Greetings! Enjoy our Saints News! 
One of the things I love about private schools like ours is our ability to be entrepreneurial and innovative and quickly bring an idea to market. Last spring I met over coffee with a co-founder of a firm working to improve human health through nutrition. We brainstormed how we might scale his idea to our unique high school setting. I was excited as I considered what it could mean for our students to have the opportunity to learn about and take action with complex real-world problems. I brought my enthusiasm back to two people I knew could drive it forward – Mrs. Hochtl and Ms. Larson.
They took the big idea and ran with it, and over the summer they created a new, semester pilot course – Community Health and Food Sustainability. Thanks to donor generosity, the course was underwritten. In August, it launched with 9 students.
So what are students learning and doing this semester?
  • Human nutritional requirements and how healthy diets positively impact health.
  • The importance of soil health and resilience in growing food, as well as exposure to industrialization in the food system.
  • Examine ways to make the current system more sustainable, including growing urban gardens, reducing food waste, and turning to traditional wisdom in farming.
  • Cook meals that expand food vocabulary and encourage choices that benefit people and the planet.
  • Perform a community outreach project. 

And why is this course so important?
  • As Christians, we’re called to steward God’s creation – people and planet.
  • To grow leaders who will make true positive change in their communities and society.
  • To lower personal healthcare costs and improve quality of life through proper nutrition, perhaps the most cost-effective lever.
  • To educate students to become food citizens who will advocate for themselves and their communities to eat in a way that promotes health, encourages locally grown food consumption, and gives access to the underserved.

Stay tuned as we plan to launch another Community Health Food Sustainability section starting 2nd semester. 

Steve O'Neil
Head of School
VCHS is offering a new course called Community Health and Food Sustainability. The class is currently being piloted with 9 students who are helping to develop the course, and will be open for enrollment next semester. In the class, students are learning about human nutritional requirements and how diet impacts health. Students will learn about the environmental and human health impacts of the industrial food system and how food can be more sustainably grown. Students will also develop a community outreach project as a culmination of the course. Best of all, they get to do lots of cooking! Their first assignment was to plan and prepare a salad, which was available to all students to purchase for lunch.
Other Course Highlights
APES Hut Trip
As a long time VCHS Tradition, our AP Environmental Science class had their hut trip at Eisman Hut in Vail
Biology In Nature
On Tuesday, 09.21.21, AP Biology went on a hike to learn about Ecology in a practical, hands-on way. We met up at the West Grouse Trailhead in Minturn, hiked a loop, and had mini-lessons along the way. We talked about biomes, cycles of matter and energy, ecosystem services, biodiversity, ecosystem productivity, and conservation. It was a beautiful day full of laughter and real-life learning.
All of VCHS celebrated Connor Downey for his state title in Golf

Schedule for PSAT | Conferences | Fall Break
Thursday | 8:00 am – 12:00 noon | Parent-Teacher Conferences
Thursday | No School for Students
Friday | No School
To order September 9th school pictures please call Lifetouch at 800-736-4753 to obtain your Portrait ID & Access Code. To be put on the Retake List please email Shannon O'Brien Order Retakes here.
SAINTS Senior Stuff
Cap & Gown Orders | Announcement Orders | Due 10.15.21 | Order Here
Lifetouch Picture Retakes | If you want a school photo without gown | 10.20.21

Contact Shannon O'Brien at
VCHS Admissions Open House
Tuesday | 10.19.21 | 5:30 pm
If you know a local 8th grader or possible transfer student please invite them to attend our VCHS Admissions Open House next Tuesday, October 19th at 5:30pm.

For more information, to RSVP, or to schedule a tour please contact Kristy Maslan, Director of Admissions. 970-766-4125 or
  • October 18th & 25th
  • 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
  • Senior Lounge

FAFSA/CASFA Nights from 6-7PM
  • BMHS: 10/19 and 11/02
  • EVHS: 10/21 and 11/04
  • These are hands on workshops. Families should bring all required documentation/information to complete their FAFSA/CASFA
  • Click here to register

October 19th - October 21st | Click here for more information

  • October 29th
  • VCHS Administered
  • Noon Dismissal
Ms. Maslan and Mrs. Downey's 11th grade connect group created some silly pepper people Monday while discussing the highlights of the first quarter.
Student's schedules this year included a change in the daily schedule for Fridays in 2021 - 2022. Please make note of the new schedule: Classes start at 8:30 and conclude at 12:34 every Friday. 
Faculty meetings will take place on A Fridays from 7:30AM - 8:20AM and specific classes will utilize the later start time on B Fridays to hold extension classes including science labs and AP prep.
Virtual Attendance
PARENTS: Teachers need to know ahead of time if your student will be attending classes virtually! Please email with as much notice as possible (24 hour notice preferred) so that our teachers and administration can best prepare for virtual classes and virtual attendance. Parents/Guardians must contact the school regarding your student'a plan in order for your student to access class virtually.
If your student is ill or arriving late please email:
List of several non profits in the Valley: Great NonProfits Vail
Thursday | 10.14
  • No School for Students
  • Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Football vs. Gilpin County | 7pm | BMHS
  • Admissions | Join Us For A Game | Football
  • Tennis State Championship

Friday | 10.15
  • No School
  • Tennis State Championship

Saturday | 10.16
  • Tennis State Championship
Monday | 10.18
  • College Application Workshop | Senior Lounge | 6:30 - 8:00 pm

Tuesday | 10.19
  • Admissions | Open House | 5:30 pm
  • Colorado Free Application Day
  • College Readiness FAFSA Workshop - BMHS | 6:00 - 7:00 pm

Wednesday | 10.20
  • Lifetouch Picture Retake Day
  • Colorado Free Application Day

Thursday | 10.21
  • College Readiness FAFSA Workshop - EVHS | 6:00 - 7:00 pm
  • Colorado Free Application Day

Friday | 10.22
  • A Period Friday
  • Football @ Rangely
  • Volleyball vs. Rangely home: 4pm | 5pm | 6pm

Saturday | 10.23
  • Volleyball @ North Park 1:00pm
  • ACT Date
Monday | 10.25
  • College Application Workshop | Senior Lounge | 6:30 - 8:00 pm

Tuesday | 10.26
  • Volleyball vs. VMS

Thursday | 10.28
  • Volleyball vs. Gilpin County

Friday | 10.29
  • Pre ACT
  • Football @ West Grand
  • Volleyball @ Cap Rock