Sunday, April 10, 2022:
The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday
8 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist with Liturgy of the Palms
in person in Thomsen Chapel
9 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist with Liturgy of the Palms and Outdoor Procession
in person in the cathedral nave (service begins on the front patio)
11 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist with Liturgy of the Palms and Outdoor Procession
in person and livestreamed (service begins on the front patio)
7 p.m. • Contemplative Eucharist
in person in Thomsen Chapel
9:30 p.m. • Compline
Cover image of the 2019 Palm Sunday procession by Kevin Johnson.
Offerings and opportunities for these most sacred days
Gratitude from our beloved guests
A unique womanist worship service
A family reunion for the Diocese of Olympia
Another chance to connect in nature
With Palm Sunday this weekend, we begin our Holy Week journey to the Cross, and onward to the Empty Tomb. An email was sent earlier this week listing all the liturgical offerings between now and Easter Sunday, and a full schedule is available on the Lent, Holy Week, and Easter page. Special elements this year include a Bilingual Stations of the Cross Liturgy following the 11 a.m. service this Sunday, a revised Holy Saturday liturgy in the nave on the afternoon of April 16, the participation of the Choir School in the 7 p.m. good Friday Liturgy, a Peter Hallock anthem on Easter Sunday, and more.
If any of these liturgies are new to you, or if you have not experienced Holy Week at Saint Mark's before, or if you are curious about the special way this community observes these holy days, check out this Introduction to Holy Week at Saint Mark's, where each liturgy is described in more detail. Consider joining in an experience new to you. These services are an invitation to enter more fully into the mystery of the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Please participate as you feel called.
A Note of Thanks from Jaime, Keiko, and Yoshi
The community of Saint Mark's rejoiced last Sunday as we bid farewell to Jaime Rubio, our guest in Sanctuary since 2019, and his family Keiko and Yoshi, and blessed them on the next stage of their journey. The positive developments in his case mean that he is no longer at risk of immediate deportation. Jaime, Keiko, and Yoshi have sent a message of gratitude to the entire cathedral community:
Hearing the words, “wherever you are in your spiritual journey you are welcome here”, immediately made us feel safe and gave us hope for the future. We learned these words are true to the St. Mark’s community, everyone opened their arms to welcome us. We are humbled by your support and the trust that you put in us. You inspired us and taught us the true meaning of community at the hardest time of our life.
Resurrection Garden Activity for Children & Families
TOMOROW, SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 10:30–11 A.M., now relocated to Leffler House
Children and Families, please join together on Saturday, April 9 and make a Resurrection Garden (one per family) to take home. Due to the threat of bad weather, this activity has been relocated to Leffler House. You are most welcome to come early or stay after to join the garden ministry who will be at work that day. We are happily accepting donations of planter trays or saucers and shallow pots; please email Canon Barrie if you have some to donate:
Intergenerational Hike at Discovery Park
SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 2:30 P.M.
For the next intergenerational hike, we will be exploring Discovery Park! The walk will include the park's nature trails as well as the Daybreak Star Cultural Center. A brief liturgy of prayer and song will be offered on a high bluff overlooking Puget Sound. Participants in the previous intergenerational hikes have found them a fun opportunity to connect with community members in a new way. Learn more about the route here, and contact Canon Barrie with questions:
Beyoncé Mass
FRIDAY, MAY 6, 7 P.M., in the cathedral nave
When you hear the words "Beyoncé Mass," what do you picture? This groundbreaking Christian worship event, hosted and co-sponsored by Saint Mark's, will probably defy your initial expectations. Created in 2018 by a team led by The Rev. Yolanda M. Norton (Disciples of Christ), Beyoncé Mass is a worship service rooted in womanist theology that uses the music and personal life of Beyoncé as a tool to foster an empowering conversation about Black women—their lives, their bodies, and their voices.
What if “Flaws and All” was a song about a complicated relationship with God?
What if “Survivor” spoke to how Black women thrive even as they’re undervalued and underestimated?
Beyoncé Mass is a womanist worship service. Womanism recognizes and celebrates the lives, beauty, culture, spirituality, and experiences of Black women and is committed to the survival, well-being, and wholeness of all people. The event explores how Black women find their voice, represent the image of God, and create spaces for liberation. Learn more here.
The Return of Cathedral Day!
SATURDAY, MAY 7, 10:30 A.M.–3 P.M.,
Cathedral Day is a celebration of the community of the Diocese of Olympia—a "family reunion" for Episcopalians from across western Washington. Both Cathedral Day 2020 and Cathedral Day 2021 were cancelled due to the pandemic, but Cathedral Day will be back in May 2022, with all the fun and fellowship of this beloved tradition. This is a time for connecting across communities, experiencing your cathedral in a new light... and a lot of fun. There’s something for everyone—no matter your age!
Come together on Saturday, May 7! You can join in the festivities in-person at Saint Mark’s if you’re able to be physically present, or join remotely via the live-stream if you have a health condition, physical limitation, or any other reason that prevents you from attending in-person. A liturgy of Holy Eucharist with the rites of confirmation, reception, and reaffirmation for candidates from parishes near and far will begin at 10:30am, opening with a grand, colorful procession of parish banners. Following the service, all are invited to have lunch from food trucks and participate in activities for all ages. This year's festivities will include Jerusalem Greer from the office of the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, who will lead a workshop and a prayer walk.
Members of the Saint Mark's community are especially encouraged to attend, both to see the cathedral in a new light, and to help extend hospitality as we welcome hundreds of our siblings to THEIR cathedral, many for the first time.
Food truck lunch is free with advance registration. (Registration info TBA.) For more information, contact Tonja May at or Canon Wendy Claire Barrie
The 2022 Mideast Focus Film Series continues with a discussion of GAZA.
This 2019 documentary brings us into a unique place beyond the reach of television news reports to reveal a world rich with eloquent and resilient characters, offering us a cinematic and enriching portrait of a people attempting to lead meaningful lives against the rubble of perennial conflict.
TODAY, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, meet at 1 p.m. in Bloedel Hall
On the second Friday of every other month, a team from Saint Mark's prepares a serves a meal for Teen Feed, a program providing hot meals and social services in the U District to youth and young people experiencing homelessness. Saint Mark's volunteers meet, prep food, and transport the ready-to-eat meal to University Congregational Church where it is served. The Saint Mark's team will serve on April 8, June 10, August 12, October 14, and December 9, 2022.
Spring has sprung, and there is much to do at the next Garden Ministry Work party on Saturday, April 9! All are welcome to get your hands dirty while enjoying the sunshine and good company. Bring a water bottle and work gloves. Email
Note that this is distinct from the Leffler House kitchen garden work party on Sunday afternoon, April 10.
Walk and Reflect: 20s/30s Stations of the Cross
SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 10 A.M., cathedral nave
Experience the gift of walking the stations of the cross in community with other young adults. A collaboration with the Visual Arts Ministry, the art installation by artist Virginia Maksymowicz depicts Jesus' journey to Golgotha and the tomb with a stunning elemental and stark appearance. There will be opportunity for individual reflection and conversation about the experience. Learn more about the art here. Questions? Email Seyi Akanni:
Creation Care in the Leffler Garden
SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 12:15 P.M., Leffler House gardens (enter through the gate to the left of the front door)
Do you enjoy gardening? Come join us on Sunday afternoon April 10 around 12:15 p.m. as we dig, weed, and spread compost. Keiko Maruyama has nurtured a lovely garden in the Leffler yard for the past two years, but she needs help to keep this garden thriving. Some tools are available, but bring your own favorite tools and gloves, if you have them, and join in the fun. The Leffler Garden is on the east side of Leffler House, through the gate. For more information or to get involved in other ways, contact Marjorie Ringness at
MONDAY, APRIL 18, 7:30 P.M. (immediately following Cathedral Yoga)
On the Monday after Easter, Cathedral Yoga will host a 30-minute sound bath/aural meditation by Black Moon Company, a Seattle musician and Reiki practitioner. The yoga class is offered as usual from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., and the sounds will begin shortly afterwards. You are welcome to attend the sound bath without participating in the class. Check out samples of Black Moon Company's work here.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 6:45 p.m.–8:15 P.M., in Bloedel Hall and via Zoom
Join Zeiad Shamrouch, Executive Director of the Middle East Children’s Alliance, as he discusses MECA’s Maia project, which is supported by Bishop Rickel and the Diocese of Olympia. The Maia Project has so far completed 73 water purification and desalinization projects, bringing clean water to 90,000 children in Gaza.
