Sunday, November 14, 2021:
The Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
8 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist with Renewal of Baptismal Vows
in person in Thomsen Chapel
9 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist with the Rite of Confirmation
in person in the cathedral nave
11 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist with Rites of Baptism, Confirmation, and Reception
7 p.m. • Contemplative Eucharist
in person in Thomsen Chapel
9:30 p.m. • Compline
Baptisms, Confirmations, & Sunday Forum
Extra precautions in place for select services.
A Music Series Concert, December 5
Chart our way forward together
A special offering from Cathedral Yoga
What is a Bishop's Visitation?
Forum with the Bishop: 10:15–10:50 A.M., Bloedel Hall
It is a key part of the duties of all Diocesan Bishops to make regular visits to the congregations in their diocese—in fact, canon law requires that such visits are made to every parish and mission at least every three years. Of course, unlike many communities of the diocese, Bishop Rickel presides and preaches in his cathedral on multiple occasions every year—such as Christmas and Easter, as well as diocesan events like ordinations and Cathedral Day. The official pastoral visitation is different, however, as the canonical purpose of the visit is not simply to participate in a liturgy, or even just to offer the rite of Confirmation (that only a Bishop may perform), but rather, in the words of the Episcopal Dictionary, "to examine the condition of the congregation, oversee the clergy, and examine parochial records." This last occurred at Saint Mark's in November of 2018.
This Sunday, Bishop Rickel will make his official visitation to Saint Mark’s Cathedral, preaching and presiding at 8 a.m., 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services. He will offer Confirmation and Reception at the latter two services. A forum in Bloedel Hall will be held at 10:15 a.m., and he will meet with the Vestry in the afternoon. We welcome our bishop to his cathedral on this day of celebration.
Candidates for Confirmation: 9 a.m.
Andrew Grayson Barnes, Heather Anne Sutkus, Mei Li Ana Babuca, Anneka Guillaume Herring, Elsie Evelyn Nelson Brown
Candidates for Baptism: 11 a.m.
Isla Kathleen Augustiniak, Cory Joel James, Isaias Vernon Green, Will Wren Gelvick
Candidates for Confirmation or Reception: 11 a.m.
Kelsey Lynn Herschberger, Cory Joel James, Lisa Marie Packard, Cynthia Juyne Beegle-Krause
Please note that incense will be used at the 11 a.m. service. The 8 & 9 a.m. services will be incense-free.
Advent and Christmas Worship Update
Earlier this week, Dean Thomason send an email to the parish announcing the decisions that have been made by cathedral leadership regarding the large Advent and Christmas offerings this year, which he explains in this brief video.
In summary: for the sake of the safety of all, five services—"O" Antiphons, The Pageant of the Nativity, and the Christmas Eve services at 4 p.m., 7:30 p.m. and 11 p.m.—will require that worshipers register online in advance, have total attendance capped, and require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test (PCR test administered less than 72 hours before the event). Other services, including Christmas Day, will not require pre-registration or screening.
Doing Justice: Israel/Palestine
TOMORROW! SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 9 A.M.-4 P.M., in-person in Bloedel Hall, and online. Purchase tickets here.
It's not too late to register for tomorrow's event. The Bishop's Committee for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land will present an all-day seminar addressing the current situation in Palestine, urgent reasons for change, and strategies for advocating to the U.S. government. Speakers include:
Brian Baird, Ph.D., former member of the U.S. House of Representatives, will explore the role of Congress, the influence of special interests, faith-based organizations and the media, and examine the moral imperative for Palestinian advocacy.
Mark Braverman, Ph.D., Jewish American psychologist and author, co-founder of Friends of Tent of Nations North America and Executive Director of Kairos USA, will focus on antisemitism and the role of theology in the current discourse.
Cindy Corrie, President of the Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice, will offer practical information on how to advocate both locally and nationally and how to overcome common myths and misperceptions that stand in the way.
John McKay, J.D., former US attorney for Western WA, coordinator for a State Department rule of law project in the West Bank and professor of constitutional and national security law, will examine Palestinian life under occupation through the lens of Israeli, U.S. and international law.
