Sunday, April 24, 2022:
The Second Sunday of Easter
8 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
in person in Thomsen Chapel
9 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist with
in person in the cathedral nave
11 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
7 p.m. • Contemplative Eucharist
in person in Thomsen Chapel
9:30 p.m. • Compline
Cover image of Canon Rosario-Cruz proclaiming the Easter Sermon of St John Chrysostom at the 2022 Easter Vigil.
A Visual Arts Ministry exhibition in the nave opening this weekend
This Sunday! Route map and new details
Tickets now available
See the Bishop's video invitation
on Earth Day
Evangelism Officer of The Episcopal Church, at Saint Mark's Sunday, May 8
An Evensong Choir UK Pilgrimage Fundraiser
June 10–12; newly revised description
Now on Exhibit in the Cathedral Nave: Coast Salish Art by Peter Boome
APRIL 24–JUNE 5, in the cathedral nave
OPENING RECEPTION: SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 12:30 P.M., in the cathedral nave
The Visual Arts Ministry and the Creation Care Ministry are co-sponsors of this exhibition of paintings and prints by Coast Salish artist Peter Boome, in the cathedral nave beginning this Sunday. Works on display include new work created especially for this exhibition, a template for a mural on the Seattle waterfront displayed here publicly for the first time, large-scale works on canvas, and smaller prints and paintings. Works will available to be purchased from the artist. Visit this page for more information and additional links, including two video interviews: one from the National Museum of the American Indian, and the other (which includes a studio tour) from the Washington State Historical Society
Join the artist in Bloedel Hall for a conversational forum in the 10 a.m. hour between Sunday morning services on April 24. The opening reception will occur in the nave at 12:30 p.m. Sunday afternoon, and will feature music by members of the Native Jazz Quartet.
Seattle Service Corps Program Year Reflections
SUNDAY, MAY 1, 10:10–10:50 A.M., Bloedel Hall
Join the Seattle Service Corps for reflections and Q&A about their experiences of the program year so far, impressions of Seattle, and a discussion of what's next as they look toward the end of the year on June 30. Questions? Email Adam Conley at
Choral Evensong on the Third Sunday of Easter
NEXT SUNDAY, MAY 1, 2022, 4:30 P.M., in the cathedral nave and livestreamed
Join together to offer praise to God and prayers for the world at the service of Choral Evensong offered in a traditional Anglican cathedral style on the first Sunday of the month. May's liturgy will include the joyous Evening Service in C by Charles Villiers Stanford, well suited for Eastertide, and the anthem will be Duke Ellington's Come Sunday, sung in an arrangement for choir by Alice Parker. Come Sunday was originally composed as an instrumental piece in 1943, and later made famous sung by Mahalia Jackson. Alice Parker's arrangement elegantly transforms this sacred song into a choral work beautifully suited to the intergenerational Evensong Choir.
Liturgical Minister Training—Registration Now Open
WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 6:45–8:15 P.M., online via Zoom ONLY; registration required
You are invited! The next Liturgical Minister Training will be on Wednesday evening, May 4. We are offering this training for the first time at a Wednesday Evening Forum, and it will be online only via Zoom so that as many people as possible can attend. The format will be abridged from Liturgical Minister Trainings in past, as follows:
6:45-7:30 p.m.: Plenary and Theological Reflection led by Dean Thomason
7:30-8:15 p.m.: Breakouts by Liturgical Ministry, led by ministry leaders
All Liturgical Ministers, or those interested in joining a new ministry, are invited to attend. The goal is that everyone active in Liturgical Ministries attend one of these trainings at least every three years, so if you haven't attended one in a while, please join us! The next training will be offered again after Labor Day. Please contact sacristan Michael Seewer if you have any questions:
Beyoncé Mass: Registration Now Open
FRIDAY, MAY 6, 7 P.M., in the cathedral nave, registration required.
Saint Mark's is proud to be a co-sponsor of this groundbreaking worship service the the music and life of Beyoncé as a tool to cultivate an empowering conversation about Black women—their lives, bodies, and voices—and create an experience of story, scripture, and song that calls for the liberation of all people.
Beyoncé Mass was created and curated by The Rev. Yolanda Norton, an ordained minister in Disciples of Christ and Visiting Professor at Moravian Theological Seminary. The inaugural Beyoncé Mass drew roughly 1,000 people at its debut at San Francisco’s historic Grace Cathedral in April 2018. Since then, the worship service has traveled to Los Angeles, Calif, Lisbon, Portugal, the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., and other locations.
