SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2020
The Holy Eucharist will be livestreamed from the Cathedral Nave at 11 a.m. Sunday morning.
photo by Michael Perera
Download the leaflet in advance
The Rev. Canon Nancy Ross
The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason
Genesis 18:1-15, 21:1-7; Psalm 116:1, 10-17; Romans 5:1-8; Matthew 9:35–10:23
The God of Abraham Praise
(401, stanzas 1, 4, & 5);
Come thou fount of every blessing
My God, thy table now is spread
Lord, you give the great commission
(words of hymn #528, but sung to the tune
Pre-liturgy Check-in and Post-liturgy Virtual Coffee Hour via Zoom
This week, why not
pop into the Virtual Coffee Hour Zoom meeting
before the service, just to check in and say hello?
The room will be open starting at 10:30 a.m.
Then use the same link to come together and share some time together immediately after the service. Email
Peter McClung
with any questions, or to receive the link.
An Introduction to Sunday's Hymns
Here is this week's
introduction to Sunday's hymns
, this week presented by
Associate Organist John Stuntebeck.
It was first broadcast live over Facebook on Thursday,
, and this week it was presented on the
Pasi portative organ
from Thomsen Chapel, due to renovation work in the choir loft (see below for details).
to watch the video on Facebook.
Friday 6/12, 3 p.m.
Friday afternoon tea
Friday 6/12, 7 p.m.
Mideast Focus presents:
The Lobby—USA
Sunday 6/14, 9 & 10 a.m.
Church School for kids
Sunday 6/14, 11 a.m.
The Holy Eucharist (livestream)
Sunday 6/14, 12 p.m.
Virtual Coffee Hour
Sunday 6/14, 4 p.m.
Parents Connections Group
Thursday, 6/18, 7:15 p.m.
Compline with the Service Corps
Mondays 6/15–29, 7 p.m.
Exploring Sunday's Scripture
Sunday 6/21, 11 a.m.
Graduates' Blessing & Celebration
Wednesday 6/24, 7 p.m.
Parish Forum:
Celebrating the
Seattle Service Corps
Wednesday, 7/1, 7 p.m.
Taking Up Our Responsibility
for Racial Justice:
Opening Plenary
Wednesday, 7/18 7 p.m.
Today Was a Good Day
Watch Party
with Director David Wild
Morning Prayer,
via Zoom.
A service of morning prayer, followed immediately by some time to talk and be together. All are welcome. Email
for the link.
Evening Prayer, EVERY WEEKNIGHT, 6:30 P.M.
via Zoom.
A service of daily evening prayer to close the day.
will be broadcast at 9:30 p.m. on Sunday, now with a choir of four singers. Listen live on KING-FM 98.1 and online at
, and please subscribe to the Compline podcast:
O gladsome light;
In your mercy, Lord, you called me;
John Sheppard,
In pace in idipsum dormiam
The Compline video livestream has come to an end as a weekly offering, although future services may be livestreamed on a one-off basis for special occasions. Please continue to listen live each Sunday at 98.1 FM, and subscribe to the Compline Podcast—search for "Saint Mark's Compline" wherever you get your podcasts, or visit
All repertoire and liturgy information subject to change.
The Lobby—USA
with the short film "Oceans of Injustice"
via Zoom
Watch the films at your convenience any time before Friday evening using the following links:
Then at 8 p.m., join together via Zoom
for a discussion with former U.S. Attorney and current President of the Seattle/King County Bar Association John McKay. To get the link, email
The final film in the the current series is a condensed version of a four-hour investigative docu-series produced by Al-Jazeera, but never aired due to political pressure. It is paired with
Oceans of Injustice, the second of two short film by Farah Nabulsi including in the series.
Sunday Morning Church School
SUNDAYS, 9 A.M. (age 4–8) AND 10 A.M. (ages 8–12)
Church school online will continue through the month of June.
The final Sunday morning meeting will be June 28,
although other offerings from Children and Family Ministries will continue through the Summer.
