Special Birthday Book Club Party Honoring the
2020-2021 Members
Today we recognized the 2020-2021 Birthday Book Club members from 4K-2nd grade that we were not able to celebrate last year due to COVID-19.

The book club members enjoyed popsicles, treat bags, and music in the outdoor classroom, and were given a special opportunity to choose a book that was just right for them to add to their own personal library.

We will celebrate 3rd-6th grade Birthday Book Club members from last year on this Friday!

These books were a gift to ASEDS from
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Moore.
Interested in joining the Birthday Book Club this year?
We would love to have your family participate in the Birthday Book Club!

What exactly is the Birthday Book Club?
The Birthday Book Club is a fun way for your child to celebrate their love of books. With a donation of $20 per child, a book will be given to the library in their name. This club allows the library to purchase many additional student-centric books that we might not otherwise be able to acquire.

Book Club members will receive the following benefits:

During a special Chapel closest to your child's birthday, your child will be recognized as a member of the Birthday Book Club and will receive a birthday book hand-selected by our school librarian.

Your child will be the first to take the book home to enjoy. When your child returns the book, it will be added to the library's permanent collection. A name plate inside the book will remind anyone who checks it out of your child's contribution to the library.

As our library is undergoing updates, we hope that families will participate in this year's Birthday Book Club to help update and replenish our non-fiction section.

Birthday Book Club members with late summer and fall birthday's will be recognized and celebrated during Chapel on November 18.

Thank you for supporting this wonderful program!

Happy Birthday and Happy Reading!