Sunday, March 20, 2022:
The Third Sunday in Lent
8 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist (Rite I)
in person in Thomsen Chapel
9 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
in person in the cathedral nave
11 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
7 p.m. • Contemplative Eucharist
in person in Thomsen Chapel
9:30 p.m. • Compline
A call for donations for neighbors in need
A two-part forum led by The Rev. Linzi Stahlecker
A special Sunday evening parish forum
Sunday Morning forum with the Vestry
Featuring former Archbishop of Canterbury, The Rt. Rev. Rowan Williams
Save the date for this important conversation—Sunday, April 3
Singing Bowls & Silence: An Intergenerational Forum Featuring Hisako Beasley
THIS SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 10:10–10:50 A.M., Bloedel Hall
All ages are invited to Bloedel Hall this Sunday to join Hisako Beasley as she presents her collection of singing bowls, followed by a discussion and experience of silence and other simple contemplative practices.
Knowing God Through the Body: Justice, Liberation, and Fullness of Life—A Forum with The Rev. Linzi Stahlecker
TWO WEDNESDAYS, MARCH 23 & 30, 6:45–8:15 P.M., in person in Bloedel Hall or online via Zoom
Over the course of this two-week series, Rev. Linzi will explore embodiment as a way to come to know and love ourselves, each other, and God more fully; discussing together why this is essential for the mission of the Church. Drawing from interdisciplinary thinkers, Scripture, and spiritual practice, Rev. Linzi will frame this series in her own life experience, participants are encouraged to notice parallels and differences from their own social location and life story.
Rev. Linzi hopes you will join her in Bloedel Hall—the series will be hybrid and you are also welcome to join via Zoom. Register for the Zoom meeting here.
St. Nicholas Exploratory Committee Report
SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2022, 6:30-8 P.M. (note evening time!), in Bloedel Hall or via Zoom (registration required)
The St. Nicholas Exploratory Committee has completed 18 months of study and reported its recommendations to the Vestry, which has received the report and adopted those recommendations. The committee’s final report can be viewed here. Next step is to report to the cathedral parish. Committee members will do so in a special forum to which all are invited. See Dean Thomason's message to the community regarding this important meeting here. Register for the Zoom meeting using this link.
Vestry Forum on Mutual Ministry Goals
SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 10:10–10:50 A.M., Bloedel Hall or via Zoom
Mutual Ministry Goals are designed to inform and guide our work as a community. This year the vestry unanimously approved to carry forward the mutual ministry goals first set in April, 2021—Creation Care & Carbon Reduction, Innovative & Intergenerational Community, and Restorative Justice & Systemic Change. You can learn about these goals in more detail here. In this Sunday morning forum, vestry wardens will host a conversation on the work of creation care, intergenerational and justice ministries in the year to come. We invite you to attend, bring your questions and consider how you intend to embrace these goals in your life as well. Attend via Zoom (link to come) or in person in Bloedel Hall.
An Evening Forum with Duwamish Tribal Chair Cecile Hansen
SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 6:30-8 P.M., in the cathedral nave and livestreamed
More details will be announced next week, but mark your calendars now for this important event.
Meet the Bishop!
SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 5:15 P.M., in the cathedral nave
Youth of Saint Mark's are invited to attend the Evensong service at 4:30 p.m. on April 3 and then stay for snacks and a visit with Bishop Greg Rickel at 5:15 p.m. Have you noticed the sculptures hung around the nave? Have you ever before used art to help you pray? These Stations of the Cross are a visual way to pray and a great way to prepare for Holy week. Bishop Rickel will tell us about this practice and why he dedicated his donation of these sculptures to his father. Finally, he will lead us in praying the Stations of the Cross.
Levertov Award: Reading and Celebration with the Rt. Rev. Rowan Williams
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 7–8:30 P.M., in the cathedral nave or livestreamed, RSVP required
Image Journal, Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral, and Seattle Pacific University’s Department of English and MFA in Creative Writing program are co-sponsors of this event, at which the 2022 Denise Levertov Award will be presented to The Rt. Rev. Rowan Williams. The 104th Archbishop of Canterbury (serving 2002–2012), Williams is a celebrated poet and playwright, distinguished theologian, and illuminating critic. He will be present at the event and will read selections from his poetry. This event is free, but RSVP required to attend. It may also be joined via livestream.
The Levertov Award is given annually to an artist, musician, or writer whose work exemplifies a serious and sustained engagement with faith. Learn more here.
