Carrying On the Mission since 1871

St. Matthew's Matters

October 14, 2022

Let us pray.

Almighty and everlasting God, in Christ you have revealed

your glory among the nations: Preserve the works of your

mercy, that your Church throughout the world may

persevere with steadfast faith in the confession of your

Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns

with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.


Our Acolytes Are Back!

There is joy in this news.  Our young acolytes will begin to serve again at the altar! Tomorrow (Saturday) they will meet at church to refresh their readiness.  That meeting begins at 9 am.  Some of the group are scheduled to begin serving this Sunday!  Please welcome with hearty thanks and encouragement!

You can vote at church on Sunday or online by clicking on the link here. Kindly vote just once (!)

Vote for our Chapel's Dedication

PS.  Yes, that is not our chapel in the photo.  Tricky question: can you name where the pictured chapel is located?  If you can tell Father John where, you win a free coffee of your choice at Dunkin Donuts (with the Rector).

These Holy Names have been Nominated for our Chapel Dedication: voting continues this weekend!

**Alice Prince, a dedicated parishioner of Saint Matthew's, now deceased.

**Saint Benedict Click here to read about Benedict

**Saint Clare of Assisi Click to learn about Clare of Assisi

**Saint Elizabeth Catherine Ferard Click to read about Elizabeth Ferard 

**Sts. Francis and Clare of Assisi Click to learn about Francis of Assisi 

**Mary, Mother of God Click to learn about Mary, Mother of God 

**Saint Matthew's Chapel for all Click to learn about Saint Matthew 

**Saint Teresa of Calcutta Click to learn about Teresa of Calcutta 

Our first round of voting continues this weekend. If you did not vote yet in the first round, please do so at church or online now. The final round, between the two top names, will begin next Sunday.  

Photo by JPM.

Marie's Mission

@ Saint Matthew's

Marie's Mission is a diaper ministry serving families in our area. We are collecting diapers especially pullups ( 4 and 5) and baby wipes for this important ministry. Diaper rash creams and ointments will also be accepted. Financial donations are also welcome. The need is great, including those of our newly-arrived Afghan refugees. The Knitting Crochet and Craft Group has also been busy making baby bibs to be given to families. Thank you so much for your support of these children and families! And thanks to Wendy P for spearheading this effort at our parish. 

The only way forward is forward.

If you did not already, click below to read the Father John's article from the October issue of THE WAY. It starts with these words, and then takes off . . . (and I think he means it).

"Having recently spoken to the Vestry and then to the parish community about my expected retirement from daily parish ministry (not from being a priest!) in 2024, I have a living sense of the importance of each day we have together and hopes for the possibilities ahead of this good parish. I want to set a few basics before you now. Out of these principles and the hopes they enshrine, I will be (frankly) pushing parish leadership and congregation to give concrete questions as to the future of Saint Matthew’s opening and time for real conversation that leads to decision."

Rector's Corner

Please note that due to temperatures falling and heating costs rising,, our weekly two hours of 'Sanctuary' now take place in the Chapel rather than in the Church through the cooling weather. All are welcome!

Are you looking for a little peace?

Life can be hectic, even when it is good. Holy places can provide a respite from the hustle and bustle. Right here at Saint Matthew's the chapel will be open for Wednesday quiet and prayer from 5 to 7 pm, each week, unless otherwise indicated.  No agenda. No expectations. Just come in, sit down, and breathe. Stay as short or long as you desire. Quiet music will be playing to allow you to settle. All are welcome.

(Schedules are hard. If you know a better day and time for us to provide this open space and quiet, be in touch with Father John or Meghan our deacon intern). Welcome all!


Each autumn we give stewardship our particular attention.  Thank you for your support of your parish throughout 2022. The theme for the 2023 appeal to continue our support is:

Consider how even now God is responding to your needs and providing you more than enough. More than enough hope. More than enough love. More than enough possibility. More than enough gratitude.  

More than enough realization of how much you are valued by our God. 

Consider what your response to what is received from God will be - to assist Saint Matthew's in responding to our mission in Christ throughout the coming year. Thank you for all you give and all you do, and most of all for all you are!

You will be receiving by US Mail an appeal letter for support of our parish for 2023. In advance, and in challenging times, thank you for your response!

Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

A workshop on sharing the faith by sharing your faith story!
Register for Everyday Evangelism by clicking here

Women of Saint Matthew's

The parish women's group is set to meet tomorrow (Saturday, October 15, at 2:00 pm) in the Parish Hall. All the women of the parish are welcome to come and share your energy, commitment, and ideas.

Saint Matthew's is on Twitter! The Gospel can be preached right there. Join up and follow. If you use Twitter find and follow us at @StMatthews1871 on Twitter.
Start here:

The proclamation of GOD's Word is a sacred ministry.  

It is our breath, our voices, at the direct service of the One who gives us breath and voice, and in the service of God's holy people.

A refresher training for Readers at Worship

Thanks to all who joined in the refresher training for Readers recently. Father John will be in touch with those who were not able to attend to find a date for a second session.  

Thank you all for your vital Ministry of the Word!

Preparing for Sunday Worship

Saint Matthew Sunday Worship Leaflet for October 16

Click below to access our parish worship guide for this Sunday!

Our Sunday Worship Guide for Sunday, October 16

Autumn Enrichment Series: continuing online and in-person Wednesday's at 7pm

God has a call specific to you. No one has had that call before, nor will anyone in the future. And it has a name. Come discover it through the work of Herbert Alphonso SJ. This series will meet Wednesday evenings in the Parlor with light refreshments. The book is available online (on Ebay for $4.00 and on Kindle as well).


dates & events to keep in mind

** FALL CLEAN-UP at CHURCH and RECTORY Saturday Morners October 22, 9am to 12 noon. Help a little, help a lot!

** PARISH WINTER FAIR Saturday, November 12, 2022 8:30am - 3:30pm.  Donations of GIFT CARDS are needed and welcome!

**So. Worcester Neighborhood Improvement Center weekly food basket: cereal and rice the greatest needs. 

** EVANGELISM EVERYDAY: sharing your faith story effectively

Workshop Saturday December 3, 2022 10am-1pm

** Annual Christmas In Gathering for SWNIC: December 4 and 11. Please bring gifts for the community to church, especially gift cards for teens ($10).

[Photo: Silas Baisch on Unsplash]

Weekday Prayer and Worship for You.

Online and In-Person.

Sunday 8pm Compline (Facebook)

Monday 6 pm Evening Prayer (Facebook)

Tuesday 8 am Morning Prayer at the Chapel and on Facebook

        6 pm Evening Prayer at the Chapel and on Facebook

Wednesday 10 am Eucharist and Study of Luke's Gospel in Chapel and on Zoom.

If you haven't participated yet, you are most welcome. Start a new season with a new practice of prayer!

[508.755.4433]  []
