Sunday, November 7, 2021:
The Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
8 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
in person in Thomsen Chapel
9 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
in person in the cathedral nave
11 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
4:30 p.m. • Choral Evensong
7 p.m. • Contemplative Eucharist
in person in Thomsen Chapel
9:30 p.m. • Compline
Set your clocks back!
Daylight Saving Time ends November 7.
All Saints' Sunday
With special post-Evensong organ music from Canon Kleinschmidt
and Sunday Forum, November 14
Guest Preacher and Forum, Nov. 21
Thursday, November 25
Daylight Saving Time Ends Sunday
Don't forget to set your clocks back one hour before you go to sleep Saturday night—if you don't, you may end up at a different service Sunday morning than the one you planned on attending!
Baptisms on All Saints' Sunday
THIS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7, at the 9 and 11 a.m. services
Join the community of Saint Mark’s in blessing and welcoming several new members of the Body of Christ when they are baptized on Sunday morning, November 7. At the 8 a.m. liturgy, there will be an opportunity to renew your Baptismal Covenant. Please note that incense will be used at the 11 a.m. service. The 8 & 9 a.m. services will be incense-free.
Baptismal Candidates
9 a.m.: Eva Bradbury Tayrien
11 a.m.: Gretchen Lynn Cook, Kodii Macharia, Margaret Jaquett Williams, Gilbert David Judd-Herzfeldt, Florence Hajjar Prieur, Lisa Marie Packard
Full Cathedral Choir Returns to the 11 a.m. Service this Sunday (In a Temporary New Location)
A message from Canon Kleinschmidt: "So far this fall, only half of the Cathedral Choir at a time has sung for the 11 a.m. Eucharist on Sundays. "Choir 1" and "Choir 2" have alternated. This week, the full choir returns. However, the gallery still feels too tight for 45 singers plus conductor and organist to sing in safely together during this stage of the pandemic, even as all are fully vaccinated and masked. Therefore, the choir will try singing the service spread out in the northeast corner of the nave floor this Sunday."
Newcomer's Coffee with Clergy
THIS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 12 p.m., and the first Sunday of each month
A special virtual coffee hour just for newcomers, or anyone with questions about Saint Mark's. Find the link to join here. Please share this information with anyone you know who might be interested!
Choral Evensong in Celebration of All Saints and Commemoration of All Souls with Special Post-Evensong Organ Music
Saint Mark's Cathedral invites one and all to join in prayer and praise at nightfall to celebrate All Saints, and to commemorate the lives of all those whom we love but see no longer. Saint Mark's Evensong Choir will offer a setting of the Magnificat and Nunc dimittis by Philip Stopford, composed in 2014 for the Evening Choir of St. Anne's Cathedral, Belfast, Northern Ireland, and sung here for the first time on this occasion. In addition, the choir will offer Grayston Ives' warmly resonant setting of Isaac Watts' reassuring hymn, There is a land of pure delight. This choir is composed of select Choir School Senior Choristers, the Cathedral Schola, and adults from the Cathedral Choir. Learn more about the Evensong Choir here.
As an extended postlude Choral Evensong this Sunday, Canon Kleinschmidt will offer the North American premiere of a 12-minute work for pipe organ by Hina Sakamoto (born 1968), called Kuhon Raigo-zu IV. based on the melody of the Gregorian chant In paradisum, and inspired by images of paradise from the Buddhist tradition. Read more about this piece, including commentary from the composer, here.
Bishop Rickel to Make His Triennial Visitation
Forum with the Bishop: 10:10–10:50 A.M., Bloedel Hall
Bishop Rickel will make his official visitation to Saint Mark’s Cathedral, preaching and presiding at 8 a.m., 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services, and he will offer Confirmation and Reception at the latter two services. A forum in Bloedel Hall will be held at 10:15 a.m., and he will meet with the vestry in the afternoon. We welcome our bishop to his cathedral on this day of celebration. Please note that incense will be used at the 11 a.m. service. The 8 & 9 a.m. services will be incense-free.
Friends Talking: Dean Steve and Pastor Carey Anderson of First AME on Capitol Hill
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 10:10–10:50 A.M., Bloedel Hall
Guest Sermon at 9 A.M. & 11 A.M. Services
Longtime pastor of First AME Church The Rev. Dr. Carey Anderson will preach at Saint Mark’s Cathedral as part of our deepening commitment to the relationship between Dean Steve and Pastor Carey, and our two faith communities. Dean Steve has been invited to preach at First AME in January 2022. Pastor Anderson is renowned for his preaching and leadership in the Seattle faith community and for his commitment to restorative justice.
Thanksgiving Day Eucharist
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 10 A.M., in person or via livestream
Please join together at 10 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day for a service of Holy Eucharist, with prayers of gratitude for the abundance of the harvest and all the blessings of this life. Dean Thomason will preach and preside, with musical offerings by Rebekah Gilmore and Canon Michael Kleinschmidt. You can put your turkey in the oven, then come to the cathedral or join the livestream to offer your thanks to God, and be finished with plenty of time to make the stuffing.
Liturgy for Planetary Crisis: Please join in prayer and worship with our Episcopal Presiding Bishop’s Delegation and all who have been present in witness and advocacy at the Convention on Climate Change (COP26). This service is open to all and will focus on the need for swift, just action to bring us back into right relationships across the human family and with all of God’s creation. The liturgy will draw on our Episcopal tradition and beyond and will offer strength to the community at COP26.
A Report from El Salvador by Elizabeth Hawkins
Community member Elizabeth Hawkins has been living and working in San Salvador since 2019. A former immigration attorney, she travelled to El Salvador to research the complex factors that lead people to attempt to emigrate to the United States. Learn more about Elizabeth here. Dean Thomason and Canon Rosario-Cruz will facilitate the discussion.
UPDATE: The link for this forum is now available. Join using this Zoom link.
COP26 Closing Event
As the 26th Conference of Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change draws to an end on November 12th, gather with Episcopal advocates and ecumenical partners for this closing event. Our Presiding Bishop’s Delegation will offer reports from their witness at the conference, as well as top line summaries from the negotiations. We will finish with a faith-led vision of the future for Episcopal advocacy around climate change.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 9 A.M.-4 P.M., in-person in Bloedel Hall, and online
Doing Justice: Israel/Palestine
- Former congressman Brian Baird, PhD.
- Executive Director of Kairos USA, Mark Braverman, PhD.
- President of the Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice, Cindy Corrie
- Former US attorney for Western WA, John McKay, J.D.
- Author and filmmaker Alice Rothchild, MD
- Poet and author Lena Khalaf Tuffaha
There is plenty to do in the Saint Mark’s gardens! and the next Garden Ministry Work party is Saturday, November 13. The ‘work’ is fun and rewarding; the community is supportive and effective. All are welcome and needed, whether you have a green thumb or not! Email
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1:30 P.M. via Zoom and in person in Room 210
In the short, meticulously researched book, The River that Made Seattle: A Human and Natural History of the Duwamish, B.J. Cummings recounts the story of the Duwamish River—from Indigenous populations to today's diverse community of newly arrived immigrants. To join Second Sunday Book Group, email Pearl.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 3–5:30 P.M.
Youth Bonfire and Neighborhood Trash Pickup
ALL are invited to join the 2021 youth confirmation class in picking up trash along 10th avenue. Come along to help maintain our neighborhood and beloved earth. When we've cleaned up the neighborhood, we will gather for a fall bonfire, short vespers liturgy, and snacks.
Meet: 3 p.m. on the cathedral front lawn
Bring: Work gloves, mask, camp chair
End: 5:30 p.m.
Hybrid gathering: in Bloedel Hall and via Zoom (registration requested)
Earlier this year the Vestry unanimously adopted the Statement of Lament and Commitment to Action as a guide as we strive for justice and peace and respect for every human being. In the special parish forum, to which all are invited and encouraged to attend, we will reflect together, unpack the document, and break into groups to discuss a wide of justice-related topics. Learn more and register here.
The "O" Antiphons Service
This annual liturgy celebrates the beginning of Advent —the season of longing and expectation in preparation for Christmas. This year the Cathedral Choir will premiere a new work by Dr. Zanaida Robles–a renowned vocalist, conductor, clinician, and adjudicator, and a fierce advocate for diversity and inclusion in music. The anthem, titled Ecstatic Expectancy, responds in both content and feeling to the O Antiphons liturgy, while offering a meditation on the evocative verse from Psalm 85: Mercy and Truth have met together; Righteousness and Peace have kissed each other.
Update by Dean Thomason on Afghan Refugee Support
An interim update on two efforts Saint Mark’s has engaged as we seek to provide relief and support to Afghan refugees:
1) We’ve teamed with Trinity Episcopal Church in Everett where a family was to resettle after being processed. We sent money from the Clergy Discretionary Fund to help secure initial household supplies, but the family has been delayed. We are awaiting word on next steps for volunteers to mobilize.
2) We stand ready to potentially respond to two families connected to Sahar—Education for Afghan Girls. One is in the U.S. but held still in the processing camp; the other is in Qatar, unsure when they might be allowed to join family already in Seattle. Both will need assistance with food, clothing, and housing. We will mobilize those efforts when called upon. In the meantime, we bid your prayers for their safety as well as the other 84 persons connected with Sahar who are still in country. We have sent money to Sahar to assist with legal and humanitarian relief on the ground.
Cathedral Conversations about Race:
New Podcast Episode
In this themed episode, we’re talking about appropriation: what it is, why it’s disrespectful at best, and presenting some examples. We also talk about appreciation, and what that can look like in different contexts. (One topic raised is the issue of appropriation and yoga— for more on this issue, go here.)
Cathedral Conversations about Race is a special podcast, highlighting voices from within our own church community. In this series, hosts Cara Peterson and Michael Perera speak with the BIPOC members of the cathedral about their respective faith journeys, and their experiences of being a BIPOC person in our community. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts, or go here to listed to all the past episodes.
Faith Action Network Annual Dinner
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 5:30 P.M., via zoom
You’re invited to the Faith Action Network’s (FAN) virtual Annual Dinner Celebration! If you are unfamiliar with FAN, it is an interfaith partnership striving for a just, compassionate, and sustainable world through community building, education, and courageous public action. It represents over 160 faith communities across Washington State by supporting legislation that supports working families, equitable medical access, our homeless population, prison reform, renter’s rights, fair taxation, gun control, and other issues at the heart of compassionate living.
Seattle Relief Fund
The City of Seattle has announced a new program to support low-income individuals who have been financially affected during this pandemic. If you live or attend school in Seattle and earn less than $40,500 per year (single-person household) you may qualify for a one-time payment of $1,000-$3,000.
Get full details here. Applications are due November 15, so if you might qualify, don't delay.
Seeking Housing for St. Olaf College Music Student in January
A 2nd year, male student of organ and church music at Saint Olaf College plans to spend his January term in Seattle, observing and participating in Saint Mark's Cathedral's music ministries. Canon Kleinschmidt seeks housing for him near public transportation lines serving north Capitol Hill. If you have a spare, private dwelling place, or need a house sitter for the month of January, please contact Canon Kleinschmidt to discuss the possibility.
Voice for Justice—A Fundraiser for the Foundation for Equal Justice
Tickets are now available for the second annual Voices for Justice fundraiser, benefitting the Endowment for Equal Justice. The event is Thursday, November 11 from 6 to 8 p.m., and the program will feature the Paula Boggs Band, poetry, and remarks from Northwest Immigrant Rights Project executive director Jorge Barón, all in the acoustically rich setting of the cathedral nave. For those attending in-person, a reception with appetizers and drinks will take place from 6 to 7 p.m., with the live show beginning at 7 p.m. Masks and proof of vaccination are required. For those watching at home, the livestream will be free of charge and will begin promptly at 7 p.m. Both in-person and virtual tickets can be found here.
The Creation Care Ministry recently sent out the first issue of their new newsletter. It is full of events, reflections, recommendations, and interesting information. Read it here. Sign up to receive future issues using this form, or click the "update profile" link at the very bottom of this email.
The new musical written by former Dean of Saint Mark's, The Rev. Fred Northup, entitled David: The Faces of Love, will be presented again, live on the internet on Saturday, November 13, at 4 p.m. Pacific Time. Learn more and purchase tickets here.
The Capstone offering of the Wisdom School at Saint Mark's for this program year is the twice-postponed pilgrimage to Iona and Ancient Missions of Britain, now confirmed for July of 2022. A complete brochure, including detailed itinerary, cost, and registration forms, in now available here.
The spiritual practice of Cathedral Yoga is designed to improve health, release tension, and deepen spirituality. Newcomers and experienced practitioners alike are welcome to join Mondays at 6:30 p.m.
Weekly Tuesday afternoon Bible Study is now hybrid! The group meets Tuesdays 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. for study and prayer over the coming Sunday's reading. In-person participants gather in Cathedral House Room 210. Contact Lynne Cobb for more information and the link to join.
Sunday, November 7, 2021:
All Saints' Sunday
8 A.M. • THE HOLY EUCHARIST with Renewal of Baptismal Vows
Thomsen Chapel; in-person only
Presider and Preacher: The Very Reverend Steven L. Thomason
Organ: François Couperin, Cromorne sur la Taille
François Couperin, Dialogue sur les grand jeux
in-person only
in-person & livestreamed
Download the service leaflets in advance here.
Join the 11 a.m. service via livestream here.
9 a.m.: The Reverend Canon Eliacín Rosario-Cruz
11 a.m.: The Very Reverend Steven L. Thomason
Preacher: The Very Reverend Steven L. Thomason
Wisdom of Solomon 3:1-9
Revelation 21:1-6a
John 11:32-44
For all the saints [Hymn # 287]
Jerusalem, my happy home [Hymn #620]
Ye watchers and ye holy ones [Hymn #618 ]
9 a.m.:
African American Spiritual, arr. R. Nathaniel Dett, I want to be ready
11 a.m:
James MacMillan, Think of how God loves you
Alice Parker, arr., Hark! I hear the harps eternal
9 a.m.: Dieterich Buxtehude, Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist, BuxWV 208
9 a.m. & 11 a.m.: François Couperin, Dialogue sur les grand jeux
11 a.m.: J.S. Bach, Pièce d’orgue, BWV 572
Officiant: The Very Reverend Steven Thomason
C.V. Stanford, Psalm 150
Philip Stopford, Belfast Evening Canticles
Grayston Ives, There is a land of pure delight
Presider: The Rev. Canon Dr. Marda Steedman Sanborn
Musician: Page Smith, cello
William H. Harris, Holy is the true light
Hallock, Psalm 24
James Bassi, Nunc dimittis for double choir
Kirke Mechem, Blow ye the trumpet
SUNDAYS, 10–10:50 A.M., St. Nicholas Building, 2nd Floor
Sunday Morning Church School has resumed!
Each week, those for whom the community has been asked to pray are published each Friday afternoon in the Cathedral Prayer List, found as a PDF at
On that same page, find information about joining the cathedral's Prayer Chain, to receive emails about individual prayer requests as they are submitted.
Saint Mark’s Cathedral acknowledges that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, who are still here, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the life of the Duwamish Tribe. [Learn more]
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral
Pastoral Care Emergency Line: 206.323.0300 x100