Sunday, October 31, 2021:
The Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost

8 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
in person in Thomsen Chapel

9 a.m. • The Holy Eucharist
in person in the cathedral nave

11 a.m.The Holy Eucharist
in person and livestreamed

7 p.m. • Contemplative Eucharist
in person in Thomsen Chapel

9:30 p.m. • Compline
in person and livestreamed

Ingathering Sunday

Welcome the newest member of the cathedral clergy

Evensong Choir Pilgrimage Fundraiser

A community conversation offered in person and online

With special post-Evensong organ music from Canon Kleinschmidt
A Message from Dean Thomason: Ingathering Sunday

Earlier this week a message of gratitude from Dean Thomason was sent by email. Click here to read the full message, with data about pledges that had been received at that point.
"Our Stewardship Ingathering is this coming Sunday, October 31, and we will present all the pledge cards at the altar during the morning services. If you have already submitted your pledge (in whatever form), your pledge card will be there. If you have not yet made your pledge for the coming year, I hope you will. You can do so online at or by contacting Erik Donner at 206.323.0300 x 217 or He will include your pledge in those presented as blessings in this community as we engage our mission and ministries in the coming year. By presenting these at the altar, we consecrate them as gifts, as offerings of our life and labor.  
"If Saint Mark’s Cathedral is a place of spiritual connection for you, this is a tangible way of giving thanks for that connection, and to take your place in this wonderful community that spans the generations. We are all invited to be part of this 'One Body.'"

Please, if you are able, submit your pledge before Ingathering Sunday on October 31, either using the card you received in the mail or using the online form. Learn more at
Stewardship Message: Canon Michael Kleinschmidt and Marc Aubertin

Canon for Cathedral Music Michael Kleinschmidt and his husband Marc Aubertin recorded this brief (4-minute) video message in Thomsen Chapel, reflecting on their experiences of giving to the church, and on this year's Stewardship theme.
HYMNATHON! A Fundraiser for the Evensong Choir Pilgrimage 2022

TOMORROW! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 8 A.M.–6 P.M. All are welcome to drop by any time! Portions will be livestreamed.

Saint Mark’s Evensong Choir of children, youth and adults plan to be in England next August to sing daily Evensongs in Chichester and Bristol Cathedrals. To raise funds for the journey, they are singing a Hymnathon on Saturday, October 30, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. They will sing at least one stanza of all 720 hymns in our hymnal! You are invited to join in the fun. Get three friends to sponsor you for a dollar per hymn and sing a hundred of them. At our pace, it will take you less than an hour and you will have brought us $300!

There are a variety of ways to donate! Vote for your favorite hymn, dedicate a specific hymn, and more. Learn about how to support the Evensong Choir here.
The Rev. Eliacín Rosario-Cruz to Preach This Sunday


The newest member of the cathedral clergy, The Rev. Canon Eliacín Rosario-Cruz, has begun his work at Saint Mark's, and will be offering the sermon at all the morning Eucharist services this Sunday. Welcome, Eliacín!
Special Parish Forum—Statement of Lament and Commitment to Action

Hybrid gathering: in Bloedel Hall and via Zoom (registration requested for either option so we can plan accordingly)

Earlier this year the Vestry unanimously adopted the Statement of Lament and Commitment to Action as a guide for our important work as individuals and community as we strive for justice and peace and respect for every human being. It is a substantial document with a broad range of statements leading to actionable ways we are called to live and act in the world. In the special parish forum, to which all are invited and encouraged to attend, we will reflect together, unpack the document, and break into groups which will focus on specific areas of work including:
  1. Addressing Homeless and Hunger in Seattle,
  2. Cathedral innovations for Reparations,
  3. Racial Justice and Healing,
  4. Global Justice ministries,
  5. Immigration Ministries,
  6. Networking with Affiliate Partners in Ministry

Learn more and register here.
Choral Evensong in celebration of All Saints and commemoration of All Souls


Saint Mark's Cathedral invites one and all to join in prayer and praise at nightfall to celebrate All Saints, and to commemorate the lives of all those whom we love but see no longer. Saint Mark's Evensong Choir will offer a setting of the Magnificat and Nunc dimittis by Philip Stopford, composed in 2014 for the Evening Choir of St. Anne's Cathedral, Belfast, Northern Ireland, and sung here for the first time on this occasion. In addition, the choir will offer Grayston Ives' warmly resonant setting of Isaac Watts' reassuring hymn, There is a land of pure delight. Choral Evensong is a treasure among Christian liturgies in the Anglican tradition. At Saint Mark's, this choir is composed of select Choir School Senior Choristers, the Cathedral Schola, and adults from the Cathedral Choir. Learn more about the Evensong Choir here.
Special Post-Evensong Organ Music: Kuhon Raigo-zu IVA meditation on Paradise and The Pure Land, by Hina Sakamoto

