Sunday, July 25, 2021: The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
9 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
in person only
11 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
Additional information about Sunday's liturgies can now be found at the bottom of this email.
Cover photo: last weekend's funeral for The Rev. Diane Brelsford, by Kevin Johnson.
Saturday forum and Sunday sermon
Innovative & Intergenerational Community
This Sunday, July 25
The Rev. Canon Walter Brownridge is in Seattle at Last!—Teaching on Saturday and Preaching on Sunday
From Prisoners of Pandemic to Prisoners of Hope: A Day of Reflection on Being Church in our Emerging Reality
TOMORROW! SATURDAY, JULY 24, 9:30 A.M.–12 P.M., In-person in Bloedel Hall or virtually via Zoom. Pre-registration required by 5 p.m. on Register here.
Preaching during Sunday morning services
SUNDAY, JULY 25, at the 9 A.M. &11 A.M. liturgies.
For the first time this year, the Theologian-in-Residence is coming to Seattle! On Saturday (tomorrow!) you are invited to come, meet, talk, and connect with Canon Brownridge—and with fellow members of this community—as he leads us in asking big questions of meaning, faith, healing, and (above all) hope, in this unprecedented moment in history. You also have the option to participate fully in this event online, via Zoom. Simply select whichever option you prefer when you register. This program will be offered in person in Bloedel Hall OR virtually via Zoom. Learn more and register to using the form on this page. You must register before 5 p.m. today!
Mutual Ministry Goals Community Meeting #3: Innovative and Intergenerational Community
The third of Saint Mark's three new Mutual Ministry Goals reads as follows:
- As we envision ways of being Church in a post-pandemic world, we will foster spiritual growth and nourishing relationships among members of the cathedral community through intergenerational programming, small group gatherings, and innovative ways to incorporate those new to Saint Mark’s as we seek to become Beloved Community.
Innovative and Intergenerational Community will be the focus of the third community conversation, this Sunday afternoon. All are encouraged to participate in this important work, regardless of whether you have attended the previous conversations.
The final meeting, on Monday evening, August 9 at 6:30 p.m., will address Creation Care & Carbon Reduction. Read more here.
Women's Compline Choir
THIS SUNDAY, JULY 25, 9:30 P.M., via broadcast or livestream only
The Women's Compline Choir sings the second of two services this Sunday—again with its full complement of 18 of the finest female choral musicians in the region! This Sunday's service will feature the world premiere of two new works by beloved local composer and former Compline Choir member Jeff Junkinsmith, specially commissioned for the occasion. If you missed last week's breathtaking, extraordinary liturgy, you can still watch or listen to it here, or via the podcast.
Repertoire for the July 25 service:
Orison: Stephanie Martin, Alleluia
Psalm: Plainchant, Psalm 14
Hymn: Jeff Junkinsmith, Te lucis ante terminum (PREMIERE)
Nunc Dimittis: Jeff Junkinsmith, Nunc dimittis for The Women’s Compline Choir (PREMIERE)
Anthem: Stephanie Martin, The Glorious City
These services will still be closed to the public. Join in via live radio on KING 98.1 FM, or via livestream. Learn more, and find photos and video from previous years here.
Baptisms on August 8, Feast of the Transfiguration
Join the community of Saint Mark’s in blessing and welcoming several new members of the Body of Christ when they are baptized on Sunday morning, August 8. This year, we will observe the Feast of the Transfiguration and have a special baptismal feast day to accommodate those whose baptisms were delayed by COVID. This is in addition to the four baptismal feast days designated by the Book of Common Prayer: Easter Vigil, Pentecost, All Saint’s Day, and the Baptism of Our Lord.
BEGINS THIS MONDAY, JULY 26, 6:30 P.M., and every Monday thereafter
Cathedral Yoga offers a gentle, restorative, spiritual practice in the sacred space of the cathedral nave, now re-launching on MONDAY evenings at 6:30 p.m. Classes will be led by beloved cathedral community members—and certified professional yoga instructors—Irene Beausoleil and Wendy Townsend.
7 P.M., on the outdoor labyrinth
On the fourth Monday of the month, the 20s/30s Group offers service of Night Prayer either over the phone or in person on the outdoor labyrinth. The service on Monday July 26 will feature a new liturgy adapted from the prayers of Corrymeela community.
Learn more and find how to call in here.
SUNDAYS, STARTING AUGUST 1, 7–9 P.M., on the outdoor labyrinth
Now, while the evenings are long and warm, the organizers of Saint Mark's Labyrinth Ministry invite everyone to informal community gatherings on Sunday nights. Drop by any time between 7 and 9 p.m. Learn more here, and contact Walter Stuteville with questions.
Join with other young adults from around the Diocese of Olympia to explore and learn about different neighborhoods and Episcopal parishes within Seattle. Routes will draw inspiration from Seattle Stairway Walks and range between 2.5–4 miles at an easy pace. The walks start and end at the parish, with an opportunity to connect with clergy and other participants. Learn more here, and contact Emily Meeks or Michael Perera with questions.
Saint Mark's and the Compline Choir are thrilled to reopen the Office of Compline to a public congregation beginning the fourth Sunday in August. (Get your pillows and blankets ready!) More here.