Godly Play
for children ages 4-8 at 9 a.m. on Sunday, with a participating parent. Hosted by Alicia Goodwin. The Godly Play group is currently exploring the prophets, and "the part that hasn't been written yet." Email Kelly Moody at
for a zoom link and a list of items to gather beforehand.
The older elementary group (age 8-5th grade) begins at 10 a.m., hosted by Kristen Kelly and Sonjia Gavin. This group is now digging into the Presiding Bishop's
Way of Love curriculum
. Email Kelly Moody at
for a Zoom link and more information.
- Don't miss an episode of THE SAINT MARK'S PRAYER PODCAST FOR CHILDREN. In each 6–8-minute episode, you'll hear a verse of scripture, sing a song with Miss Gilmore, and be invited to pray together. Search for "Prayer Podcast for Children" wherever you get your podcasts, or check out all the episodes here!
- YOUTH GROUP ZOOM "OPEN OFFICE HOURS" CONTINUE SUNDAYS, 2–3 P.M. for conversation, questions, prayers, and anything else you may need. To get the link, email Nicole Silvernale at
- SAINT MARK'S YOUTH GROUP BIBLE STUDY & HANGOUT will begin the week of June 28 and continue weekly. The group is currently determining the best time to meet. Contact Nicole with questions at the email above!
Gathering and Growing through a Quarantine
SUNDAY, JUNE 14, at 4 P.M.,
via Zoom
So much has changed so quickly! As parents and caregivers, we are continually adapting to these unusual times. Many of us report that juggling competing responsibilities and dealing with ongoing change is trying and overwhelming. It can also reveal a capacity for resilience we didn't know we had. Join The Rev. Canon Cristi Chapman and fellow parents for connection and reflection each month. To receive the link, contact the Rev. Canon Cristi Chapman for more details at
Exploring Sunday’s Scripture
MONDAY EVENINGS: JUNE 15, 22, & 29, 7–8 P.M.,
via Zoom
Join Cathedral Clergy and gather on Zoom for an hour on Monday evenings to check in with each other and look ahead at some of the readings for the upcoming Sunday. A little Bible Study and a little reflection together as we find new ways to connect to our lives to the shared sacred narrative of Scripture. What is God calling you to notice in this different season? You are welcome to participate whether or not you attended the first session!
Email Canon Cristi Chapman for the Zoom link,
Compline with the Seattle Service Corps
THURSDAYS, JUNE 18, & 25, 7:15 P.M.,
via Zoom
Join Seattle Service Corps for Compline during their last month in residence on the cathedral campus.
Everyone in the Saint Mark's community is welcome! This simple, grounding prayer service from the BCP takes no more than 15 minutes and will be led by corps members with light instrumental accompaniment. All the text and responses for the office are included in a slide-show broadcast through a Zoom link, available by emailing
Celebrating the Seattle Service Corps
via Zoom
This year's members of the Seattle Service Corps invite you to a Zoom Forum and Q&A as their program year draws to a close. Learn firsthand their individual and collective experiences of intentional community, what they’ve discovered about faith and service, and where they’re headed next. Discover what it’s been like to be the Saint Mark’s anchor community on campus during a stay-at-home pandemic, and what it’s been like to inhabit this challenging, powerful moment in history. Please e-mail The Rev. Canon Cristi Chapman at for a Zoom link. Questions? E-mail SSC Director Adam Conley at
Taking Up Our Responsibility for Racial Justice
: WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 7–8:30 P.M.
: FOUR WEDNESDAYS, JULY 15 & 29, and August 12 & 26, 7 P.M.
At this critical moment in our nation’s and community’s history, we are confronted again with fresh knowledge of longstanding racial injustice – in policing, the justice system, health care, housing, education, the Church, and many other sectors of our common life. Our faith community is grappling with important questions – what do I need to learn? How should I and our church respond?
We will undertake a four-week study and discussion series to confront racism—its theology, history, and presence in our lives today—and ways to move forward toward justice. The series is open to all, recognizing the responsibility for change falls on white people. There will be a plenary session with Dean Thomason to learn more about the series on July 1, 7-8:30 p.m.; this is open to all to see if the series that follows is of interest.
The in-depth series follows on four Wednesday nights (July 15 and 29, August 12 and 26) and will require advance registration and a commitment to attend all sessions and read/watch articles and videos in advance. More details to come soon, but you can get started by reading Ijeoma Oluo’s book,
So You Want to Talk About Race. For questions or more information contact,, or Instructions for joining the July 1 Opening Plenary will be released as the event approaches. To commit to attending the full series,
click here.
Today Was A Good Day
Watch Party with Director David Wild
WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 7 p.m.,
via Zoom
Join with the broad Saint Mark’s community for a watch party of parishioner David Wild’s documentary film,
Today Was A Good Day. This 40-minute film offers different perspectives on the day-to-day life of a caregiver, as seen through the eyes of three Southeastern Michigan residents who have taken on the many roles and responsibilities of caring for an aging parent. Afterwards, we’ll have a chance to hear David reflect on the film and discuss the caregiver experience, including for those with dementia.
Watch the trailer here. Instructions for registering will be announced as the event approaches. Questions? Contact Canon Daugherty at
Creation Care Ministry
MONDAY, JULY 13, 6:30 P.M.,
via Zoom
Replacing light bulbs in your home? You’ve heard that LED are more Earth-friendly, but here are some facts to help you understand why they can really make a difference.
LEDs use 90 % less energy than incandescent bulbs and half as much as compact fluorescents, without toxic mercury. By transferring most of their energy use into creating light rather than heat, LEDs reduce electricity consumption and air-conditioning loads. LED lighting can have an even bigger impact in other parts of the world, where many people still rely on kerosene lamps, which produce noxious fumes and emissions. LEDs can be powered with small solar cells and replace kerosene lamps.
Project Drawdown researchers estimate that by 2050, LED lighting will encompass 90-95% of the household lighting market, resulting in a reduction of 10.2-10.8 gigatons of carbon dioxide emissions in residences. Yes—LEDs make a difference!
Resources to Support Protesters and Racial Equity in Western Washington
Cathedral clergy and staff have compiled a
list of resources
for learning about and confronting racism and white supremacy in our selves, our community, and our nation.
The diocese of Olympia has compiled an additional list here
. We hope this resources provide support for the difficult work that we are being called to do to dismantle unjust systems, institutions, and ideologies and create a society in which the dignity of every human being is respected.
A New Floor for the Organ Loft
At this Sunday's livestreamed liturgy, you will notice that the Flentrop will not be used. Do not be alarmed—the organ is fine! The wooden floors of the organ/choir loft are being sanded down, resealed, and refinished—something that has been badly needed for quite some time. David Wagner and Chris Brown of the facilities staff would like to thank Jaime Rubio for all his help with this project! The results of all their hard work will be visible in next Sunday's livestream.
Friday Afternoon Tea
via Zoom.
Remember when we used to get together in coffee shops? We can still do that... online! Michael Perera will host afternoon tea once a week; drop in and chat about whatever’s on your mind. Bring your favorite hot beverage and let’s continue hanging out and making the isolation easier. Email Michael Perera with questions or to get the link to join:
Do you know someone who might need to be contacted?
Is there anyone you know who might benefit from a quick phone call, or a note in the mail, from clergy or a member of the community? Email Dean Steve Thomason at
or Erik Donner at
, or call either one—or any of the clergy—at 206.323.0300.
A note on Zoom links...
We have all very quickly become used to using the Zoom teleconferencing platform in so many areas of our lives, from work meetings to classes to socializing. At the same time, the phenomenon of "
Zoom bombing
," when uninvited guests invade meeting to cause disruption, has become a real threat. The nature of the disruption has in some instances gone well beyond the level of mere practical jokes. For this reason
we must become more careful about openly posting Zoom links in public
. (This includes this weekly
Sundays & Beyond
email, which is made
publicly available
.) All Zoom meetings and events will be publicized with the organizer's email address. Please do not hesitate to write a very brief email, and they will respond with the link to join. If at any time it is unclear how to get the link, simply email
. Thank you for your understanding.