Sunday, August 1, 2021:
The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
9 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
in person only
11 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
Additional information about Sunday's liturgies can now be found at the bottom of this email.
Cover photo taken at Compline on 7/25/21 by Kevin Johnson
"Recommended, Not Required"
Blessings on her return to California
In Thomsen Chapel, on Tuesdays only
with a Blessing of the Backpacks
New Masking Guidelines—"Recommended, Not Required"
Earlier this week, Dean Thomason sent a message to the parish discussing the most recent guidance about mask-wearing from both King County public health officials and the CDC. Due to high infection rates, mask wearing is now recommended for everyone in indoor public settings, regardless of vaccination status. Saint Mark's will follow suit and recommend (but not require) masks for anyone inside the cathedral building. The cathedral will not require it unless public health officials issue new guidance.
Please note: During Sunday morning worship, the "distanced section" on the south side of the nave has plenty of space for additional people to be seated there. All should be masked and distanced in that section regardless of vaccination status. For the rest of the nave, where vaccinated persons may sit who choose not to be distanced, we recommend you wear you mask, but that is your decision at this time.
To read Dean Thomason's full message about the new masking recommendations, click here.
Canon Nancy Ross to Return to California
After nearly six years serving at Saint Mark's, Canon Ross will return to her roots in California due to her husband Jim's new job, and to be closer to family. Nancy's last day will be Sunday, August 22, and she will preach and preside at both the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services, where we will celebrate with her and bless her on her new journey. Nancy's generous spirit will be truly missed! Transition plans will be shared in the coming days. If you have questions, concerns, or well wishes to share with Canon Ross, be sure to reach out to her before August 22.
Canon Ross writes:
"I love it here at Saint Mark’s, and I’m excited about the new things unfolding as we emerge bit by bit from this pandemic era. Being part of this community has been a gift and delight in more ways than I could ever recount. Saint Mark’s is my first call as a priest, and everything I’ve learned here is from being in relationship with you. I will take that experience with me and will begin working as a hospice chaplain in Capitola, CA. More to come, but I wanted to let you know this good news for my family. And I want you to know that leaving you will be one of the hardest moves I’ve ever made. Looking forward to seeing you at church over the rest of the summer!"
Read Dean Thomason and Canon Ross's full announcement here.
Clean Cars 2030 Coalition Rally
Saint Mark’s is honored to host a Clean Cars 2030 Coalition rally sponsored by Coltura on Saturday, August 14 at 12 p.m. There will be music, art, food, speakers, and an EV parade and car show at this family-friendly outdoor event. Anyone who has an electric car is welcome to hop in the parade and you can meet in the parking lot at 10:30 a.m. to decorate. If you are able, bring your family by EV, bike, bus, or light rail to show your love for clean transportation! RSVP on Facebook here.
Back-to-School Picnic on the Cathedral Lawn with Backpack Blessing
We all know that the last year and a half has been hard for everyone, but especially for kids. Now, as the new school year looms, many challenges remain. To mark this milestone, all are welcome to a back-to-school gathering on Friday evening, September 3—to reconnect in person, to have some fun together, and to lift up and honor the amazing kids of our community. Bring a blanket and your own picnic dinner. The cathedral will provide dessert for everyone and a variety of fun activities. Bring your backpacks to receive a blessing! (If you are on the Children and Families mailing list, watch you mailbox for an invitation in the coming days.) Contact Rebekah Gilmore with questions.
In-Person Coffee Hour after Sunday Morning Services has Resumed!
With the end of the online Virtual Coffee Hour on Sundays, it is time to resume in-person coffee hour immediately following the 9 and 11 a.m. services. Find coffee, tea, and water in their traditional location in "coffee corner" (the southeast corner of the nave). Only beverages will served for now—plans are in the works to resume serving snacks in future weeks. Enjoy coffee and fellowship in the nave, or outside on the front patio, wherever you feel comfortable. And many thanks to Peter McClung for faithfully hosting the online coffee hour every Sunday for the entire duration of the pandemic closure!
Newcomers' Coffee With Clergy
Although regular online coffee hour has concluded, Newcomers' Coffee with Clergy will continue to be offered online on the first Sunday of each month. If you know anyone who has recently started experiencing Saint Mark's liturgies (wherever they may be located), or who may have questions about this cathedral community, please let them know!
Sunday Evening Community Labyrinth Walks
STARTING THIS SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 7–9 P.M., on the outdoor labyrinth in front of the cathedral
The organizers of Saint Mark's Labyrinth Ministry invite everyone to an informal community labyrinth gathering on Sunday nights. Drop by any time between 7 and 9 p.m. Ministry members will be on hand to chat about the history, meaning, and spiritual significance of the Labyrinth.