The liturgy of Beyoncé Mass includes music from Beyoncé’s vast discography, readings from prominent Black female leaders, and a sermon from Rev. Norton. “Beyoncé Mass is a Christian worship service that is open to all,” stated Rev. Norton. “This is not a ceremony deifying Beyoncé. The premise of this service is that if we look at the personal life, career trajectory, music, and public persona of Beyoncé, so much of her life reflects aspects of Black women’s stories.”
Bishop Rickel's Video Invitation to Cathedral Day 2022!
Cathedral Day is a celebration of the community of the Diocese of Olympia—a "family reunion" for Episcopalians from across western Washington. Check out Bishop Rickel's video invitation to this year's festivities!
Both Cathedral Day 2020 and Cathedral Day 2021 were cancelled due to the pandemic, but Cathedral Day will be back the first weekend of May, with all the fun and fellowship of this beloved tradition Members of the Saint Mark's community are especially encouraged to attend, both to see the cathedral in a new light, and to help extend hospitality as we welcome hundreds of our siblings to THEIR cathedral, many for the first time.
Guest Preacher—Jerusalem Greer
SUNDAY, MAY 8, at the 9 & 11 a.m. services
"FRIENDS TALKING" FORUM, 10:10 A.M., Bloedel Hall
We are delighted to have Jerusalem Greer as our guest preacher on May 8. She serves as the Presiding Bishop’s Staff Officer for Evangelism, and a member of the Way of Love leadership team for The Episcopal Church. She is a renowned preacher and teacher, and has a passion for connecting the rhythm of everyday life with timeless wisdom of scripture and our tradition. She will also participate in a "Friends Talking" forum with Dean Thomason at 10:10 a.m., between the two liturgies, in person in Bloedel Hall.
PSALMATHON!—An Evensong Choir UK Pilgrimage Fundraiser
SATURDAY, MAY 14, 9 A.M. to 12 P.M., cathedral nave
Do you have a beloved psalm? Join with the Evensong Choir for PSALMATHON 2022, a fundraiser for the choir’s 2022 UK Pilgrimage. Over 3 hours, we will sing 50 of our most beloved psalms, proclaiming them in a variety of musical forms. Parishioners are encouraged to sponsor one of our singers for a dollar amount per psalm or join in the singing with a sponsor of your own! Mark your calendars now; more info is to come on how the cathedral community can support the Psalmathon and the Evensong Choir’s residencies in Bristol and Chichester Cathedrals in August.
Book Study—The Church Cracked Open: Disruption, Decline, and New Hope for the Beloved Community
FOUR SUNDAYS, BEGINNING MAY 15, 12:30–2 P.M., in Bloedel Hall and via Zoom
Join Canon Rosario-Cruz for a book study of The Church Cracked Open: Disruption, Decline, and New Hope for the Beloved Community by The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers. This book looks in an honest and hopeful way at the history of Christianity and, more importantly, at the life of the Episcopal Church today. Canon Spellers (who presented at Saint Mark's in May of 2019) challenges us with an opportunity to discern our faithfulness toward building the Beloved Community in response to the racial reckoning and the pandemic experience of the past two years. We will meet from 12:30–2 p.m., on four Sundays: May 15, May 29, June 5, and June 19. Registration information is coming soon.
Our Blue Planet: Global Visions of Water—Group Viewing
SATURDAY, MAY 21, 10 A.M. TO NOON, Seattle Art Museum
Come explore the vast connections of water in the context of artwork at a new exhibit at the Seattle Art Museum. A group from Saint Mark's is planning to attend on Saturday, May 21 at 10 a.m. and then discuss the art afterward at SAM's cafe, MARKET. Interested in meeting up? Email Wayne Duncan ( or Emily Meeks (
In Mission: Hebron six young Israeli men who served in the army from the age of 18 give an account of their mission in Hebron, a Palestinian city in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Skies above Hebron is a coming of age story depicting three boys, each coping life in their Palestinian hometown of Hebron. Tonight's discussion will include Marla Byrne, WA State Policy Manager and Board Member for the Rachel Corrie Foundation, and Rona Segal, director of Mission: Hebron.
For the next intergenerational hike, we will be exploring Discovery Park! The walk will include the park's nature trails as well as the Daybreak Star Cultural Center. A brief liturgy of prayer and song will be offered on a high bluff overlooking Puget Sound. Participants in the previous intergenerational hikes have found them a fun opportunity to connect with community members in a new way.
