Devyn Patchett represented Mrs. Ervin's 1st grade class in the Mother Goose program with her presentation of "Bless My Little Friends."
CHAPEL is So Special
at All Saints'!
Chapel at All Saints' is held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings in the All Saints' Church sanctuary. The service begins with Psalm 100, and continues with prayers for one another, our families, our school, our community, and our nation. Patriotic and seasonal songs, and Christian hymns are performed or led by students and teachers. Many are traditional songs that All Saints' students have learned and shared since our school opened in 1960, like "All Things Bright and Beautiful," "Jesus Loves Me," "America," and lots of familiar Christmas carols.
Father Jason Hamshaw, the Rector of All Saints' Anglican Church, usually leads our Chapel service. He described Chapel as "the most exciting part of my week, being able to come before our God in prayer." He continued, "We start the day together opening our eyes to the meaning of life itself, acknowledging that we are more than just this material world. Jesus Christ is stability and hope. We continue to pray that, made in His image, we can reflect His beauty, and be reminded each morning of His saving grace. We are not alone, no matter what happens in this broken world."

Evan Powell, Ashley Stokes, Charlotte Smith, Chelsea Hamshaw, the Cool Daddies, and various other special guests lead our Chapel programs throughout the year.
The 'heart' of each Chapel program is a scripture reading that is illustrated by a performance, a homily (short lesson), or other activity that focuses on the meaning of the selected passage from the Old Testament or New Testament of the Bible. Chapel at All Saints' is an opportunity for personal reflection, inspiration, and to begin the day together with God at the center of our lives.
This year, Chapel has been broadcast live and recorded on Zoom for all of our classes on campus and students, families, and friends to enjoy from home. Annual, traditional Chapel programs that we have loved include: Blessing of the Animals, Veteran's Day, Johnny Appleseed, Mother Goose, Sixth Grade Memories, KINDNESS, Easter, Lessons and Carols, Help4Kids, Young Ambassadors Leadership, and so many more! Ask any All Saints' alum, teacher, or parent to recount a special school experience they will never forget at All Saints', and it will most likely be a Chapel program.

All Saints' School Prayer
O Eternal God, giver of every good gift, bless All Saints' School, that it may be a lively center for sound learning, new discovery, and the pursuit of wisdom. Grant that those who teach and those who learn may find you to be the source of all truth. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. AMEN.

This is the season of Lent. Charlotte Smith, our religion teacher and the Youth and Family Pastor at St. John's Church, has provided this Lenten activity for families.
Pictures from our first grade's Mother Goose Program