On August 1, 8, and 15, you are welcome to stay until 9:30 p.m. and listen to the radio broadcast of the Office of Compline together. Beginning August 22, you are welcome to stay and attend Compline in person! Please contact Walter Stuteville with questions, or if you'd like to help out:
NEXT SUNDAY, AUGUST 8, at the 9 and 11 a.m. services
This year, a service of Holy Baptism will be offered as we observe the Feast of the Transfiguration —this is a special baptismal feast day to accommodate those whose baptisms were delayed by COVID.
The August 8 20s/30s Stairway Walk will focus on none other than the neighborhood of our very own cathedral. Learn about "The Olmstead Vision" for North Capitol Hill, explore Volunteer Park and Interlaken Park, and learn something new about Saint Mark's too. Learn more here, and contact Emily Meeks or Michael Perera with questions.
MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 6:30–8 P.M.
The final meeting of the community series discussing Saint Mark's Mutual Ministry Goals will address Creation Care & Carbon Reduction, which states: in solidarity with future generations, grounded in our Christian duty to preserve and protect God’s creation and promote justice, we will educate, empower, and support the cathedral and its members to become carbon neutral by 2030.
Saint Mark's and the Compline Choir are thrilled to reopen the Office of Compline to a public congregation beginning the fourth Sunday in August. (Get your pillows and blankets ready!) More here.
Compline Hospitality Ministers are still needed! Contact Michael Seewer to learn more.
Let’s hike together! All ages are welcome on this 3 mile roundtrip hike. We’ll meet at the trailhead at 2 p.m. and finish by 5:30 p.m. Bring your water, snacks and appropriate gear.
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, THROUGH SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, livestreamed or in person
Join thousands of spiritual seekers across the world for an interactive global gathering to experience God’s love, grace, and compassion. Featuring James Finley, Barbara Holmes, Jacqui Lewis, Brian McLaren, Richard Rohr, Mirabai Starr, and more.
Learn more and sign up here.
Interim Update from the St. Nicholas Redevelopment Exploratory Committee—July 2021
Earlier this year the committee, with vestry approval, engaged a developer to submit a proposal for redevelopment of the St. Nicholas property. (Read more about that process here.) Following a four-month period of due diligence and building study, the proposal was received in June for redevelopment of St. Nicholas into market rate condominiums. The committee was disappointed with the valuation of the property in the proposal and was concerned with the lack of alignment between market rate housing and the cathedral’s mission.
The committee recommended to the vestry that we not proceed with this proposal at this time, but instead explore more deeply two alternative uses: 1) affordable housing and 2) preserving the building for eventual expanded parish use. The vestry unanimously concurred with that plan.
We will take the next 6–12 months to study feasibility of affordable housing potential on the property while also projecting more accurate costs to address deferred maintenance, seismic upgrades, and roof replacement and how we might finance those costs through rental income, bank loan, and/or capital fundraising. Either of these alternative uses would take several years to unfold, and there is no sense of urgency to come to a decision in the short-term.
The committee remains committed to seeking the highest and best use for the property that furthers the cathedral’s mission, either on the property or with proceeds from the property to be used in ministry elsewhere. We will continue to provide updates to the parish at key points in the process. If you have questions in the meantime, please address those to Dean Thomason or to Committee Chair John Hoerster at:
Saint Mark's Carbon Offset Fund
Saint Mark's Carbon Offset Fund was established earlier this year, with the intent of collecting parishioner's contributions and then donating them to the Diocese of Southern Philippines Carbon Offset Cooperative Mission and COTAP. As of June 30, $527 was contributed and then donated to these two programs. Thank you! At an average rate of $20/ton, this represents an offset of about 26 tons of our community's collective carbon footprint. To learn more about how to measure, reduce, and offset your carbon footprint visit the Creation Care page. And keep up the good work of reducing and offsetting your carbon footprint where you can!
Don't miss the community discussion of the future of Creation Care ministries at Saint Mark's, and how environmental concerns can inform all aspects of the life of this faith community, on Monday, August 9 at 6 p.m. (see above).
Ep. 2 of the New Podcast Series Released
The new podcast, Cathedral Conversations about Race, continues! The entire congregation of Saint Mark's is encouraged to listen to these conversations with an open heart. The participants have shared their stories with the entire cathedral community not to shame or embarrass, but so that we all might learn and grow together in love.
