Mission Statement:
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School is a community that proclaims the gospel by our dedication to quality instruction while fostering our commitment to the needs of others.

Sunday, August 15th - Back to School Mass & Picnic
Thursday, August 19th - First Day of School Grades 1-8 and PK-K, A-L
Friday, August 20th - First Day of School PK-K, M-Z
Monday, August 30th - Back to School Night Grades 1-4, 6:00-7:30pm
Tuesday, August 31st - Back to School Night Grades 5-8, 6:00-7:30pm


We are pleased to announce that Priscilla Shanmugham has accepted the position of Business Manager for the School effective August 4, 2021. Mrs. Shanmugham holds a B.S. from The Ohio State University. Previously, she worked as the Vice President of a marketing agency, where she managed the agency operations, finances, and human resources. Mrs. Shanmugham was born and raised in Ohio and moved to North Carolina 2 years ago. She is a proud mother of 5 girls and enjoys spending time with her family. She will be taking over for Carmen Boyd, who has decided to return to teaching. Please direct any business inquiries to Mrs. Shanmugham at her school email address, shanmugham@stmm.net.

Friday, August 6th – Monday, August 9th is Parents Appreciation Weekend at Dick's Sporting Goods! Here is a coupon for 20% off at all locations for that weekend! Dick's Coupon

Parish Athletics will be outside of the Apex location at Beaver Creek Saturday from 9:00am-1:00pm and Sunday from 1:00-3:00pm to answer questions and hand out coupons.

Don't forget, registration is still open for Fall Soccer and Baseball! More information is available at www.ParishAthleticsNC.org.
In order to create a safe environment for our children, all prospective volunteers are required to complete Safe Environment Training and submit a volunteer application. Training dates have been scheduled for Sunday, August 22nd at 12:15pm; Tuesday, August 24th at 1:00pm; and Monday, September 20th at 6:30pm. Please contact Bertha Smith to register. Seating is limited so registration is required to attend. For more information and applications, please visit the Safe Environment webpage, http://www.stmm.church/get-involved/safeenvironment.cfm.
It has come to our attention that some school supplies were mistakenly left off of the School Tool Box supply kits. Please note, the grade level supply lists posted on the Admissions page of our school website are CORRECT. If you ordered a supply kit, please cross check the supplies you receive with the lists posted on our website. There may be a few items to purchase on your own. Apologies for the inconvenience. If you would like to order a School Tool Box kit, please click HERE.
Mrs. Mastrogiovanni is delighted to share this letter in regards to the Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School After Care program for the 2021-2022 school year. Sign up now using this registration link. 
FALL SPORTS 2021-22: Boys Soccer - Girls Volleyball - CoEd Cross Country
The first day of fall sports for the 2021-22 school year is Monday, August 23rd after school. An updated physical form must be turned in by this date in order to try out for a team. Click here for the athletic physical form. Coaches will be providing more information as we get closer to August 23rd. Please email Joel Groelle if you have any questions.
Calling all back to school helpers! PSO Volunteering Opportunities
The PSO needs your help as we get ready for back to school!

We need a hand with set up (2:30pm) and clean up (approx. 7:00pm) for the Back to School Picnic and Mass on Sunday, August 15th. Please sign up here if you can help before or after the event. Thank you to Erin Bonasso and Kelley Ann Ward for organizing the festivities. Please contact Kelley Ann with questions (kelleyannward@gmail.com).
Are you handy with tools or carpentry? Bob Callaway will be leading a team of volunteers to re-top five octagonal picnic tables on the patio outside the cafeteria on Saturday, August 14th from 9am-1pm. The volunteers will also assemble two portable basketball hoops and hang privacy screening along the fence. This is a great volunteering opportunity for dads or parents who can only come to campus on the weekends. We will have saws and saw horses, but ask volunteers to bring drills and basic tools. The Callaways will reach out to volunteers in advance, and the PSO will provide all lumber and hardware.  Sign up here if you can help.

Lastly, the PSO needs help to clean out, organize and inventory storage bins on Monday, August 16th from 9:00am-noon. We will also be assembling recess kits. Please bring a label maker and pump for balls if you have them.  Sign up here to help.
Spirit Wear Item of the Week
At Saint Mary Magdalene, "We pray. We Learn. We care." And now, we also have a spirit shirt that proclaims our motto! This cool new shirt says "Monarchs" on the front, and has the school motto on the back. It comes in four fun colors for Spirit Days (black, hot pink, maroon and charcoal gray) and is only $12.00. Order from Ink'd Threads and wear our motto with pride! Helpful hint: select USPS or UPS shipping and your items will ship to your home. The free in-store pick up and local delivery is only for schools in the Greenville, NC area.
Used Uniform Store
The Used Uniform Store is open in the lobby any time the school office is open (see the school's website for hours). Please pay by check in the office, and wear a mask when in the school building. If you have outgrown uniforms or spirit wear to donate, please leave your items in the bin in the corner of the store near the window marked "Donations." A special thank you goes out to the Used Uniform team (Jacky Munoz, Colleen Saunders, Valerie Short and Christine Hare) for organizing the store this summer.

Need evening shopping hours, or help from PSO volunteers to discuss uniform options? We'll have the store open for you on Thursday, August 12th from 5:00-7:00pm in the school lobby. Please pay by check and wear a mask when in the school building. Bring those outgrown donations with you when you shop!
Back to School Mass & Picnic
We can't wait to welcome our Monarchs and their families back to campus on Sunday, August 15th! The back to school Mass begins at 4:00pm in the church, and the picnic hosted by the PSO begins at 5:00pm. We'll have food and treats to purchase from Mr. A's Beignets, Pelican's Snoballs and the Knights of Columbus. Tables and chairs will be set up along the circle drive, and the courtyard will be open as well with a few picnic tables so we can spread out on campus. Feel free to bring your own folding chairs. The playground will also be open for fun! See the sign up link above if you can help with set up or clean up.

These Monarch teachers are enjoying summer break at the beach! How are you spending your last few weeks of summer? Share your Monarch Adventures with us by sending a photo of your summer fun to Lydia Binanay or post on social media using the #MonarchAdventures.

Did you miss new family orientation this past Sunday? No problem! Watch the presentation on our StMM YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/JvEvd01gF8A.


St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School is seeking a full-time 7th Grade ELA Teacher and a full-time Religion Teacher. Full job descriptions can be seen HERE. Resumes can be emailed to principal@stmm.net.

The StMM After Care Program has employment opportunities available for the upcoming school year. Interested? Please contact Megan Mastrogiovanni directly at mastrogiovanni@stmm.net.

Substitute teachers are needed for the 2021-22 school year. If you would like to be considered for our substitute list, please email us at resume@stmm.net.

Mr. John Mihalyo, Principal
Mrs. Kate Lawson, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Nancy McElroy, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Nikki Curliss, Guidance Counselor
Mrs. Lydia Binanay, Marketing & Recruitment
Mrs. Laura Tomczak, Communications & Admissions
Mrs. Priscilla Shanmugham, Business Services
Mrs. Barb Senn, Preschool
Mrs. Wendy Walsh, School Nurse
Mrs. Megan Mastrogiovanni, Special Programs Manager
Ms. Mary Stein, Receptionist
Mrs. Brooke Kingston, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Kathy Loeschorn, Technology
Mr. Joel Groelle, Athletics Director