Alice Rothchild, MD, author, filmmaker and retired professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Harvard Medical School, will discuss the current critical medical crisis and obstacles to access of radiation treatment, cancer drugs and COVID vaccines in Gaza and the West Bank.
Lena Khalaf Tuffaha, Palestinian American whose life and work crosses cultural, geographic, and political borders, essayist, and author of Water and Salt, winner of the 2018 Washington State Book Award for Poetry, will share snapshots of the daily lives of Palestinian families.
Special Parish Forum—Statement of Lament and Commitment to Action
THIS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 6:30-8 P.M, in Bloedel Hall or via Zoom (registration requested for either option so we can plan accordingly)
Please note: In some places, this forum was previously listed as beginning at 6:45. The event will in fact begin at 6:30 p.m.
The Statement of Lament and Commitment to Action, adopted unanimously by the Vestry earlier this year, has been available online and in print in the narthex for some time, and was recently addressed in a sermon by Canon Rosario-Cruz. At the parish forum this coming Wednesday, we will reflect together, unpack the document, and break into groups which will focus on specific areas of work, including hunger and homelessness, racial justice and healing, reparations, immigration, global justice, and ministry partners. This is important work, charting a course for who we want to be as a community as we move forward, and YOUR voice is needed.
To participate either in person or online, please fill out the form here. If you choose to participate online, a Zoom link will be emailed to you on Tuesday with instructions.
Tapestry presents "Starry Night"
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 4:30 P.M., ticketed livestream or in person
The Saint Mark’s Music Series returns with the first concert of the 2021–22 season! Tapestry, a Boston-based ensemble of women’s voices, programs a unique blend of medieval traditions and contemporary idioms. Starry Night—a program that resonates deeply in the season of Advent—weaves together meditations on the star-lit sky and human longing into a rich tapestry of poetry and music. Originally commissioned by the Da Camera Society in Los Angeles and performed at the Wilson Observatory, the program will ring beautifully in Saint Mark’s "holy box" high atop Capitol Hill. Local clarinetist and Saint Mark's community member James Falzone joins Tapestry as a guest artist for this performance.
Tickets are required to receive the livestream link or to attend in-person. Following current guideline for indoor events, all in-person attendees will be required to show proof of vaccination or recent negative COVID antigen test at the door. Tickets will also be available for sale at the door. (This concert takes the place of monthly Evensong in December.)
There is plenty to do in the Saint Mark’s gardens! and the next Garden Ministry Work party is Saturday, November 13. The ‘work’ is fun and rewarding; the community is supportive and effective. All are welcome and needed, whether you have a green thumb or not! Email
Two Dogwoods to be Planted in Memory of Sandra Smith
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 12 P.M. on the Cathedral front lawn
All are invited to join Sandy’s family and friends as we plant two dogwoods on the cathedral front lawn in her loving memory. A brief rite will mark the occasion. Sandy died in July of this year after a long battle with cancer. She was beloved by many and received the Pro Christo medal in 2021 for her service to God and the Church.
THIS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1:30 P.M. via Zoom and in person in Room 210
In the short, meticulously researched book, The River that Made Seattle: A Human and Natural History of the Duwamish, B.J. Cummings recounts the story of the Duwamish River—from Indigenous populations to today's diverse community of newly arrived immigrants. To join Second Sunday Book Group, email Pearl.
Youth Bonfire and Neighborhood Trash Pickup
ALL are invited to join the 2021 youth confirmation class in picking up trash along 10th avenue. Come along to help maintain our neighborhood and beloved earth. When we've cleaned up the neighborhood, we will gather for a fall bonfire, short vespers liturgy, and snacks.
Meet: 3 p.m. on the cathedral front lawn
Bring: Work gloves, mask, camp chair
End: 5:30 p.m.