The Middle East Children’s Alliance is a nonprofit organization working for the rights and the well-being of children in the Middle East. Learn more about the forum here.
Meaningful Movies Project presents: The Story of Plastic
WATCH THE FILM: APRIL 16–23, free, but registration required
Dr. Belden C. Lane: Ravished By Nature’s Beauty—Longing for God
FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2022, 6:30–8:30 P.M.
and SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 9:30 A.M.–3 P.M.,
The confluence of Earth Day, the Easter Season, and springtime delight affords a spectacular opportunity to engage in conversation with nature, and through it, with God. Dr. Lane will offer four reflections:
- The Great Conversation: Listening to Trees
- Wilderness, Storytelling, and the Power of Place
- Catherine and Teresa, Women of Spirit: Fire and Water (Feeding one’s Desire for God)
- Ignatius Loyola and the Cave as Teacher
Space and time are integrated to allow contemplative time in the urban green space, journaling, and plenary conversations. Fee is $60 which includes snacks and light breakfast and lunch Saturday for those in Bloedel Hall. More information and link to register can be found here.
APRIL 24–JUNE 5, in the cathedral nave
SUNDAY MORNING FORUM WITH THE ARTIST: APRIL 24, 10:10 A.M., Bloedel Hall and via Zoom
Saint Mark’s Visual Arts Ministry is delighted to host an exhibition of works by Peter Boome, Coast Salish Artist and member of the Upper Skagit Tribe, April 24–June 5 in the cathedral nave . He works in a variety of media but is best known for his graphic work and hand-pulled serigraphs. Each of his works tells a story, and his exhibition at Saint Mark’s will explore, among other themes, the idea of creation and its connection to spirituality. Works on display will include a new eight-foot canvas he is painting especially for this exhibition, a template for a mural on the Settle waterfront, along with smaller works. Learn more about Peter Boome here.
SUNDAY, MAY 8, 1–2:30 P.M., Cathedral House Room 210 or via Zoom
Perhaps as an antidote to our last book on the history of homelessness in Seattle, Saint Mark's Book Group chose Craig Rennebohm's Souls in the Hands of a Tender God: Stories of the Search for Home and Healing on the Streets (2008). Rennebohm, a United Church of Christ minister and director (at the time) of The Mental Health Chaplaincy, tells stories of the homeless, mentally ill, and the marginalized to whom companionship and grace, when extended, made belonging and healing possible. Kae Eaton, Saint Mark's community member and current director of the Mental Health Chaplaincy program, will join the conversation. Contact Pearl McElheran with questions. Contact Deb Brown to get the Zoom link.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 6:45-8:15 P.M., in Bloedel Hall and via Zoom
Join Creation Care for a special forum featuring parishioner Clara Berg, fashion historian and curator, and Richard Hartung, sustainable writer/blogger to discuss connections between clothing, the environment and our faith. We'll share ways to buy less, choose well and make clothes last.
Video of Recent Events
The last week saw a number of great days in the life of this community. If you missed any of these these offerings, video is now available:
Hunger Offering this Sunday
Saint Mark's collects a special offering on the second Sunday of every month to support several food programs in the Seattle area, and the opportunity to donate by cash or check in the cathedral nave resumed last month. Electronic donations to the Hunger Offering are still gladly accepted—choose "Hunger Offering" on, or write "Hunger Offering" in the Venmo memo line. This ministry is currently helping the following hunger programs: Compass Center, Lifelong AIDS Alliance, Pike Market Food Bank, Immanuel Community Services, The Food Bank @ St. Mary’s, and St. Brigid’s Banquet. Contact Vicky Greenbaum to learn more or to get involved.
Easter Memorial and Thanksgiving Gifts: Last Chance
Each year at this time, all are invited to make a special contribution in honor or in memory of a loved one, in order to help underwrite the beautiful flowers and music of the celebration of the Feast of the Resurrection, which this year includes a full complement of brass and percussion for Peter Hallock's Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem, a thrilling anthem written in 1983 especially for this space and this choir. To make a gift, fill out the form in the Sunday service leaflet, or use the online form here. Then make a gift in any amount, using the method that is most convenient for you—by check,, or Venmo. Contributions received by this Sunday, April 10, will be acknowledged in the Easter service bulletin. Contact Erik Donner in the cathedral office with questions:
Women's Retreat: A Few Spots Have Opened Up
APRIL 29–MAY 1, at Camp Casey on Whidbey Island. Facilitated by Canon Jennifer King Daugherty and The Rev. Linzi Stahlecker
UPDATE: The Women's Retreat was previously at full capacity, but a few spots have now opened up. Contact Canon Daugherty with questions, and contact Erik Donner to register.
Description: What is God’s desire for you and how might you live more fully into God’s holy longing for you? Spend a weekend away with Saint Mark’s clergy women to connect with each other and listen for the movement of the Spirit in our lives. Time will be set aside for prayer, reflection, creative expression, worship, and enjoying each other’s company. Learn more here. Fee: $250; includes two nights lodging (single rooms in the conference center) and all meals. Partial scholarships are available. Space is limited to 25 and is first-come, first-serve. A $100 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your space. Payment in full is due April 15, 2022.
New Podcast Episode!
Saint Mark's special podcast series, Cathedral Conversations about Race, returns after a few months' hiatus with a new episode featuring Olivier Santos, who tells us about his journey from Grace Cathedral to Saint Mark’s, and about his work and his own journey in helping people find where they belong. Download the new episode wherever you get your podcasts, or listen to all the past episodes here.
Eco-Summit on the Ridge
SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 8:30 A.M. to 5 P.M., at the Greenwood Senior Center, 525 North 85th, Seattle 98103. Registration required.
CommunityWorks! and the Phinney Neighborhood Association (PNA) invite you to join us for our first annual Eco-Summit on the Ridge. Register here. We will hear from experts in the field and then come together in small groups, give voice to what we care about and what truly matters, igniting the imagination into action. The Eco-Summit will steer away from the paralyzing fear and anxiety we hear in the news, and instead turn our attention toward realizing actionable solutions and inspire working together; making a difference toward equity and positive change.
Saturday’s keynote speaker will be Jeff Renner, Retired Chief Meteorologist, KING-TV / Consulting Meteorologist / Environmental Advocate. Topics will include Transportation, Eco-Building, Zero Waste, Neighbors Helping Neighbors, and Youth Movement. The purpose of the Summit is to bring neighbors together for interactive learning, creating a caring and action-based community around the climate crisis and environmental justice. Following the Eco-Summit there will be opportunities to gather monthly to hear from additional experts, have time for Q&A and work in our action-groups. This event is open to everyone!
ERD Supports ACT Alliance Response to Crisis in Ukraine
Episcopal Relief & Development continues to work with Anglican and ecumenical partners to provide aid to people displaced by the crisis in Ukraine. International Program staff are in close contact with church and ecumenical partners including the ACT Alliance, The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe, the Diocese of Europe, the Anglican Alliance and United Society of Partners in the Gospel. These organizations are coordinating immediate and long-term humanitarian responses through their local partners in Romania, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. Learn more about the three phases of a disaster and how you can help at Donations to the Ukraine Crisis Response fund will help meet critical needs created by this crisis.
