Saint Paul School is a Catholic community in which love of God, neighbor and self are foremost. 
We provide a challenging curriculum promoting academic excellence
infused with Catholic traditions and values.
February 18, 2022
Dear Saint Paul School Community,

This week the Principal Evaluation Committee visited our school to see all of the great things OUR school has competed under my leadership during the past 6.5 years. They toured the school, and met with me, Fr. Nestor, teachers and staff. They also met via ZOOM with School Board and additional faculty and staff on Wednesday. 
While a challenging year with COVID19 this has been an informative process to identifying strengths and areas for improvement. It is truly amazing how much we have accomplished! It is not just the work of the principal but our Pastor, School Board, faculty, staff, parents, PTO, students, and grandparents and I thank you. 
In the coming weeks Fr. Nestor and I will be presented with teacher, parent and student survey results and a report outlining strengths and areas to consider moving forward.   
February 28 we become a mask optional school. Parents can decide for their own family whether a mask for their children is advisable. These personal decisions will be respected but the faculty and staff will not be enforcing it. This will be a decision between parent and child. 

We are hopeful that our school community will remain safe during this transition to being a mask optional school and remind you to speak with your children about respect towards others and their mask decisions.  

Thank you to …
·      PTO for a Valentine’s Luncheon from EuroMart
·      The Manning Family for a faculty luncheon from Lavishly Dunn on Tuesday, and 
·      PTO for our handmade handwarmers last week! 

TRAVELING … Domestic (out of state) and/or International … regardless of vaccination status please complete the following link.  If your child is vaccinated, we must have proof on file in the Health Office:
Thank you for entrusting us with your most precious gift … your children!
Have a wonderful winter break!


Learning is an Adventure of a Lifetime!
Saint Paul School
Many thanks to the 30+ students who joined us on Wednesday for Grade 1-8 screenings.

Saint Paul School continues to receive applications for the 2022-2023 school year.  
Our Admisisons Committee will be rendering the first round of Admissions decisions on Tuesday, March 1.  After this date, admissions will occur on a rolling basis as seats become available in specific classes.  If you are interested in learning more about our Preschool – Grade 8 programs, please call our Main Office at 781.749.2407.  We also recommend you visit our website and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.  
Join us to cheer on our middle school teams this February (home games in blue)

Friday 2/18:
⅚ GIRLS HOME vs. St. John’s Wellesley @ 6pm

CONGRATULATIONS to our 2022 SPS All-Stars Players:
5/6 Girls: Mia Bargfrede, Lucy Disch, Caela Jamali
5/6 Boys: Daniel Pichay, Jack Figmic
7/8 Girls: Hannah Lloyd, Megan Naughton
7/8 Boys: Jackson Jamali, Connor MacLeod

The All-Stars games will be on Sunday, February 27th this year. Ms. Rohnstock is following up directly with families with details about the location.

Thursday March 3rd is our annual Basketball Banquet for players and parents only (sorry - no siblings) Ms. Rohnstock sent out a google form last week for parents to complete for numbers! Thank you for completing this form ASAP.

Saint Paul School
Indoor Spectator Policy:
  • Spectators are welcome at home games. Visiting parents are on one end of the gym with a separation between the seats for the SPS parents.
  • Stage seating: SPS players, only, up on the stage while waiting for their games to start! No other SPS students / siblings / parents should be up on the stage while watching games / waiting for games to start.
  • Snack Shack: The Snack Shack will be temporarily closed as a safety precaution.
for entering PreKindergarten - Grade 3 students
Saint Paul School is pleased to offer camp this summer! 
Choose from weeklong half or full-day themed summer camp options!
Current Saint Paul School faculty teach all camps. 
Description: Come join us for summer fun! Saint Paul School will be offering weeklong themed summer camp options for our current students. Students will partake in occasional liturgy, arts and crafts, cooking, dramatic play, music, STEM activities, gym games, outdoor and indoor play, and free choice. 
Age Requirements: Eligible students are current Saint Paul School students entering Prekindergarten (age 4) through Grade 3 in September 2022. 
Times: You may choose from half day (8 am – 12:30 pm) or full day (8 am – 5 pm) options. 
Tuition: Half Day $250          Full Day $500

For More Information and to Register: (click button below)

Questions: Please contact Program Director Mrs. Sarah Williams at
Grade 5-8
We are excited to announce three new summer offerings for students entering Grade 5-8:
 ·      HSPT Prep (entering Grade 7-8)
·      Basketball for Girls (entering Grade 5-8)
·      Basketball for Boys (entering Grade 5-8)
Please use the following link to register:
for students entering Grade 3 & 4
A new offering for students entering Grade 3-4… Counselor in Training (CIT) Program!  
This is a great opportunity to offer some of our young people a chance to develop leadership skills while working with children in our camp setting, in a hands-on way while under supervision. As an "SPS CIT" you would help devise and plan games and activities with our camp teachers while of course having fun yourself! Please use the following link for more information and to register:

Wishing you a safe and fun Winter Break!

If you are traveling,
domestic (out of state) and/or International … regardless of vaccination status please complete the following link BEFORE you travel:

Plan ahead for Early Release on
March 2!

The registration form may be found online or by clicking the link below. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Jackie Bruno at


 If you travel out of state or country you must complete our Travel Form BEFORE you depart.  Please use the following link: 
Save the date for this year's
Spring Musical:

Beauty and the Beast, Jr.
May 14 & 15
Rev. Tom F. Nestor, Pastor
Fr. Matthew Norwood, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Mike McNamara, Part-time Parochial Vicar

St. Paul

COVID UPDATE: Cardinal Seán is mandating that throughout the archdiocese all people attending public Masses, including weddings and funerals, wear masks.

Resurrection: 7:30am Monday thru Friday.
St. Paul: 9:00am, Monday thru Saturday.

Resurrection:  7:00pm Wednesday, (followed by Confession, Adoration and Benediction until 9pm)

Resurrection: Saturday @, 4:00p,
Sunday @ 9:30a (Family Mass), 11:30a, and 5:30p.
St. Paul: Sunday @ 7:00a, 10:00a


18 Basketball @ 6p
21 - 25 Winter Break - NO school

1 1st-round Admissions Decisions
2 Liturgy @ (time TBD) - Ash Wednesday
Early Release: PS / PK @ 12:30p
Gr 1-8 @ 12:45p
3 PTO Meeting @ 9a in Parish House (update)
6p Basketball Banquet
17 Liturgy @ (time TBD)
18 NO SCHOOL - Professional Day

Parents please check your FACTs Family Portal for the most up to date class calendars.
MONDAYS at 9:00a
Every Monday morning Saint Paul School families and friends join together for a weekly rosary prayer group.  We welcome anyone who would like to join!  You may sit silently and pray or decide to be an active participant.  

Please join using the below information: 
Meeting ID: 846 0847 7021 
Password: Rosary