Guest Sermon at 9 & 11 A.M. Services
"Friends Talking" Forum: 10:10–10:50 A.M., Bloedel Hall
Longtime pastor of First AME Church The Rev. Dr. Carey Anderson will preach at Saint Mark’s Cathedral as part of our deepening commitment to the relationship between Dean Steve and Pastor Carey, and our two faith communities. Dean Steve has been invited to preach at First AME in January 2022. Pastor Anderson is renowned for his preaching and leadership in the Seattle faith community and for his commitment to restorative justice.
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 10 A.M., in person or via livestream
Please join together at 10 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day for a service of Holy Eucharist, with prayers of gratitude for the abundance of the harvest and all the blessings of this life. Dean Thomason will preach and preside, with musical offerings by Rebekah Gilmore and Canon Michael Kleinschmidt. You can put your turkey in the oven, then come to the cathedral or join the livestream to offer your thanks to God, and be finished with plenty of time to make the stuffing.
Reports and Reflections from the Creation Care Ministry
In addition, parishioner and literature professor Doug Thorpe has shared some "Autumn musings" with the community. And don't miss the first issue of the Creation Care Newsletter that was released recently. All these links can be viewed on the Creation Care Ministry page of Saint Mark's website, along with lots of other great information.
Monthly Ministry Meeting
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 6:30–8 p.m., via Zoom
Please join the Creation Care Ministry for its monthly meeting coming up this Tuesday evening at 6:30 via Zoom. We discuss latest events and consider future programs for our Saint Mark's community relating to climate change. All are welcome. Contact Marjorie for the link to join.
Special Yoga Nidra Meditation Class with Wendy
THIS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 6:30 P.M., temporarily relocated to Carriage House
Due to the RY X concert in the cathedral nave, Cathedral Yoga will be relocated to the Carriage House on Monday, November 15. For this special offering, ministry leader Wendy Townsend will lead participants through a one-hour yoga nidra meditation. This will involve intentional relaxation along with visualization, guided by Wendy’s voice throughout. Bring your yoga mat to lay on, or a cushion to sit on if you prefer.
Be aware that the concert in the nave is expected to be well-attended. The doors to the concert open at 6:30 p.m., just when Cathedral Yoga is starting, so you may have trouble finding parking in the cathedral lot. Street parking is available in the neighborhood, but you may wish to give yourself extra time.
The "O" Antiphons Liturgy
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2021, 7 P.M., in person in the cathedral nave, or livestreamed.
For many longtime members of the cathedral, the annual "O" Antiphons Liturgy is a high point of the liturgical year at Saint Mark's, but newcomers still may be wondering what the service is. The particular form of this liturgy that we use was invented here, first presented in 1986, and is today used by churches around the world. It is similar to a "Lessons & Carols" service, but rather than presenting a linear narrative from scripture, it is structured around seven medieval antiphons, each beginning with the word "O ," which also form the basis of the hymn "O Come O Come Emmanuel."
The liturgy is a poetic exploration of resonant images of Christ found in the antiphons—star, key, root, cornerstone—while drawing the connections between the first advent of Jesus, when he came into our world 2,000 years ago, with both the long-expected coming of the Christ at the end of time, as well as the coming of Christ into the human heart. This beloved cathedral tradition provides a moving and evocative entrance into the Advent season of prayerful expectation. See video and leaflets from recent years here. This year's event will feature the world premiere of a commissioned anthem by Dr. Zanaida Robles; learn more here.
Incense is used. Pre-registration is required to attend: register here. As of Thursday evening, over 170 reservations remain available.
Faith Action Network Annual Dinner
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 5:30 P.M., via zoom
You’re invited to the Faith Action Network’s (FAN) virtual Annual Dinner Celebration! If you are unfamiliar with FAN, it is an interfaith partnership striving for a just, compassionate, and sustainable world through community building, education, and courageous public action. It represents over 160 faith communities across Washington State by supporting legislation that supports working families, equitable medical access, our homeless population, prison reform, renter’s rights, fair taxation, gun control, and other issues at the heart of compassionate living.