Compline Hospitality Ministers are still needed! Contact Michael Seewer to learn more.
Let’s hike together! All ages are welcome on this 3 mile roundtrip hike to Twin Falls as we take time to connect, move and pray in nature after church. We’ll meet at the trailhead at 2 p.m. and finish by 5:30 p.m. Bring your water, snacks and appropriate gear. Learn more and find the link to sign up here. Questions? Email Emily Meeks.
Tent City 3 Needs Tents
Tent City 3, currently in residence on the cathedral campus, has a pressing need for more tents to shelter their residents. They are specifically asking for 7 by 7 foot tents. Donations can be dropped off any time! Simply go to the encampment in the lower south parking lot and speak with the resident at the entrance
View other needs on their website here.
New Podcast Series:
Cathedral Conversations about Race
Cathedral Conversations about Race can be heard wherever you get your podcasts—just search for "cathedral conversations"—or here, or at The first episode of the new series is now available (in two parts). New episodes will be released every two weeks.
A Personal Invitation from Michael Perera:
(What feels like) a very long time ago, Cara Peterson and I sat down to talk about the elephant in the cathedral; looking around at the people and the community we love, and knowing that nobody else looked like us; and knowing what they saw when they looked at us. We'd hear it in their questions, read it between the lines of their emails, and feel it in the absence of other BIPOC folks who chose not to stay. "We should do something," we said to each other.
Now, we talk. We talk about race. We sit down with our friends, we talk to them about who they are, and we talk to them about what it means to look very different from everyone else in that big cathedral.
And we hope you listen. We hope you listen to these stories of who we are when we're not the center of unwanted attention, these stories of what it feels like to be seen differently, and why it is so important for us to be here, with you; and why it is so important for you to be here, with us.
Learn more about the podcast series here, and contact Michael or Cara directly with questions. Look for the next episode on Friday, July 30.
Lift Every Voice and Sing—A Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE) Revival
JULY 27–30, 7 P.M., NIGHTLY
The 53rd annual conference of the Union of Black Episcopalians this year will include “a fresh wave of divine love, guidance and power,” in the form of a good old-fashioned revival, and everyone’s invited. The online churchwide “Lift Every Voice and Sing” gathering July 27-30 will feature 7 p.m. EDT nightly spirited worship; daily noon plenary sessions examining systemic racism, inclusion, and challenges to voting and civil rights. Learn more here.
Compline from Saint Mark's, for RSCM's Summer Course
Saint Mark’s Cathedral and The Compline Choir were honored to be invited by the Royal School of Church Music – America, to contribute a pre-recorded office of Compline to be premiered during their 2021 online Summer Training Course. The service was filmed over two days in April 2021, and features members of the Senior Choristers, the Cathedral Schola, the Evensong Choir, and the Compline Choir. One RSCM course participant called it "out of this world." Watch the video here.
In September, the 8 a.m. Sunday Chapel Eucharist as well as the 7 p.m. Sunday Contemplative Eucharist will both resume as in-person offerings.
Volunteers keep the cathedral running! The Cathedral Office is seeking volunteers to answer phones, direct calls, welcome visitors, and more. To volunteer, contact Jim Pannell.
Beginning Thursday, July 15, an in-person service of Holy Eucharist will be offered at 7 a.m. in Thomsen Chapel on the first and third Thursdays of the month only. Read more here.
In this time of great unknowing, how do we expand our sense of self to include love, healing, and forgiveness— for ourselves and the entire world?
Learn more about the final hosted virtually at Saint Mark's this September.
NOTE: Pre-registration is no longer required to attend funerals.
The funeral of Linda Donato will be offered
THIS SATURDAY, JULY 24, at 1:30 P.M.
The funeral of Susan Spangler (niece of Stuart Ainsley) will be offered
The funeral of Sandra Smith will be offered
Sunday, July 25, 2021
The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
in-person only
in-person & livestreamed
Download the service leaflets in advance here.
Join the 11 a.m. service via livestream here.
Presider (9 a.m.):
The Reverend Canon Jennifer King Daugherty
Presider (11 a.m.):
The Very Reverend Steven L. Thomason
The Reverend Canon Walter B. A. Brownridge
2 Samuel 11:1-15
Ephesians 3:14-21
John 6:1-21
O Love of God [Hymn #455]
All who hunger gather gladly [WLP #761]
We the Lord's people [Hymn #51]
O Love, how deep, how broad, how high [Hymn #449]
Two settings on Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten —
J.S. Bach (BWV 642), and Mark Fax;
Elizabeth Turner, March in D
Highlights (see complete repertoire above):
Stephanie Martin, Alleluia and The Glorious City
Jeff Junkinsmith, Nunc dimittis and Te Lucis ante terminum (world premieres)
SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 12 p.m., and the first Sunday of each month
Note: Sunday morning church School is currently on summer hiatus. It will resume in September.
Subscribe to the Children, Youth, & Families newsletter here.
The 20s/30s Group has a new newsletter! Read it here.
Saint Mark’s Cathedral acknowledges that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, who are still here, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the life of the Duwamish Tribe. [Learn more]
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral