with disabilities in Palestine, Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon. These institutions serve everyone, irrespective of their religion, ethnicity or ability to pay. They build hope for all in the Holy Land, with the Christian values of equity, justice, and respect for the dignity of all at the heart of their efforts. Learn more about the AFEDJ here.
Peter R. Hallock Institute Symposium & Compline Choir 65th Anniversary Celebration

SATURDAY & SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16–17, registration requested

The Peter R. Hallock Symposium begins on Saturday morning with an online key-note address in which Dr. Jason Anderson reflects on Peter Hallock’s timeless music and lasting contributions to the Church, followed by a panel discussion of Hallock’s compositional styles and musicianship. In person at Saint Mark’s that day, there will be an exhibit of visual arts recalling Peter’s life and ministry. Sunday includes a service of Holy Communion with Peter’s music prominently featured, followed by a (livestreamed) reading session of newly published works especially suited to smaller church and parish choirs. The Sunday concludes with a special office of Compline celebration of the Compline Choir’s 65th anniversary, presented by the choir joined by alumni from across the decades.

This promises to be a weekend filled with scholarly discourse and reflection, celebration, and beautiful music in the Holy Box that is Saint Mark’s. All symposium events are free-of-charge, but we ask those who are able to make a contribution in support of the Peter R. Hallock Institute. Visit the event site for full schedule and to register.

No matter where you are on your journey, consider attending this two-class series, facilitated by clergy, where we will explore together the basics of the Christian faith through the Episcopal lens. Whether you are new to Saint Mark’s, or just interested in sharing and learning, you are welcome. Contact Dean Steve Thomason or Emily Meeks with questions. Registration required to receive Zoom link. Register here.
THIS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3, 10:10-10:50 A.M., Bloedel Hall

Fall is upon us with leaves changing, crisper nights, and fruits for foraging. Drawing from a selection of autumnal poems, parishioner and English professor Doug Thorpe will guide us in a time of reading and reflection to discover Creation themes and connections.
THIS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3, 7:30 p.m. in Leffler House
Where is God When Bad Things Happen? We’ll discuss this previously discussed question in the lens of a pandemic year in a special edition of Questioning Together. Join us for a BYO dinner and conversation at 7:30 p.m. (bring your own, drinks provided) followed by an hour of Questioning Together starting at 8 p.m. For those interested, a group will go to Compline together at 9:30 p.m. Questions? Email Emily Meeks ( or Seyi Akanni (

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2021, 6:45 P.M.–8:15 P.M., in person in Bloedel Hall and via Zoom

Dean Steve Thomason presents the theme for the Wisdom School 2021-22 program year. Drawing on art, poetry, science, and theology, including writings of the mystics, Dean Thomason will explore desire as a deeply-seated spiritual gift that enables us to engage the Other in life-giving union while also reflecting on ways we fall prey to false attachments meant to fill the spiritual whole that only God can fill.

In-person attendees must be vaccinated. 

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10, 12:453 P.M., 6218 Beacon Ave. S., Seattle
Middle School and High School youth will offer their elbow grease to assist with the fall chores on this thriving urban farm and community farming program that values community, self-sufficiency, food empowerment, social justice, and education. We will meet onsite at the farm at 12:45 p.m. on October 10 after church.

Check out this inspiring new 6-minute video about the activities at Nurturing Roots, including their "focus on sharing the truth about systematic oppression with an emphasis on food and environmental justice."
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 7:30 P.M., at Epiphany Parish in Madrona

Join an evening of Art & Jazz with other young adults from around the Diocese (7:30–9 p.m.). View art from local artists affiliated with Vibrant Palette Art Center and listen to jazz piano from Jeremy Bacon in the Chapel at Epiphany Parish, Seattle. Artwork will be available for purchase to support Vibrant Palette’s mission to empower artists with disabilities and build a more inclusive arts community in Seattle. Light refreshments provided. Questions? Email Emily Meeks
Now Open: Nominations for Candidates for the Saint Mark’s Vestry and for Delegates to Diocesan Convention 2022

The Vestry is a group of laypeople elected by the parish who, along with the Rector, supervise and sustain the finances, facilities and grounds of the Cathedral. New members are needed for both the vestry and to act as delegates at next year's Diocesan Convention.

Members of the Nominating Committee will be in the back of the cathedral nave each Sunday in October to answer questions and accept names of those interested. If you would like to nominate someone or would like more information about either of these important roles, please send an email to or look here.
Code Red for Humanity: Video Now Available

If you missed last Wednesday's important online presentation by Dr. Lisa Graumlich about the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, a recording of the event is now available, along with the slides from the talk and a list of references and resources. Find the video and other materials here.
New Cathedral Facilities Calendar and Facilities Request Form

As more and more groups, both within and outside the cathedral community, are resuming in-person meetings, everyone who gathers in this place should know about the cathedral's recently-overhauled Facilities Calendar and Facilities Request Form. It can be found on the Saint Mark's website by hovering over "Connect" in the top bar menu, and then selecting "Reserve a Space." Before planning any in-person gathering anywhere on the cathedral property—from a one-on-one meeting in the conference room to a huge gathering in the nave—take a look at the Facilities Calendar to see if any of the spaces you want to use are already reserved. Then follow the link to the Facilities Request Form to request the space(s) you would like to use. Out of consideration for the entire community, you MUST make a reservation if you plan to use a space on the cathedral campus.

Please note that if the space does not appear to be reserved on the Facilities Calendar, that does NOT guarantee that the space is available; and submitting a request does NOT guarantee a reservation—a member of staff will reply to your request as soon as they are able. Also note that the Facilities Calendar is distinct from the cathedral's Events Calendar, which lists events, both at the cathedral and online-only, to which the public is invited. In contrast, the Facilities Calendar lists reserved spaces, including many things to which the public is not invited, and it does not typically include online-only events. Contact Scheduler Stephen Eddy with any questions:
Volunteers Needed for Edible Hope: Serving Meals To-Go

MONDAY - FRIDAY, 8-10 A.M., St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Ballard

For over three decades, St. Luke’s has been welcoming and serving anyone who needs a meal in their church basement in the heart of Ballard. Each weekday morning, a team of volunteers opens their doors, prepares coffee and food (all of which has been donated), and offers a meal, a cup of coffee, and a warm place to enjoy them to everyone who shows up. On average, they serve over 100 breakfast meals each day Monday through Friday. That’s about 2,000 meals a month. They welcome volunteers from Ballard and beyond who would like to contribute to this service to our homeless neighbors. Learn more here. You can sign up to volunteer right now using the sign-up form here.
Diocese of Olympia's Holy Hikes

Join Episcopalians from parishes around the Diocese of Olympia on trails up and down the I-5 corridor. During the hike the group with share readings from scripture, prayers, silence, conversation, and (when there’s a priest on hand) the bread and wine of the Eucharist. Sometimes all it takes to change the world is a little time experiencing nature in community with fellow travelers. See the full schedule and list of trails at the link here.

The funeral of Jane Dauber will be offered

This service will be livestreamed.
Sunday, October 3, 2021: The Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Thomsen Chapel; in-person only

Presider & Preacher
The Very Reverend Steven L. Thomason

Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, Toccata in A minor
in-person only

in-person & livestreamed
Download the service leaflets in advance here.
Join the 11 a.m. service via livestream here.

Birthday and anniversary blessings will be offered during the 9 a.m. service this Sunday, and the first Sunday of each month.

9 a.m.: The Reverend Canon Dr. Marda Steedman Sanborn
11 a.m.: The Very Reverend Steven L. Thomason

The Very Reverend Steven L. Thomason

Job 1:1; 2:1–10
Hebrews 1:1–4; 2:5–12
Mark 10:2–16

9 a.m.: Surely it is God who saves me [Hymn #679]
11 a.m.: Love divine, all loves excelling [Hymn #657]
9 & 11: Children of the heavenly father [LEVAS II #213]
9 & 11: Now thank we all our God [Hymn #397]

9 a.m.: J.S. Bach, Love divine, all loves excelling
11 a.m: Felix Mendelssohn, Verleih uns Frieden

J.S. Bach, Nun danket alle Gott, BWV 657
Kenneth Leighton, Fanfare
Observing the Feasts of SS Clare and Francis of Assisi

The Very Reverend Steven L. Thomason

Responses: Ayleward
Canticles: Stanford in C
Psalm: 121 (H. Walford Davies)
Anthem: John Rutter, For the Beauty of the Earth
Hymn: O Trinity of blessed light [Hymn #29]

The Very Reverend Steven L. Thomason

Page Smith, cello
Observing the Feast of St Michael and All Angels
Now open to in-person attendance. Broadcast live on KING 98.1 FM, and; livestreamed on and Facebook and YouTube; and available as a podcast. Learn more here.

NOTE: Due to an alarm going off in the nave, Compline was not offered as usual last Sunday, September 26. (A few choir members chanted the office in Compline Corner by themselves later that night.) Most of the repertoire planned for that service, in observance of the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels, will instead be sung this coming Sunday, October 3.

Sarum plainsong, Christ, the fair glory of the holy angels
Hallock, Psalm 103
J.B. Dykes, Hark! Hark, my soul!
Giovanni Bassano, Salvator mundi, salva nos
THIS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3, 12 p.m., and the first Sunday of each month

A special virtual coffee hour just for newcomers, or anyone with questions about Saint Mark's. Find the link to join here.
Children, Youth, and Family Ministries has released a new issue of their newsletter. Read it here.
SUNDAYS, 10–10:50 A.M., St. Nicholas Building, 2nd Floor

Sunday Morning Church School has resumed!
Learn more at
Each week, those for whom the community has been asked to pray are incorporated into the Prayers of the Assembly during the morning Eucharist services. Those names, along with long-term prayer requests, and the Anglican, Diocesan, and Cathedral Cycles of Prayer are published each Friday afternoon in the Cathedral Prayer List, which may be found as a pdf posted at

On that same page, find information about joining the cathedral's Prayer Chain, to receive emails about individual prayer requests as they are submitted.
Saint Mark’s Cathedral acknowledges that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, who are still here, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the life of the Duwamish Tribe. [Learn more]
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral

Pastoral Care Emergency Line: 206.323.0300 x100
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