Seattle Relief Fund
The City of Seattle has announced a new program to support low-income individuals who have been financially affected during this pandemic. If you live or attend school in Seattle and earn less than $40,500 per year (single-person household) you may qualify for a one-time payment of $1,000-$3,000.
Get full details here. Applications are due November 15, so if you might qualify, don't delay.
The podcast Cathedral Conversations about Race highlights voices from within our own church community. In the most recent episode, hosts Cara Peterson and Michael Perera discuss appropriation & appreciation. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts, or go here to listed to all the past episodes.
The new musical written by former Dean of Saint Mark's, The Rev. Fred Northup, entitled David: The Faces of Love, will be presented again, live on the internet on Saturday, November 13, at 4 p.m. Pacific Time. Learn more and purchase tickets here.
The Capstone offering of the Wisdom School at Saint Mark's for this program year is the twice-postponed pilgrimage to Iona and Ancient Missions of Britain, now confirmed for July of 2022. A complete brochure, including detailed itinerary, cost, and registration forms, in now available here.
The 20s/30s Group hosts Night Prayer together over the phone on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7:30 p.m. On the fourth Monday of the month only, participants are also invited to gather in person in Leffler Sun Room. You can attend Cathedral Yoga at 6:30 and then walk to Leffler after the class ends. Next offering: November 22.
Weekly Tuesday afternoon Bible Study is now hybrid! The group meets Tuesdays 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. for study and prayer over the coming Sunday's reading. In-person participants gather in Cathedral House Room 210. Contact Lynne Cobb for more information and the link to join.
Sunday, November 14, 2021:
The Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
8 A.M. • THE HOLY EUCHARIST with Renewal of Baptismal Vows
Thomsen Chapel; in-person only
Presider and Preacher: The Right Reverend Gregory H. Rickel
Organ: Frank Bridge, Allegretto grazioso
Gustav Merkel, Orgelstück in C
9 A.M. • THE HOLY EUCHARIST with The Rite of Confirmation
in-person only
11 A.M. • THE HOLY EUCHARIST with Rites of Baptism, Confirmation, and Reception
in-person & livestreamed
Download the service leaflets in advance here.
Join the 11 a.m. service via livestream here.
Presider and Preacher:
The Right Reverend Gregory H. Rickel
1 Samuel 1:4–20
Hebrews 10:11–14, 19–25
Mark 13:1–8
Lord Christ, when first thou cam’st to earth [Hymn #598]
All my hope on God is founded [Hymn #665]
Come, thou fount of every blessing [Hymn #685]
9 a.m.: David Hurd, Vidi aquam
African-American Spiritual, arr. by William Dawson, Every time I feel the Spirit
11 a.m: James MacMillan, Think of how God loves you
African-American Spiritual, harmonized Harry T. Burleigh, arr. R. Vené, Deep River
9 a.m.: Undine S. Moore, Variations on Nettleton
Gustav Merkel, Orgelstück in C
11 a.m.: Frank Bridge, Allegretto grazioso
Fanny Hensel, Postlude in G major
Presider: The Rev. Edie Weller
Musician: Michael Kleinschmidt, organ
Thomas Ravenscroft, Let saints on earth in concert sing
Jason Anderson, Psalm 13
William Byrd, Nunc dimittis, Tone 1
Peter Hallock, Christus est Stella
Newcomer's Coffee with Clergy
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 12 p.m., and the first Sunday of each month
A special virtual coffee hour just for newcomers, or anyone with questions about Saint Mark's. Find the link to join here. Please share this information with anyone you know who might be interested!
SUNDAYS, 10–10:50 A.M., St. Nicholas Building, 2nd Floor
Sunday Morning Church School has resumed!
Each week, those for whom the community has been asked to pray are published each Friday afternoon in the Cathedral Prayer List, found as a PDF at
On that same page, find information about joining the cathedral's Prayer Chain, to receive emails about individual prayer requests as they are submitted.
Saint Mark’s Cathedral acknowledges that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, who are still here, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the life of the Duwamish Tribe. [Learn more]
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral
Pastoral Care Emergency Line: 206.323.0300 x100