Greetings! Enjoy our Saints News! 
In a recent USA Today/Suffolk University Poll, respondents were asked their view of the year ahead. This is what they said:

Hopeful – 46%
Worried – 19%
Exhausted – 18%
Fearful – 7%
So how would you have responded? Which word would you have chosen? As love is at the heart of the Christian message, so is hope – not hope that waxes and wanes with the ups and downs of life but rather hope rooted in faith. And the deeper your faith roots go, the stronger your hope will be. 
I’m reminded of the Apostle Paul and his co-worker Silas who were beaten and jailed for their faith. But that same evening at midnight, they prayed and sang songs to God – yes, sang songs. Why? Their hope was in Christ. And that’s why the Apostle Paul could write a letter to a church two years later and say, ‘Give thanks in all circumstances.’ He spoke as one who should have lost hope but rather gave thanks through singing songs to God. 
In 2022, what can we learn from this and what can we do. First, hope is a choice – hope rooted in faith will anchor us as we detach from circumstances and attach ourselves to God. Second, we need to be more present in the moment – the minute, the hour, the day. As Jesus said, ‘Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself.’
And what can we do? I’d recommend two practical things that I plan to do more of the next few months. First, Google the words ‘hope’ and ‘Scripture’ together and daily read and deeply reflect on what God offers you and me. Second, a thankful heart is the greatest antidote for hope. Take time to give thanks to God. Take time to thank others. Take time to be grateful for what you have.

We can’t predict what will come our way in 2022. You might have a great year or it might be the most difficult year of your life. But regardless of what comes your way, you can choose hope – not worry, not fear, but hope rooted outside ourselves, anchored in the Source. 

Happy New Year!

Steve O'Neil
Head of School
Order Deadline | Friday | 1.21.22
Purchase yearbooks from the VCHS Yearbook Store for $35 or $40 (if you purchase the four additional customized pages).

Returning by popular demand: Seniors only section! Each senior will receive one FREE 1/4 page "Senior Parent Ad". After purchasing your yearbook, to personalize your senior's page, click on "Design My Ad".

The four additional customized pages now costs $5.

Please email the yearbook staff with questions.

Digital Access at VCHS
Good news- Digital access has come to VCHS! This will enable students to have the access they need to VCHS facilities while ensuring that both buildings stay locked down and secure. 

We will be issuing key cards to students on Tuesday during Flex. In order for a student to receive their key card, a "Door Access Credential User Acceptance Agreement" must be completed for each student.

  • Log into RenWeb
  • Click on Family
  • Click on "Door Access Credential User Acceptance Agreement"
  • Complete form
  • Click on SAVE

Please contact Shannon O'Brien with any questions.
Click here for Sign up for Concessions!
What are VCHS Alumni doing today?

Kendelle Smith '21 | Colorado State University | Member of SALT Ministry

P.G. Nkalang'ango '19 | Judson University | Computer Science

P.J. Nkalang'ango '19 | Judson University | Architecture

Kendelle wanted to share an experience of a lifetime with PG and PJ, so she raised the funds to make it happen. All three traveled to attend PASSION 2022 in Atlanta, GA, where they were recognized on stage. Louie Giglio even went one step further, saying Kendelle is living out "our duty and honor" as Jesus calls us to do.

Thanks for being a light to the world Saints Alumni!
Call For Entries
Articulation Art & Literary Magazine Vol. 6 - Metamorphosis is seeking entries of art, photography, poetry, creative writing + more to be published in the 2022 edition.

with questions or to send submissions.
SAINTS Senior Stuff

Yearbook Orders | Due 1.21.22 | Purchase Your Free Ad | Customize Your Page
Contact Yearbook Staff with questions


All students parking on campus must have:
  • Vehicle Registration on file in RenWeb
  • Vehicle Information Form on file
  • Parking permit

When parking on campus, students must:
  • Park in their designated spot/lot
  • Display parking permit on windshield
  • Never use parallel spots by buildings
  • Drive safely on campus at all times

Students who have assigned parking spots in the West Lot (faculty and student parking lot) may not move their vehicles to the East Lot (gymnasium side) until after 3:15pm

Thank you for helping us keep our campus safe and efficient for everyone.
List of several non profits in the Valley: Great NonProfits Vail
Thursday | 1.6.22
  • Basketball vs. Lake County | BJV 4 pm | GV 5:30 pm | BV 7 pm

Friday | 1.7.22
  • Basketball @ Rangely
Monday | 1.10.22
  • FLEX Tuition Application Deadline

Tuesday | 1.11.22
  • Basketball vs. Plateau Valley | GV 5 pm & BV 6:30 pm

Friday | 1.14.22
  • Basketball vs. Cap Rock | BC 2 pm | GJV 3:30 pm | BJV 5 pm | GV 6:30 pm | BV 8 pm

Saturday | 1.15.22
  • Basketball vs. Cedaredge | GJV 11 am | BJV 12:30 pm | GV 2 pm | BV 3:30 pm