Dean Thomason to Preach at Temple De Hirsch Sinai
TODAY! FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 6–7 P.M., at Temple de Hirsch Sinai, 1441 16th Ave. on Capitol Hill
Rabbi Daniel Weiner has invited Dean Thomason to be guest preacher at Temple De Hirsch Sinai’s Friday Shabbat service, which is open to in-person attendance as well as available via the synagogue's livestream. All are welcome to join. (Rabbi Weiner will preach at Saint Mark’s on Sunday, May 22, at the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services. Both these dates were rescheduled from January due to COVID.)
Lowell Elementary Garden Volunteer Day
TOMORROW, SATURDAY, MARCH 19; drop in any time from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the playground area at Lowell Elementary on Capitol Hill.
Volunteers are needed to lay down mulch and cardboard in the garden at Lowell Elementary as they prepare for a new growing season. Volunteers must be vaccinated and wear masks. If you have extra cardboard, please bring to donate, removing stickers and tape. If interested, please email Cherie Bradshaw at to get sign-up information.
Welcome Back #KeepJaimeHome Dance Party Fundraiser!
FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 6:30 P.M.–12 A.M. (Dance Social 9–12 a.m.), Bloedel Hall, registration required.
Jaime Rubio was forced to take Sanctuary in March 2019 to avoid the separation of his family. Now he is finally preparing to transition out of Sanctuary and back into his family home.They are starting their lives anew with optimism and determination in the ongoing fight to keep their family together. Please join Jaime and Keiko to celebrate this new chapter and support us in this transition at a dance fundraiser: Welcome Back #KEEPJAIMEHOME. This event is for all ages, and kids are welcome! More details to come for event activities including performances, dance lesson, and more! Learn more and register here.
SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 2022, 9 A.M.–12:30 P.M., in person only, at Saint Mark’s Cathedral
This gathering is open to all and free. The morning is designed to help us move deeply into the sacred seasons with morning prayer, centering prayer, walking meditation, and unstructured time for reflection held in shared silence. No fee, but freewill donations gratefully accepted ($10–15 suggested). No registration required. For more information, contact The Rev. Linzi Stahlecker.
SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 7:30 P.M., Bloedel Hall. Tickets available here.
Capacity is limited and tickets are going fast!
Join the adults, teens, and kids of the Saint Mark’s Evensong Choir for CHOIR UNVESTED, an evening of brilliant cabaret entertainment, gourmet desserts by Chef Marc Aubertin, and a silent auction.
CHOIR UNVESTED is a fundraiser for the choir’s upcoming pilgrimage to Chichester and Bristol Cathedrals, England, where they will serve as choir-in-residence for one week each in August. Funds are being raised to ensure that all the members can participate regardless of their ability to pay.
Tickets are $75 (plus a processing fee), $50 of which is tax deductible. Proof of vaccination/recent negative COVID test will be checked at the door. Purchase tickets here.
To join online, purchase a ticket and a URL will be sent to you with your confirmation.
SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 8–10 P.M., cathedral nave
The Seattle Choral Company resumes live choral performances with Rachmaninoff’s Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom—a masterpiece of Russian sacred music, along with two related works: Rachmaninoff's Concerto for Choir: Mother of God, Vigilantly Praying, and Alfred Schnittke's Three Sacred Hymns.
Missioner for Indigenous Ministries of the Episcopal Church to Preach at Saint Mark's
SERMON: SUNDAY, APRIL 3, at the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services
SPECIAL "FRIENDS TALKING" FORUM: 10:10 A.M.. in Bloedel Hall, or via Zoom
It is our delight to welcome The Rev. Dr. Bradley S. Hauff as Guest Preacher April 3. In 2018 he was called to serve as Episcopal Church Missioner for Indigenous Ministries, a member of the Presiding Bishop’s staff. In his role, Hauff is responsible for enabling and empowering Indigenous peoples and their respective communities within the Episcopal Church while also guiding the broader Church in intercultural competencies. Learn more about Rev. Hauff here, where you may also see a video that he has invited all to watch in advance of his visit.
TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 7 P.M., in the cathedral nave and livestreamed
Experience a new worship offering at Saint Mark’s: Taizé Prayer, on Tuesday, April 5 at 7 p.m. in the nave, lasting approximately 45 minutes.
The service on April 5 will be a one-time offering, so if you are interested in Taizé Prayer, please consider joining us in person or via live-stream to show your support. (We will discern whether to have future Taizé Prayer services based on the interest for this initial service on April 5.)
Taizé Prayer services have a strong meditative quality and are comprised of silence and song, candlelight and stillness, prayer and contemplation. The singing at Saint Mark’s service will be led by four members of the Evensong Choir, and all are invited to join in as you feel moved.
Ravished by Nature’s Beauty:
The Mystics and Their Longing for God
A two-part workshop led by Belden C. Lane
FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2022, 6:30–8:30 P.M.
and SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 9:30 A.M.–3 P.M., Bloedel Hall or via Zoom
The Christian mystical tradition can be deeply earthy and sensual in its yearning for union with the Divine. Hildegard of Bingen and Teresa of Avila found a wondrous God in trees and flowing water. Catherine of Siena and Ignatius Loyola were drawn by the wild energy of fire and the darkness of the cave. These mystics call us back to a “Great Conversation” with the natural world, reconnecting our spiritual lives with the earth. Renowned theologian and best-selling author Belden Lane will guide this wholesome exploration through images, storytelling, poetry, and guided meditation.
Advance registration required. Fee: $60. Register at this link.
Lenten Ingathering for Mary's Place
Over the next three Sundays (March 20–April 3), Saint Mark's is gathering needed supplies for Mary's Place. Please bring your donations of disposable diapers (any size), baby wipes, travel-sized toiletries, or deodorant and place them in the large wicker baskets in the Coffee Corner, and they will be delivered to families at Mary's Place.
Blood Memory and Spiritual Inheritance: Video and Materials Now Available
If you missed this thought-provoking series of forums by The Rev. Dr. Hillary Raining, Saint Mark’s 2022 Theologian-in-Residence, videos of both sessions are now available here. As a personal exercise, you are still invited to create your personal "genogram"—the page has resources to help with this.
Organ By Night
THIS SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 10 P.M. (following Compline), cathedral nave
Canon Kleinschmidt will offer this month’s Organ by Night music following Compline this Sunday, March 20. He will play Bach's beloved Passacaglia and Fugue in C Minor in honor of the master's 337th birthday (born March 21, 1685). On every third Sunday of the month, organists offer 20 minutes of music on the mighty Flentrop organ, and encourage listeners to join them in the gallery to see and hear the organ and organist up close. They are also happy to answer questions about the music and the organ itself.
The Men's Retreat: Registration Now Open
In June, Rev. Dr. Stuart Hoke and Dean Thomason will lead a men's retreat titled "Our Shelter from the Stormy Blast": Spiritual Reflections on 9/11, Pandemic, and Change. As a priest on staff at Trinity Church Wall Street in New York City, Rev. Hoke happened to be standing under the North Tower of the World Trade Center when it was attacked on September 11, 2001. For his talks at our retreat, Stuart will narrate his eyewitness accounts of the day’s events and the recovery efforts that followed in his parish church and neighborhood in the ensuing months. He will also reflect on the many spiritual awakenings that emerged from the ashes—learnings that touch all of us as we navigate life in the 21st century, especially in the wake of a global pandemic. Join Dr. Hoke and Dean Steve Thomason for this weekend of spiritual reflection and renewal.
Fee: $250; includes two nights lodging (single rooms in the conference center) and all meals. Partial scholarships are available. Space is limited to 25 and is first-come, first-served. A $100 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your space. Payment in full is due May 1, 2022. Register at this link.
Spring Afresh: A Liturgy at the Spring Equinox at St. Luke's Renton
SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 5 P.M., at St Luke's Episcopal Church, 99 Wells Ave S., Renton
St. Luke’s, Renton’s seasonal liturgies use music, poetry, and meditation as a reflection on the transition of seasons in the natural world and seasons of the spirit. Ann Strickland of Grace, Bainbridge will lead a hearty band of musicians and the service will feature the poetry of Anis Mojgani. There will be a spirited afterparty following the liturgy. All are welcome. This will also be an event for the Young Adult community of the diocese. Learn more here.
Organ Duet Concert at St Dunstan's, Shoreline
SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 3 P.M., at St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church, 722 N 145th St., Shoreline
Jonathan Wohlers and Naomi Shiga will present an hour of organ duets—yes, four hands and four feet!—on the newly installed Ortloff pipe organ of St. Dunstan's Church. Come immerse yourself in an hour of music in a serene and welcoming setting, where you can feel the organ's vibrations through your body as you look through the windows to old growth evergreens. This concert is appropriate for music lovers of all ages. Masks will be required for everyone in attendance. Suggested Donations: $5 for Students, $15 for Adults, $30 for Families
ERD Supports ACT Alliance Response to Crisis in Ukraine
Episcopal Relief & Development continues to work with Anglican and ecumenical partners to provide aid to people displaced by the crisis in Ukraine. International Program staff are in close contact with church and ecumenical partners including the ACT Alliance, The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe, the Diocese of Europe, the Anglican Alliance and United Society of Partners in the Gospel. These organizations are coordinating immediate and long-term humanitarian responses through their local partners in Romania, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. Learn more about the three phases of a disaster and how you can help at Donations to the Ukraine Crisis Response fund will help meet critical needs created by this crisis.
Cathedral Sacristan Michael Seewer puts together a seasonal Liturgical Ministers Newsletter for all involved in ministries of worship. Read the latest issue here.
Cathedral Yoga will be led this coming Monday (March 21, 2022) by Wendy Townsend. Class begins at 6:30 and lasts one hour. Mats are available to be borrowed!
The Episcopal Church has gathered together a wide variety of resources and offerings for Lent, including daily meditations and devotions, podcasts, formation offerings, and more. Find the collection here.
Tuesday Bible Study is continuing to meet online-only for the time being. The group gathers on Zoom at 11:30 each Tuesday for social time, followed by lectionary Study led by special guests at noon. Contact Lynne Cobb to get the link:
The 2021 Annual Report, containing reports, reflections, and images from the life of this cathedral community in an extraordinary year, can now be read or downloaded here.
The funeral of Polly Bates will be offered
Please note: the family has chosen to celebrate this liturgy in person only.
Sunday, March 20, 2022:
The Third Sunday in Lent
Download the service leaflets in advance here.
Join the 11 a.m. service via livestream here.
Read the Scriptures appointed for this Sunday here.
Exodus 3:1-15
Psalm 63:1-8
1 Corinthians 10:1-13
Luke 13:1-9
Thomsen Chapel; in-person only
Presider & Preacher: The Rev. Canon Jennifer King Daugherty
Lord, who throughout these forty days [Hymn #142]
Lord dismiss us with thy blessing [Hymn #344]
J.S. Bach, Fantasia in C Minor, BWV 537a
J.S. Bach, Fugue in C Minor, BWV 537b
in-person only
Presider: The Rev. Canon Eliacín Rosario-Cruz
Preacher: The Rev. Canon Jennifer King Daugherty
What wondrous love is this, O my soul! [Hymn #439]
If thou but trust in God to guide thee [Hymn #635]
Lord dismiss us with thy blessing [Hymn #344]
Carl Haywood, When from bondage we are summoned
Ralph Vaughan Williams, The Song of the Tree of Life
J.S. Bach, O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig, BWV 618
J.S. Bach, Fugue in C Minor, BWV 537b
in-person & livestreamed
Presider: The Very Rev. Steve Thomason
Preacher: The Rev. Canon Jennifer King Daugherty
Eternal Lord of love, behold your church [Hymn #149]
Blessed Jesus, at thy word [Hymn #440]
Lord dismiss us with thy blessing [Hymn #344]
William Byrd, Emendemus in melius
J.S. Bach, O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig, BWV 618
J.S. Bach, Herr Gott, nun schleuss den Himmel auf, BWV 617
J.S. Bach, Fugue in C Minor, BWV 537b
Presider: The Very Rev. Steve Thomason
Musician: Michael Kleinschmidt
Gregorian chant, Oculi mei
Thomas Tallis, Lamentations of Jeremiah, Part I
Organ by Night recital follows Compline this Sunday. (See details above)
Liturgy and repertoire information subject to change.
SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 12 p.m., and the first Sunday of each month
A special virtual coffee hour for newcomers, visitors, or anyone with questions about Saint Mark's is offered over Zoom each month. Find the link to join here. Please share this information with anyone you know who might be interested!
The 20s/30s Group recently sent out a new issue of their email newsletter. Check it out here.
Each week, those for whom the community has been asked to pray are published each Friday afternoon in the Cathedral Prayer List, found as a PDF at
On that same page, find information about joining the cathedral's Prayer Chain, to receive emails about individual prayer requests as they are submitted.
Saint Mark’s Cathedral acknowledges that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, who are still here, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the life of the Duwamish Tribe. [Learn more]
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral
Pastoral Care Emergency Line: 206.323.0300 x100