Canon Wendy Claire Barrie sent out a new issue of the Intergenerational Ministries Newsletter. Read the latest issue here.
A reminder that Cathedral Yoga will not be offered this Monday, April 11, due to the Holy Week liturgy in the nave at 7 p.m.
The following Monday (April 18 at 6:30 p.m.) class will be led by Sally Senger, with sound bath/aural meditation to follow at 7:30 (see above)
The 20s/30s will not meet for Night Prayer during Holy Week, on Monday, April 11, to allow attendance at the Contemplative Eucharist that evening at 7 p.m.
The next Night Prayer gathering will be Monday, April 25 (Leffler and call-in options). Email Emily Meeks ( for questions or if interested in attending the Contemplative Eucharist together.
Tuesday Bible Study will not meet during Holy Week, Tuesday, April 12.
Cathedral Sacristan Michael Seewer puts together a seasonal Liturgical Ministers Newsletter for all involved in ministries of worship. Read the latest issue here.
The funeral of Dr. Christopher Bryson will be offered
This service will be livestreamed.
The funeral of Gordon Stuart Peek will be offered
This liturgy will be offered in Thomsen Chapel, in person only.
The funeral of former U.S. Senator The Hon. Slade Gorton will be offered
This service will be livestreamed
Sunday, April 10, 2022
The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday
Download the service leaflets in advance here.
Join the 11 a.m. service via livestream here.
Read the Scriptures appointed for this Sunday here.
Luke 19:28-40 (at the Liturgy of the Palms)
Isaiah 50:4-9a
Psalm 31:9-16
Philippians 2:5-11
Luke 22:14-23:56
Thomsen Chapel; in-person only
Presider: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason
Preacher: The Rev. Linzi Stahlecker
All glory, laud, and honor [Hymn #154]
O sacred head, sore wounded [Hymn #]
Gerald Near, Prelude on Vexilla regis
in-person only
Presider: The Rev. Canon Jennifer King Daugherty
Preacher: The Rev. Linzi Stahlecker
All glory, laud, and honor [Hymn #154]
Were you there? [Hymn #172]
My song is love unknown [Hymn #458]
arr. Roger Petrich, Ah, Holy Jesus
William Billings, When Jesus wept
There is no organ prelude or postlude at this service.
in-person & livestreamed
Presider: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason
Preacher: The Rev. Linzi Stahlecker
All glory, laud, and honor [Hymn #154]
Were you there? [Hymn #172]
To mock your reign, O dearest Lord [Hymn #170]
O sacred head, sore wounded [Hymn #]
Thomas Tallis, Salvator mundi, salva nos
B.E. Boykin, John 3:16
There is no organ prelude or postlude at this service.
Presider: The Rev. Canon Eliacín Rosario-Cruz
Musician: Rebekah Gilmore
Gregorian chant, Domine, ne longe facias
John Sheppard, In manus tuas
J.S. Bach, harm., O sacred head, sore wounded
Peter Hallock, Lamentations (with cellist Page Smith)
Liturgy and repertoire information subject to change.
NEXT OFFERING: SUNDAY, MAY 1, 12:30 P.M. Meet in the back of the nave following the 11 a.m. service OR use the Zoom link found here.
The Newcomers' Coffee with Clergy offered on the first Sunday of each month will again be offered in person! Please gather at the coffee area in the back of the nave right after the service. Joining via Zoom is still an option—the link may be found here.
Each week, those for whom the community has been asked to pray are published each Friday afternoon in the Cathedral Prayer List, found as a PDF at
On that same page, find information about joining the cathedral's Prayer Chain, to receive emails about individual prayer requests as they are submitted.
Saint Mark’s Cathedral acknowledges that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, who are still here, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the life of the Duwamish Tribe. [Learn more]
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral
Pastoral Care Emergency Line: 206.323.0300 x100