In the second episode, available on Friday, July 30, Michael and Cara are their own guests, discussing their respective journeys to Saint Mark's, and how they find themselves being people of color in a mostly white church.
Cathedral Conversations about Race can be heard wherever you get your podcasts—just search for "cathedral conversations"—or here, or at Learn more about the podcast series here, and contact Michael or Cara directly with questions. Look for the next episode on Friday, August 13.
Return of the Bread Bakers Guild and Real Fresh-Baked Bread for Holy Communion
For many years, a special aspect of the liturgical life of Saint Mark's has been the specially-made bread used for Holy Communion. However, during the pandemic, due to the lack of access to the building, we switched to store-bought unleavened wafers. Now, beginning this Sunday, the Bread Bakers Guild has resumed its activities, and real bread will once again be used for the Sacrament.
The faithful members of the Bread Bakers Guild arrive at the crack of dawn on Sunday morning and bake according to professional hygiene standards. The cathedral's Communion bread is now made using "holy honey" from our very own bees on the Bloedel Hall roof! It is is fresh and delicious.
You can watch the very fun short video about The Bread Bakers Guild here or above. Contact René Marceau if you interested in joining them:
EfM Classes Resume in the Fall—Space Available for New Participants
Saint Mark's Education for Ministry groups will resume for the 2021/22 academic year in September. If you missed the recent online forum about this in-depth and transformative educational offering, you can watch a complete video of the event here. At this time, the Sunday group is at capacity, but spaces remain in the Monday morning and the Monday evening group. If you are interested in joining the Monday morning group (10 a.m.), contact Maria Coldwell at; if you are interested in joining the Monday evening group (6:30 p.m.), contact Tom Hayton at
Evening Prayer In Person in Thomsen Chapel Every Tuesday (Online on Other Weekdays)
Since 1998, a service of Evening Prayer following the form of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer has been offered by the cathedral almost every weeknight. During the pandemic, this service transitioned to an online offering via Zoom, as an online offering it became a vibrant community of prayer, invaluable to participants, including those from across the country and around the world. Beginning this week, the service at last returns to Thomsen Chapel on Tuesdays only. On other weekdays (Monday, and Wednesday through Friday), the liturgy will continue to be offered on Zoom. Find the link to join on those days here, and contact Sacristan Michael Seewer with any questions:
Women's Compline Choir—Video Available
If you missed the extraordinary offerings by the Women's Compline Choir of Saint Mark's on July 18 and 25, complete video of those services are now available on the cathedral website here. They may also be found on the cathedral's YouTube channel here.
Beginning September 12, the 8 a.m. Sunday Chapel Eucharist as well as the 7 p.m. Sunday Contemplative Eucharist will both resume as in-person offerings.
Volunteers keep the cathedral running! The Cathedral Office is seeking volunteers to answer phones, direct calls, welcome visitors, and more. To volunteer, contact Jim Pannell.
Beginning Thursday, July 15, an in-person morning service of Holy Eucharist will be offered in Thomsen Chapel at 7 a.m. on the first and third Thursdays of the month only. Read more here.
Cathedral Yoga is now offered every Monday evening at 6:30 p.m. The class on August 2 will be led by beloved community member Wendy Townsend. Learn more here.
The funeral of Susan Spangler (niece of Stuart Ainsley) will be offered
The funeral of Sandra Smith will be offered
Sunday, August 1, 2021
The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
in-person only
in-person & livestreamed
Download the service leaflets in advance here.
Join the 11 a.m. service via livestream here.
Presider (9 a.m.):
The Reverend Canon Jennifer King Daugherty
Presider (11 a.m.):
The Reverend Mark Miller
The Reverend Canon Nancy Ross
2 Samuel 11:26–12:13a
Ephesians 4:1-16
John 6:24-35
O day of radiant gladness [Hymn #48]
O food to pilgrims given [Hymn #309]
Lord enthroned in heavenly splendor [Hymn #307]
Théodore Dubois, Two Élevations (mvts. VI & V) and Sortie-Fughetta (mvt. XI) from 10 Pièces pour orgue
Joshua Haberman, The shadows of the evening hours
Peter Hallock, Psalm 46
John Sheppard, In pace in idipsum
SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 12 p.m., and the first Sunday of each month
Note: Sunday morning church School is currently on summer hiatus. It will resume in September.
Subscribe to the Children, Youth, & Families newsletter here.
The 20s/30s Group has a new newsletter! Read it here.
Saint Mark’s Cathedral acknowledges that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, who are still here, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the life of the Duwamish Tribe. [Learn more]
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral