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November 16, 2023

Hello Steve, Enjoy our Saints News! 


A few weeks ago on November 1 – All Saints’ Day, I stood by the picnic tables outside Rohlwing Commons and looked toward I-70 and the rock outcropping above. Across the highway you’ll find a rest area with Wilmore Lake – fed by a natural spring and supposedly boasting lake trout, brown trout, and largemouth bass. But that’s not what I was looking at.


My eyes were fixed on a cross – a cross affixed to the end of a metal culvert – with water flowing from Wilmore Lake out to the Eagle River. On that cross are the names of three Saints – Vail Christian High School and Jesus Christ’s – Dick Gyde, Lauren Mutter, and Dan Rohlwing.


As we celebrate our school’s 25th Anniversary it’s important to pause and reflect upon the men and women on whose shoulders we stand. Without each, Vail Christian High School wouldn’t be the amazing school we are today! Dick Gyde was a courageous Board Chair and stalwart VCHS friend. Lauren Mutter ’05 served as a coach and administrator, and played a major role in helping create the highly relational and fun-loving faculty and student culture we have today. And Pastor Dan Rohlwing (and his wife Kathy) had the vision and spiritual calling to establish Vail Christian High School.


When the new school campus along the Eagle River opened in 2006, Dan Rohlwing referred to it as ‘Living Waters’, and referenced the words of Jesus in John’s Gospel – If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’ And today, ‘rivers of living water’ flow through the past lives of Dick Gyde, Lauren Mutter, and Dan Rohlwing.


Serving as the graduation speaker for the Class of 2018, Pastor Rohlwing shared from a passage in Deuteronomy – The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged. He described the passage as words of action and urged each graduate to later in their lives ‘look back and say, what a story God has given me.’


As we approach Thanksgiving, my heart is filled with gratitude for ‘what a story God has given us.’ As we celebrate 25 years of God’s faithfulness toward VCHS, we also do it by honoring and celebrating the lives of His Saints!


Happy Thanksgiving!

Steve O'Neil

Head of School


Thank you so much to all of those who participated in last week's

5 Days | 5 Reasons challenge and who are listed on the 

Parent Honor Roll as of 11.16.23. If you haven’t yet made a gift, it’s not too late. Feel free to do that here or you can send in a check with your student. We will continue to update the Parent Honor Roll through the end of December. Add your name to the Parent Honor Roll by making a gift to the All Saints Fund today!


Off Campus Spotlight


Support Our Off-Campus Dancers As They Perform The Nutcracker Featuring Saints, Kyra Amass '26, Theia Greshko '24, Mr. Tyler Jager (Math Department), Kylie Kirkham '25, Lyndsey Knauf '25 and Leah Lawdermilk '27


Saint Michelle Teague '27 and the Vail Mountaineers U15 team played 4 League games in Breckenridge this past weekend. They won all four games. Michelle scored 2 goals and had numerous assists. Michelle was named Game MVP! Congrats, Michelle!



Yearbook Cover Page Contest!
VCHS Students, 
    This year we are doing something new and have decided to get more students involved in creating our yearbook. We want to incorporate student art into the yearbook and use it as our 2023-2024 yearbook cover. There is a $50 prize to the winner!!! (and bragging rights of course). 
    This year's theme is Through Our Lens. Things like vintage cameras and digital cameras are what we are looking for. (See below for inspiration pictures.) Anyone can enter! The only requirements are as follows: submissions must be student drawn or digitally created (on ipad, computer, or adobe), submissions are due no later than November 30! Please upload your file below. 
    Please reach out to Shannon Lyle or Maggie Rothenberg for any clarifying questions or help.
Yearbook Cover Contest Flyer


Applications are coming in from around the world for the 2024-2025 school year and we can’t have International Students without the VCHS families who open up their homes and hearts.

To get more information or to just see what our International Program is all about, please contact Stacia Brasington at


National Honor Society Volunteers for Loaves & Fishes Community Dinner at Eagle River Presbyterian Church

Everyone enjoyed “Taco Wednesday" and their support of this important mission was very appreciated by the program administrators

The First Priority Deadline for Shoulder-to-Shoulder programs is December 15. Apply by this date for the best chance of getting your first choice program. All programs allow students to learn about ethical leadership while working alongside trusted partners and being immersed in the communities they serve. Community service hours are available for all programs.

As a partner school, students can access a tuition discount, financial aid, and priority admissions. 

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, but programs are limited to 12 students and fill quickly, so Apply today. You can learn more about their 2024 program themes here.


Next Parent Association Meeting

12.6.23 | 5:30 pm | Senior Lounge

Click here to become a

member or sponsor

Click here get involved & volunteer


VCHS Celebrates Pre-Thanksgiving Week With

Friendsgiving Celebrations!

Classroom Highlight

Students in Mrs. Wiebe's Human Body Systems class dissected a cow elbow to learn about joints and motion


Mark Your Calendar!

Final Exams are 

December 18th - 20th. 

Students must be present for finals. Parents, please plan vacations accordingly.



AP Exam Order Placement for ALL

All students enrolled in AP

courses will be billed $98 for each

AP Exam through FACTS in May, 2024 

It is time to order your 2023-2024 VCHS Yearbook! Purchase your VCHS yearbook for $50 by January 19, 2024 at the link below:

2023-2024 VCHS Yearbook 


Please click "Calendar" at the top of Saints News to view school calendar

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