Immediately after Choral Evensong on November 7, Canon Kleinschmidt will offer the North American premiere of a 12-minute work for pipe organ by Hina Sakamoto (born 1968), called Kuhon Raigo-zu IV. It is in three movements, each of which incorporates the Gregorian melody of the commendation anthem, In Paradisum, from the Requiem Mass. Kuhon Raigo-zu, was inspired by a famous painting in the Byodoin Temple in Kyoto in which the Buddha Amida descends on a cloud to escort a faithful disciple at the moment of death into the Pure Land, or Paradise. Hina Sakamoto resides in Yokohama, Japan. Many of her compositions for organ are based on Gregorian themes. All of them display exquisite craftsmanship. Read more about the piece here: Kuhon Raigo-zu IV commentary
Doing Justice: Israel/Palestine
A Conference by the Bishop's Committee for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 9 A.M.-4 P.M., in-person in Bloedel Hall, and online

On behalf of the Bishop's Committee for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land, we are inviting you to attend the group’s upcoming conference entitled Doing Justice: Israel/Palestine. The conference will be both an in-person event and also available online for those unable to attend in person. Tickets to attend in person or online can be purchased here at eventbriteConference speakers will address the current situation in Palestine, urgent reasons for change, and strategies for advocating to the US government. There will be panel discussions and Q&A. The attached flyer provides additional information. If any questions, kindly contact the Bishop's Committee at
Youth Bonfire and Neighborhood Trash Pickup

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 3–5:30 P.M.

Youth are invited to join the 2021 youth confirmation class in picking up trash along 10th avenue. Come along to help maintain our beloved earth. When we've cleaned up the neighborhood, we will gather for a fall bonfire, short vespers liturgy, and snacks.

Meet: 3 p.m. on the cathedral front lawn
Bring: Work gloves, mask, camp chair
End: 5:30 p.m.
Incense at 11 a.m. on November 7 & 14

On November 7 we observe the Feast of All Saints, a Principal Feast of Church, and on November 14 Bishop Rickel will be in attendance for his triennial visitation of the cathedral parish. Please be aware that on both of those occasions incense will be used at the 11 a.m. service. The 9 a.m. service both Sundays will be incense-free.

FaithScienceSacred Activism. Hear from leaders of various faiths, including First Peoples, Buddhist, Jewish, and Christian, as they share how their faith tradition calls them to act on climate change. And then join in the discussion with panelists about actions communities can take together to be part of hopeful solutions. This online-only event is co-sponsored by Saint Mark's. Register here, or contact Marjorie Ringness or Libby Carr if you have questions. View the updated PDF flyer here.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 8 A.M. PST Register here 

Liturgy for Planetary Crisis: Please join in prayer and worship with our Episcopal Presiding Bishop’s Delegation and all who have been present in witness and advocacy at the Convention on Climate Change (COP26). This service is open to all and will focus on the need for swift, just action to bring us back into right relationships across the human family and with all of God’s creation. The liturgy will draw on our Episcopal tradition and beyond and will offer strength to the community at COP26.  
A Report from El Salvador by Elizabeth Hawkins
Community member Elizabeth Hawkins has been living and working in San Salvador since 2019. A former immigration attorney, she travelled to El Salvador to research the complex factors that lead people to attempt to emigrate to the United States. Learn more about Elizabeth here. Dean Thomason and Canon Rosario-Cruz will facilitate the discussion. 

UPDATE: The link for this forum is now available. Join using this Zoom link.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 11 A.M. PST Register here 

COP26 Closing Event

As the 26th Conference of Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change draws to an end on November 12th, gather with Episcopal advocates and ecumenical partners for this closing event. Our Presiding Bishop’s Delegation will offer reports from their witness at the conference, as well as top line summaries from the negotiations. We will finish with a faith-led vision of the future for Episcopal advocacy around climate change.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1:30 P.M. via Zoom and in person in Room 210

In the short, meticulously researched book, The River that Made Seattle: A Human and Natural History of the Duwamish, B.J. Cummings recounts the story of the Duwamish River—beginning with the diverse 1000s-year-old Indigenous populations who lived along the river that sustained them to the arrival of the first White settlers and then to the diverse newly arrived immigrants. It’s a story about social and environmental justice (or the lack thereof), business interests, and politics. To join Second Sunday Book Group, email Pearl.

O Antiphons

This annual liturgy celebrates the beginning of Advent —the season of longing and expectation in preparation for Christmas. This year the Cathedral Choir will premiere a new work by Dr. Zanaida Roblesa renowned vocalist, conductor, clinician, and adjudicator, and a fierce advocate for diversity and inclusion in music. The anthem, titled Ecstatic Expectancy, responds in both content and feeling to the O Antiphons liturgy, while offering a meditation on the evocative verse from Psalm 85: Mercy and Truth have met together; Righteousness and Peace have kissed each other.
111th Diocesan Convention: This Weekend
The virtual 111th convention of the Diocese of Olympia is happening this weekend! Representatives from communities across Western Washington will be gathering online on Friday and Saturday, October 29 and 30. You can explore the schedule, view the Convention Orientation video under the workshops tab, watch videos from nominees for diocesan elections, and access Convention documents, all online. Learn more here.

Two sessions on the global climate crisis may be of particular interest: Episcopal Households vs. the Climate Crisis on Friday at 10 a.m., and Climate Change: An Intergenerational Conversation About What We Need to Do Now on Saturday at 9:30 a.m. Zoom links to join these and other workshops can be found here.
Tuesday Bible Study: Now Hybrid!

TUESDAYS, 11:30-1:30 P.M., Room 210 or online

Weekly Tuesday afternoon Bible Study will begin hybrid meetings this upcoming Tuesday, November 2! The group meets from 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. for study and prayer over the coming Sunday's reading, with time for socializing as well. In-person participants will gather in Cathedral House Room 210, with participants joining online visible on the newly-installed monitor. Contact Lynne Cobb for more information and the link to join.
Cathedral Yoga

EVERY MONDAY, 6:30 P.M., in the cathedral nave

Due to a mix-up, the wrong teacher was announced for last week's meeting of Cathedral Yoga. Last week's class was in fact led by Emily Bogen, a familiar face at Saint Mark's, having been one of the regular monthly leaders of Cathedral Yoga before the pandemic. The teacher announced in last week's newsletter, Sally Senger, will be leading the class this coming Monday evening, November 1.
Voice for Justice—A Fundraiser for the Foundation for Equal Justice


Tickets are now available for the second annual Voices for Justice fundraiser, benefitting the Endowment for Equal Justice. The event is Thursday, November 11 from 6 to 8 p.m., and the program will feature the Paula Boggs Band, poetry, and remarks from Northwest Immigrant Rights Project executive director Jorge Barón, all in the acoustically rich setting of the cathedral nave. For those attending in-person, a reception with appetizers and drinks will take place from 6 to 7 p.m., with the live show beginning at 7 p.m. Masks and proof of vaccination are required. For those watching at home, the livestream will be free of charge and will begin promptly at 7 p.m. Both in-person and virtual tickets can be found here.
Seattle Weavers' Guild Annual Show and Sale

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29: 10 a.m.–8 p.m.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30: 10 a.m.–4 p.m.

Our neighbors the Seattle Weavers' Guild are thrilled to once again offer their annual sale in person in Bloedel Hall. The sale showcases one-of-a-kind handcrafted items and hand-spun and hand-dyed yarns, along with weaving and spinning tools. Masks and proof of vaccination will be required for entry to the sale. For more information, email
Afghanistan Program Update from Sahar Education for Girls

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 6 P.M., via Zoom

In early September, Saint Mark's hosted a presentation by leaders of Sahar, an organization working to educate girls in Afghanistan. They have now invited the community of Saint Mark's to an online event to give an update on the current situation, this coming Thursday, November 4 at 6 p.m. View the invitation with additional information here. Join the meeting on Thursday using the following link: 
Sunday, October 31, 2021: The Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost

Thomsen Chapel; in-person only

Presider: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason
Preacher: The Reverend Canon Eliacín Rosario-Cruz

Organ: J. S. Bach, Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier, BWV 731
Léon Boëllmann, Toccata from Suite Gothique, Op. 25
in-person only

in-person & livestreamed
Download the service leaflets in advance here.
Join the 11 a.m. service via livestream here.

Presider: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason

Preacher: The Reverend Canon Eliacín Rosario-Cruz

Ruth 1:118
Hebrews 9:1114
Mark 12:2834 

9 a.m. & 11 a.m.: King of glory, King of peace [Hymn #382]
For the fruit of all creation [Hymn #424]
11 a.m.: How lovely is thy dwelling place [Hymn #517]

9 a.m.: Michael Praetorius, Make a joyful noise
Peter Aston, I give you a new commandment
11 a.m: Anthony Piccolo, The Key

Two anonymous 17th-century settings of Ein feste Burg is unser Gott 
Léon Boëllmann, Toccata from Suite Gothique, Op. 25

Presider: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason

Musician: Rebekah Gilmore, soprano
Now open to in-person attendance. Broadcast live on KING 98.1 FM, and; livestreamed on and Facebook and YouTube; and available as a podcast. Learn more here.

Compline observing the Eve of the Feast of All Saints
Kievan Chant (adapt.), Kontakion for the Departed
Peter Hallock, Psalm 13
Thomas Tallis, Te lucis ante terminum
William Mundy, Sive vigilem
NEXT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 12 p.m., and the first Sunday of each month

A special virtual coffee hour just for newcomers, or anyone with questions about Saint Mark's. Find the link to join here. Please share this information with anyone you know who might be interested!
Children, Youth, and Family Ministries has released a new issue of their newsletter. Read it here.
SUNDAYS, 10–10:50 A.M., St. Nicholas Building, 2nd Floor

Sunday Morning Church School has resumed!
Learn more at
Each week, those for whom the community has been asked to pray are published each Friday afternoon in the Cathedral Prayer List, found as a PDF at

On that same page, find information about joining the cathedral's Prayer Chain, to receive emails about individual prayer requests as they are submitted.
Saint Mark’s Cathedral acknowledges that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, who are still here, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the life of the Duwamish Tribe. [Learn more]
Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral

Pastoral Care Emergency Line: 206.323.0300 x100
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