Learn more about the route on this page, now including a maps, information for dog owners, and more. If you plan to attend, email Canon Barrie and she will reply with her cell phone number:
SUNDAY, MAY 8, 1–2:30 P.M., Cathedral House Room 210 or via Zoom
Perhaps as an antidote to our last book on the history of homelessness in Seattle, Saint Mark's Book Group chose Craig Rennebohm's Souls in the Hands of a Tender God: Stories of the Search for Home and Healing on the Streets (2008). Rennebohm, a United Church of Christ minister and director (at the time) of The Mental Health Chaplaincy, tells stories of the homeless, mentally ill, and the marginalized to whom companionship and grace, when extended, made belonging and healing possible. Kae Eaton, Saint Mark's community member and current director of the Mental Health Chaplaincy program, will join the conversation. Contact Pearl McElheran with questions. Contact Deb Brown to get the Zoom link.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 6:45–8:15 P.M., in Bloedel Hall and via Zoom
Join Creation Care for a special forum featuring parishioner Clara Berg, fashion historian and curator, and Richard Hartung, sustainable writer/blogger to discuss connections between clothing, the environment and our faith. We'll share ways to buy less, choose well and make clothes last.
SATURDAY, MAY 14, 9 A.M–12 P.M.
The next Garden Ministry Work party on Saturday, May 14! All are welcome to get your hands dirty while enjoying the sunshine and good company. Bring a water bottle and work gloves. Email for more information
Calling Class of 2022 Graduates!
We will recognize and bless high school, college, and other post-secondary program graduates on Sunday, May 22nd during the 9 and 11 a.m. services. If you or someone you know is graduating this summer and would like to be recognized, please send their names, graduation information, and preferred Sunday service to Rebekah Gilmore, by 5 p.m. on Monday, May 16.
A Creation Care Message from Dean Thomason
Today, Friday April 22, is Earth Day. Please watch Dean Thomason's brief (5-minute) Creation Care video message to the community—in it, he encourages everyone to consider what environmental legacy we will leave behind, and offers some practical steps to take today.
Middle East Children’s Alliance Forum: Video Now Available
Men’s Retreat—Updated Description:
In Returning and Rest We Shall Be Renewed
FRIDAY EVENING THROUGH SUNDAY NOON, JUNE 10–12, at St. Andrew’s House Retreat Center on beautiful Hood Canal. Facilitated Dean Steve Thomason.
Registration required. Capacity is limited to 25, first-come, first-served.
"All great spirituality is about letting go. Instead, we have made it about taking in, attaining, performing, winning, and succeeding." —Richard Rohr, Adam’s Return
We hear a lot these days of “toxic masculinity” and the ways men are raised to behave in culturally-expected ways. We are taught to perform, but it’s a show God does not need, and it does not sustain us. Nor is it life-giving to those whom we love and serve. God is calling us to something else, to be someone else—to be our true selves.
This weekend retreat is designed to create the space for quiet reflection, time away from the burdens of daily life, spacious time in nature, conversations with other men of faith, and worship. It will be a time of spiritual reflection and renewal. Dean Thomason will facilitate the weekend, drawing on wisdom set forth by Fr. Richard Rohr and others. Men of all ages are welcome.
Fee: $250; includes two nights lodging (single rooms in the conference center) and all meals. Partial scholarships are available. Space is limited to 25. There are a few spots remaining, available first-come, first-serve. A $100 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your space. Payment in full is due May 1, 2022. Contact Erik Donner ( to reserve your spot. Register here.
Forward Day by Day Now Available
Forward Day by Day is a daily devotional published quarterly by Forward Movement, containing scripture, refelcti0ns, and prompts to prayer for each day of the year. For many years at Saint Mark's issues were made available (in both pocket-size and large-print version) to anyone who wanted one, in the rear of the nave. At this time there is no longer a place for them in the nave, so the new issue (covering May, June, and July 2022), is now available just inside the office entrance, on the table beneath the community bulletin board. This resource is made available to the community through the generosity of anonymous parishioners.
The Rubric: New Issue
The most recent issue of The Rubric was mailed out last week. In continual publication since 1890, each issue of The Rubric tells the story of who we are as a community. The new issue contains a reflection on the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a report from El Salvador, a reflection on the U.N. Climate Change conference, and more. Pick up a copy in the narthex or in the office entryway, or read online here.
Emerald City SINGS! High School Choral Festival
TOMORROW, SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 6 P.M., in the cathedral nave, $10
The Saint Mark's Cathedral nave is the venue for this festival and workshop, and all are invited to attend the concluding concert led by Dr. Jason Max Ferdinand. Participating Ensembles include the Lincoln High School Concert Choir (Seattle, WA), the McMinnville High Symphonic Choir (McMinnville, OR), and the Mercer Island High School Bel Canto (Mercer Island, WA). Tickets for the Final Concert are $10 General Admission and are available at:
Eco-Summit on the Ridge
TOMORROW, SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 8:30 A.M. to 5 P.M., at the Greenwood Senior Center, 525 N. 85th, Seattle 98103; registration required.
CommunityWorks! and the Phinney Neighborhood Association (PNA) invite you to join us for our first annual Eco-Summit on the Ridge. Register here. The purpose of the Summit is to bring neighbors together for interactive learning, creating a caring and action-based community around the climate crisis and environmental justice. Following the Eco-Summit there will be opportunities to gather monthly to hear from additional experts, have time for Q&A and work in our action-groups. This event is open to everyone!
Cathedral Sacristan Michael Seewer puts together a seasonal Liturgical Ministers Newsletter for all involved in ministries of worship, but often containing information and reflections of interest to the entire community. Click here to read the latest issue, containing a moving Passion Week reflection.
Cathedral Yoga is offered in the nave every Monday at 6:30 p.m. This coming Monday, April 25, the class will be led by Leah Adams, offering a class of yin yoga.
Yin yoga is quite different from other styles of yoga you may be familiar with. Working with gravity, students move gently through poses, holding each pose for several minutes. It is a beautiful, meditative, and centering practice. All are welcome.
Night Prayer with the 20s/30s meets again, over the phone or in person in Leffler House, this Monday, April 25, at 7:30. You can walk over to Leffler immediately following the conclusion of Cathedral Yoga.
Saint Mark's special podcast series, Cathedral Conversations about Race, returns after a few months' hiatus with a new episode featuring Olivier Santos. Download the new episode wherever you get your podcasts, or listen to all the past episodes here.
The funeral of former U.S. Senator The Hon. Slade Gorton will be offered
This service will be livestreamed
Sunday, April 24, 2022
The Second Sunday of Easter
Download the service leaflets in advance here.
Join the 11 a.m. service via livestream here.
Read the Scriptures appointed for this Sunday here.
Acts 5:27–32
Psalm 150
Revelation 1:4–8
John 20:19–31
Thomsen Chapel; in-person only
Presider: The Reverend Canon Eliacín Rosario-Cruz
Preacher: The Rev. Linzi Stahlecker
That Easter day with joy was bright [Hymn #193]
Good Christians all, rejoice and sing! [Hymn #205]
Rebecca Groom te Velde, Vignette on O filii et filiae
J. S. Bach, Christ lag in Todesbanden, BWV 625
in-person only
Presider: The Reverend Canon Eliacín Rosario-Cruz
Preacher: The Rev. Linzi Stahlecker
That Easter day with joy was bright [Hymn #193]
We walk by faith and not by sight [Hymn #209]
O sons and daughters [Hymn #206]
Richard Wayne Dirksen, The whole bright world rejoices now!
Charles-Marie Widor, Choral from Symphonie Romane
J.S. Bach, Christ lag in Todesbanden, BWV 625
in-person & livestreamed
Presider: The Reverend Canon Eliacín Rosario-Cruz
Preacher: The Rev. Linzi Stahlecker
That Easter day with joy was bright [Hymn #193]
We walk by faith and not by sight [Hymn #209]
O sons and daughters [Hymn #206]
Richard Wayne Dirksen, The whole bright world rejoices now!
Note: The Saint Mark's Singers, who normally offer music at the 9 a.m. service, will sing at both the 9 and 11 a.m. services this Sunday, giving the Cathedral Choir a well-earned rest.
Rebecca Groom te Velde, Vignette on O filii et filiae
J. S. Bach, Christ lag in Todesbanden, BWV 625
Presider: The Rev. Canon Jennifer King Daugherty
Musician: Canon Michael Kleinschmidt
John Munday, Nunc dimittis
Thomas Tallis, Sermone blando angelus
Liturgy and repertoire information subject to change.
NEXT OFFERING: SUNDAY, MAY 1, 12:30 P.M. Meet in the back of the nave following the 11 a.m. service OR use the Zoom link found here.
The Newcomers' Coffee with Clergy offered on the first Sunday of each month will again be offered in person! Please gather at the coffee area in the back of the nave right after the service. Joining via Zoom is still an option—the link may be found here.
Each week, those for whom the community has been asked to pray are published each Friday afternoon in the Cathedral Prayer List, found as a PDF at
On that same page, find information about joining the cathedral's Prayer Chain, to receive emails about individual prayer requests as they are submitted.
Saint Mark’s Cathedral acknowledges that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, who are still here, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the life of the Duwamish Tribe. [Learn more]
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral
Pastoral Care Emergency Line: 206.323.0300 x100